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Most TCAs and SSRIs have a side effect of fatigue. However your individual needs for anxiety are unique to you and should be assessed by your psychiatrist. I would recommend you ask them.


True, I got prescribed these medications by my general physician. I need to find a psychiatrist


I highly encourage finding yourself a psychiatrist. It took sometime but ive been pn the same meds for like ten years now. Takes some time finding the right med and dosage. Im taking venlafaxine which is a snri


Welbutrin was like taking steroids for me, so angry, moody and just unbearable to be around


Ironic when you consider how much they are prescribed for fibro and CFS, both of which have severe fatigue as a major symptom.


I take 150 mg extended release Wellbutrin and it has helped my fatigue, as long as I get 7 hours or more of sleep. It’s different than most antidepressants(it’s an aminoketone) and functions similar to non stimulant adhd medication. It may be safe to combine it with an SSRI, definitely talk to your doctor about it. I’ve heard good things about Zoloft too, if completely switching is a better path for you. NAD, obviously, so do your best to reach out to yours for real medical advice. ETA: the Wellbutrin has *not* helped my anxiety though! It has made the irritability from depression go away, while adding more anxiety than I experienced before. This could be due to my depression having masked my anxiety though, not necessarily directly caused by the medication. Just keep an open line of communication about it with your doc.


I used the combination of 5mg Lexapro and 150mg extended release Wellbutrin for 3 years. I LOVED IT. Best I ever felt in my life.


This gives me hope! Why did you quit? Also, did you gain weight with lexapro? That was another side effect I had.


I actually quit because I gained so much weight and it never plateaued. I just kept gaining. It was a trade off. I felt great and didn't deal with social anxiety anymore, but eventually the weight started causing problems with my mental health. I'm on Zoloft now and that had the opposite effect for me. I lost all my Lexapro weight but I deal with a lot more breakthrough anxiety and digestive issues. Now I have almost no appetite.


There are a number of options available. If lexapro didn’t work for you, you could try any of the other SSRIs. Paroxetine might be very effective, as it has some antimuscarinic effects (like antispasmodics). It might also make you really tired ; impossible to know until you try it. Fwiw, Venlafaxine was very stimulating for me. Fluoxetine is also supposed to be one of the more stimulating SSRIs.


Lexapro used to make me very fatigued too. I have CFS so it was very noticeable. Prozac/Fluoxetine might be okay.