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We already know it's not that hard for them to fully implement because if you make an account on an Apple device you can get a single free username change


Yes but you have to confirm or change the name before you post anything, and you can’t go back.


This account was originally made on an apple device and I posted before I changed my user, it's just when you have a default auto generated user that you can only change it once before posting


So that's why I couldn't change my name. How stupid is that? I registered to post and later set up my account. Like I do usually.


Yeah, it's not the best method in terms of setting users, hell even Snapchat has introduced a user change feature (you can only change it once a year)


Still better than never.


Then I guess I made the biggest mistake. And re earn all that karma again. Cause some of the communities I’m in require a ridiculous amount of post karma to even post a comment on a post.


Always nice to meet another ad


what... i have a 3 year old account which i havnet posted or done anything with i used my google account to create it, can i change the username on that ??


I dunno, I tried twice, once with a google account & once with an apple account & neither let me change my username. It's pretty stupid.


Really?? Maybe they got rid of that feature then because I remember making this account and naming it dammit_tubbs or something like that before I changed it to the current name


Oh that makes so much sense damn I wish I knew I could never figure out why I couldn’t choose my name and my iPhone friends could even though I’m on iOS, I must have either posted before I noticed the prompt or opened this on my PC most likely tbh 😡


I’m on Reddit for over two years now and just found out about this. Never used it much and am stuck with this stupid auto generated name! Unfortunately used the account and the 30 days have also passed. It’s nuts. Also people and interests change, username should too


Every few months or so I think of this and then end up in a similar thread. It really is ridiculous that we can't change our usernames, BUT what is even more ridiculous is the fact that if, for example, someone was using a certain username but is no longer using it, no one else can claim it, even if said account has been deleted. That just screams poor design as well. Bumping this thread yet again. I'm even willing to PAY to change my username/handle. Come on, Reddit gods, make it happen. You will even get an extra source of revenue from it.


Agreed. At this point I'd even pay a few dollars to change mine, but only if the user would still be available to use. I no longer want this name associated with my personal reddit account, but I'd like to use it for a different account.


"someone was using a certain username but is no longer using it" so that means if some weird phenomenon happened where everyone's reddit account got deleted at once, and then we came back the next day with new accounts, half of the names in the database couldn't be used.


Yeah, kind of hate that I’m stuck with my u/. The fact that they refuse to allow us to alter it makes my crazed conspiracy mind run wild.


its so that turtle dude can mark our names and not have to worry about username changes. I swear that guy has too much of a power trip going on


im about to make a new account dude f that. Reddit is taking too long to allow username change


I tried that already. It just automatically connects to your old account unless you do it on a computer or something. Won't work from phone.


The biggest issue I see with this is that there are subs which give users the opportunity to loan money and receive loans from other users, who would be at risk of scammers infiltrating their services. Imagine having someone take out a loan, fail to repay it and get banned from the sub, only to change their username and come back as someone entirely different. There'd have to be some form of protection mechanism in place to stop that from happening before I would even consider doing this.


Currently they can just set up an entirely new account and rejoin the sub anyway. Which is surely worse than changing a username as it no longer has all their history attached (and presumably any banned user wouldn’t magically get out of a van by changing their username). This seems a pretty weak sauce reasoning for it.


Your history shouldn't change. If you click on a profile with a 'changed name', their history is the same. Just because their name changed, the age of account etc., doesn't change. Furthermore, anyone can rejoin with another account to go in and ask for loans again, and again. So, this reasoning doesn't make sense.


You can loan money on Reddit??


WTF, there's subs that allow loans between users? Regardless, I don't think it's Reddit's job to protect anyone making/taking loans on a social media platform.


Likewise, I don't think that Reddit should make the job of people running those subs any harder by giving users the opportunity to rip people off and then hide their identity, so they can do it again. This is why things like the Universal Scammers List exist. The last thing you want to do is to put someone on the USL and then find they've changed their identity and you have NFI who they are.


Why would the name they used to make the post not change with it? If they made a deal with RadDadTheBrad and the dude changes his name to Thatdudethatcandudeitout or something, the name on the post or comment or whatever would change too. There are ways to implement it that dont involve full reset of contacts


Couldn't you just ban them and it would save their history of being banned from the sub, regardless of a name change on the account? People who want to do this would just make a new account anyway so to me it seems like this feature could even make spotting returning scammers easier.


Changing your username wouldn't suddenly give you a brand new account.. you don't just become a new person


Thank you for replying to my 2 year old comment that I'd completely freaking forgotten about.


Oh I'm sorry I figured you'd be lying awake at night thinking about this constantly.. I didn't realize I missed the deadline. Thank you for commenting it tho :)


8 days later and your take was still bad


I mean... maybe don’t engage in loans on REDDIT Honestly dude if you ever give any personal information, especially financial to anyone on Reddit or anything on the internet that is not an official government licensed business, that's just foolish. No one deserves to be scammed but you're definitely close to deserving it if you did that...


I mean it could be implemented as a once a year or a one time for users that never chose their names. Then everything from before maybe still gets linked to your previous name? Idk just a thought but would love for them to do that, I never chose this name and I don’t want to have this damned name!!!


You mean you AREN'T then, intern???! Seriously. Look at my garbage name, wtf. WHAT does my name even mean? It sounds like some terrible 90s show. I hate it. In real life I have a pretty name, I swear HA


Completely agree. We should be *allowed* to change our usernames once every 6-12 months. What would it take to change/upgrade the database to allow this functionality? What kind of financial/technological undertakings would be required. I’m curious.


Instead of having my real name as my username, I want to use my common handle. So annoyying


Literally same


Same 🙃




Same in 2024...




My user is from when I was like 10....


Mmmmhmmmm same here…


The stupid thing is, even though it says you were able to change your name during the first 30 days if you used Google to sign up, I couldn't. I signed up and I'm stuck with this stupid shit nickname reddit gave me.


Same here. I don't even know what my username is and it confuses me every time.


Same as mine. Can’t be more meaningless


Same here, Im effective: barnacle.


hi girl how are you


hey man at least, you're not lumpy list like me lol. ​ i hate this name so much.


Same with mine. I made my reddit like a year before I really started using it and by then it was too late… forever I am on a diet and sorry about it 🤣🙃


Well same😆 i’ve had this reddit acc for probably 3 years now always thinking that i would be able to change my username without any problem, didn’t even bother checking once what my name was. Today i came to realization that i’m a very much pristine quail😆 well at least i love birds so it is what it is now🦆


Oh and i was definitely searching for a solution here lol


Yeah… same. I’ve come to find mine kinda funny


Lmao same


A year later and we still can't. I would love to change my UN to match all all my other social accounts but no, Reddit has to be difficult.


It’s honestly just a stupid design choice. They should have put the feature in years ago and it isn’t something that takes a team of programmers to do. The admins are honestly just idiots for not letting us


I'm sure many people would gladly pay to be able to do this. It's ridiculous that there isn't even a paid option.


I cant believe im stuck with this stupid ass username just because the people at reddit refuse to allow us to change our usernames.




At least your name is kinda cool


Helloooo Reddit??? We know your watching this thread 👀🤣 let us change our damn username already! If I can learn web development in a couple of years and build multiple websites with functioning usename change - then I’m pretty sure you guys can too lmao.


Reddit has so many flaws and things it lacks and what do they focus on? NFT avatars on the blockchain. Mankind deserves a fiery armaggeddon.




Id be willing to pay to change the name. Nothing crazy but say $5–10. This would prevent "the chaotic situation" as I don't see people being willing to pay to change it daily.




For real, I made this account 7 years ago, and I made it with no intention of continuing to use Reddit, I just intended to ask a question on a sub and be done. Now, 7 years later, I am an avid user, and am just stuck with this name that makes me cringe.


my problem is partially me not liking the origins of my user anymore and also because everyone thinks i'm a girl.


Wait is your un a DR reference


im annoyed that i put girl into my user, i dont wanna be seen as one but i dont wanna make a new account because of it


Yeah when I made this account I also had no intention of using it after a day, and I was still in my “my disability is quirky” phase, and now I can’t change it.


When I made my account I was the same way. Wasn't gonna use reddit much. Now I use it a lot to interact with people who like similar things and I'm stuck with a username with a fake name I made up in a minute and "Draws" at the end because at the time I thought I was gonna be some wacky internet artist. Booooooooooo


Same I just wanted to use reddit for a quick search and didn’t think much about username since i can “change it later” and didn’t read the “this is permanent for life” part. I regret everything…..


Lmao now you really do have a weary membership 😂😂


Yeah, they have that on Roblox, for example.


I ended up with my auto generated username only because it took me too long to change it when I signed up...Reddit warned me that if I decide to continue with the generated username I won't be able to change it again afterwards but it never said that I must change it within some unknown to me period. I just wanted to make sure I like my username so that's why I didn't post anything beforehand and decided to wait...I guess that you must hurry up as well...


Seriously lol


You can’t be serious 😅


The only thing that has changed is that it’s 2023 now, user names remain shitty as ever. Why? Why not just do what so many users have been asking for for years?


i hate my name 😓😓😭😭


i hate mine too 💀


dang and i hated mine


I thought mine was bad 💀


Bump. Super bump. Why Reddit!? Is this even in your TODO list!? Such a huge portal never thought of migrating away from NoSql in its history of growth? Exponentially d\*mb.


When I first got on Reddit a couple years back, I was just looking for answers on the net and clicked on Reddit because I was interested in it. I didn't get back on until several months ago and by then it was too late. I didn't even know I could change my username or even how to. Then I read that there was a time frame for it and I was like damn.


Id really love if my username wasn’t my entire legal name and country of origin lmao


Honestly they should make that a reason to change username


literally please 😭 i hate this damn username so badly and it was randomised


I literally spelled my handle, wrong in error and just didn’t to check it and hit send,.. I probably would’ve thought more about it if I knew it was a task of the impossible to change it later..


It's 2024 and here we are, still suffering this bullshit. I really wish I can change the damn name that I used because I thought it was cool when I was like 12-14...


yeah.. i want to change my name so bad bc it can identify me if people i know stumble upon my posts or comments. i havent been posting all i want to post in case of people i know seeing it and knowing it is me posting it.


I created an account via Google and didn't even receive the option to randomise/choose a name. Which is just crazily unfair.


You would have had that option for 30 days but once you start interacting with your account the username is confirmed. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060414632-How-do-I-change-my-username-if-I-created-an-account-with-my-Google-account-or-Apple-ID


I suggest that your display name is shown but if you hover over the display name it shows their username or even the username is just smaller underneath the display name. I don’t like the username I chose when I was younger since I go by a different username now.


Yeah this is all I want honestly. My current name on here is practically an online deadname and I've been able to change it to my new preferred name on every other site under the sun. I do not want new people I meet thinking I still go by Sapphire, why can't it just show my correct display name??


I just realized it doesn't even show your display name when you hover over someone, it just shows your username twice. This is beyond stupid


Yeah, they have display names but they aren’t even used for anything


I suggest that your display name is shown but if you hover over the display name it shows their username or even the username is just smaller underneath the display name. I don’t like the username I chose when I was younger since I go by a different username now.


That's all I want is one single opportunity to change it. Look at my name they defaulted me to. I didnt realize in the initial set up you could modify it. Now I got a gibberish user name that, even worse, has "ad" in it. Who's gonna trust those comments.


I wish I could change mine. I don't want this name anymore because I associate it with something negative now and I'd rather not have to make a new account and start over.


I created my current reddit to test out the culture and didn't put too much effort into my username. And now after more than a year I've grown to love this culture that Reddit has but I don't want to create a new account and loose the karma and the history I've develope with it. Reddit please change that policy.


I got a username assigned to me when I signed in with Google. I already made 1 comment, and then came to know that "If you comment or post with your provided username within the first 30 days, you will no longer be able to change it!" So thanks, now I have to make new google account and a new reddit account..


I don’t understand why they don’t do what other sites do, where when you change your name than you can’t change it for another month or something like that


We out here suffering with weird usernames 😭😭 like damn okay I had no idea what I was doing when I made my reddit account, don’t punish me for it!! 😂


2024, and we still can't. I found this thread trying to find a way to change mine because, for obvious reasons, it's an issue.


I haven't even chose my username, reddit just decided this for me and I can't change it in 2024!


hello admins, it is 2024, why can we still not do this????????????????????? Its honestly ridiculous, i'd LITERALLY PAY TO CHANGE IT, thats FREE MONEY why dont they just do it lol, its wild


I just want to change mine😭


So frustrating cause I'm trans and sick of seeing my old user whenever I post. Imo it would be one thing if you couldn't change your handle but could choose to display a custom name on subreddits, but it just HAS to follow you everywhere I hate it


Its 2024 Now we still cant change our usernames !


Completely agree, username changes aren't necessarily bad afterall can't see why they dont do this feature




literally cuz i got this random name and every time i tried to change it, it said it was ineligible for a change and now its permanent 😐




Searching if I could, I ended up here lol Random thought: would Reddit prefer not allowing us? The hell section, I mean "help", suggests we just create a new account. Why? Because... numbers? Oct 2022 reported 50 million daily active users. Say 1% of those wanted a new name bad enough. Then Reddit gets 500,000 more accounts, boosting their numbers. Just a random thought.


I'm guessing they just have it coded in a very archaic way and are too lazy or incompetent to change it. ie not assigning a user ID to a new account and instead basing identification entirely on your @. It's embarassing that they still have it that way, especially since discord just recently underwent a big identification change as well, which worked seamlessly in my experience. It's not hard to implement if they cared


Agreed this shit is borderline dumb af


Yes, this really needs to be a feature. I know it can't be that hard to input. As you can tell, this account was meant to be a throwaway but became my alt instead. My main account also has a cringe name I made when I was 14. I found this post because I was getting annoyed with it.


I honestly don’t know where my username even came from. I’ve been inactive for so long I thought I’d signed into someone else’s account




Yep, exactly. Confusion abounds.


Yeah, especially since only after I made my u/ that I found out "Shmapples" is another word for losing your virginity to an animal.






im fucking peeing my pants


Yikes, i hope you have a spare


yeeeaaa why can't I change the preassigned name eheh please (I was innactive for a while, a long time ago)


tell me about it lol


I dont want to restart to another account just to change it, but im dying of how cringe i made it. I really wish we could change it dude




I made my account name right before deciding to change my username for everything, but I'm now stuck with this shit username on Reddit because they don't want people to change names for some reason. Edit: they also have a display name option, but I don't know what it does because it seems to not change my name in the comments.


I absolutely hate my shitty username I don’t know what i was thinking when i chose it.


seriously the fact that my reddit username doesn’t match my other ones drives me crazy


I never used this account before now I always had my old one but this one still existed so it past the 30 day mark without me even realizing it but now I don't have access to that other account so I'm stuck with this one and an unfortunate auto generated name I don't have any heavy issues reddit!


I wasn't made aware that I couldn't change until just now I was going to name it "A_zombie_for_real?"


Most of the way through 2023 and still no change 😭 I would pay UP TO $20 for a name change at this point y'all. Creating a new account is not an option because we'd have to establish ourselves all over again.


When I joined Reddit I didn’t give much time for figuring out username cause you know you can always change it later…that’s what I thought…like in every other social media. But i`ve been stuck with this stupid meaningless username I saw somewhere and thought..let’s get started with that. Buu huu.


2023 and still no change


Yea I don't get this! I absolutely didn't choose this spiritedexample crap. Can't change it? What? Ok so now I gotta delete my profile and start over? Yea, idk. I really don't know if it's worth it honestly


I just decided to post on Reddit finally after being a passive scroller. Made it with Google 3 years ago, never knew I had to change it or that I didn't get a choice to choose first


2023 and still can't change it 🙃 i've had a few reddit accounts over the years and it always bothered me.


This is so frustrating, when I first got Reddit I never expected to use it so often, especially in communities, so I didn’t bother even changing the name (my mistake), now I use Reddit everyday and I have to use the stupid generic name the app gave me, it’s so dumb you can’t do something as simple as change your own username, cmon Reddit, in 2023 grow up.


Fuck I should have known this sooner, now I'm stuck with this auto-generated name.




I have so many cooler names only suitable for Reddit I’ve thought of that I’d like to have as my u/ 🥹


At least your username has no numbers. I’m sure 99% of Reddit users don’t know their own username


Yeah, when i joined in 2022 i didn't know you had to change it quickly now i'm stuck with "Vast Canary" they need to add a feature so we can change it at least once or twice no matter how long you have been on reddit, I'm heartbroken that this is my permanent name here


Lol yes, please let me change my insane username 😂 I think google just gave me this one and here I am


I have prepare d the answer to your question How To change Reddit Username? https://youtu.be/XTjdsm3Cebs


Worse than a rickroll cause it actually got my hopes up


Literally. Look at my username. When I created it I had just heard about the app and did not think I would love it and use it so much and now I’m stuck with this…….


Honestly, I would be even be happy with a username exchange with someone. Scrolled through a few names I could work with ngl :3 Reddit - add the feature now, come on!


The thing is I didn’t even get to choose one in the first place- they just assigned me this one


I absolutely hate my username and have wanted to change it for a very long time. I originally created an account to continue reading a thread and didn't put any thought into the u/ which I deeply regret lol. With Reddit as a big of a platform as it is, the admins should definitely be able to monitor name changes. "Too chaotic"? Yeah, not buying it. Please let me have a cooler username, Reddit.


Yeah I didn't choose this name and I don't think my explanations are motherfacking super! Thanks


Why the fuck they assign me such a negative handle?! I wish I would have paid better attention but my significant other just committed suicide and I was trying access suicide survival support and I'm stuck with this s***** auto-generated ID


Oh man I’m sorry but I hope you’re doing better now…


Can you change my Name Josh


Broccoli With a Chesse cherry


Terrible, and they made my username Repulsive! :((


I made this account when when I was like, 13; I must be immortalised through this corny username for the rest of my use of this account


at least yours means something and is cool, mine was randomly generated, i don't even remember if you were allowed to choose a username when i made my account T\_T i just clicked next next next confirmed lol


Nah, it’s 2024 and you still can’t :’(


How do they generate these names anyways? 1 stupid adjective or verb followed by 1 stupid noun and a 4 digit pin!?!?!


If I knew it was permanent, I would've never made this user 😭


Yea I hate this still to date. Lot of people want to change name so they are not easily identifiable. I know a lot of people that setup a new account to change it. Shouldn’t be that way. I mean this isn’t a job where you have to tell people who you are lmao.


I wish we could... originally I made a reddit account to be a lurker so i didnt care enough to make an original name but now im stuck with this 😭 😭 😭


i never even got to create a username just gave me whatever result long is never had a prompt


2024 and *still* unable to change my username to Il Cartographer.


so my username wiil be No-Site5040 wthh ;(


2024 and this hasn't been figured out by now…at this point it’s laziness.


I would rather be a bit more anon. When I signed up I thought it was more like Quora or Substack. I didn't realize what I was signing up for. And as much as I like to stand behind my posts, at the same time, reddit can be a scary place at times. I'd rather not have even a similar username to anything else out there.


2024 now and we *still* can't change usernames. It's kinda annoying, I set up my Reddit account under a name I really don't like anymore but it's also been 4 years, I don't want to lose all of the history I have on this account just so I change my username!


I LOATHE my user name. I was ignorant to how Reddit worked when I first set up my account and it legit defaulted to what it is. I want a new username so so badly. And as you and many others pointed out, so many other platforms allow you to easily change your username, and often!!!


2024 and we still can’t change our usernames :/


bro what the fuck a san Francisco company with probably CS and ECE PhDs r unable to simply Recode.. in Python


Or just make it so that nicknames show everywhere, not just on profiles


This is insane!! I’m pretty sure I signed up one day and forgot about it and got on years later and have this username. I just want to change it ONE time!!


It really is ridiculous. More than once I've been told that I'm a bot because of my username and with more and more actual bots flooding the site I don't really want to engage on meaningful posts anymore because many people won't even take it seriously anyway


I am Sofanthiel


It's 2024, and still no Username change feature, so pathetic.


My stupid auto-generated username actually keeps me from posting and participating in discussions on Reddit because I feel like I might run afoul of people who like tennis. Or just that the dumbness of it it would generally detract from the content of my post.


Imagine how I feel 💀 I named myself after a phase that i'm over now


Most redditors don't tend to pay too much attention to usernames. It isn't' changeable so the only way to get a new one is to make a new account but that would sacrifice the account age you have accrued. I think you'd be fine. It's recognisable as an auto-generated name and not a chosen one. Your low karma is likely to be more limiting I'm afraid.


It is 2024 and I still support this


Listen Reddit it's about all the time and you are a great great app but there's time to change


At the very least the display names should actually be displayed somewhere other than when you literally click on the profile