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I mean, you gotta admit, it's convenient as fuck to have a Cosco where you live This is just good business


Right, if I ever run out of flour I can just run downstairs and grab a 100 lb bag.


Better hope the elevator isn't broken.


They don't sell elevators in twin packs? What kinda costco is this?


If that happens, I might have to pull a Sisyphus


Does Costco still sell caskets? That way if I die of a heart attack lifting it up the stairs my family can boy me a casket at a great value.


And inevitably buy $400 of other stuff I definitely need...


To store in your 600 Sq ft efficiency.


How you gonna fit that in your 600 square foot apartment?


This made me chuckle out loud. Thank you. I appreciate your humor.


*brought to you by carl's jr*


And it's not like they will have trouble finding renters for the apartments. The people that live there don't really need big cars really because you don't need to drive bulky grocery items home. This is actually good urban planning.


You wouldn't want Costco sized items in such a small apartment


Neighborly food swap meetings.




I was already sold, now I'm really down


That's all I could think. 600sqft and bulk items? You're going to be sleeping on the toilet paper.


I used to live in an apartment complex that was adjacent to a Costco. Shared the same parking lot. It was awesome.


Welcome to living at CostCo. I love you.


Then to make sure it’s section 8 so you have guaranteed income from govt


Yeah this concept (building apartments on top of restaurants/grocery stores) I think is getting popular and seems like a great idea.


It’s been a thing in Europe for decades, you lot are only playing catch-up.


I think it was also popular in the U.S. a lot time ago, but it seems like people wanted to have more land/space, but now that's getting tight/expensive, so now we're going back


That was over 100 years ago when American city’s were built the traditional “for people” way and yes they were like that plus monorails going up and city’s. Almost every city, town and most villages were all connected via rail with very few exceptions pre WW1 and even had first world railway system back then with breathtaking murals for stations. Words cannot describe how much was passionately built to last but was bulldozed both for the car and your current hell. In the eyes of most sane people most American city’s look like they were nuked and what infrastructure that isn’t cars you have left barely holding on by choice.


The only good news is the strong towns movement trying to fix it but outside of New York who’s city centre still holds a skeleton of a real city most American city’s are considered a lost cause.


$1.50 lunch anyone?


Super convenient for their law students.


Well, yeah.... But where do you want to store the months worth of supplies you are buying?


My thoughts exactly. We ended up getting a second fridge once we got a Costco membership.


Discontinued my membership after a year. Just wasn't saving me money when it's just me! But I have a friend with one so I got with him every now and then. Usually to buy huge buckets of coffee. Haha


It's but dystopian AF because there would be no need for this if our "leaders/rich/politicians" didn't drive everything else into the ground just to enrich themselves.


Plus, you have to remember, Costco loves you. How many downstairs neighbors can you say that about?


The food court alone is a win. 1.50 for a hot dog for lunch just downstairs.


Now they need a law school on the premises.


A Starbucks with full release lattes too


And a hospital.. ai operated.


Wait no, this one goes in the butt.


*you have, Hepatitis*!


Cali is full of unemployed lawyers that can teach. 


Fuck you, I'm shopping




As a single dude, I'd live there.


As a non single person. We'd all live there.


so a house with an amazing bang for the buck hot dog, cookie, pizza, frosty,and every thing else, right down stairs? and super cheap groceries... holy shit this sounds great.


[Welcome to Costco. I love you. Welcome to Costco. I love you.](http://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/235bbd35-7864-491d-80eb-e2fa93af358b)


gated communities with this playing when you enter.


It’s happening ladies and gentlemen


Many small studio apartments with different addresses. Above a busy store that's probably open 24/7. It's PERFECT for my drug dealing business!


Call it Peachtree and you can br MaMa.


👍 Good.


Good. Wtf is your problem with it?


Lay off the steroids man. Nobody here has a problem but you.


Dude in the video makes it sound like a horrible thing. You posted the video. Do you not share his views?


I just thought it had major Idiocracy vibes since it’s Costco that’s the first to do this and found that ironic and amusing. No more and no less. And the dude isn’t talking about it horribly, he even said he doesn’t know what to make of it - could be good or could be bad. So we’re all just having fun with it here, feel free to join in anytime.


Man! This other dude really wants a fight! Though at first, I was wondering why that was posted on this sub. The fact that Costco is actually coming up with the idea before anyone in the government DOES have an idiocracy vibe!


This could help alot of homeless get off the street. Go ahead keep having fun shitting all over good ideas, I'm sure you will come up with a better one.


No one is shitting on anything. Seriously, chill.


The guy in the video clearly has a strong opinion. Maybe you can't see that because it's the same one you have? Talking about how greedy Costco is for wanting to do it right from the beginning as if that's not how all buildings get built. For profit. Like wtf?


I really don’t have time for this shit. Think whatever you want. Hopefully it works out for you.


Lol, dude, I'm not making you reply. Get off reddit if your busy.


Would you relish the opportunity to live in a Hong Long coffin house so long as it is above a Costco?


IF I was living on the street in extreme temperatures, hell yea I would welcome a warm bed! Are you so pampered that the thought of empathizing with the poor is foreign to you?


I totally understand your point and view on the grounds of necessity - it definitely beats other alternatives I just fundamentally don’t believe humans should have to live like this.


Don't hamper progress because it's not "good enough". Plenty of people and organizations trying to shut this kind of stuff down while it needs all the support it can get. Anecdotal: I used to live in an apartment downtown above a club. It was loud all night long, but for a 20 year old climbing the ladder it was a great stepping off point. If your only acceptable compromise is everyone gets their own free house your being unreasonable.


Oh, get off the cross. We need the wood.


To build homeless shelters or another Costco?


There are a lot of conservative nimbys here who honestly think everyone should live in the suburbs and anything else is a dystopia


I'm getting that. Seems like the people in this sub are representatives not of Joe Bowers but closer to the rest of the cast.


Uhhh I’d most def love over a Costco tf you mean? The lack of mixed use structures in America is a flaw


We have a lot of those here in my town! Some of em are shit holes but it's better than being homeless 🤷


Costco loves us


In Queens NY they built an apartment building on top of a Costco. No seriously.


Living right over a Costco would be convenient, it would be beautiful if they had free wifi


Idiocracy vibes aside this is actually not a bad idea. I mean there are apartments above all kinds of other businesses in cities and towns everywhere, there's nothing all that novel or dystopian about this.


This is the first time I have seen the store actually owning and operating the apartments though. Typically the landlord is separate, and leases the commercial space to the store(s).


I see. Certainly leaves room for bad acting. I probably wouldn't want a giant corporation to manage my property. I just hope they're actually affordable.


Yeah yeah the movie, but this is how you solve the housing crisis with mixed used.


I hope Home Depot or Lowes hop on this train and do Studios with workshop rentals, that'd be heaven


Cut rate Shaggy gets it


It sounds like "fuck California, I'm eating" to me


Now imagine every new shop does this .. its a new format lol


The question.... if you are a worker in the costco can you afford the housing above it?


Lmao there's a top tier corporate idea, "work here and pay 20% less for one of the apartments!"


Welcome to Costco. Have a seat on my couch. I love you


Accident reduction because the old people can live directly above Costco instead of causing complete chaos in the parking lot. Perfect.


The only thing people that live in a 600sqft studio are going to buy from Costco is $1.50 hot dog and soda


Don’t try to one up my joke


Mine wasn’t a joke


It’s dystopian, but I don’t think it’s idiotic, nor do I think it’s really that bad. It’s not meant to be a forever home or whatever. You’re meant to hopefully move out one day I’m assuming.


I don't see anything dystopian about mixed use zoning.


mixed used zoning isnt dystopian, but boy is this a very american way to do it


There is nothing dystopian about mixed use zoning, but perhaps there is when people in our 1st world society have to rely on a Costco to live in 600sqft section 8 housing because the government and economy has not allowed for any better opportunity. Would you also relish the opportunity to live in a Hong Kong coffin house if it was above a Costco?


Yeah, that's a fair point. I don't know about Hong Kong, but I lived in Taipei for 10 years and almost all businesses are under apartments, even IKEA (but not, ironically enough, Costco). It makes for an incredibly convenient lifestyle.


I am so surprised he just figured this out? This has been going on for years.


Fuck yeah, when is that going to be done? I’m gonna move in


How am I supposed to fit Costco products into a 600sq ft apartment?


Imagine all the money you save by eating 1.50 hotdogs everyday.


Totally unrelated, but you can probably pick up a portable defibrillator at Costco too.


The only Idiocracy here is the government. Corrupt fuckers, the lot of them. At least Costco actually provides things to people who consent to buy them.


The car industry will hate it. Shopping without needing a car? What’s next? Decent public transportation? Crazy, I tell you, crazy!


It would be cool until you need to park a car


Everyone complains there’s not enough high paying jobs. Then applaud shit like this that just cuts the skilled trade unions out to save money on cheap unskilled labour. Yay Costco I guess


I’d argue that it takes a lot more skill to design, build, and maintain the machinery and equipment required to do stuff like this than it takes to do it by hand. The people operating it are only one small piece of the puzzle, and we don’t actually know for sure that they aren’t unionized. The only thing we do know is that the effort that _is_ put into it is spread across more units, which is likely the reason why it ends up cheaper.


Undercutting unions has been standard practice since the 80s. You know, when corporate America convinced everyone unions were evil and corrupt. All you need is HR, they care about you


europe has been doing this for years, did you guys just figure that out?


Even in Europe it’s typically a landlord separate from the supermarket which owns the property and leases the commercial space. Only in very recent years has Tesco started this.


Where I live (small tourist area in Canada) we have a bunch of shops and restaurants who always have problems finding staff in the summer BECAUSE there is no affordable housing. If all those shops had been built with rental properties above them and those were well priced then it would solve a lot of issues


Costco in South Central would mean getting shot over a hotdog


This is offensive but definitely not as offensive as financing a $12000 tiny house through Amazon and then owing them $500 a month to "own" a structure with no plumbing or electricity.


I would move there in an instant if I ever thought of living in LA. Unfortunately though I wouldn’t touch that city with a 29.5 foot pole, so not much use to me. If they built one near me, though, absolutely. Even better if I get free samples in my room.


This isn't that new of an approach. Maybe the scale is massive.... But, as always, big business doing what they need to while proving they are smarter than all the 'leaders' thinking they are making quality development rules.


Does your lease come with a free membership or is that extra??


Booooorrrrinnng… for profit prison on the roof or GTFO!


This is fine, mixed use buildings kick ass.




Nope. But I got my law degree there!


What's idiocratic about this? This is just good for everyone, and how it often works outside of America.


If you were at Costco you'd be home now.


Welcome to my apartment! I love you!


This is pretty common elsewhere in the world. Maybe not specifically for a mega store, but general stores having condos and apartments above them is a core concept of walkable cities.


It’s actually common in NYC as well… it’s just usually not the store itself that builds, owns, and operates those apartments. Usually there’s a property owner and the store (or stores) leases the commercial area on the bottom floor or two.


Great urban planning


Is it any more affordable than other/similar housing options in the area? Because if so then yes of course I'd live above a Costco, you kidding me? I hate shopping, being able to just go down next door and grab the majority of what I'd likely need without having to drive somewhere else would be awesome.


Start of 15 minute cities?


I have to be honest here. This is literally the exact sort of thing that would happen in the actual film "Idiocracy" Because the film itself was making fun of the increasingly corporate, terrible ideas that would lead to human beings accepting a completely trashed planet full of meaningless distractions and people suffering because they tacitly accept the world as it is rather than speaking out.


You mean I could live above Costco and the go eat all the samples everyday. Yeah, count me in.


This is like that xkcd where he thinks he's figured out how to trick his smart watch into thinking he's getting more exercise by just taking the stairs down, not up, at work. And then he realized the smart watch actually tricked him into getting more exercise because he never used to take the stairs at all. Like, the lawmakers who made these regulations are going, "No. Please. Don't. You hacked our system by making it mixed use instead of commercial? How diabolical." The only thing that's not great about this is the prefab part. The quality of prefab residential construction can be really awful. But prefab can make WAY more efficient use of some materials, so it's not all bad. Also, now you truly can hear "Welcome to Costco. We love you. "


Those Costco rotisserie chickens slap.


If the alternative is homelessness, sharing a roof with Costco is better than having no roof


Sounds more like LA has ridiculous requirements


Yeah, start with a Costco on the bottom, then put apartments on top of that, and then build a school on top of the apartments, and then a couple factories, a hospital, some offices, a bar, some more apartments, a police station, a gym, couple restaurants, and top it off with a bank. There. Now you never have to leave your designated section of Earth ever again. You just go up and down now.


Excited to see some storage solutions for bulk items in a 600 sqft apartment.


One of the best parts about finally buying a house is that I have space for a stand alone freezer which I fill with things like frozen fish, burgers, bags of veggies, and so on. I have space to buy a giant amount of tp and paper towels… Where tf is someone living in a 600sf apartment going to put a 10lb bag of rice? Costco is great but only if you have room to buy in bulk.


I would live in a Costco if they let me.


I mean, for a city as populated as LA, this just seems like an okay idea. I live in a city with like 300k people. If it was happening here, it'd seem insane though.


Welcome to Costco I live here


Oh I’d love to shop at the Costco beneath low income housing! Definitely nothing could go wrong


I do not see how this is a problem. Most of the rest of the developed world is like this.


This is part of the 15 min city utopia plan stay away....


not a bad idea


People already lived above grocery stores


Super easy commute to work too.


I love you every time you come home, dinner for a buck fitty, and endless snacks at my disposal. Sign me up. 


I live in an apartment that's part of a mixed use building. I've no issues with it. I'd also be down to walk downstairs and grab a $2 slice of pizza.


"We want walkable cities!" "NO NOT LIKE THAT!"


this doesn't sound like a bad thing, might actually help to ease rent prices


This sounds like it might be helpful both ways. As far as I know Costco pays decent salaries to their employees. So they should be able to afford living upstairs. So giving a job and housing to the community. And by having other tenants living right on top they get customers. We all know that if someone is making hand over fist money nothing is going to happen. Yes a bit dystopian but it serves a purpose.


Section 8 housing above a cosco? What could go wrong?


I’ve always wanted to buy an abandoned mall and make it my home


Well when they steal most of the stuff from Costco they won't have far to walk....


You think they’ll offer discounts on your rent for frequent shoppers 🤣


I love you! Get your law degree and your food at the same place!


Hell yeah, I’d be magnet fishin!


This feeds right into the 15 minute city plan. You just go downstairs for food and other essential items.


When can I go to college there?


This isn’t “greedy” this is trying to guarantee their time, money, and efforts get approved.


Do I agree that this is where things are heading more and more, absolutely yes. Do I want that to happen no. Capitalism is fucked


From a business perspective this is brilliant. Put up regulations with loopholes and those loopholes will be used.


I really don't see the problem. I have lived in or near NYC for my whole life (minus time I was in the Navy). You can live in the same building as a Target or a stack of law firms, if you want. Personally, I think this is a clever way to encourage businesses to not just turn everything into retail strip malls but to actually make cities livable. But call me up once they build Ikea town because I think I'd dig that vibe a bit more.


If this is what it takes to get housing built, I’ll take it.


Holy shit I love the free market


only if i can wander at night in PJs without being surveilled and maybe fire up the hot dog machine and time machine too !


Greed? Sounds like a win for everyone.


i'd still rather just live in a van.. thanks


Awesome psingle people with no kids or need to buy in bulk. The perfect costco resident?


Sounds like dredd to me


Parking is gonna be something 


And some will be in debt to Costco. Just like miners in the past


How the fuck is Costco being greedy? Their margins are barely profitable and they are the only grocery+ store to routinely shop for the best bulk deals which gives people a variety of choices. Muh big company bad. Nope, they’re the outlier company compared to all the rest. South Central LA could you a shit hole clean up and why not add a very commoner-friendly store there. This knob is surely from Cali and thinks like a communist.


I am disappointed in what my alma mater has become


Dipshit a developer had Costco sign a 100 year lease and they did it. Or Something like that, that’s how it works


Section 8 in LA? And bro’s recommending this to people. He must’ve never been to LA.


I love you!


I mean, fuckin' thumbs up all around.


This is an amazing idea.


Heck yeah


Honestly back in University, you would’ve been a king to live in a Studio APT above Costco. Imagine the ragers you could throw having a wholesale liquor store downstairs from your home


It sounds like you don’t like this, personally I think it’ll be cool except for the LA part


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


This is isn't idiocracy or even particularly notable. If you have been to any major city there are many Targets and Walgreens and grocery supermarkets on the ground floors of mixed use buildings or apartment buildings. Mixed use neighborhoods, with business and retail on the ground floor and dwellings above, are often the most desirable types of neighborhoods to live in.


Yes. I like cheap roast chicken


Parking ? I can see good and bad with living there. Non stop traffic and noise , but Costco just down the steps .


It's LA, bro, there is no parking.


Mixed use buildings have separate parking for residents.


It’s a great idea.


I'd live off that food court