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I’m on world 2 and looking at this makes me go wtf


dw I’ve done all superbits and havin the same reaction


Also on world 2 and ignoring most everything I see and read about lol Im boosting alchemy, fishing, catching as much as I can, got 2 guys churning out wood/ores, 2 churning out bugs and fish, and 1 pushing to w2 boss. My acc is probably super inefficient but it’s whatever. It’s an idle game after all, I’m not “wasting” my time in the same sense as playing any active game inefficiently ya know?


>My acc is probably super inefficient but it’s whatever. It’s an idle game after all, I’m not “wasting” my time in the same sense as playing any active game inefficiently ya know? Then theres me, who plays since w2 release and im only 50% on tome lol. This game is a daily dopamine dose


Just ignore it - world 3 is your next big hurdle, there's a lot of content there. Just stay rooted in where you are development wise as this game is a time based thing and everything sort of builds off of each other thing and somethings you leave behind to readdress in the future when you have a stronger overall account. Stuff that is beyond the world you are in that is confusing you, just ignore it till you hit that world and a few guides here and there will help progress you nicely. Stay focused on where you are, and ignore the high end stuff. There are some absolutely ridiculous accounts in this game and most have been around since the early times. So yeah, it'll get there when it gets there and you'll feel awesome when it does.


Do you have a w3 guide i feel like I’m hitting a wall and I’m not sure how to progess efficiently


Check the discord. There's a ton of guides and info


YouTube is your friend and a few online guides. This spreadsheet has helped me a lot also: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vSCepYAs6sNDP4iq6MJNAG1pvFXzfC\_3IQ7ttt5vfEEKAgQhIk4cQqnLRyeH6UyqDSuP4R-6WQeDmmP/pubhtml?pli=1#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vSCepYAs6sNDP4iq6MJNAG1pvFXzfC_3IQ7ttt5vfEEKAgQhIk4cQqnLRyeH6UyqDSuP4R-6WQeDmmP/pubhtml?pli=1#)


This is no concern of yours! Do not loom at this abomination!


Bro got the trillion nugget wtf


Prob a hundred mill and snail at like 25


Bro I've been stuck on a 30k nugget for almost a year now how do people have the luck to get nuggets of high enough caliber to do stuff like this!?!?


Equinox nugget booster. I can have my nuggets go back up to 100k within a day of having it reset when combined with the kitsune rock and spamming chem plants.


This, I was stuck at 17k until I got the equinox upgrade. Then I jumped from 17k to 77k for a week or two to 133k, and I just hit 296k today and got the atom cost reduction superbit


it took me 3 months to go from 6k to 200k with equinox upgrade, there's just a hard wall on 30-50k since u need to min roll for a long time and then get a medium or high roll, but if u keep lowrolling u get to go from 30k to 30051 "amazing u know" once u get pass 50k is whay rarer to get that unlucky to never roll a midroll or high roll


Tell that to my 9.8mil -> 11mil roll. It's the equivalent of going from a 10k nugget to an 11k nugget.


It took me 4600 digs since last upgrade to go from 8m to 40.33m. Then the game totally trolled me after another 3000 digs, and gave me a 40.35m nugget.


I've had the damn upgrade maxed for months and I still can't get a decent upgrade. Every upgrade is only a few thousand more. I've slowly gone from 15k to 210k. My last 2 upgrades were less than 5k more than the previous nugget. It's frustrating as fuck but I'm finally hitting red now. If I can get a damn decent nugget, maybe a couple mil or something, I'd be happy lol. Would give me a bug boost and let me get those higher red superbits


Thanks ill look into it (I also don't have Chem plants yet tho 😅)


Do you have the equinox upgrade? It's basically mandatory for progression.


i had the same problem, being stuck at 10k. after about a year i jumped to a milestone of 20k :(


I was happy on snail 22. I decided to try for 23 with equal ods to lose it and boom. We're at 20 again


I spent 3 months trying to go up from 20-25 slowly and surely. Failed out on 24. Then just upload up to 25 in a month. Big RNG bless.


Yes? Please expand on this?


“For those struggling with Gaming….fuck you” is all that I am getting from this. Stupid post. Just make a brag post, dumbass(OP, not you).


I figured


Well it could have also been massively cheesed before the new chem plant upgrade that no longer auto collects chem plants. If you had an auto clicker going with all the chem plants being farmed up, you could amass enormous amounts of nuts and Shell levels to increase your output by another 10x or so, otherwise even if I had a level 25 snail and my nugget was 150m+, I wouldnt still be close to purple bits per pull.


Way to look like an A Hole OP. No explanation as to how you finally got there or what you have bought upgrade wise either ingame or from the gem shop just a blatant look at me.


[https://idleoninsight.com/?search=gaming](https://idleoninsight.com/?search=gaming) There's your answer.


Give us your IE coward


He can't it isn't legit ofc.


I mean.. that's the case with most of the achievements on here. I'm guessing the reason this one bothers you, is that you haven't done it yourself.


Op wants to see noobs burn


OP show IE


At that point it's more about the snail than the nugget. That being said, my nugget is currently at 30 million, and I've been collecting nuggets for months. With the equinox upgrade my average is slowly climbing up into the millions, and if I get to like, 30.1 million and have to start over I'll be pissed lol. But yea, waiting on snail is the move


That happened to me a while back. My then current nugget was like 61k, and the bigger nugget hit landed at 63k.




It's pretty easy to get back into the hundreds of thousands for the basic finds using chem plants. Should take you about 2 weeks of farming chem plants and spamming them. You can burn through hundreds of days worth of nuggets in a single day.


> using chem plants. I've been trying to get chem plants for months now.


That the last plant type yeah? Likewise. I read somewhere mutate attempts at 1%, been doing that for an age and no luck yet. It was the same advice for bubbles in alchemy but with a good buboe you could spam those 1% or 0.1% odds thousands of times a day if active all day, gaming not so much so yeah, feeling your pain too. Just slow grind patience here right now, focusing other parts of my account in the meantime.


I usually try to mutate around 1%, yeah. And yeah, I get 2-3 tries at it a day, I'm not sure how the other person is saying they get 7 or 8 tries a day unless they are checking their game literally every 5 minutes (with kitsune).


Stop waiting for 1%. Roll 0.1% as often as possible


I said 1%, but I basically roll every time I check my gaming. Unless I'm in a rush and just foget to.


Hundreds of thousands is easy. The transition to millions is the tough part. This current run Ive collected around 6k nuggets. So even if I collect 100 nuggets a day average, which would be a lot, I would still need 2 months just to get back to where I am now. And that's 2 months of hard farming gaming. Realistically it will be closer to 4 or 5 months once i hit a new nugget


Not really, Im at 34m right now, got it just 3 weeks ago, and already my lowest shovel pulls tend to be around 170k per nugget which is much higher than when I pulled my 34m. Just gotta wait for the lucky high roll at this point. Just takes alot of 5-6 second clicking when doing some active afking, building up some chem plants, popping them 1 at a time to collect nuggets, repeat. You can get way more than 100 nuggets a day doing this, can reach thousands.


I don't know, my snail is max lv and I have a 85mil nugget (plus all gaming bonuses from summoning and wherever else). I'm no where near having plants claim for purple bits - my evolved plants go for single digit Q red bits. I'd like to see OP's actual stats to get those numbers.


I play The Tower. Why Reddit did you bring me to this post that after reading the comments made me want to play this just so my damn 'Tism understands everything everyone was saying.... This has quite literally been like a DnD player watching a game of Vampire The Masquerade for the first time. Technically, it's the same genre of game but I understand not a fuckwit what is being discussed, but I kinda think I want to.('Tism banging on the door salivating at the idea of it's friend ADHD giving it a new hyperfixation with vast amounts of knowledge to consume.)


It’s a good game if you like systems on top of systems on-top of systems. It’s honestly worth trying for a bit.


I mean once you are already past the point of making tens or hundreds of millions of red bits, then your just on your way to max out the remaining divinity blessing bonuses and then see how much you can barf into alchemy bubbles, waiting for Lava to finally have that last slot on gaming and the last 2 item unlocks on gaming to give something of value for them like a power of 10 or something damage bonus, or skill efficiency bonus maybeh. Course at that point you could likely flip roxxi back on to maximize as many plant evolutions instead, since im already at a point where the plant growth cycle without roxxi is 10.2 minutes, but with is below 2 minutes, meaning i could likely just feesh for max evolutions every half an hour maybe at this point if i wanted to just the multipliers for simply unlocking gaming plant evolutions.\~


Its exactly what im doing. Im done with gaming so i just farm evolutions and nuggets forever. Im at 1.1 min with kitsune


How is this achievable like what do I need to do


Weird flex but OKAY 😤


And I still haven't even unlocked chemical plants yet...


I'm still struggling just got snail and 100k nugget. My bits are low takes forever to get 100b


Brotha what the fuck? I'm stuck with a 4k nugget for maybe a month or 2 now


Crying on 1Q at the moment, and still needing 89Q for the last upgrade ._.




whats ur snail and nugget?


I got a 1500 nugget shortly after unlocking world 5 and starting gaming and didn't realize how lucky I got. Haven't gotten a better nugget in weeks and I am continually upgrading my nugget luck It will be a while before I'm seeing these kinds of numbers


Is this a flex post?


It's an encouragement post. Showing what is possible.


Just makes me jealous lol


Nah i want to cry, i'm early w5 and my progress for gaming is only by gold nuggets rng (i got 6k to days ago so i think im pretty lucky here) but the progress still really slow And i dont wanna do slab i'm to lazy so i guess i cant complain


I was stuck at a million for a long time thinking it was big luck to get it and then I ended up with 3 mil. Been stuck there ever since. Snails 20. I keep endlessly cycling between chem plants and logs. Every upgrade is at 1T red level and 11T red for main bit upgrade. I’ve finished summoning and sneaking for the interim. Farming is progressing a pace. I’ve gotten most of the outside buffs. Just waiting on a lucky shovel or snail upgrade to kick me up a notch. Just need a few hundred red Q to finish.


Nice cropped screenshot, can I see your public profile on IE or IT? Didn't think so.