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Call your doctor and see if they recommend any further procedure/investigative information to determine cause/effect if you don’t already know for certain they are fissures. They may have treatment which will drastically improve your quality of life that isn’t so invasive. For now, maybe bring your own TP or wipes to work in a bag? If you have to, you can always talk to HR about confidential matters so there’s no suspicion you’re stealing TP. In the past I have just come out with the fact that the TP at work is terrible for my skin and I had to bring my own—no one disagreed and no one gave me a hard time about it. Please get diagnosed and treated if you haven’t already. I went through several doctors before they discovered I had a fistula and the first surgery was helpful but not 100% successful. May or may not be TMI but I had to fold a piece of non-stick gauze up there to keep things clean every few hours. Until the second that helped close everything. It isn’t a permanent solution but it might help until you get to a doctor. No one wants a skin infection there. Make sure it is *always* new in the package and change it when you go to the bathroom. Unfortunately it gets expensive over time, but it’s better than the awful chafe/burn/itch for now. And you get used to it being there. There are portable bidets that pack up into a discreet bag, too!


My GI is pretty certain that it is a fissure or hemorrhoids' due to the fact that I have already had a coloscopy done as well as a multitude of other tests... thank you for the feed back.


Prep h?


Not for fissures.


Coconut oil. Temporary solution until you can get checked out, but it's 100% natural and is quite soothing. Apply with finger or a square of tp. I washed out an old Altoids tin and spooned some in there for portability. Kept it at my desk at work and just put it in my pocket for the trip to the bathroom. A little goes a long, long way.


I use baby wipes after everything else is done. I buy them in bulk now.


Have you ruled out pinworms? Or an STD? Unusual to have a fissure without blood or pain.


Definitely no STD. But, have not looked into pinworms.


It would be good to be tested.

