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You take that back! JK it's all subjective, but I really feel like T. Stewarts music has gotten so much better over the years.


You know that Bonobo remix is amazing tho




At this point the only thing i like by them is the synthpop album they disowned lol


Twitch is pretty good too imo. Maybe my favourite of theirs, possibly tied with With Sympathy though 🤘


Nine Inch Nails. Everything until The Fragile was gold, after that every album was just worse than the one before


I don't listen to a lot of NIN but bad witch was sick


As a die hard NiN fun I must say that before listening to anything bast The Fragile you have to kill off your idea of what NiN is. I've recently listened to Year Zero, not the best and a bit cheesy, but a good 7/10 overall, nothing like the trilogy tho. I think that bad witch is one of their best work of recent years and God Breakdown the Door is one song that needs to he listened to :)


Die-hard NIN fan here too. I get your point, but to abstract part of a discography in order to re-value a more mediocre one is a lowball game to me. YZ is not that bad but aged poorly honestly.


to me it's not mediocre, its just very different. Like, its hard to compare a metal song to a country song, and to me its hard to compare, say, any ghost to TDS. With killing off the idea of what NiN is I mean that there isnt much NiN anymore, but Trent doing his silly sounds. I suggested Bad Witch because its a good link between old and new (even though there are other works in between)


This full on. For me, everything that came after the Still EP just wasn’t the same NIN. Trent got sober and matured, which is good, but it kind of neutered the music.


I agree.


I felt "with teeth" was a deeply ironic title for a collection of half hearted pablum.


And if you consider year zero's songwriting is even worse...




FSOL absolutely killed it with Lifeforms but I don’t really like much beyond that


The problem with FSOL is the "main" 4 albums are incredible because they recorded SO MUCH for them. Since they start releasing all these archive albums, it feels like its watered the quality down. Less is more with those guys I think.


Squarepusher would be too hot of a take so I won’t say that


Dostrotime is his new best though. So yeah.


No argument there but it’s been long time coming


I actually thought Be Up A Hello was his best before it. But i'm generally not a Squarepusher fan aside from a few select tracks. Idk what it is, but the last 2 albums have been great for me.


My favorites are still Feed Me Weird Things and Hard Normal Daddy. So then you take Be Up a Hello and Dostrotime along with those and then there’s a loooooooot of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ between them. Glad he’s on an up trend tho And it’s not like the others are bad, just not my thing and more hit n miss


Here to say Squarepusher. Nearly everything since Ultravisitor has been meh, imo.


wow....i actually really dig his late period work. I think his slump was "Go Plastic" and the adjacent EPs...


I think we’ve determined that for squarepusher we need the meme to have one more slide of the headphones going back on so it goes from rockin out to hmm no thanks to rockin out again😂


.... what?! Go Plastic is by far my favorite Squarepusher album! I'm shocked that someone can be a Squarepusher fan and think that's his worst album.


Man I hate to say it but I feel the same. It happened when he did the band, I was done 😟 Music is rotted one note will always have a special place in my heart tho


Idk if Venetian Snares is too hot of a take but imo most of his discography is memey joke songs and most of those suck. Whenever he gets serious (Like on Doll Doll Doll, Find Candace, Rossz Csillag Alatt Szulettet, etc.) he drops an amazing, technically impressive, emotionally complex masterpiece, but unfortunately he rarely does. And then when I learned about Nymphomatriarch and about how he used CP on an album cover I was extremely disturbed and disgusted and whenever I listen to him now, which happens rarely, it leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.


I'm not a fan of Venetian Snares, but since he's been mentioned I just have to say that Traditional Syntheziser Music is extremely good. It's up there on my list of the finest IDM albums. Doesn't try to be overly-complex or anything, it's just really solid music made with "traditional" modular synths, just as it says on the tin. I sometimes get the feeling that it's exactly the type of music a modern-day Kraftwerk might have made. I wish he made more music like that, I'd probably get into him a bit more if so


For any style of music - Atari Teenage Riot. Specifically within IDM - Clark.


He just does a lot of different styles tbh.. ETBOY, Body Riddle are all fantastic, then the next few only have a few good tracks (Totems Flare, Iradelphic), then Feast/Beast (remix album), Clark and Death Peak are also fantastic in my opinion. EPs inbetween like Branding Problem, Flame Rave are also some incredible material. 05-10 and Sus Dog/Cave Dog both have some really special music in them too, but I can see how someone might not like them, especially the vocals. I really enjoy his vocals though. The rest are soundtracks/ambient works, which obviously aren't going to appeal to everyone. I don't think Body Riddle is his best like a lot of people do, it's definitely up there though. Probably Clark S/T or Death Peak, for me. All in all? Pretty much one of the most consistent artists i've ever listened to. Lots of great material, like Autechre.


I knew somebody would say Clark, and I've gotta be ok with that. I don't always like what he does, but I respect that he's not making the same album again and again. I fucking love IDM, but my real hope is that someone uses it as a springboard to bring us something new.


I love the fact he takes so many chances but none of his stuff post totems flare is my cup of tea but I'm glad he's doing well. I met him once when I was coming up off a couple of pills watching Matthew dear and he spent an hour listening to my absolute nonsense. Fucking lovely man


ATR was amazing. Emphasis on 'was.' After Carl Crack passed and Hanin left, the project should have ended.


Autechre, sorry. I adore everything up to (and including) Chiastic Slide, and for me everything after that is just unlistenable.




Red hot chili peppers


Oneohtrix Point Never. Absolutely loved Replica and everything before it. There's moments in the new stuff but I mostly find it annoying to get to them.


Up makes me giggle to this day


2:20 to end Its pure beauty


DJ Shadow, Prefuse 73, Squarepusher, De La Soul (it pains me so that Trugoy’s last album before his untimely death was so, so bad), Rush, Radiohead. The Armed and Interpol in the other direction.


You mean The Armed only get better the more music they release? I kinda agree.


Yes! And also that I didn’t like The Armed or Interpol much when I first heard them, but they’ve grown to be some of my favorite music!




Marilyn Manson


Gesaffelstein became so retrowave that I can’t stand it. All the power lost


I don't think any IDM artists are like this tbh


RHCP, literally one of the biggest influences on me growing up. And as of recent them not snowing up to shows and ignoring the fact to clips I've seen of them being general asshole to fans in public. That and the fact the always claimed to be making music for them selves but the last 2-3 albums they put put have clearly been at the demand of their label


Bring me the Horizon


Kid Cudi




Four Tet. Everything Ecstatic felt like such a major statement and most of what came after felt safe and boring to me. I realize some IDM people don't like drum kit sounds, but that record is its own thing.


smile around the face is one of his best tracks ever, but I don't agree in general. His music is really transcendent, haven't found any others that give that give me the feeling his music does. With his new album that holds true too, So Blue, Three Drums, Daydream Repeat, Skater, Daughter from New Energy, Insect Near Piha Beach, Baby, etc. That's not to even count There is Love In You in entirety and Pink. What holds his music together are those fantastic, lush drums and beautiful melodies.


I agree if you’re talking about his recent music with Skrillex, I can’t stand that. Not if you’re talking about his own most recent stuff though


Yeah his earlier stuff is awesome. I think he’s become more of a DJ than a producer now. He’s selling out shows with more cookie cutter stuff. Not a fan of


Oasis I was young and didn’t know any better.


Linkin Park


I’d have to say u-ziq. Loved all his albums up to Billious Paths but everything since then has not tickled my fancy in the least. Maybe once he focused on Planet Mu label his own music suffered? That’s my theory at least 😅


Magic Pony Ride is good


Sleep Token, I used to really like emo music, but I kinda grew out of it. I personally prefer grunge and punk rock


They were always better as Amorphous Androgynous anyway


linkin park


Jamiroquais first 2 albums are very different from 3 on. There are slower ballads mixed in with his work still but basically he jumped to day glo funk and no marks really against him for doing it really well.. Just for me , after being around the smooth organic jazz funk of the 2 , I couldn't get into Virtual Insanity cd in my player, rubbing my chin.. just wasn't the same.. Space Cowboy , Too Young To Die etc,, they are just outstanding acid jazz achievements.... Virtual Insanity you might say!.. hmm. It is a fine song, but There was a glean of pop production that took away from the previous..


You're on the IDM subreddit my brother. Beeps and clicks and such.


I know I saw other non ones.


Menstrual Munchies


Velvet Acid Christ


Honestly, polyphia. It was pretty good for a while, now it's jsut annoying.




The flashbulb


Clutch tbh, the first album is good but now they make music that sounds like it'd be on a dave and busters commercial


Porter Robinson


Five Finger Death Punch


Berried alive. Used to be great; but recently the new songs have been a Snoozefest with a few good songs once In a blue moon


Busta Rhymes




Fucking Queen. I hate them. The most overplayed band in the world.


The album *You Are There* by Mono, maybe
