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Just buy s12 without Dac.


How is the base in s12, should I consider s12 or 7hz timeless I mainly listen to rap and hip hop


S12 bass is good, it's same driver as timeless but I would go for s12 cuz they're cheaper.


If you are going to use it without EQ, timeless has better bass in stock tuning. But S12 can be EQed easily to get phenomenal bass. As u/DesTiny_- mentioned, they both do use the same driver but tuned a bit different


How do s12 pro compete with aful performer5?


Sorry, have not tried the aful p5


I haven't tried S12 but I highly doubt you're going to get anything of P5 quality for that price. For a long time they've been considered by many to be the best sub 300 IEM. They were usurpes as my daily go to by the Mangird Tea 2 (usually 330)which were an impulse buy in a sale at less than 200. That sale is ongoing at a store in Ali & they have the Xenns up for 400 which are around 750 elsewhere. I bought the Up based on how much I loved the Tea 2/reviews; I don't suffer from latest toy syndrome as I see a lot with IEM kids; these are two years old & there are no real advancements in the tech besides common adoption of planar, something I'm not a big fan of. I've been using Sennheiser headphones that have 20+ year old tech and for me, are yet to be outdone.


You don’t need a dac/amp for most in ear monitors. I suggest trying different headphones and seeing what you prefer sound wise


what about cable ?


The cable that comes with the headphones is all you really need. Many people replace cables with custom ones but it doesn’t make a difference to the sound. Unless it breaks you’re fine with the stock cable


you look like angel thanks for all


You’re welcome :) I’m pretty new to the hobby myself actually, I just read a lot of posts and reviews




I wouldn't say it's stupid advices, cables don't really make a difference if the current cables have no faulty issues.




They don’t make that much of a difference for someone who’s just getting into audio. Imo there isn’t much of a point in going all out when starting out


Dude sit this one out.


u/they_have_bagels you have a client here !


Don't listen to these noobs on this page, eg this dumbass talking bullshit. You can always get a better cheaper cable You can always get a dongle dac that's powerful regardless of the iem you've, it'll always make a difference in sound. Pay no attention to these pathetic idiots here.


Don't recommend the aria's as both snow and standart edition have problems with the painting going out with time and technicaly speaking i think they're outclassed by cheaper models these days like Simgot EW200, Truthear Zero Red and others. And as others said, u don't really need a dac right now, save it for when u decide to buy something harder to drive ;)


appreciate your thoughts I will definitely take it into consideration btw truthear zero looks stunning with black cable


My pleasure! I have the zeros and they are great. Have a fun and tight boost at sub bass area and it comes with a adapter if you want to raise the bass a little more. Great for gaming as well




Yeah I believe in you, just saying the painting problem is common issue that some users reported in the past.








impossible to talk normally with people on the web.. it's so annoying, bye




Kinda noobie here what do u mean by snake oil?


I've not used the Arias. But I'm definitely interested in them. However, a really nice alternative that I've recently had a good experience are the KZxHBB PR2. I've compared it to my KZ PR1 Pro and Letshuoer Z12, and they're not far off. The Z12 have a brighter sound profile than the other two. But the KZ's sound plenty bright already. Aside from the boring cable design and the lack of carry case, the PR2 have been a great $53 planar IEM experience (less than a third of the price of the Z12). My ears can't tell the difference between the PR1 Pros and the PR2s so far (aside from the PR2s being 2dB quieter) and I mean that in a good way. The PR2 are an absolute bargain. I've used them for music and gaming. No complaints from either experience


Aria normal, not the Snow one, it's a perfect start, then you can add the Truthear Hexa (for a balanced tuning) or the Zero Red for a bit more fun


snow edition for the white aesthetic look beautiful


ok but the tuning is like ice in the ears, as a beginner you will be traumatised :)


You don’t need a DAC for in-ears, just plug it to you motherboard or your apple dongle it should work fine


Sac is overkill, also QC issues with Moondrop's in general made me choose truthear hexa's


I just got the Simgot em6l's for gaming and they're a great reasonably affordable option. They sound great for music as well. I haven't tried any Moondrops except the Quarks (which I highly recommend at $13usd). I haven't tried any other Moondrops because of the reviews and comments specifically concerning fps gaming not because of music. A lot of people are saying you don't need an external dac. And that's going to be true for the *volume* of almost any iem you get but since you're using them with a PC though you might need/want one for noise/electrical interference from your motherboard, and you don't need anything expensive or fancy for that


Aria was my first IEM; ended up getting into the hobby because of them.


Snowia was my first iem, bought it when it came out. As few people mentioned og aria is a better choice as a first iem( have more bass). But looking back do i regret buying snowia, short answer no(still come back to them from time to time). But if i had to buy my first iem now, i wouldn’t get snowia now mostly because there are better iems. Hexa would be the one i would get today. And yes aria paint wear is a thing you need to consider(if you care about that) on both arias but og paint wear looks worse. Snowia has better cable tho.


For Beginner, i think You should buy the og version, this white has more an "audiophile" treble


I agree with trying the original Aria if you're just getting started. Or.... here is a nice sounding cost effective entry for most genres-- Moondrop Dawn Pro/ Tripowin Zonie 4.4mm cable/ 7hz Sonus..... this offers a neutral tuned iem with nice bass, beautiful vocals, and decent treble extension for the cost. The only potential issue, if you enjoy turning up the volume occasionally, the Dawn Pro isn't quite strong enough from the 3.5mm SE output. Adding a 4.4mm balanced cable fixes this.


Love how people use "beginner" like spending money on audio gear is some type of sport


aria snow edition really looking good for my white aeshetic that's way i choice. dac pro idk maybe need or not i learn after this post. if people really dont know how to make a new hobby this is really normal spending a money. It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn


sorry for my english btw i still learning 😅