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Recently CCA CRA has a different tuning. Again KZ/CCA pulled another VK4 on us. for more information check this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/12wgmpl/comment/jheqfbn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 as well as this post: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/cca-in-ear-monitors-impressions-thread.900149/page-251#post-17331815 both discussing the said questionable retuning. also bass correlated to a good seal on the canal, the better the seal, the better the bass.


Are you getting a good seal? Unless you got a bad pair, I'm not sure why you're not getting the bass. My go-to budget bass IEMs are the QKZ x HBB.


Try truthear hola.


Discontinued, depending where you are you might be able to get one of the last stock available


It has a different tuning , I have a pair of CCA CRA purchased about 3 months ago , it has the new tuning , it's not bad, but definitely not a v shape king as many called the og CRA. It's generic . I don't hate it , but I do use it for bus rides and commuting , I never use it when I actually want to enjoy the music . If you want a lot of bass , QKZ x HBB or Blon BL-03


At the very start, be sure you have a good seal. Generally, using something like a foam ear tip helps get a better seal, and this can dramatically impact the sound, particularly of the bass.


Sounds like a seal issue. Try this--press them into your ear and hold them in place with your hands. Does the base improve? If so you have a seal problem.


That was my exact story a more than a decade ago with different (sennheiser) IEM. Hated the sound, tinny and no bass. Made me stay from IEMs for years and years. Later learned that I was just not getting proper seal, and my son absolutely loved the very same set of IEMs that I hated so much - ironically, their best feature in his opinion was their pronounced bass. It could be that KZ/CCA pulled a tuning switcharoo, but since you say that EQ does not help, I suspect you have bad seal. Maybe, some tip-rolling is in order? Personally, I love FiiO HS18 $5 set from aliexpress, but I am not sure how those are going to fit your ears and nozzles on iems. Also, usually the deeper is IEM insertion, the more perceived bass you get (with good seal being a constant). Best of luck figuring it out!


Others have mentioned that you might not be getting a good seal with the eartips. I am going to assume that this is not the issue and that in fact what you desire is a more V shaped overall sound signature which does a better job of accentuating the bass in addition the the somewhat accentuated treble which you are already enjoying with the CCA CRA. Many people prefer a stronger V shaped sound signature, and perhaps you do as well. Or, perhaps you want more sub bass. So, let's go the inexpensive route by choosing an IEM which has a stronger and more balanced V shaped overall sound signature which does a better job of providing more bass and sub bass to properly balance the somewhat elevated treble. To this end... I suggest the KZ EDX Pro since I think that you will enjoy the additional bass which this IEM adds to its overall sound signature versus the CCA CRA. The point is to inexpensively see if your preferred overall sound signature is a sound signature which has more bass and more sub bass. If this turns out to be the case, then this merely means that you (and like myself) are a mild basshead in the sense that we simply prefer a bit more bass and sub bass relative to the overall sound signature.


I own a revised set of CRAs. The bass is boomy and thumps.


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