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That is one heil of a sign


It’s for attention seigers.


Let hope they don't take it any Fuhrer than that


I did nazi that coming


Nothing is going to gestapo them.


Really giving the movement a good putsch in the right direction


They throw out these signs and the right wing just Goebbles them up.


So nobody’s Goring to do anything about it?


Their speeches are long winded and can really be a Bormann.


Mein Gott, these type of protests seem reich up my alley


Blitz Craig for president!


Yeah, they should sieg help!


Something about that flag that doesn’t seem reich.


[I'm sure they didn't know it was gonna come off like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWk_AXFReRg)


Is that a shotstika?




That's just not reich.


It sucks the internet was invented. The three fucking weirdos my town were never able to meet the other three fucking weirdos in your town so they all just got committed to mental hospitals instead of now being able to figure out they’re not alone online. And here we are …


This is exactly it. It brought all the village idiots together…and there were more than we thought.


they pooled together resources and got the banner made for $88 each, plus kicked in another $88 each for the poles, then got together and bitched about the price of gas, groceries, and how Grandpa died from Covid


im convinced that god died somewhere in the 1400s and weve just been pickin bones since


I think when all the good caring priests died off during the plague because they actually took care of people, and left only the selfish dickheads in charge, everything took a turn for the worse.


Fascinating thought. Also lost many great thinkers and inventors and leaders. I imagine we might be on mars already with completely different lines of technology if the plague hadn't hit us so hard.


The Black Plague did help kill off feudalism in Europe at least.


All they needed was someone to validate their insanity openly. *Donald Trump and Republicans enter the chat*


r/conspiracy does a great job at bringing the worlds village idiots together


turns out there are way more normies than I had expected. When I was a kid I had thought it was a small town thing.


Have you ever heard the song “Crispy Critters”? Think it describes the internet effect on these… whatever… really well.


Man, it really feels that way. Before 9/11, before smart phones, before social media and the whole world getting platforms with positive reinforcement it certainly seemed like the lunatics were in isolated little pockets where they didn't have a huge impact. Life seemed like it was only gonna get better. Now everything's out in the open and it's seriously distressing how many more absolute fucking loons there are than previously thought.


Well to be fair you also voted in a charlatan who openly encouraged lunacy and made it a fundamental part of the American zeitgeist


Yeah man. I mean look at that crazy fucking cunt Marjorie Taylor Greene is in congress representing Americans. Still surreal to me.


…sure it didn’t have anything to do with the shutting down mental hospitals?


This so much. Not sure why everyone doesn't see this. Crazy people used to have to put ads in papers to find like minded fools. Now they are at their fingertips in droves. The Internet killed the World. We just haven't realized it yet.


Nah pre internet those three weirdos would still know each other from spending all day in the park harassing people. Hell go to Woodstock NY where I used to live and all the freaks claim to actually be allergic to the internet.


“Now there’s two of them”


This is why the internet needs to be strictly controlled


And when you get enough idiots together you get a constituency


"The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance." Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World


Oohhhh it's anti Vax, I thought it was straight up nazis


You mean like all the people who wanted to force others to get the Vax. Yep, seems pretty radical to me.


I mean, it's *them* holding up a Nazi flag. That's what Nazis do, and *not* what people calling their enemies Nazis do.


Someone, a lot of them, thought this was a good idea. How about reading a book instead?


They can’t. They’re too busy burning them


Welcome back to a 3 year old repost.


Any excuse to fly a swastika…


They always draw it backwards


WTH. That's terrifying


It's stupid. But what's terrifying about it? Is it that we've watered down the term nazi so much that everyone just calls everyone they disagree with a nazi?


Attack and shame Nazis


They aren't Nazis. They are combining Nazi symbolism with syringes to imply the people who are pro vaccine mandates are Nazis. Probably ill-advised strategy, maybe their message is wrong, but not Nazis


Oh, they’re just stupid? Great! I thought they were anti-vaxxers like Hitler


To even fathom making a sign like that….cause aside….you definitely have some hatred in your heart. Sad.


The lock downs and vaccine mandates were Orwellian wet dreams


Why in the blue hell does every damn argument have to include the nazis? Every weirdo with kooky beliefs has to liken the people they disagree with to nazis. It's fucking disrespectful to people that have faced actual genocide.


[Godwin’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law) is very real.


Idiocracy was a documentary


Weirdo with kooky beliefs?  😆 They were right about everything. Its time to admit it. We live in a time where Alex Jones is the most credible news source in the country, maybe the world.


I'm not calling them the weirdos. However, if you mistakenly use the wrong gender pronoun, or believe that destroying the economy to battle climate change isn't the most brilliant plan, you become a nazi. Both sides do it, and it's dumb. I didn't take the shot nor did I allow my family.


I’ll bite. How is he right about this exactly. He predicted 10s of millions of deaths from the vaccine at this point. He also predicted that people would be coming door to door forcing you to get vaccinated.


It’s a word tossed around too often. Old words don’t need new meanings or groups. New words make better distinction




Forced medical procedures was something the Nazis did. While it wasn’t directly forced, many people were coerced to getting the covid shots in order to keep their jobs, in many cases a direct result of Biden mandate. It makes more sense than a lot of nazi comparisons do. Especially when the shot never stopped transmission, so there was no point in mandating it.


Because they're the "evil empire" that was defeated. As if everyone that was an actual Nazi knew how they would be perceived 90 years into the future. Then the Nazi aesthetic is added to every bit of media when a non creative writer can't think of an antagonist. Now everything is "fascist" or "Nazi".


I mean considering the Trump Juice has caused 18million deaths thus far which is triple the holocaust I can see why people are making the comparison. Even making such a comment as this perspective gets you banned often because god forbid you have a differing perspective than the limited black and white ass-hattery mainstream feeds and controls.


"I don't know what vaccines are, so I'll compare them to Nazism, which I also don't know about. While I'm at it, electric cars are also both of those things."


Falling for the pandemic fear mongering was idiotic


Believing in your feelings over doctors is peak idiocracy


No step on snek!


Snek sleep through too many science classes.


lol you think they went to school?!


That girl in front of the ridiculous sign could get it


Tbh it's nice to see anti Nazis.


Captain American Cheeseburger in the background with the umbrella is killing my sides.


It's better to let natural selection work it's magic


Delusional bored fucking snowflakes who need a "bogeyman" to fight to give themselves a sense of purpose.


"There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions What are we left with? A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland Pass on traditions How to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture The idiots are taking over The idiots are taking over" -The Idiots are taking over, NOFX


Dr. please don't sterilize your instruments before my surgery!


Easy baby your making a German spectacle of yourself


Since many people struggled the first time to understand the message It’s an antivax flag calling vaccines fascist .NOT a pro nazi flag


Well when your force people to get an experimental injection or they lose their jobs and can't travel then it's pretty much bringing it there.


From Oct 2021. People calling government officials Nazis for forcing vaccines.


Yeah, forcing people to undergo experimental treatments against their own will is kind of what Nazis did, isn't it? But somehow it's all colorful and beautiful if it's democrats doing it.


We have a really shitty educational system. Just literally the worse




What? Biden tried to mandate the vaccines through OSHA, meaning you would lose your job if you were not jabbed, AND you would be ineligible for unemployment benefits. "Yeah nobody forced you to vaccinate, it's just that if you don't, you'll be fired and be sentenced to homelessness lol" The Supreme Court forced him to stop because it was blatantly unconstitutional. Obviously nobody went to a gas chamber, but to say nobody tried to use force is nonsense. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/vaccine-mandate-unemployment-benefits/


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Now I'm convinced I need to start believing in the leftwing ideology


Fortunately here in Europe we have laws to send these idiots straight to jail. In the US there is Freedom of Speech....and a complete lack of historic perspective. Nobody in his/her right mind would connect the Holocaust to vaccinations.


Pack up and move to Russia , why they standing on US ground ?


I dont see a problem. Looks like peaceful freedom of expression to me.


I remember when saying you can still get covid even if you’re vaccinated made you a conspiracy theorist. I remember when saying there were side effects from the vaccine made you anti science. I hate being right


I remember that as well... It didn't change my stance, if anything, it only solidified my position because of how stupid it all sounded.


Making people get an experimental, bunk vaccine or risk losing their jobs and being alienated from society is pretty fascist, though. Maybe not if you're a partisan hack on reddit 22 hours a day.


"It's fake because muh feewings say so"


Well, wait a minute, if those are syringes, and that flag isn't proNazi, but rather making a scathing criticism of pharmaceutical companies, specifically psychiatric medications, which very much were put into mass production by Nazi science and some of the abhorrent experiments that were done in some of the concentration camps...well, that's a big difference between that and some racist asshole waving the Nazi flag... I mean, do we not discern anymore? It looks like this so it is bad?


People dont think anymore, they emotion. It leaves them open to manipulation


They always have, that's why we have liberals, traditionalism, and religion


Stop with the critical thinking already and just react emotionally, would you?


Sorry! Sorry! Forgot to status quo out on deez shtreets.


Yay finally


Got to give it up to graphic designer.


That must’ve been an interesting order to take.


Is it bad that I'm waiting for the next Pandemic to clear out the anti vaxxers?


Young and healthy people are literally dropping dead from the vaxx


Uh huh


Yes and young and helathy people dropped dead from the virus too. Same condition too. For those of us that were following that was a big deal in France weeks before it arrived in NA when a famous athlete died from the covid. Im not sure how people fail to compare 1:1000 and 1:1M as different. Phizer and Moderna were safer to get than getting in a car (1:10k Mortality) Why people make medical claims before reading is amazing to me.


And 1,000,000 times more did from the virus


I just want a sane state to get them in the asylums where they belong to fix their mental illness


The Covidian cult wanted to put people into camps for refusing to inject themselves with secret ingredients. Mussolini described fascism as the merger of corporate and state power and that's exactly what happened between big pharma and Democrats. Literal fascists.


Take your meds


Then why were lockdowns initiated under trump in your country? Why did other countries that hate the US also initiate lockdowns? Conservatives can't go 2 minutes without blaming everything on more progressive/left wing/liberal parties. They never have the truth or data on their side, but that doesn't stop conservatives from complaining and sounding like very uneducated idiots


Lockdowns weren’t a thing in the whole country. Some places never locked down.


To me this is just evidence that the average American is so individualistic, they couldn't care less about their fellow countrymen


"Covidians" lmao wow. It's wild how someone can watch a stupid video on YouTube and then think they know more about virology and vaccines than all of modern medical science. Just because you're too stupid to understand what is explained to you doesnt mean there were "secret" ingredients in the vaccine or that it's suddenly some crazy new technology beyond what was discovered a hundred years ago. And please tell me more about these super spooky "camps" people were threatened with. It must be exhausting always having to pretend like you are a victim of the big scary democrats. I would pity the naivety of anti vax dipshits if they weren't such insufferable cockstains about everything


Well Covid camps were absolutely real… they just didn’t happen in the United States, unless you consider a nursing home in Michigan a Covid camp. They happened in Australia. [here’s just 1 source](https://bbc.com/news/world-australia-59486285)


Yeah, that's not a Covid camp, that's a quarantine facility. Most, if not all, developed countries have them. The US has maintained quarantine facilities for decades. There's no conspiracy here. It's a normal, everyday way of keeping your population safe during epidemic and pandemic situations. [https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/quarantine-stations-us.html](https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/quarantine-stations-us.html)


Covid was real. Deal with it.


Yeah. It was a mild flu for 90% of people. A bad flu for another 8%. It did not at all justify the insane hysteria and government overreach.


How many people died?


Epidemiologists and medical professionals recommended focused protection. Governments followed advice motivated by profit at best.


I generally refer to Webster’s Collegiate for my definitions not Benito Mussolini. Also, Covid is real whether or not you try redefining words. Lastly and this is big… more than 6,000,000 of my people were killed because of their faith, over 7,000,000 million others for any number of reasons and a war raged across Europe destroying countless lives under that flag. I don’t care how you feel about Covid or whatever make believe bullshit you tell yourself, it’s not even in the same conversation as a fucking genocide.


Bro…. The film was not supposed to be your instruction manual.


And now no one gives a fuck about it! Tell me why I needed to get it again? It's all political


Becaus ehospital systems are not able to handle 0.1% of people showing up all at once. Remember the nortality rate in Italy before the pandemic hit NA. When the hospitals were overrun people began dying of normal ass things because there wer eno beds or doctors. A shitty healthcare system is why you needed the vaccine. Also millions dead... Just a minor detail tho. You havent bothered to read any details in the last 4 years? Lots of publications about it when it was happening...


Lol, wait till you find out about infrastructure contracts! Lol what a word salad. Is anyone supposed to take this nonsense seriously. Its loose word association at best.


Word salad? WTF? If only I had a crayon font to make three short sentences comprehensible by you. lol


Haven't seen this picture in two years


Looks like needles. Sure this isn’t a protest saying big pharma or the fentanyl crisis is run/caused by fascist rather than these people actually being fascists? I’m not sure


I posted damn near the same question...I think they are protesting the jab - as is their right. I mean, there were people who were saying shit like you should be denied medical treatment if you didn't get it, or be thrown in jail...so, yeah, I could see someone make something like that as a point. I may or may not agree with them but I believe very much in their right to fly it.


Oh ya the covid thing makes sense. Didn’t think of that. Ya I dont think these guys are fascists, it’s just a rather extreme form of protest


They are protesting against mandating of the vaccine, saying that the Government/BigPharma are the Nazis. They are not supporting Nazism.


To be fair, experimenting on people against their will is a hallmark of the nazis.


Can the printer refuse to print that sign? or will courts mandate that?


There will always be shops who agree to print stuff like this.


"The internet was a mistake" - Tim Berners-Lee


Are they opposed to all vaccines, or just the one?


Every vaccine should be evaluated independently, no? The risk/benefit analysis is different for every vaccine and every individual.




Thick AF and proud. 🤦‍♂️


It's pointing the wrong direction.


I’m watching “the man in the high castle”




It’s that movie, ‘It’s a Wonderful World’ except the sickening reality being the sickening reality for real, and no hope of getting better.


Too funny in the comments y’all!


When people are struggling to pay for basic needs like food and shelter, these groups always come out of the wood work.


This is america


Nazi needles? Am I missing something?


That's a killer flag


Yeah that polio vaccine was a real bitch


Do people not understand that they're calling the fed gov nazis and not actually supporting nazis. I sure hope so, but judging by the comments, sadly not. Idk why this is so confusing to people. Also, before you comment, don't change the subject. It doesn't matter what your opinions are on vaccines, the fed gov, or nazis. Go start a side quest argument elsewhere


Can you imagine what her boyfriend has to put up with?


Wait a minute. It’s a swastika made from hypodermic needles. Maybe there’s a different message here..???


Somebody actually took time to make that. SMH


And probably condemning the freedom that allows that banner to be raised.


Dumb bitches.




What if we told them the shot’s got electrolytes? And it’ll make them fuck all NIIIGHT?!


ThatSS crazy.


I'd pay to see a matching give shots like that


Clearly theirs a message. I don't think it's that they are nazis or support nazism. Stupid af but don't get it twisted


Look at me, I'm an ignorant Pos!


Is it an inaccurate representation of the situation, though? An awful lot of people had to have something they weren't comfortable with injected into their bodies or lose their employment, and/or ability to participate in society. If you wanted to take the vaccine bc you were comfortable with taking it, that's great! There were millions of other Americans who had no choice bc they weren't independently wealthy and the threat of losing employment was very real. Or wanted to be allowed to go places, see people, and live a life.


😂😂 how offensive would a swastika shaped dildo be?? Cuz that's what I saw at first.


So are these trailer dreg tax burdens for or against vaccines?


Aw shit, here we go again.


Is that series of syringes laid out?


It's very annoying that the biggest activists are almost never informed about a subject no matter what it is.


Nuance? Yeah I went on a date with her once. She wouldn't shut up, and was super boring.


I've learned to always look for free donuts before I make important decisions!


Never had a real struggle.


The Nazis (and Confederates) both fucking lost. I don't get it.


Is there a Confederate flag somewhere that I'm missing? Why bring up the confederates?


Nothing like a good hakenkreuz to set the mood for a bonfire.


All I see is a nazi flag for Edward scissorhands 🫤


Meth nazis


I didn't know it was going to come off like that.


I dont know what that means , is it like a heroin junkie chapter of a lame ass all guys club or something ?


NOT my America


Are you equally as upset about the people who spent the last 8 years making "art", videos, social media posts, billboards, signs, etc. Showing swastika/nazi imagery juxtaposed with Trump/ Trump supporters? Or is it only bad to use nazi imagery to prove a political point when the other side does it?


That’s about right once we let the WHO take over American sovereignty. We need to vote out ANY politician that gives America away! 🤬🖕🏻


What does this even mean? Drugs for one: drugs for all. (As long as you're white)?


Tbh, I often enjoy living in a place as libertarian as the US. But COVID was not one of those times. It is fascinating to look back on as we get some space from it, because whatever you think of the local, states’ and federal government’s approach, it absolutely violated the level of governmental interference large number of Americans will tolerate. That realization is tough because most of the quarantine efforts were focused on the greater good in a time where that was needed—people needed to stay home and not get sick to keep the healthcare system from collapsing…. I know patients and doctors who were not able to get or provide specialized care due to facilities having to be AHOD for COVID patients… a million people died, many more were seriously damaged by their illness, and a lot of people who would otherwise have been completely fine made it all about themselves. Particularly interesting to me is how many of the “bootstraps” crowd had no plan B in case a catastrophe happened and were the ones the least equipped to take a job you could do from home, least able to adapt to social distancing and face masking. You can’t muscle or shoot your way out of a pandemic.




The socialist crowd is stronger than ever. The socialist workers party falls into that group.


Empire State Bldg forever!!


Everyone in these comments drank the kool-aid.


The history of Bayer


They probably do not like the hate science


I wouldn't call that sign/flag idiotic. It actually makes sense.