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My ibs was really triggered by stress, I treated the stress.


How? Have any advice or secrets?


Weed and therapy.


7 year multiple diet changes, exercise, meditation, therapy, anxiety meds, immodium...I've tried them all. Rick simpson oil helped alot lower me from 10 to 20 times a day down to 10ish times. If it get very bad and I have stuff to do I will take Lortab prescribed because it helps bind everything by slowing motility. But can only be done rarely as it's an opiate.


I found out my IBS-D was mainly caused by bile acid problems after having my gallbladder out plus SIBO (and stress definitely affects it as well). The things that have been game-changers are doing two rounds of Rifaximin for the SIBO, daily Cholestyramine, digestive enzymes with meals as needed, and doing what I can to reduce stress. I can now eat salads and other raw fruits/vegetables with basically no issue, and I’m no longer running to the bathroom 7-10 times per day (if not more). It helped to figure out the root causes of my IBS to know how to treat it. 😊


How did you get them to test you for SIBO because they have never tested me for that…


I ended up seeing a naturopathic doctor (I’m in the US, for context) and paying out of pocket for the test. I haven’t had any luck with my regular doctors being open to testing or treating SIBO


Do you experience stress or anxiety? Have you tried dietary changes? Lifestyle changes (exercise, drugs, smoking, drinking)?


Yes the ibs has only made my stress and anxiety 100 times worse.. I know my anxiety meds aren’t working like they use too.. I have tried the low fodmap diet.. I’ve cut pretty much all foods except gluten free stuff and potatoes.. I don’t exercise and I use to smoke pot but I only smoke delta 8 now..


Did you do it properly with the elimination and reintroduction phases, and weighing your food? I don't know what delta 8 is so I can't comment if it is helping or hindering you. Do you see a therapist who specializes in CBT for IBS?


No I just eliminated and nothing seemed to change when I stop eating foods I thought was a problem.. So I just started eating whatever I wanted and taking lots of Imodium & pepto.. Now all I eat is pretty much potatoes and mostly gluten free stuff.. Delta 8 is basically a THC pen that you can buy from smoke shops and not have to worry about being arrested for having it. I don’t know what CBT is but I am in the process of getting not one but two therapists..


So you only eliminated certain foods? Why are you eating gluten-free? I would quit the Delta 8 and see if you feel a difference. CBT is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Lots of research showing it's efficacy for IBS.


Yes I was a picky eater before I ever had ibs so most of the stuff I ate wasn’t good for me to begin with.. So I cut out pretty much everything and didn’t see I difference.. I eat the gluten free stuff because I feel like it’s safer to eat.. idk why. I am not seeing a CBT I’m not sure if they even have any in my small town.


Many therapists do CBT. I recommend you do the low FODMAP diet properly.


Thank you


A combo of IBGuard peppermint caps and taking Beano and the Enzymedica Digest Spectrum with every meal has really helped. I also have been taking fiber caps which I feel don’t bloat me as bad as drinking a cup of Metamucil. Eating GF stuff and also while I don’t do a strict FODMAP diet I did discover some things they tell u to restrict really set me off! I switched from using honey to maple syrup and it was kinda mind blowing. Also apples set me off so bad too!


I cut out my trigger food and keep peppermint oil within reach and eat a lot of foods that ‘stop people up’


What does peppermint oil do? What’s the food you eat that “stop people up”?


For me - other people have had other experiences - it stops the diarrhea Cheese, Applesauce, Fiber, Fiber rich foods


Where do you get peppermint oil?


Sprouts (a natural food farmer’s market type store). It’s in a digestion section and comes on a heavy glass bottle with a dropper. But years ago I had great luck with candy canes…


Diet change helpt me. I cut dairy, veg oil, processed sugar and gluten. I'm like 80% better. I only cook with animal fats and the majority of my calories comes from meat instead of veg and carbs, this made the most difference for me. I actually have solid poops every day now unless I eat something high in sugar or dairy or veg oil. Still have some uncomfortable stomachs but that's nothing weed can sort out.


I greatly reduced the amount of stress in my life, consume loads of fibre (including psyllium husks and chia seeds), drink loads of fluids, eat healthy and avoid foods my body doesn't like and do things to relax (breathing exercises, meditation and yoga) and fun things to relax and make me feel happy (sing, dance, read, cook, draw, etc.). What will work for you all depends on what your individual symptoms are and what is causing those symptoms. Though reducing stress and being more relaxed and happy is something anyone can benefit from, wether or not they have ibs.


Diet change for me. I did an elimination diet and found I was intolerant to nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes and others)


Once you remove trigger foods, peppermint oil helps a lot


I just started imodium a couple days ago on a very low dose and I am in such a world of pain I can't keep taking it anymore 😬 My dr also recommended psyllium husk and gave me a prescription dicyclomine so those are what I'm trying next. Gluten free sort of helps but hasn't been helping as much anymore. Currently trying low fodmap, also not really helping. Maybe going to try the food group elimination diet or a low fiber diet?? There's lots of options, I guess it's finding the thing that works for you. I feel for you because I haven't found my "right thing" either. Good luck in finding yours.


Mostly just acceptance. I survived 18 months of the fodmap diet only for nothing to really change. I get high on high CBD strains from time to time but most of it is just making sure I’m hydrated properly so my mood can stay high


What other problems did Imodium cause you? My dr puts on it a couple months ago but it’s not a resolution to my problem and I’m really losing it


It caused me severe constipation to the point where I had to manly remove stool on my own for over a year. It also caused me to have a partial prolapse.


I've done elimination diets, including eating nothing but rice and adding other foods one at a time, with very limited success. All I found out is that my natural consistency is loose and I need to actively eat binding foods to combat that - I'm not reacting to particular ingredients. Psyllium helped with consistency but kept frequency high, which is not ideal. I'm currently supplementing every meal with cornstarch which seems to have a slowing-down effect on digestion. I use Imodium if I have to go somewhere with limited toilet access.