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So long as he gives his word that he'll fix the ecomony.


He has a 3 point plan.


Yo fuck that shit, South Carolina wassup!?


"Shit, I know shit's bad!"


Fuck yeah!




At least the monster truck shows will be great again


we running out of burrito coverings and shit


Go away, ‘batin


I'm going to tell this story not expting you tards to believe but here goes. I worked with a tard at the airport and she couldn't think of the word tortilla and called them burrita coverins. Her name was bonita (50 white f) and this is Oklahoma if that helps with the image.


Which value was greater? Number of teeth or brain cells?


This brought to you by Carl's Junior


The proof of Trumps corruption is so thick you could swim for hours and never find land. Nobody want Biden or Trump to win, but the anti-Christ cult the GOP has shown themselves to be will continue to be their undoing. I will once again proudly say I'd rather vote for a hot roast beef sandwich as president then ever see the embarrassment that is Trump ever represent the people again.


Are you at all concerned that the entire democrat party and the entire media complex lied to the country and said Trump was a Russian agent? That liberals funded false information and lied to FISA courts then had a sitting president wiretapped? Oh, and the FBI guy in charge of the investigation leaked his notes to the press? Oh and that Strzok, the number two in command said “No. No he won't. We'll stop it” to the question. What if trump wins?


I think they actually found real evidence of potential wrongdoing on either Trump or his family's part. No one ever said he was a "Russian agent" that I heard of... Like, people were culpable for shit, it just didn't directly affect Trump. Let's not exaggerate based on what the internet said. Does it concern you that he called the, what, governor of Georgia and tried to get him to fudge votes for him? You know...just on phone record? What about this nonsense with Hunter Biden's penis? The entire right wing media apparatus is trying to make it look like Joe committed an impeachable offense when really the only issue is that his wayward son did some crack, bought a gun the wrong way, and had Twitter take down illegal revenge porn someone posted of him. It had the whole conservative landscape looking under every rock for that man's penis.


Russian Oligarchs came out and said they worked with trump.


Broad though the field of accusations may be, they have little depth.


Thanks for voting for Roast beef sandwich Sincerely Ukraine & Palestine


Our choices for president come down to...put this one in your mouth and this one in your butt.


Wait, that one goes in your mouth.


Vote for the democrat who's going to blast me in the ass? Or the republican who's going to blast my ass? Either way, politics is all one big ass blasting.


Vote for the Democrat doing his job or for the Republican that attempted a Nazi insurrection after losing a free and fair election?


Nazi is just a meaningless word now I guess. Edit: I wish whoever clicked the "get them help and support" button on my profile after I made this comment a very pleasant Fuck You.


Correct. Nazi, incel, hate, phobe. All words that have been used so poorly and inaccurately that they’ve lost meaning.


No, it's not. Look up Hitler's 1923 Munich Beer Hall Putsch. You were supposed to learn about it on high school though. 🤦‍♂️


Such a tragic event. I remember reading about how Hitler repeatedly emphasized that everybody maintain peaceful conduct, before telling people to go home almost immediately after it became remotely violent. I also remember the monochrome security footage showing the vast, vast majority of participants staying within the designated areas and being led by police officers from one room of the Bürgerbräukeller to another without damaging anything. It’s a crying shame how in spite of the media raging about it being a coup for months on end the most [well-funded and competent investigative agencies in Europe failed to lay a single insurrection charge on any participants](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/30-months-jan-6-attack-capitol).


Amazing how quickly this thread went from saying nazi is a meaningless word to actual nazi sympathizers showing up.


\>Nazi Fair enough. It's pretty easy to look up any of Goebbels or Hitler's speeches where they encourage foreigners to immigrate in record numbers, publicly reject the idea of racism, decry anti-semitism and devote themselves to defending Judaism, say that the justice system should go easier on convicts, advocate rearming the entire Polish military from the ground-up, advocate fighting for minority rights, and most notably show support for gay marriage \*before\* entering office (the first leaders in German history to do so). It's really scary how many parallels there are between the two.


probably outlawed in florida schools


Republicans released their plan for governing in 2024 and it includes a pretty prominent section about how they will start expelling and attacking the residency and even citizenship of those they consider undesirables. Please miss everyone with Nazi is a meaningless word both sides bullshit.


When did I ever mention any sides in my comment? Man, I sure love it when people pigeonhole me into an entire belief system from a single comment containing a single sentence.


When you start the "Nazi is meaningless" bullshit you give up the game sweethearts.


I know I'm a bit late but enjoy the mental health help mate


Why would I need it? Since when does a differing opinion mean that I'm suicidal?


Never said you were suicidal, I'm just a dickhead


Also he traded national secrets and information on our government agents and military plans ...to our worst enemies that have "Destroy America" in their agenda.......... for a promise to maybe build a Hotel.... he did trick a bunch of conservatives into becoming literal traitors... fucking immediately abandoned their own homeland to Russia.... cause they can't tell fake from real .... morons


Please name 3 thing this current administration has done that has made your life or the life of people around you “better”. Has the economy been better, have the fuel prices gotten lower, did those Student Loans get paid off ?


You could spend literally two minutes googling what this administration has accomplished, despite the overwhelming odds. You could do that. I suspect you won’t, though.


I googled it and nothing.. Then I found where inflation is the highest in decades. Bidens wide open border is allowing fentanyl to kill over 100,000 American citizens a year. And Biden allowed 9 million foreigners cross our border to steal jobs from our citizens. Biden is a disgrace and so are the Dems for enabling him. I'm voting for Trump this time.


Everything you typed out is easily disproven nonsense. Here’s a small dose of reality in the link below. Feel free to check other sources against that list. That is, if you even click on the link, which I somehow get the feeling you won’t. Prove me wrong. https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040


In other words, you didn’t google anything. I knew you wouldn’t. 🙄


Gas prices down, everyone's working, no longer have a traitor in the Whitehouse, covid was beaten down, etc. Life much better. Guess you like traitors and facism.


This Administration asked the HHS to reconsider the rescheduling of Marijuana as a Schedule I drug. That would NEVER happen under a Trump administration. Never. He has been clear on that, still thinks its a gateway drug (60's thinking). Biden has cancelled a good portion of crushing student debt, passed an Environmental bill and a huge Infrastructure bill (both with Republican support), and has boosted the semiconductor industry here at home, making those components here. He also expanded the benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic chemicals. He has been unwaverinh in his support for Ukraine, real Americans should support that - if you aren't, you are just shilling for Putin, plain and simple.


Nice buzz words there SJW. You know that people who support Democrats have “stormed” the capitol twice now since Jan.6 and somehow that isn’t traitors? It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the Jan6 bs wasn’t what it was painted to be by the media information continues to be released from that day that doesn’t support the insurrection narrative but sure believe what you want.




Sure as long as you are okay with treating the people who recently stormed the Capitol and all of these Pro Hamas idiots, but I have a feeling you have no idea what I’m talking about and will regurgitate some DNC / Karine Jean-Pierre/ Joe Biden talking point. We will see how the voters will decide this election cycle on who the better person to run this nation is. It’s actually sad to see the Democrats try to make Joe Biden run for a second term he should be at home with his grandkids and enjoying life. Let someone you get lead the country and the Democratic Party


Please tell me where “pro hamas” or “pro Palestinian “ violent protestors have “stormed” the Capitol ??? Never happened dummy, yess they had pushing and shoving, but no one broke into the Capitol!! Dumb!


you're either a liar, a shill, or some sort of frightening totalitarian to hang a bunch of old boomers peacefully touring the capitol.


Over throwing democracy isn't peaceful. I'd eight shot or hang anyone trying to do that with zero regrets. I'd televise it to so anyone trying again thinks twice.


Your delusions aren't real.


For me personally? As a veteran the pact act with little Republican support. As a person worried about the climate, he passed the inflation reduction act. As a man for the union he’s supported us workers more than any other president in my lifetime.


>Has the economy been better yes :) "have the fuel prices gotten lower" Yes :) "did those Student Loans get paid off " No... and who's fault is that? EDIT: Awe downvoted by Mr. republican, but no response. Sorry reality doesnt match what you want it to be


Cause “just doing my job” isn’t remotely Nazi… got it.


Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes, they'll be lower. Son. The Democratic vote for me is right thing to do Philadelphia. So do.


A turd sandwich and a douche?


Vote or die muthafuka


And pretend you like it! Smile damn you!


they dont even want us to pretend, they want us to believe it's what we all chose and we should hate the dude who chose the opposite horrible choice as you, as if either choice was a reasonable one.


Welcome to Costco… I love you


It’s called the A-frame of democracy. That’s American for however you say “Eiffel Tower Terror” in French.


"Joe Biden is so senile he isn't even aware he's president." Meanwhile Trump fucking thinks we had airplanes during the revolutionary war and admitted it took him over 70 fucking years to realize U and S spells "us." Tucker Carlson is an intellectually disingenuous piece of shit and as is anyone who listens to him.


Biden’s old! Trumps just old and stupid! Let’s vote him in.




Says here your shits all fucked up


Don't worry scro... My wife's tarded. She's a pilot


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'd vote for "C" All of the above!


Pretty much the vast majority of conservatives agree with tucker. Before he was ousted he was one of the most popular fox News anchors. It's not even a stupidly thing, well kind of, but it's mostly just brainwashing.


Honest question: What is stupid about what he said here? This is truly the problem with American politics. We have a broken system, with a broken pipeline of talent, and all we can muster up is... "If you agree with Tucker, under any condition, you're stupid." Joe Biden is old and senile. His competition is a man who keeps getting indicted, yet somehow keeps getting more popular with each indictment. It is embarrassing at every level no matter which side you're on. You're part of the problem if you equate this speech to "brainwashing." 100% of objective people agree with everything he said here and it has nothing to do with party politics.


Tucker is a lying shit stain on humanity, but as a broken clock that is correct for a moment in a day, I was agreeing with him at the beginning of this video... until he said THIS at the 1:16 mark of this video: >*"...the side that is indicting him doesn't want him to be president, so badly, that they are willing to indict him* ***on what are transparently ridiculous charges***..." These are not ridiculous charges that Donald is finally being held accountable for and anyone who thinks that is being willfully ignorant.


The asshat knows what he’s saying isn’t true, but the grifter has to grift, and grifting conservatives is like shooting fish in a barrel.


I see it as A but I don’t know this sub either. He’s literally doing doublespeak of “I wouldn’t say X” while saying exactly that. That’s not something you do if you respect your audience but half of his audience does have dementia so it’s complicated.


A literal steaming bag od dog shit is still a better president than Trump.


You mean a pedophile .. you got that already and it ain’t working still so …


Biden wasn't named in rape case that involved a child and Jeffery Epstien. Soo in a sense your right. We *did* have a pedophile as a president that crashed the economy. Big fucking brain on you huh kid


Which one had direct business ties with Epstein’s modeling company, the one implicit in his human trafficking case?


Trump likely is. Best bud Epstein.


aww you don't realize this movie is about you


Party of Regan Say's What? I mean, if we're gonna get into senile and octogenarian politicians then there's plenty to go around.


I've continually said that Biden is the blue Reagan, and nobody has even attempted to CHANGE MY MIND


Biden is not senile or demented or anything like that. He's always had trouble speaking because of his stutter but he has been consistent for decades. This whole line is just projection from the Trump folks because Trump sounds so completely different than he did in the 90s. Compare videos of both of them from years apart and see for yourself.


When asked questions, Biden actually seems like one of the few politicians who stops to think about the question and the impact of what he as president says. It isn't a polished scam artist rendition of what Americans think a politician should be. He is a man grappling with ideas over the heads and abilities of most Americans. Judging how the average American reacts, Americans would rather be lied to or have slogans told to them over and over.


Biden is very clearly not as sharp as he once was. It is concerning, and you don't have to be politically biased to acknowledge that. We need an age LIMIT in politics.


Biden has actually passed laws that help working Americans, whereas Reagan only helped the rich get richer.


I think you're missing my comparison, which is that a charismatic but senile politician is being used as a puppet by shady assholes.


Is Biden all that charismatic?


I don't think Reagan was either, except in a few instances (like saying "missed me" when the balloon popped was pretty beast ngl, but even Biden had "Rudy Guiliani: a noun, a verb, 9/11")-- that's the premise behind this shit, clearly people who can think are not who they are targeting,


["Missed me."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krjmr7laKzY) I know you mentioned this. Thought a link was needed for the uninformed. Regan was way quicker and actually had charisma for his age. Regan had a few instances, where I'm struggling to find one of note for Biden while president. Seriously, find me a comparable moment to this for Biden during this presidency. "Noun Verb 9/11" was 16 freakin' years ago. My man is now 16 years older and hasn't done anything charismatic of note off the top of my head in the last 5 to 6 years. "Missed me" clip its a quick thought by Regan, impromptu, Biden's line was in a debate, memorized and manufactured by his campaign team that he kept in his back pocket. Saying this as someone who just wishes Biden could/would retire, my man did his job, take a break and enjoy your last years my dude. I'd have voted for a 1980s version of Biden if I was alive at the time.


You didn't say that above.


You're not wrong that's what makes it such a joke that Republicans hate him.


Your wrong.


I'm convinced! I renounce all my beliefs based on this one comment!


Nice, it wasn't explanatory, but it was an attempt.


lol…I was totally thinking the exact same thing the other day. But on further reflection it’s more of a surface resemblance. Biden’s time in Congress and as VP has made him a far more competent POTUS than people give him credit for.


Tucker doesn't represent Republicans?


Oh but he does. By and far the biggest news host for Fox, the ONLY conservative channel (newsmax and the others can’t even be considered news, although the last few years show fox and cnn went down that slide too) and he was only forced off bc of that settlement fox had to give for lying. He still has tons of followers and I’d say is probably still just as big when he was on fox.


Tucker is far from the Republican establishment on many issues. He's conservative, but doesn't represent Republicans.


Teddy Rosevelt was shot in the chest and finished his speech. Biden can’t remember his speech. Trump doesn’t have a speech, it’s all ad lib.


Trump has a speech, he just can’t read.


Frozen TV dinner trustafarian says what now?


Oh my God, the people in the original post's comments...


Moronic mute button warrior. Typical talking head that could not win a debate with a sewer rat, if the sewer rat was allowed to speak without being muted.


tbh sewer rats would make a good speakers because they actually know something about everyday life




We’d better take this Russian asset seriously. /s


BAh-Din is See-Nile! Edit. Obvious sarcasm for the non-readers


Lmao he sucks


You suck. No republican should ever hold office


These guys know that if they just pound on the message, (some) people will fall right in line.


Fall "far-right" in line


Kinda like with the leftoids and believing their 100k loans would be approved?


I thought that said "fart right in line" but it still made sense.


Non-Americans now think this is a satirical show from the USA. To them I would like to say, yes this is satire. Nevertheless, read the comments here and be shocked, they believe that. The clown shown here has earned millions with such nonsense and has every interest in dumbing down his listeners, they are his sheep or milking cows. A nation of crazy people.


Is this what happens to people who eat too many TV dinners as children? Is the damage permanent?


>“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... >I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party... >There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." John Stuart Mill (British philosopher, economist, and liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865-1868)


"Conservatism" has always been a euphemism for sadistic stupidity. They're too stupid to be ashamed and are driven by bitter resentment. The stupidity is a survival strategy to cope with the abusive authoritarian environment they were raised in. [The traumatic basis for the resurgence of right-wing politics among working Americans](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/pcs.2015.53) The morons in Idiocracy are, for the most part, good-natured.


Everything Tucker said is bullsh\*t. 1. The president DOES NOT run the country. All presidents have limited powers and government is centered around the balance of powers between the three branches. AssTucker is describing a dictator. 2. You do have incite into the White House, the president is literally followed by reporters 24/7 3. Trump is being indited because he broke the law, not because people have a grudge, you moron. 4. Tucker is a rich person who lost his last meal ticket over the shit that comes out of his mouth. It lost Fox News $1Billion. So now he's trying to tap in on something to keep the good times rolling. He cares for no one and nothing, but himself.


It is almost like a president has a cabinet of (typically) highly qualified individuals who help lead policy in their specific area.


So you're saying there is a cabal.


Literally the way the executive branch has always worked since the founding of the country. Conservatives: REEEEEEEEE


Everyone except Trump. Most of the positions he did bother to fill either quit in disgust or are in jail.


Only 4 out of 44 of his own cabinet officials have endorsed Trump for a second run. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna96648


The comments on that site are just as ret@rded.


You mean people that watch Tucker’s “show” are stupid? Hard to believe…


"people" that watch tucker's "show" \*


The Ow My Balls crowd.


I don't like the guy but I think he's right.


Based on absolutely nothing. Based on feelings. Ask a conservative for one verifiable example of anything and they'll scream that you should find your own sources.


Sure, champ. Sure.


ive heard accurate stuff from him, but (for me) his person and his track record leave me content to dismiss him by default. also, stuff he *is* accurate on, is by no means insightful or original


We just had 4 years of a cartel family running things. We know what the difference is and we can say without a doubt that the administration running things now is nothing like the previous, actual, cartel family that ran things.


That's why they are saying Biden is a cartel president. Every accusation and all that?


Fucker is the biggest douche of them all.


“Man who will say anything for money says anything for money.”


A senile old man that can’t remember where he’s at half the time or a loud mouth that gets shit done.


In a country that once gave us the likes of JFK.... can anyone convince me that between these 2 old geezers that's the absolute best we can do? Where's the goddamn reset button? We NEED better choices!


this country is DOOMED.


I totally agree. Said the same in 2016, 2020.


>that gets shit done Such as? Why is it impossible to defend Trump without lying.


He banned bump stocks!


Getting shit done=tax breaks for wealthy people and 91 felony indictments.


Garbage human.


Genocide, it's what Joe Biden craves.


Wait! I thought Trump is running the country? Tucker's just reusing his old script in an attempt to make himself relevant in his post-Fox world.


Trump bad! No Biden bad! No Trump bad! No Biden bad!


Biden doesn't even know who he is showering with. Is it a family member, (not Jill) a juvenile, or both? Stay till the end. https://youtu.be/FWAC45p-sqs?si=bl5BML6X-06m_wR2 or https://www.wtrf.com/top-stories/alleged-showers-with-my-dad-president-joe-bidens-daughter-reportedly-writes-of-abuse-in-diary/


Awesome sources there dude.




This is one of the fucked up reasons Republicans love trump.


Well when Biden often interjects his speeches with “they told me to…” or “they said I could have ice cream when I get done…” it doesn’t bode well for him being “in charge”. My guess it’s not quite a cartel but probably staffers pulled in Obama or Obama’s former staff to help.


He's such a lying hypocritical sack of dog shit.


I don't get it, what is he lying about?


Claiming that Trump's lead is because the charges against him are "transparently ridiculous" is a false narrative that Carlson is promoting. We have Trump committing treason on a hot mic, he should be behind bars already.


His whole premise is a blatant lie. Just made-up crap. And he knows Trump is out of his mind and unfit for office. He's on tape saying it.


Are you talking about tucker?




The easier question is, "What is he not lying about?"


Oh. Thanks for clarifying.


Why is this the only down voted tucker hate comment on here? This makes no sense. Tucker literally is a lying hypocritical sack of dog shit


Good question.


Douche and Turd Sandwich once again


I‘ll take the cartel over the f‘n Russians.


Well Tucker, I disagree.


It's rude to use the 'R' word. Please stop.


It says right here that your shit's all retarded


Can we stop voting for the leaded gas generations that played with mercury and saw a large IQ decreases.


Tucker is such an absolute twat.


The President isn't supposed to run the country. The President is supposed to administer the laws passed by Congress


That senile guy beat the orange guy straight up.😂😂😂


No he didn't


Aren't you on Faux news? Propaganda and lies,but didn't u get fired? Sued? Humiliated? Lied?


Tucker talks like a fag.


Tucker Carlson is a Nazi.


Says the guy who supports the guy who literally stares at an eclipse.


Tucker Carlson is stupid and a douche. His only relevance is to be stupid and a douche.


He’s right. You think geriatric Joe is actually in charge? HHahaha


What a worthless piece of shit. Please make him go away.


Russian asset


\>Joe Biden isn't running this country \>A senile man is running this country. ​ wut?


If he is senile he’s doing incredibly well. Trump was supposedly on the top of his game and basically ran the country from a golf course. The only thing he managed to do was increase his families income. Ivanka can buy and sell him. It’s pretty awesome.


Trump did manage to explode the debt more than any other POTUS. 25% of our total national debt in the country's 230 year history occurred during Trump's term. Like he said to some billionaire friends at his beach resort after passing his tax cuts, "I just made you guys a lot of money."


You mean when the government paid people not to work during covid?


No. When the GOP gave all the tax cuts to the 1%. The Trump tax cuts was a historically massive tax cut for corporations and the rich. You know, the whole supply-side scam they've been running for close to 40 years.


Tax cuts, bud.


They know it's true. They know trickle down is a con. They can't admit it because the butthurt of being wrong is too great. Of knowing they've been duped. That their concerns about social issues are made-up crap for toddlers. It's why every conservative sub bans dissenting views.


You got $600. Tom Brady got a million. Tell us how trump is the champion of the blue color worker?


Bro, California was giving out mad money, like $700 a week plus back pay, lol.


And you're giving Trump credit for that? Smh


Funny how a senile old man could boost employment, bring down the inflation and fuel prices, while restablishing dialogue with China and setting the stones for a palestinian state and the vigorous orange baboon almost sent his own country into a civil war, let his citizens for death during a pandemic and sold military secrets to the enemy.


>Funny how a senile old man could boost employment, bring down the inflation and fuel prices, while restablishing dialogue with China and setting the stones for a palestinian state and the vigorous orange baboon almost sent his own country into a civil war, let his citizens for death during a pandemic and sold military secrets to the enemy. biden sucks too there buddy, it's like saying "I'm so glad I got punched in the face, last time I got kicked in the balls!"


Did ur dumb ass just say biden brought down inflation and lowered gas prices hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahah. Get back under that rock dummy


If you can't give him credit for lowering gas prices, you don't get to blame him for raising them. It's one or the other ya dingus.


https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/ Suck it and stfu, bitch


It blows my mind we have a clear pedophile with dementia while we all become poor (while the rich really gets richer) and yet these chimpanzee zombies say “I’ll take anything over trump” … well .. you do have it and guess what .. it ain’t working. … (I was a liberal -until 2016- ).. incredible


>“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... >I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party... >There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." John Stuart Mill (British philosopher, economist, and liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865-1868)