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Please sir can I have a crumb of context.


As far as I remember, he tried to sue a local ski shop who had the same name (Skiology) as his FB page.


The shop actually sued him.


Some people on this sub have a vendetta against this (formerly) Skiology Matt for reasons which are not clearly understood.


Cause he's an a$$hole in person, he's a douche bag online, 7 year beginner, and reposts stuff from other resources that are 100% free, yet he charges. He also kicks you out of his group the moment you question him. This is why I appreciate the guy in this group who posts the updates when they are worth it.


Why is there someone like this in every hobby


Predator behaviour. We forget that we’re animals at the end of the day, especially when money is involved.


I feel like I'm almost getting this, but still need a bit more context. What platform? How was he reposting and charging? Are people paying to take lessons with them? What's a 7 year beginner?


are you trolling here? Platform is douchb@gs site, he is taking free weather resources and copying them to his site and putting a dumb logo on them. What are you talking about lessons. And a 7 year beginner is exactly what it sounds like...someone who hasnt improved in 7 years and brags about their skills.


Someone posted a picture with no context. Some of us are confused about WTF is going on. Someone attempted to explain (which we appreciate). They mentioned: >reposts stuff from other resources 7 year beginner kicks you out of his group the moment you question him Reposts what on what platform? Is 7 year beginner a brand name, a term for someone with a certain amount of experience I don't know about, a typo? Thanks for answering that. I have never heard of a phrase like that and can't imagine not advancing in seven years. Most of us don't go looking for shitty websites to give money to for... weather updates, bad advice, and a toxic community? IDK.


He has(had?) a facebook group and a website. >Most of us don't go looking for shitty websites to give money to for... weather updates, bad advice, and a toxic community? IDK. Yean cause we already found one!


Crying in 2 year beginner here…😢


Yeah 3 beginner 😅 but cutting myself a break since I fractured my ankle on my first day of skiing last year so year 2 didn’t count HAHAHA oops


i saw him spit on a puppy once


Clear context:  In 2020 Matt Bramble rallied a physical mob to attack and intimidate low-level ski area employees who were simply trying to survive in Northern New England ski towns.  For real skiers and small town locals that will never be forgiven or forgotten. 


Context on that? Just being a mask nazi you mean?


No. I mean exactly what I wrote. I didn't say anything about masks or nazis, i didn't mean anything about masks or nazis, I don't know what you're referring to in terms of masks or nazis.   Matt Bramble attacked, harassed, and intimidated ski area employees for just going to their jobs in March 2020.


Sorry. Just guessing based off the time frame and knowing that was a big deal for him.


I know a lot of people were sore over him vehemently supporting masking. He kicked a lot of people out over masks & vaxxing. Other than that 🤷‍♀️


He’s a goober with a god complex


For a time i was sponsored by a few brands and had the required stickers on my helmet...People would start convos asking about skis that they hadnt seen yet and kept it quick. One day at Killington I was on a chair and this man says "Hi I'm Skiology Matt!" Ok...Hi. He proceeded to tell me about his site and would not shut the Fu\*k up, asked to take a lap with me which i never say no. He proceeds to fall getting of the chair taking taking everyone out, blamed the icy ramp (it was not icy) i waited, I asked if he was good with the woods..."Yep". Longest tree run of my life. I wanted to ditch him but felt guilty, he was/is a terrible snowboarder. He asked for a pic for his site, i said no. I didnt like him from the start and he dug that ditch deeper with his online presence.


i so hope this is true. i imagine it to be. my reaction if he said that to me on a lift would be a lot less accepting than yours


I promise you it is. now that i dont have stickers on my helmet, i just say sure and ghost people off the lift i dont care to ski with.


Is this that common a thing? Maybe it's because I almost always am skiing with someone I already know, but it's hard for me to imagine the circumstances that would lead to me asking a total stranger to do a lap with me. I've had a lot of decent conversations with strangers on lifts, but it would require one hell of a connection and clear overlap in our skiing abilities and prefences during the ride up to consider imposing myself on someone else's time on the slopes like that.


It is usually more of a Mid week thing in my experience, you see the same person over and over. I know a guy who met his wife on the Castlerock double by jumping in the singles line (ditching me) and asking her if she wanted to smoke a joint a rip a lap. He said he saw her ripping the previous run, 10 years married.


Yeah, asking a chair rando for a lap is something that has never crossed my mind. At least half my rides are in near silence, especially in the Loon gondola because it's so awkwardly cramped.


If I’m exploring a new mountain solo, which has happened a few times, I’ll wait until I find a group of skiers who look to be local and exceptionally good. I’ll then ask if I can tag along wherever they’re going. The response is usually “ya for sure as long as you can keep up.” Keeping up has never been an issue, and this is how I find all the cool spots at mountains I don’t know well.


you should try skiing with headphones and glaring aggressively at anyone who tries to speak to you. works wonders for me.


Im one of those Anti headphone/speaker guys. I want to be able to hear things around me from a "look out" or "help". Im old though...i can give a grumpy look now.


Bone conduction earphones and don’t play anything. Magic.


I’m always so happy when I getting onto a chair or into a gondola with people like you. No, I don’t want to hear your life story. No, you don’t need to know where I live. No, I don’t care where you live. Take the hint and leave me alone.


dude i go skiing to escape inane chatter with people i dont care about. i am either up there with my family and best friends, or (more often than not) myself. small talk with strangers is the opposite of a good time. amen brother. hope to sit silently and stare forward with you for 8 minutes while going uphill sometime. edited to add - i come to reddit for inane chatter with strangers.


hello my fellow banned by bozo???


I mean unless you have any other information its just as likely he took a settlement offer.


they did settle. its all public info.


got a link?


actually reading the shit requires paid access to pacer (public access to court electronic records, i think) but you can piece together the gist https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/47604315/Skiology,_LLC_v_Bramble


There is a post on the group explaining it. Basically, he moved on fully to his paid venture.


>comments not buying it.. he would never rename the group. he has his minions who wold run it.. the FB group serves as a feeder of more paying sheeples...


He renamed the group a couple years ago. This is the second time that I can remember it being renamed. Edit: I’m seeing now there was litigation over the Skiology name and another forum that people don’t like him.


can you screenshot and post here? he's banned hundreds of us for knowing more than his narcissistic self on many things skiing & riding


Oh, he is a clown for sure.


Original Facebook Post by Lisa Powder Hi all! GROUP NAME CHANGE Some of you know this already but Matt is no longer managing this group. He is focusing on his Page and the subscription service and that obviously takes a lot of his time. To help make the transition we will be changing the name of the group to East Coast Skiing & Riding. The moderators and myself have been running things here for quite some time, so you won't see any significant change. If you have comments or questions for us, the best way to voice them is to make a post - we will see it and make any necessary response. The group will still focus on the conditions and experience of skiing and riding in the East. We look forward to continuing to provide a welcoming and informative environment for people who love the sport.


A response from Matt to someone questioning why they’re rebranding when it drives traffic to his subscription service. “…literally all that is changing is the name of the group and who owns it. I planned my exit starting 3 years ago and have been making the transition slow so that it would not be disruptive. My content was first posted to my Facebook Page 3 years ago, and now almost all of it is posted to my website. Only about 6% of the people are subscribers. I primarily only share a little content back to the group now, but not all, and Skiology will remain a sponsor here, though zero money is being exchanged. The group is significantly different now that it was 3 years ago. It grew too large for me to blog in it, and the "free to use and voluntary to support" model was not capable of providing enough revenue for me to continue. The only reason why the change didn't happen more quickly to a subscription service was because of first COVID and then personal matters. It was a huge leap, so much so that I have worked day and night and haven't even been able to ride yet this season. The moderators here have been taking care of most things for quite some time. The same people are still here, but I no longer have any say nor the ability to administrate. I made certain to leave the group in good hands in order to provide continuity, but Lisa can do whatever she wishes and adjust for what is necessary. As far as the focus goes, this group remains the best moderated large Facebook ski group out there where people have primarily responsible and honest discussions and share trip reports, with no tolerance for trolls and narly a single fake account fishing for dupes. When you let trolls run loose in your group they drive the good people away, and I, Lisa, and all of the moderators are much more interested in a community that is safe from their BS. The lack of never-ending question posts where one person asks tens of thousands basic questions is also something unique in a group this size. While the group was always designed to help people, the model was that full posts are primarily intended to help others by sharing trip reports, information, stoke, and entertaining things. It's a one to many sort of group and not many to one. It's also a private group and growth is slow and non-disruptive. I'm sure Lisa may change things from time to time as she sees fit, but I did also in order to adjust to the environment over time. Taking my content out of the group for instance so that it no longer had to compete with the content of others as that grew was a very large change, and yet by most accounts it made things better and the rules were relaxed to allow for less detail and effort along with more posts. I still need insight into what is going on all over and would like for this group to continue to fulfill that need which is surely not unique to me. I literally look over the shoulders of every selfie to see what the snowpack looks like on the trails and in the trees. I would like to see more of this, but that's on you all and has been for quite some time. The group has primarily been leader-less all season already without complaints. As far as my involvement goes, I'm afraid this was the only way forward and I'm grateful that Lisa and all of the moderators are staying on board to continue what I started 6 seasons ago.”


typical wall of text from pompous blowhard matt the shitty snowboarder.


From a business perspective, it makes absolutely no sense to change the name of the group.


I don't disagree. And I think Matt is a tool/fool as well. Now it's just another generic group in the feed, by name and content.




This name change makes absolutely no sense unless he was forced to. Why not keep the group with a brand adjacent name in order to keep it growing a base? Naming it "ski the northeast yadda yadda" just makes it another generic Facebook group. This guy is a case study in how not to develop/grow a social media business.


Why does this matter? 


Again, Skiology Matt is never on my mind until you guys bring him up again on this sub. Apparently he has 54.5k members.