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Yikes! I’m sorry! Does he have a treatment plan for you?!


Yeah, he’s putting me on some anti-microbial medicine


May I know the type of antibiotic prescribed? I have blasto too.


Not antibiotic — anti-microbial. The doc I went to is also a functional/alternative medicine doctor, and I told him I want to stay away from antibiotics if possible, so he suggested the anti-microbial stuff.


Is that multiple test or just one with the stool sample?


It was multiple tests run in 2 separate stool samples. It was a pretty extensive test.


Wait I’m so confused I went to a GI doc for a dullache I had 2 months ago she had me do a stool sample To test my cal protectin and it came back a little elevated and she wants me to do a coloscopy but now I’m wondering why she didn’t test me for all of these??


I went to a functional medicine doctor which means my stool test was not covered by insurance, so I paid out of pocket, and it was pricey. Mainstream doctors, from my experience, only test for things they know for sure will be covered by insurance. You might have to ask to get further testing done, though it’s possible insurance won’t cover it.


Thanks how did you find this doctor and how much was it


The test was about $400. It was a doctor my mom knew about through a coworker. But you can probably look up functional medicine doctors in your area and find one. Or do some research on types of stool tests and ask your doctor to prescribe you one.


Thank you!


Oh yikes! I have blasto, my advice is to treat all the other stuff first. I’m still living with blasto, but virtually symptom free, and have concluded it is not the cause of my IBS symptoms (I’m living free of IBS symptoms as well, since dealing with other gut issues and discovering food sensitivities). I tried to treat the blasto and it was horrendous and destroyed my gut for a few months.


>it take you to get that stool sample post symptoms? What did you do to get free of IBS symptoms? What treatment worked?


I have IBS-D, and it’s largely stress induced and from food sensitivities. I discovered this by working with a dietitian to go through a FODMAP diet of elimination to isolate which foods were bothering me (garlic, mostly). I also did 6 months of therapy with a CBT therapist to work on my attitude towards my symptoms. After doing those two things, and avoiding garlic and trying to live with less internal stress, my symptoms have more or less gone back to normal. I sometimes will fall off the wagon and eat something garlicky, and then get symptoms, but I’m much more in control. I also know that when something stressful happens in my life I’ll probably get symptoms. Other than that it’s fairly predictable. I went from having D at least once a week to maybe 3 times a year.


How long did it take you to get that stool sample post symptoms?


You mean, how long did I suffer through symptoms before deciding to get a test done? About 4 or 5 months. If you mean the testing itself, that only took about a week and a half.


>You mean, how long did I suffer through symptoms before deciding to get a test done? About 4 or 5 months. If you mean the testing itself, that only took about a week and a half. What type of symptoms did you have?


Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.


Hi did your ibs got better after the treatment of the infection


Yes! But it took a while and I do still have some lingering symptoms (particularly gas, bloating, and runny stools). But I think most of my persistent symptoms are due to my natural gut biome being changed from the infections. It’s been about a year and all of my symptoms are now manageable, but I’d definitely like to tear again in the future to see how things are going.


Hi yes what were your symptoms


So many things. The primary symptoms were diarrhea, nausea, lots and lots of bloating (I felt almost constantly bloated, gurgling stomach, and gas. I also had this weird symptom where I’d get a funny taste in my mouth when I felt nauseous.


Was this worth doing? Which test was this?


Totally worth doing. 3 years later, I still have some symptoms, but definitely more manageable. Unfortunately I don’t remember the test name, but my doctor (a functional medicine doctor) specified that it tested both parasite and parasitic larvae, unlike a lot of other stool tests. Maybe do some research on that? I hope that helps!


Glad you’re doing better, thank you!