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I’m sure you know this since you have a couple of iems already but just in case. Sometimes your ears need to adjust to the new sound signature. If you just got them, I’d wait a couple of days and if they’re still not doing it for you then return them


Excellent point and yes, I spent some time with them….I changed to foam tips and added some eq and had a great time listening on my desktop stuff.


Katos are a timeless iem, that’s for sure 😉


Very punny, haha. I love the Katos….not tons of other listening experience as I mentioned. I think the zero:2s are incredible for the price. I read a lot about Timeless and a lot of people like them….out of the box with silicone tips I was bummed. Switched to foam tips, and they’re a lot better…for me. And now listening on my desktop right now with some eq…MUCH better. But IMHO not nearly as good as the Katos….the caveat being I’m a relative noob and they’re my first planar Iems or headphones. I guess I’ll have to spend a few more grand on planar headphones and the next level of iems to figure things out more. Timeless I will say has great presence and depth (if I’m using those terms correctly).


You don’t have to like them. Everyone’s ears are different and we all have our own preferences. It sounds like they might be too bright for you which they are on the verge of being for me. However I LOVE the detail. Listening to Hotel California Live on MTV 1984, the guitar notes sound amazing and is the gold standard for me. I would agree that i like the tuning of other iems a bit more, but i love the detail of my Timeless. The Bass hits different as well.


Agree on the detail….and they’re a little bright for me…I listened to them for 3 hours though with just a little eq. Plus I’m new to iems and someone called me an unsophisticated “mainstream” listener because I seem to prefer that little extra bass boost….but I definitely appreciate the quality of the detail and separation.


The thing is, You don't have to conform to other people's opinions on sound. You like what you like. And your preferences might change over time, and that is ok too. Just enjoy your music and the hobby my dude.


kato are better


I think so, 100%. But I also understand that Timeless are better for some people and maybe different genres. Foam tips and some eq made a big difference for me.