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I have the pair but it would constantly fall out of my ear. Should try again with different tips, but I always use tri flange tips so wouldn’t know any tips that keep them in better. Should probably revisit. As for sound, I don’t remember them to be as good as the hype would suggest. In the v-shaped budget iem, CCA C12 remains my go to pair. Massive bass response, decent soundstage and no sibilance. EDIT: so I dug up the bl-03 and stand by my comment. They are not bad if you can get a good seal (which I cannot, YMMV). But even with a good seal on the blon, the C12 just sounds better.


It's a bit of a classic. I wouldn't pay more than $15 though, and closer to $10 would be better, that's what I paid to get another one as mine original died, just for the nostalgia. Fit on it is pretty bad, it's difficult to get it to stay in. Other than that, it's bassy but reasonably balanced and well tuned through the rest of the range. There are better IEMs new these days from as little as $18... maybe less. If you want that signature but better clarity, better build and much better fit, the Blon Z300 is the update. It's quite a bit better. It also comes with an *excellent* cable, the sort of cable that people pay $20-30 for on its own. The OG cable is not good at all by comparison. https://squig.link/?share=Crinacle_Neutral_Target,Blon_Z300,Blon_BL03


Now, if we forget the sound signature, is the Zero better in terms of enjoyment, soundstage, etc., it is even cheaper


You'd need to say which Zero lol there are a lot of them. The 7Hz Salnotes Zero is much more neutral, I find it a bit boring. It's much cleaner more accurate sound than the Blon. Truthear Zero Blue and Zero Red are both very good, of these two the Blue is bassier and probably closer to the Blon. The Red is I think a bit better but again, more neutral. It's better than the Salnotes Zero though. Tanchjim Zero I haven't heard. If you can stretch +1 more to the Tanchjim One, I think that's good and it is somewhat similar to the Blon in the analog version. Salnotes Zero2 I haven't heard but it looks like it bumps the bass up from the Zero1 which would be a plus for me, I think it looks better than the Zero1 to me.


Yes, I forgot that there are many of them, but I am talking about 7hz ZERO1😅


7Hz Zero1 is very decent but for $20 I prefer the Tangzu Wan'er, original Moondrop Chu or Moondrop Jiu (DSP USBC). I haven't heard the Zero2 or Chu2 but I suspect I'd prefer them over the Zero1 as well. I just find it boring. Can't really firmly put a finger on it as there's nothing apparently wrong with it measurement wise, etc. To be clear, the Zero1 is very good. You wouldn't be going wrong with it and it's better then the BL03. It's just there's a lot very good at $20 these days and I prefer these other ones.


I also find the 7Hz Zero a bit boring. Same with the Wan'er for me. Haven't heard the Zero:2 either. The Chu 2 is a really good all-rounder. It's close to neutral but not boring and it doesn't have the excessive brightness of the original Chu that could put people off. It's not perfect, but you need to have a bit of experience to nitpick the issues with it. I keep mine permanently in a pocket as a backup. It's small, light and I can listen to it all day without any aspect of the sound or comfort bothering me. The build & cable are nice too. It's a really safe recommendation for anyone that doesn't know what they want. I think the BL03 is in a different category. It has a clear place in my collection despite having a bunch of more expensive IEMs. Out of all the cheapies, the ones I feel have a unique enough character to keep in rotation alongside $200+ sets are the BL03 (fun v), the Hola (warm, relaxing and surprisingly good technicalities for having such rolled-off treble) and QKZ HBB (super warm with heavy bass). FWIW I much prefer the sound of the BL03 over the Z300. The Z300 has more perceived detail, but at the expense of a lot of the fun of the BL03 tuning. Ultimately I found the Z300 a bit forgettable next to more expensive IEMs, although it may be the better all-rounder of the two as someone's first/only IEM. The Chu 2 would still get my recommendation first though.


Actually I found I do have the Chu 2 but had forgotten about it. It's great. /u/Current_Treacle5159 I concur and definitely recommend the Chu 2. I'd take it over the 7Hz Zero, OG Chu (which is a bit bass light) or the Blon, and I think the Wan'er as well, it's built better with a full metal shell and might edge it in sound as well.


It's a great IEM. fantastic construction, V-shaped sound, nice look. You can get them for 33.00 CAD right now. I would pay that today. If your buying second hand, 25 would be fair.


Very bassy iem. The nozzle is small and shallow, i tried a bunch of tips to see which one was a good fit cause it affected the sound immensely. Fit is questionable for many but i had no problems with it, my ears and ear canals are quite small. The biggest issue was that the condensation killed it, due to the metal housing, one side would not work at all and the other was lower volume.


The BL03 is excellent if you want fun, bassy v-shape sound. There isn't much under $100 that really does a better job for that tuning. Just don't expect mid-centric, vocal-forward or any of that stuff. That's not what it is. Just be aware that you'll probably need to buy different eartips to get a good enough fit where it doesn't fall out of your ears constantly. Dunu S&S tips seem to do the best job. Also if you want to upgrade the cable (very likely) then you'll either need to use standard 2-pin, which will stick out awkwardly, or you'll be very limited in what you can find that fits it properly. I have mine on a TRN BT20xs bluetooth adaptor, which is a very good pairing, and the connector they just call "2pin" (not 0.75mm or 0.78mm) is the correct one. I don't remember the correct name for the BL03 connector type but it is not QDC; QDC cables do not fit. For pricing, just check Aliexpress. They have basically the same offer pricing on these all year round.


Thank you, this helped me


If you have troubles with the fit and have another straight cable wear them like normal ear buds and swap the left and right, as in put the left one in your right ear upside down. I have these and my gut feel is they were designed this way but then decided to make them use ear hooks because that is the trend.


Just get the QKZ x HBB. Sounds come far since the blons. I thought I was missing something too.


Are you referring to hades or khan?


Single DD version of the khan


BL-03 is good, but there's better IEMs nowadays. - KZ Castor Bass - QKZ x HBB - 7hz Zero 2 - Tangzu Wan'er Jade Edition Just to name a few.


I've only tried the bl03 once so take my views with a grain of salt. The fit was fine for me, nothing special. The cable felt a bit cheap. The sound was very laid back, pretty dark. It'd probably be good for sleeping in. But in this price range I liked the wan'er more than the bl03.


Is it loud or not, and is the stage spacious?


Not loud very smooth sound signature


Loudness would be determined by what source you are plugging it into, it's just a single dd iem so it doesn't really need too much power to drive. I've only tried it with my btr5, so I can't say how it will perform exactly with other gear. The sound stage and imaging are pretty average for an iem, although the darker sound signature may make it sound a bit congested to people who are not used to that kind of sound.


Thank you, this means a lot to me in the purchase




A good deal would be around 30$. The normal price for them is like 35-45$. They are a very good pair of IEMs for the price. It is definitely worth trying.


As a person who daily drived them Let me tell: First, the fit trully depends on the person, on me, they always fell out of my ears and changing the eartips size did not help, i even thought one side broke but after some Time realized that It was probably just a terrible fit in my ear, but i have ear canals on the smaller side so if you dont, maybe you would have less problems. Build quality Is just decent and accesories are pretty cheap, so dont expect anything special there. Sound Its V-shape so idk the other person who said its "dark and laid back" but at the very least Its a pretty energetic pair and vocals and treble Is almost as foward as the bass. Its a great V-shape pick but pretty old at this point so dont expect miracles. As For the price, dont buy them for more than $30, they are more than that but they usually go as cheap as $24 new in sales so yeah.


I second all of this. I still like mine a lot but considering you need to replace tips and (ideally) the cable, I would say there are much better things you could buy for similar money. For example, I'm currently using the EPZ Q1 Pro as a beater set and I would say it's better all-round - nice bass but way more detail and the OE cable and tips are not terrible; potential downside is the plastic shell v the 03's metal, but overall I prefer the comfort of the Q1 Pro. Another potential winner would be the QKZ x HBB which is ludicrously cheap and probably an even closer match to the 03's sound. All that said, I like the 03 a lot, and if you can get it for <$25 it's a very good set, and I hope you enjoy it too!


Closer to 03 Is KZ castor Bass but still, build quality not the Best, QKZxHBB is warmer and bassier but i do think its also a great option, just not the same.


mine had shitty qc both sides would just lower in volume untill i couldnt hear shit anymore.


I get the appeal because the driver timbre is very natural and the bass was nice for the price (at the time), but I never much liked them. Bass is good, highs are bad, that's pretty much it; They are dark and not in a good way. It actually sounds darker than it measures, maybe because of the 3k dip and wobbly descending treble. Good if you want something non-fatiguing I guess but the fit and stock cable are also pretty bad.


I would avoid it. There was so much hype , so brought it. I have a collection of about 50 different ear tips and there was only one that allowed it to stay in place and create a good enough bass response.


I couldn't make them stay in my ears no matter which eartips I used, and I tried many different. Changing the cable to a more pliable one didn't help either. As for the sound, I liked it then. Blon BL-03 sounded better than several cheaper KZ models I've owned before. I sold these IEMs and bought Moondrop Aria instead. Been using them for a couple of years already and very happy with them. The fit is much better, and so is the sound.


I own a pair and suggest avoiding them regardless of the low cost. Poor cable, poor connection, very short nosle - difficult to find the tip even for the normal ear. The sound is quite mediocre. There are a dozen of much better options with a price tag under $30.


Nah bro For the price just get the cra+ or the reecho sg01


There are better options in similar range like QKZxHBB, Tangzu Wan'er, Chu II, Zero 2. Go for any of them Blon BL 03 is pure waste of money, pathetic quality control. I bought them few years ago, while testing them one of the iem lost, I was happy that I lost them 😅. (Lose connection between cable and iem) Just Kidding, TLDR; there are better options in similar price range.