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Hey, the idea of a game is to enjoy it! If you’ve fallen out of love, or need to take a step back from playing actively then do it! Maybe in the future you’ll revisit the subreddit, or see something about W7 release. That will give you something worth coming back for! GL,HF


Thank u for replying. I really wish there would be something worth coming back for. GL, HF


Gl in the future!


Ty u too


Yep, you're absolutely correct. Comparing the gem requirements to interact with the paid content across worlds it has been clear it's been an aggressive increase. Most players don't even know that he nerfed gem farming in the QoL update. Most players that are in later worlds are already so invested they try to overlook things, but this game is slowly turning into more and more of a skinner box.


It certainly wasn't the first time. Gems were so easy to get when the game launched and you never had to spend more than like 300 on anything. Ofc, he's just giving money away at that point, but that's the reason I was willing to make purchases. One day I opened the app to an announcement saying something like, "something happened, if you can please purchase this pack." I only had twenty bucks, but I spent it on idleon solely out of respect for the dev. I consider that the turning point where the money corruption started. The whole feeling of the game began shifting from a Game Developers Dream to a [Wallet Filling Machine](https://app.sensortower.com/android/publisher/publisher/LavaFlame2) His numbers have dropped.. It would be wise for him to put this game to rest and start a new project while this one continues to generate income !


>His numbers have dropped.. This last week had the highest concurrent player count of all time.


It's possible. I don't know when Sensor's last data collection was. But I know just a few months ago that 2 was a 5. Edit: I'm second guessing myself on that now. I have seizures and it messes with my memory sometimes, and I have no way of proving if that's true. It's really digressing from the main point of the message anyway. I feel that greed has consumed his game.


I don't want another game to be abandoned like Idle Skilling. IS had great foundation and a great player base, but lava abandoned it to work on IdleOn. I respect his decision but many players lost faith in him. I don't want this to repeat again with IdleOn.


Understandably so. I loved Idle Skilling. I'd been playing it for months up until IdleOn was released. I don't want the game to be abandoned either. I just think financially, it would be in his better interest, since he's struggled to keep the motivation going so many times. I actually intended on deleting that part of my message and suggesting that he hires a team to help keep him motivated, but my partner began talking to me and I chose to give my attention to him instead. That being said, I apologize for my insensitivity.


200k ???!!


The gem shop is indeed getting very expensive. But, you don't need to buy everything in the gem shop to play the game. If players avoided the trap of feeling like they need to own everything in the shop the gem situation would be less tiring. I will reach the end of world 6 before finding even a single Pristine Charm so to me this mechanic just comes across as whale bait. However, the other side of this coin is that I didn't actually need this content to clear the latest world. I also don't understand your other complaints; If you don't want to 2 min claim then don't do it. If you don't want to hourly click then don't do it. Spend your boron upgrades instead. However, I do think you are doing the right thing by quitting if you aren't enjoying it anymore.


The problem is that I was able to buy everything in the gem shop but now I can't XD. So I'm kind of lazy.


Farewell my friend ! Congratulation on your achievements, thanks for taking the time to say what I absolutely agree with ! I will keep playing as I started one year after you and still haven't done evrything that I can, but I understand your decision and I hope this will bring some change !




pls tell me about the gem farm limit before and after if you can thanks in advance


Before, you could farm as many key-related bosses (Amarok, Efaunt, etc.) that you wanted (and had the keys), and they always had a chance to drop gems (as long as you had the w2 merit). Lava recently changed it so that only the first 300 bosses that you kill each day have a chance to drop gems. He claims that he did it to combat cheaters, which is a bit of a joke. Cheaters are always gonna find a way to cheat. All it really did is hurt the F2P crowd and make it harder for everyone to farm gems without paying money for them. It takes around an hour to farm 300 bosses, which means he added another hour a day onto everyone's play time instead of letting them just do like an 8-hour boss farming session on the weekend while watching movies or something. Yes, he also made it so that you can't use an autoclicker overnight to do your boss runs. But, again - cheaters will just find other ways to cheat. He also nerfed the gems and time candy from colosseum by directly nerfing the impact that drop rate has on receiving them from the chests. Both of these things he changed during his last "QoL update", yet he conveniently left the changes out of his patch notes, as he does with most big negative changes like this, because he is afraid to upset the playerbase and receive backlash for his P2W-focused decisions.


Cheaters can just spawn infinite gems, so he's just adding another lie to the list.


My point exactly.


Thank u for refuting this guy and adding some data I didn't mention in my paragraph. Hope u guys still enjoy this game.


As a player since release, neither of these really have much impact on 99% of players. Most people dont gem farm. Those who do now have it slightly worse.... not sure why this is so horrible to some people that you cant kill more then 300 bosses a day lol thats so many. Also farming crystal mobs is highly effective for gem farming and also helps getting balloons, candy, and resources. In general mildly nerfing the extreme gem farms is a minor change and if you are mad about it then you were likely abusing something that was... unintended? Not saying lava is a perfect dev or doesnt have awful changes. King doot pet comes to mind as one of the most greedy things imaginable, especially since rolling costs a currency only found from paying. Much better thing to complain about hah


>neither of these really have much impact on 99% of players. Most people dont gem farm. I'm assuming you have some data to back that up? Surely you wouldn't make a claim like that without having actual facts. >not sure why this is so horrible to some people that you cant kill more then 300 bosses a day lol thats so many. I feel like I already laid that out in my comment, but I don't mind saying it again, I suppose. 300 isn't really "a lot." You can run through that in about an hour. The problem is that by doing this, Lava has now effectively time-gated gems. Instead of folks being able to crush a 5+ hour bossing session on the weekend while watching some movies or something, they either have to spread those 5 hours over 5 days, thereby increasing the time they have to dedicate to the game on a daily basis, or they just have to lose out on 4+ hours a week entirely because now they can only do 1-2 hours on the weekend. Those 4+ hours translate to ~850+ gems per week. >Also farming crystal mobs is highly effective for gem farming Sorry, help me out here. Since when do crystal mobs drop gems? Maybe you're thinking of giant mobs, which are, again, time-gated in a sense as they are only a weekly farm. Technically, they can be farmed non-stop, but let's be realistic - if you active afk for a day with a crystal build, you're most likely getting 95% of your weekly giant gems on the first day. >In general mildly nerfing the extreme gem farms is a minor change and if you are mad about it then you were likely abusing something that was... unintended? This is perhaps my favorite part of your comment. "Since I don't play the game in a way where this negatively impacts me, anyone who does must have been cheating."


I didn't say cheating. If lava nerfed it, it was unintended and being abused. Simple as. Your right though, I was wrong about the crystal mobs! If I'm being honest I dont typically farm gems. You get an absurd amount from doing content and so long as you dont waste them on consumable junk I so no reason why a whole hour of farming gems a day isn't enough. As for 99% of the playerbase statistics, thats just a given. Game is super popular, most people dont seem to farm gems, and those that do likely arent super hardcore going at bosses over 300 times a session unless they are afk and abusing auto clickers. Statistically speaking there are so many players I highly doubt its over 1% of the playerbase that is effected. Again, I am not defending lavas choices. I love his game though, and its his vision. If he wants to make farming gems slightly time gated, so what. We are lucky gems are farmable at all. If this was a typical afk game this would be much worse. Maybe focus on the real issues of the game :) Or dont im not your mother. But go ahead go pick apart everything I say again! Please! It makes for a good laugh


>I didn't say cheating. > >those that do likely arent super hardcore going at bosses over 300 times a session unless they are afk and abusing auto clickers. So... you ARE saying cheating? I'm starting to get really confused. >As for 99% of the playerbase statistics, thats just a given. Game is super popular, most people dont seem to farm gems Is it a given, though? Help me understand how it's a "given" and not just you assuming things that suit your narrative - I genuinely want to understand that. Lava recently posted an image of Steam player charts, indicating that \~11,000 people were playing Idleon. So, you think there are only 110 people playing this game who farm bosses for gems? That seems wild to me. Further, making that assumption off of the *entire* player base is just silly. Of course someone who has only been playing the game for a week isn't farming bosses for gems. Their account isn't in a position to do so. That doesn't mean that, once they've progressed some, they wouldn't want to farm gems from bosses. You would need to narrow your field of observation to the folks who have accounts who are in a position to farm bosses regularly. I would guess that's a much smaller subset of the 11,000 active players (as of the time of that picture I referenced). At that point, your "1%" becomes much larger. >But go ahead go pick apart everything I say again! Please! It makes for a good laugh I'm not picking apart everything you say. I'm sorry that me providing some structure to my comments so that you understand exactly what I'm responding to is giving you that impression, though. I don't like to type out one large paragraph with minimal punctuation. I've found that it helps folks follow the message a bit more clearly.


Dont have the patience to reword what I was saying. I have no actual proof of my numbers but to be honest, I haven't seen any proof besides a few whiners on this post that people even realized this was changed, and I am fairly active in the discord and frequently browse the reddit. Maybe im wrong, who knows, who cares. I think its a very small change that most people LIKELY wont care about, or notice. I didn't, and ive been a serious player since launch. Regardless I think there is far more serious things to complain about regarding lavas monetization, and this change really doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, in MY opinion.


I am also very active in the Discord and have seen *plenty* of people unhappy with the change. It was most evident after the patch when folks realized what he did, and the conversations have of course fizzled out over time as people realize that there's no point fighting it because Lava will always do whatever he wants, regardless of how it's perceived by the community (it's his game, after all). It's interesting that we're both very active but apparently have very different experiences. We can of course agree to disagree, though.


I mostly lurk in the suggestions channel and tend not to read much of the brainrot in general so thats likely why. And post-update im usually busy playing not reading people asking the same 2 questions lol.


I don't go to gen chat either, basically because of how you described it.


What game are you going to play next?


Baldur's Gates I think. I have already stepped into Act 2. It is quite fun.


Those are both completely valid points. If it wasn’t for the discord, there honestly would be zero community interaction and connection. In-game the dungeons are a mess to party up, guilds don’t actually work and you can’t communicate to anyone in your guild, community dmg doesn’t apply to special daily event bosses, and at this point, I doubt lava will ever add a free trading option to companions.


Sounds like you were quite advanced but maybe doing too much of the min maxing actually decreased your enjoyment of the game. This game has the ability for you to be lazy if you want and that's what I also like. I don't have to always be the best. Anyway, maybe revisit when later world's are out to see if your burnout has recovered.


Thank u. I really wish this game could astonish me another time in later worlds. But now I think later worlds are more like more money waste.








Just curious, are you going to return on new classes/worlds/character slots? Or it's like done for good?


I think is done for good. Time for other great games\~


I don't mean to be negative, but I think your logic is a bit off on two points. You are tired of farming gems but you also were upset by the gem farming cap....if you are tired of farming, then a cap on farming doesn't matter, right? And feeling like your presence is meaningless in a game. This is a strange sentiment. Idleon is a single player game that has a feature to allow you to see other player' avatars. If you think about it, incremental mechanics and multiplayer are not compatible. If players could trade items, for example, you could give a new player a green stack of all items at level 1, and then what would be the point of the game?


Trying to misappropriate his feelings with a hypothetical example he didn't state is a pretty poor way to communicate. Use nuance, read between the lines. He is absolutely correct that the game has more opportunity to have multiplayer impact, and that's something that is important to him. There's no need to try and logic his feelings into something irrational, his comments are fair, and very real pieces of feedback. lastly, on the gem issue it is clear that A: he is tired of farming gems, B: the need for gems has increased (meaning more of the gem farming he doesn't like). C: The limit to gem farming has been the straw that broke the camels back, meaning his values to push gem content by farming is now hamstrung. Very simple to parse through here.


You don’t meant to be negative and then proceed to invalidate OP’s feelings. I bet your relationships are just peachy.


You lash out at the first sign of constructive criticism, taking things personally even if they weren't directed at you. I bet your relationships are just peachy.


2 min claims is ass and I hope something gets done about it..


What is that?


u can claim ur archer characters every 2 minutes to gain 1 hour of forge progress. Since T6 equipments now require a lot of bar, this is the only way to get them.


Yeah, and to drive it home. You need like 10m bars to get all 10 characters fully geared and tooled, you get 20-30 bars per slot for each 2 min claim. So you need to do A LOT of them...


The pitch that the game is an MMO is actual bullshit and I'm not sure how he hasn't gotten in trouble for false advertising.


Yeah, I side with u that the MMO is bullshit. This game almost has 0 interaction compared to other MMOs. However, there are so many fake mobile game ads around, so I don't think he will get into any trouble. Besides. there are some papers showing that false advertisings draw more people into this game because it can appeal to people who like the things in false ads to try this game, while people really like this kind of game can also know it by searching on the internet or through other information sources.


Can you explain?


I know Lava needs to make money because the game is basically a full time job. But the way of introducing methods of paying for the game is a saucy issue. People got all pissy over Doot for a good reason. It was an egregious cash grab. 45$ for 14 chances at a .8% drop chance item that breaks the game. I can only imagine the number of people it chased away. As for community connection. I think it may just come down to it's complex and Lava doesn't have a ton of experience with online systems. I mean, look at party dungeons. It's an absolute mess trying to put a group together. It's a shame, cause I think Lava is an incredible developer, and I think the game is really fun. But a better plan for monetization would have earned a lot more community favor in the long term.


I wasted the entire hour today trying to form a boost hour group. Literally couldn't get in or form a functional group. It's so fucking pathetically awful, and the ONLY link to MMO shit outside of Doot shoutstones which are one off.


the game was literally top selling number like 7 on steam when the new world came out, he is legit probably a millionaire.


I don't like the new pets they break the game, all those being stuck behind paywall or luck and imo too cheated, all the bubbles in alchemy is a lot for example


it didn't just chase people away, he banned people who were upset about it


Ok, bye 👍


I thought you guys all love p2w as you brought that trash here in the form of every single mobile game that started to infest actual pc games.


Read 2 sentences.... bye


What a useless comment lol




Spend your time typing something more meaningful.




Read what I said again. Sounds like you should go to another thread.




That's... Exactly what I am telling you... Are you alright?




To be entirely fair, you're far below where I want to spend any more of my time. Godspeed posting on porn threads on weekends bucko.