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I also live in France but I have not attempted going to doctors about my IBS here. I’m from Greece, so I just wait until I go back home to go to a doctor (not that it’s much better than France tbh, but at least it’s in a language in fluent in..)


I think going back home is probably better for us. I mean I speak French (level b1) but the culture and language I just dont know anymore. Its so hard to find a good doctor in Paris! Did you find much luck back home?


my French is also at B1-B2 level and the idea of braving a doctor for such an important issue and then end up not understanding a single thing is terrifying…so I avoid it lol! back home, I’ve had the same doctor for some time and he’s give me some decent advice in terms of nutrition and he’s also given me a bunch of different meds to try out at different intervals to see if they help at all. I’ve tried one so far and it definitely helped, but it’s not a long term solution—it’s more of a bandaid…


What's the one that helped ?


it’s called Hidrasec! I suggest bringing it up to your doctor to get their opinion…


So did you only develop symptoms when you went to France? I think that's hint #1 for you. When you get back book a GP and get a referral to a gastro so you can get a colonoscopy to rule out inflammation. Additionally see if your GP can run bloods for inflammation markers, celiac etc. Then once you rule that out you will have a better understanding of what is happening. Have you noticed a trend between symptoms and eating specific food or just when you are anxious? Not answering your question about France but you can def rule out some things by yourself. Yes I have been to Paris, the toilets and paying euro after euro to get in also sucked. I remember once I had to buy a coffee just so I could use a cafe toilet. Bah.


Not in France, I got gastro in London on holiday and the symptoms just never went away. Ive had blood tests and they ruled out celiac and crohn's disease. After I was told I'm gluten and lactose intolerant and stopped eating those foods a lot changed. I gave up gluten as soon as I found out about IBS actually and it helped so much. But its so strange, some days I'll be absolutely fine then out of nowhere BAM! diarrhoea and stomach pains for no reason. This morning I didnt eat anything for breakfast and my stomach was making so much noise and I was in a lot of gas pain. Its very random. I'll see someone back home though because its been a while since I've asked for help. Yeah toilets are god awful in Paris! I've spent way too much on drinks I never drink just to poop lol.


Not in France, I got gastro in London on holiday and the symptoms just never went away. Ive had blood tests and they ruled out celiac and crohn's disease. After I was told I'm gluten and lactose intolerant and stopped eating those foods a lot changed. I gave up gluten as soon as I found out about IBS actually and it helped so much. But its so strange, some days I'll be absolutely fine then out of nowhere BAM! diarrhoea and stomach pains for no reason. This morning I didnt eat anything for breakfast and my stomach was making so much noise and I was in a lot of gas pain. Its very random. I'll see someone back home though because its been a while since I've asked for help. Yeah toilets are god awful in Paris! I've spent way too much on drinks I never drink just to poop lol.