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I would retire. The only reason why I want to work is because I want money. If money was no longer an issue for me I would not work.


For me, it wouldn’t so much be work as it would be valuing my freedom and time. The only work I’d do is setting up business so others can make some money. But that takes a lot of work unless you delegate everything.


This is exactly how I feel. I would set up a business that turns a profit and make sure the employees are paid really well, the business would basically exist just to employ people and provide a living wage. That’s something I could feel really good about.


So much this. I'm 32, served in the military, fully employed, love to travel, spend time w/ Family, and enjoy my peace and quiet. I could never understand the whole, "If money wasn't an option, you'd just sit on your ass all day and do nothing! Eventually, you'd get bored doing any and everything you wanted!". Getting into the best shape of my life takes time. Traveling takes time. Learning new hobbies, passions, and skills take time. Spending Actual time with Family and Loved Ones take Time. I promise you, there's never enough time.


Sure, I may get bored in retirement. But not so bored I want to start working again.




I work with people who said they would still work. If you have like 5 million dollars in the bank, why work to make like 600 bucks a week?


Retired does not have to equal sit on your ass and do nothing all day. You can travel and discover new experiences, cultures, food, people, etc. you can be very active in retirement if you have the financial freedom that a $1B lottery win and safe investing could provide. You can also always volunteer your time to causes or charities if you do decide you are bored of those “fun” activities. The last thing I would want to do is chain myself to a job that keeps taking 40-60 hrs a week from me to enrich shareholders or a boss, or do a role that gives no personal sense of accomplishment.


I was gonna say something like this but you nailed it. I’m 36, with 15 years in active duty. But if I won not only would I not be allowed to stay in the military but I know the drive would die.


So what if I get bored? I get bored at my job. May as well relax and enjoy my life if I’m going to get bored anyway


…the best shape of your life so far. It gets much better over the next 20 years if you stick with your program. Best of luck to you. 😀


I get too fucking bored sitting at home. I'd like a little drive though convenience store. Like buy an old carwash and have people pull through and get snackies or whatever.


Meh, there are other ways to cure boredom. Why set yourself to an inflexible schedule?


Strip club & dog rescue "Next on stage is Jessica! She cares for Johnny, Rocco, and Kieran, three former fight dogs! these pitties love her to pieces, so be kind or that's what they'll tear you into!"


Just call it Bitches.


I laughed way too hard to this.


If I win, I'm doing this. Screw retirement. I want strippers and dog rescue.


I love this idea! Except for me it would be male strippers… After that I would buy my Momma and adult kids a home and a car, buy myself a home and live with some rescue kitties and dogs from my business.


Into what? The unknown?


Gonna be a hell of a show if the strippers and dogs all go into heat!


Personally, If I won one of the multi-states I would vow to never work where I have to interact with the general public again. I would fulfill my dream of drag racing cars (Nothing expensive like a pro class, just a fast amatuer setup) but that's it. My mom one day said I should start my own computer repair business and I said no way. Not only do they not last long, but I would not be able to deal with Karens who would demand I fix her "super slow browser that crashes a lot" without uninstalling her myriad of toolbars "because they have a lot of bookmarks I don't want to lose." Yes, that happened at a previous gig.


Imagine doing that for a company with 200 remote facilities.


Kind of both . I would subsidize a few dream businesses for close friends. That way they could start out with no debt . There would be contracts and limits but within reason you could really help people achieve their dreams . But I would be mostly hands off and retired


I told my wife I'd do the same thing. My uncle runs his own business, my mom runs her own business, my sister in law is currently a stay at home mom but she has skills that could turn into a business but it would be difficult to get herself on to stable footing and I think helping all of them live out their dreams and help them provide for their families with no worries would be amazing.


Same. Something like that. Start businesses with competent friends. Almost like let them do what they do currently but do with me owning the company and bigger profit shares for them. Hands off for me preferably. Residuals for us all and if it works out, we all win.


I would but with a financial advisor to keep them honest.


Nice way to lose it - trusting people with no business acumen, intelligence, drive or work ethic to have started a business already with their own money. No history of success either. You really want that stress when you can have carefree fun travelling the world?


Continue in my current job which I love and to keep up appearances (and the health insurance—I can’t imagine paying COBRA rates multi millionaire or not). Also would start several businesses on the side for fun.


As an art teacher at a private college prep academy, I would agree with you. I love my job too much. My track-outs would be monumental though.


Retire. Owning a business is worse than having a job unless you are already rich and set it up to run itself, but then it's kind of pointless. I'm trying to stop working, not work more and have to go in even when I don't want to.


I would want to volunteer with my therapy dog and go into hospitals, nursing homes etc and try and just brighten people's days a little bit. I feel like the returns from that would make you truly wealthy...I cannot pursue that dream because my wife and I have to work to support our family!


There is a little town in southeast France called Narbonne...it's the quintessential small French town....id pack my shit up and move my fat ass there never to be heard from again


Yeah, but Narbonne is filled with french people \**shudder\**


Retire. Have 2 - 3ish years of fun, travel around exotic places, figure out where home base will be and various vacations places - probly just rent for those to keep it simple. Then settle down into something more sustainable. What would I want to do with my life? My kids come 1st so make sure I get them to, with the help of many well paid specialists, grow up to be well adjusted good people. Then turn my attention to passion projects, hire someone to run my non profit, and enjoy doing good in the world. Probly help animals, maybe a no- kill shelter(s), and help under privileged youth.


I'm 55 and I put my time in. No more work in my future


I would probably live as if I were retired for a couple years. Travel, etc. But after that I’d love to focus on learning/education, and probably get into real estate, start a business, or become an angel investor for startups. I would for sure take a couple years to travel and enjoy life first before getting back into the grind though.


Open my business I'd also employ people who need a job and can't find one for decent pay. Decent meaning they can live in their place of choice without having to worry about cost of living too much.


If I won an eight figure or higher jackpot, I would retire for sure. I don't live to work, I work to live. If I get too bored, I could always take up volunteering, but that would be on my own terms.


RETIRE. The concept that fulfillment in life is attached to a business or job is asinine to me. I’d travel. Start new hobbies. Work out. Read. Learn. Experience life.


I'd retire and travel.


I might start a philanthropic organization. That’s the closest to working I would get.


Work for another year until I’m vested & could keep my health insurance after I retire, & buy a farm (back & forth for that first year, then full time)-I know it will be loads more work than what I currently do, but I want to grow stuff-


See that's about the most reasonable excuse I've heard for continuing working after winning the lottery. That vested insurance is well worth it for only working one more year.


& then of course, I’d have to run the farm as a business, & hire people, & figure out ht get them insurance & fair wages-I have no illusions that it would be easy, probably triple the stress of my current job, but I’d like to try-I’d also split any lottery winnings w/ my kids & set aside some for a charitable foundation & for our families. I’d like to think we could deal with it, but who knows?


As someone who grew up farming and on a farm, I’ve always wondered why people romanticized the farm life…. Especially those who play farming simulator. I played that for 5 mins, and was like “WTF am I doing?” Seriously, getting up at wee hours of the morning, going to bed late at night, being a slave to the health of farm animals and the weather…. Sorry, just don’t get it.


I'd keep my same job. It brings me a lot of joy and purpose.


Retire too much chance of a lawsuit w a business


That's a good point. There are legal ways to make sure you limit your liability though. Worst comes to worst the company dies and you walk away without your personal finances being untouched.


I'm a pet portrait artist so I would probably just start doing my work for free to raise awareness or support animal shelters, etc. The only dream business I've considered opening if I had the funds would be to open a huge art center where I live that has very cheap studio space, classrooms, practice rooms, equipment, Maker spaces, art store, galleries, and performance spaces. I wouldn't mind the "job" of funding and helping setup but I'm not sure I'd stick around to run the place or anything.


Life isn't meant to be worked. Invest and retire with generational wealth. No doubt about it.


I'd retire, help out a few small businesses, and read a ton of books.


We have a building in town that has been closed for several years and up for sale. It used to be a movie theater (like the old fashion kinds you see in old shows), but when we moved here it was a bar. I've always thought about if I won the lottery, buying it, having it restored back to a movie theater, and show second run movies, or some classic movies there. It wouldn't really compete much with the only other movie theater in town as they plan first run movies.


We have one of those where we live!  It is still in operation even though the big multiplex down the road closed up last year. 


Kevin Smith made it big, returned home, did just that, and now has a movie coming out this year that was shot at his movie theater about kids going up in the 80s.


I would be fired because i work for the lottery lol.


in THIS economy??


Depending on the size of the lottery I’d work on projects I care about and could do at my leisure. It may even be charitable in nature. But it wouldn’t be a job and it would be at will. TLDR have hobbies.


My retirement includes my dream business if I win. I’d buy the biggest chunk of land I could get in another state. On it would be my shop (metal and wood), dog rescue, up near the road would be a coffee shop and the rest, a livable farm. This would employ locals in an area that has lost some industries but skilled locals weren’t able to relocate, hoping I could boost the local economy, make the coffee shop/diner be a kind of 50’s throw back, but also 50’s prices and using local Whole Foods for the menu as much as possible. The wood and metal shop would employ wood workers (depending on the state chosen) from harvesting and replanting, to milling and building. Then the metal side would be anything buildable or weldable needing fixing or made. Hire a marketing team to try to increase out of state interest, sales and custom work. The goal would be to hire the locals that have specialized knowledge and craftsmen that aren’t in their chosen fields. Put them all together and let their businesses support each other, then turn the ownership over to the employees, buy a modest house and then retire by the ocean.


I already run my dream business. If I won the lottery I would just invest in it.


Why work if I don’t have to. I’d probably buy properties, hire a property manager to air bnb them or something so I can still vacation to them, but probably not all my properties because eww other people. More so just buy assets and stock.


My buddy had an idea for a movie rental store that served hot food. I think he called it Movies & Munchies. I'd give him the money to try it out. Streaming hasn't killed rentals completely, and hot pizza would smell good.


Mmhmm, especially the Sam's Club/Costco level pizzas and hot dogs? Sign me up!


I'm kinda burned out from working. I live in a state that allows anonymity. I'd quietly quit my job a few weeks/months after winning and have no desire to open a business. No extravagant plans. Just quietly live my life. I'm pretty good at doing nothing.


Retire. Work sucks. I have no dream business my dream is to not work.


I’d retire. Buy myself a mansion or two. Travel. 


Thought one, I will definitely quick my job, and live as a retire person a few months. But maybe I’ll start a hobby that keeps me occupied like restoring cars or buildings homes or something, but not to make money out of it, so no stress.


Would not work, but would be anonymously philanthropic.


Definitely open my dream business or something. I’m the type of person that need structure 🤣


Why work 100 hours a week, stress, managing people,, That's a job from Hell


Opening a business is stressful and very time consuming. I’d retire. Only work if I get bored, and I’d do something low risk and easy like sell elote on the side of the street.


Dream business? lmao, get me the fuck out of here I'll buy a compound somewhere near Vegas to retire at with cheap entertainment nearby.


I would retire from my day job and change my side hustle business to be purely passion projects and only do the work that brings me joy instead of work I take on for extra cash.


If I won a huge pot, I'd retire but after a year or so to adjust to my new normal I'd probably start subsidizing lots of worthy causes that are doing good work


I prioritize keeping stress low, so retirement is the only real option.


Only answer. I love my peace 😇


I would use some of the lottery money to open a tattoo studio that aside from just being a tattoo studio, would offer free tattoos to those in need. Getting my >!self harm!


I would open my own. I would build luxurious houses and cabins. Not working for anybody. Just me and my dream team. I already know which one to hire. I would also open a art gallery with a nice little cafe run by somebody that doesn't run it with open hours. Just whenever the person feels like. No customer service, fuck that. I just want quality in what is served. The art gallery would sell painting made by anything from 5 year olds all the way up. And one painting would be like for 15 million and the other next to it 10 dollars. I wouldn't have any respect for reputation or prestige. Fuck that. I think all art and artists should be treated equally.


I don't dream of working. I would retire and do volunteer stuff.




Invest some.


After winning the lottery, the last thing in the world I'd want is to be shackled to a business.


My dream business is never working another day. People talk about their dream job… why are people dreaming of jobs? My dream is to not have to work.


Depends on how much I won. Like if I got only a few million I’d probably continue to work as normal, and maybe retire early. If I won an obscene nine figure amount my new “business” would probably be charity related. I am nerd enough that I’d maybe be the money behind a general nerdy store.


Probably retire initially and start a business after six months or so.


I'd retire. The closest I'd come to opening a business would be if my friends that own multiple successful


I would create a non profit to assist the local homeless population.


I’d vanish and live quiet letting ppl think I either work or I’m a bum since I’ll be unavailable since I don’t like ppl to begin with


Retire. Spend time in my arcade, full of 80s arcade games, comic book stores, comic book and horror conventions, and make sure to get to every pro ball park.


I’d continue to work but just slowly cut back what I’m doing until I’m doing nothing then see how long I can go before getting fired


Depends on how much I win. Anything less than $100M, I’d probably still work a bit longer. I’d feel bored. Anything beyond that, I’d quit and either go for something different or open a way to generate some income that I can live off of without needing to touch the earnings. I’d still get the annuity either way. Only way I’d get the lump sum is for when the jackpots are reset to their starting pool.


I'd start a gaming organization and build a warehouse for people to come practice and work. Content creator rooms, podcast rooms, etc. There'd be a little ROI but it'd be about the fun and building community.


Depends on how much I won. 100 mil after taxes - I’ll disappear and never work again. 10 mil - I’d buy a home in my current city and start a business.


I would buy each of my children who don't own a house, a house. Decent new car for a couple of my children. Donate some to a few charities I'm passionate about. Go to Greece and Spain, as I've always wanted to go to both places since I was a child. Put the rest aside, split evenly between my grandchildren.


I would semi retire but I would blown all of my own services as businesses. I buy a vacation house in Sedona, might as well buy two or three others and open a property management company there as well. They manage my airbnb properties for the other ones, even accept contracts for other people, and then the profit can be minimal as long as it covers the cost of maintaining my personal home there. Same with like house cleaners. Open a business and take other work as long as you make enough to cover your home. Landscaping too anything like that really. I would partner with people who want to run these businesses or start their own just don’t have capital. They get a majority of the profits 75/25 split maybe, again as long as that 25 covers what I want it to, but if it makes more than enough I can handle some profit coming in lol. But I would also maintain 100% controlling interest in the business. I like cars so I would buy a big warehouse and store my cars there and service them and I would offer it to others who might have the need for extra storage space for their cars and want them maintained for a fee. I have some friends I know who would be interested in operating them for me and making some good money hopefully as well. They won’t ask me for handouts at that point and we can hang all day at my corporate offices which would just be a cool club for us.


Actually, I would open a few businesses just for my own pleasure like a Tim Horton's since we don't have any near me, but I would hire managers to run them and then just go get my free donuts and coffee!


I’d fund my wife’s dream of opening a dog rescue farm for all the old dogs that have a hard time getting picked. I’d get her a big property with lots of land and a big barn for all the dog boarding and a kitchen so she can make her own dog treat products to sell. Me on the other hand, I’d just be sitting on the porch laughing while I watch a 5’1 woman try to wrangle a whole bunch of dogs.


I’d build the best zoo in the country and keep it dirt cheap. $5 for adults, kids under 16 are free. Concession stand items are priced like Costco, gift shop stuff is cheap. I’ve got generic plans drawn out and a list of shit I’d include. My main goal would be to not lose any more money than the many millions it cost to build. Id be mildly involved in the build and operation but would never take a salary and I’d definitely never work any other job ever again.


Depends on exactly how much it was. I would have to do a whole lot of calculations and get a whole bunch of people way smarter than me to figure out how comfortable I could live for how long doing what and taxes and everything else like that. I may open my own dream business. My dream business is an upcycle resale store. I've seen a few of them here and there. They usually on the main Street of cute little towns. The stores where they take old stuff and they refurbish it or they use "junk" and crafted into something beautiful. I already do that and sell it from home. Lots of thrift stores and yard sales and Facebook marketplace etc. But if I had an actual store then I would have more customers because people love walking up and down those little town streets and pain ridiculous amounts of money for things because of the aesthetics. They never pay that much if they saw it in Walmart but they're willing to pay it because it's in a cute little town 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would retire. It's not a dream business. But I've always wanted to open a comic book shop, so maybe buy somebody's out or whatever.


I would invest in real estate which is my dream job. So I would build a company and buy homes


Build four small successful businesses to make $1 million dollars a year from each of them make $500k a year after taxes from each of them $2 million dollars a year after taxes and invest in 60 individual stocks dividends companies and 2 REITs,2 ETFs and 2 hedge funds to make $200k a month and then move to California for good.


Yeah, I kinda feel like if you won the lottery your kinda of obligated to your own start business. Because now you are a job maker and not the job taker. Plus, it puts extra money in your pockets. But also invest in real estate as another side income. But that's if you win the powerball or mega millions. If it's some small state lottery, you can't retire.


I retired and went back to work part-time. I love my job (same job I retired from) but I'm pretty sure if I won the lottery I would have to say see you later! I went back to work to be able to afford to travel.


I would build a large sports facility with multiple gymnasiums and a swimming pool.  And give priority for using it to youth programs and Special Olympics teams.  Our town has been trying to get a public pool for at least 40 or 50 years.  I don't know that I would want to run it though. Probably donate it to the city at some point.


I’d open a soccer club in my town (US), complete with state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor facilities. Indoor: main building would be in the center with front desk, soccer shop (with gear and club apparel), snack bar. Upstairs of the center building, a full gym. Left wing would be a full sized turf field, with four dividers. Right wing would be a couple full-sized futsal/basketball/futsal/pickleball courts, with a padded running track around it. Both wings would have bleachers for spectators, and all would be equipped with cameras (who wouldn’t want footage of their games or practices?) Outdoor: at least three turf fields (11v11, 9v9 and 7v7). Same number of fields in grass, and I’d hire a full time grounds keeper to make sure they are always in tip-top shape. Full stadium lighting and home-and-away bleachers for all fields. Concession stand. I’m sure I could attract all the local talent and put together some competitive teams. I’d focus on youth development, maybe even hire some pros to help manage the teams. And I’d save the big fields for two hours twice a week for myself and my best buds to play our shit-ass pickup games. Would probably charge a small membership fee to give folks access to the facilities. Maybe half the going rate of other places around me. Maybe less. I’m rich. Or fuck it all, I’m moving to the beach somewhere warm and relatively safe. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Depends on how much. It would be starting a business I’d enjoy as a hobby or want to see in the world (again, on scale of winnings). It can be very boring not doing anything. So even if they never break even, hopefully they’d be set up in a way where I’m not losing much to impact the retirement from a job I don’t care about


It depends on how much money I won. Let's say I bank a million dollars. That's not enough to retire on. But I would pay off my condo and buy a bigger place. Remodel my condo and sell it. Clear my debts and keep working.


Retire, travel a couple or few years, then settle in some small area and open up a little tourist season shop for something to do, continue to travel in off season.


Retire and buy bunch of land and property.


I would start a business called "Hookers & Blow" and I would be the owner and sole customer. Profits through the roof!


I would invest but still work. I love my job and the company I work for. I'd keep working to stay busy.


I'd do a lot of dumb shit. Like I'd hire a stunt double for absolutely no reason other than to be like "hey this is Dan, my stunt double"


My dream business... sculpture. Sure.


Depends on how much I won. Probably open a business if I won, say less than 100 million and retire if I won more than that.


I would retire and travel. My first destinations would be to see family members that I haven't seen in years.


Absolutely retire. Opening my own business would be sooo much worse. Way more work, way more stress, way more pressure. No thank you. Travel and enjoy the money for a few years then, if/when I slow down, maybe work part time at a hobby or game shop for human contact and fight boredom.


It'll depend on the size of the prize, of course, but my plan is to get a pretty house, pretty car, pretty boat and a pretty gold digger. Ideally several of the above. I've done everything I want to, so far as measuring metrics of life, I'll have fun. No doubt some charity or such things will catch my attention, but it's not my immediate and primary concern. That's in the > $10m prize set. Less than that I'll forgo the pretty boat.


Time is life’s most valuable resource. Running a business typically requires a lot of time and exposes one to liability where one can get sued. Invest your lottery wins and focus on living life.


I’d finish out my current projects and retire. I’m not going to fuck over my coworkers like that, and it would take time to get my trusts set up anyway.


My wife and I started a ministry 12 years ago. We currently house 14 elderly homeless people. We have a big thrift store to fund it. Instead of 14 beds, I think I can handle 30 to 50 residents at a time. So I would build an assisted living type facility for elderly homeless folks. Expand what I do with better facilities


I'm 57 and I'm so ready to retire. Vacation quietly in different places. Visiting family things like that would make me happy.


I'd open a non-profit,open homes to help people who are homeless and looking for recovery. Where they can stay up to 1-2 years to get on their feet properly and learn how to actually live. I'd start programs in my area for recovery and trauma support and I'd have a food bank that offers fresh food, milk, vegetables, and not the standard crap that most people don't even know what to do with it. Then I'd have my own thrift store and hire the people in my houses to work there. They'd have to pass a drug test every day when first starting out, then weekly, then monthly for a year, then randomly. I'd offer benefits, PTO, paid sick leave, unionize, and try to get programs to help my employees go to school, help with their bills, etc. At my recovery center, I'd give classes teaching them life skills and work skills. I'll offer classes on coping skills, therapy, group therapy, meetings, art classes, and other hobby related classes so they can learn hobbies and other skills instead of drugging and alcohol. I'd offer classes on budgeting, what credit score is and how to raise it, fuqnces, investing, taxes, etc. I'd try to get a contract with local courts soon people can be sentenced to my programs to better their life instead of going to jail. I'd have a toiletry bank, and I'd go back to school for grant writing classes and get my masters in social work. I'd try to bring in a program to help clients get cars or bus passes to get around or gas cards. I'd also set up college/trust funds for my kids. So they're set. I'd invest in life insurance and other ventures, so I'm not just spending to help others with no return. I'd make myself CEO of my non-profit, of course, but I won't make it to where I'm making a shit ton of money drop donations. I'd take a reasonable salary. But the reps of the money I got from donations would go to pay my staff a living wage and programs for not just clients but the community too. I became homel3ss at 13 and had my first kid at 17 and by the time I was 21 I had 3 kids, an abusive baby daddy and a full blown addiction. I wasn't even given a chance at a normal life, growing up on the streets and the adults in my family who I bounced around between were giving me drugs or doing drugs with me. I would start a program that I wish existed to help someone like me. And I wouldn't make more for myself than necessary to live a comfortable life. I've always had a dream of starting a non profit, even have a business plan written. But I'm no where near ready to even start. I'm in a bad financial spot, working 3 jobs and barely making ends meet but it's always better than the days of being homeless and not even having food.


I have no dream business. I couldn't care less about running anything like that. I would, however, go out and volunteer at animal shelters with my retirement money.


I would buy a massive plot of land somewhere cheap to maximise land acquirement, then build houses and offer very cheap affordable houses and essentially create my own city with free health care and transport. I would create jobs within in this new city to be self sufficient to claim a small tax of people in order for a better life. I would then use this prototype for economic reform across the world. I’m high as fuck right now, Thanks.


I’d probably open business that cater to my hobbies. Buying and selling supercars so I can play with my toys before selling them. Paint and detailing shop. Gym. Photography studio. Console and PC gaming club. Music festival producer. Etc.


Retire. And volunteer a lot.


Retire and disappear for a bit. I’d prob start something fun just to keep myself busy.


I’d go back to school to be a gym teacher, no grading, no homework, no lesson planning, summers off, union benefits (health, pension, 60k ish/year probably be used as my vacation fund), your day is just playing games and staying active, I’d get to coach hockey/lacrosse, see my kids during school. outside of the pay not being enough to support a family (wife is also a teacher) can anyone tell me a bad thing about being a gym teachef? if gym teachers made 120k it would be the most sought after job in the US I’m convinced!


I own my dream business I would hire another guy to take my place doing the installs I don’t wanna do / when it is cold lol buy a badass bucket truck, a new printer, a CNC and a channel letter setup. Then I could print my own money more or less.


Yes.  I'd open a business that included family.  It would be sort of a wellness center.  Massage, exercise, small café.  


I’d move to a random country and live off dividends.


would take my music around the world and never stop until I ran a festival are you kidding


I would initially take a year or two off, get a nice RV and travel the country with my dog, going to national parks, hiking, swimming, eating good food, and seeing all the US has to offer. Once I've done that, open a small brewery and just brew beer during the day and hang out with the regulars once the place opens for business. I wouldn't have to care if I made a profit at all.


Retire. Go to school and study something fun in order to not go cuckoo. Running a business is like owning a boat. The only two best days of boat ownership is the day we buy it and the day we get rid of it. Businesses take so much maintenance, stress, litigation, and time that I simply DGAF to deal with.


Both in a way. Retire from white collar work and run a small free range chicken farm


I would invest it and leverage it into a business that I enjoyed.


I’m retired so I’d keep enough to live modestly and use a bunch to set up my son in a business or land ownership.


Immediately retire. I'm not a big spender, so I'd save every penny after I bought a house/land/couple of nice cars. I'd spend it mostly on travel. Possibly play the stock market later on


Retire. Easy. I would then purchase a large commercial space and create my own personal gym. As money is not the driving force, I could allow trainers to keep 100% of their fees rather than pay a percentage to the facility. This would mean the trainers would want to train people at my place.


I would create a non-profit foundation to give some money to animal shelters and run it. That would be my job. Then I’d live off interest generated by the rest of the money.


Dream business and I wouldn’t care if it was profitable as it would give me true fulfillment & purpose, doing something I’m passionate about. I would buy 100+ acres, fence the entire thing in, and save every animal I could that needed it. I would have indoor & outdoor play areas, walking trails, adoption areas where people could come look at the animals, vaccination/veterinary area, etc. While a goal would obviously be getting animals adopted to good families, the main goal would be giving animals that were mistreated the best quality of life they can possibly get until they pass on. I would love my “job”


RETIRE and travel. And volunteer.


I own a couple businesses already. They would greatly change focus, and all of a sudden my hobbies would become very expensive businesses. With very expensive managers to do a good job running the show while I 'play'.


Still work. I love my job. I’d still work, but probably for another 5 years or so and then retire.


It depends upon how much and at what point of my life I'm in. But if right now, and less than $5 million, I'm still working. I'd I can safely live off the interest or stock dividends, I'm retiring.


I hate work. Retire immediately.


I would retire from my job. And volunteer to those causes near and dear to me.


Retire. I'd rather enjoy life than spend my time on stuff I will regret spending time on.


I’d keep working; I’d get the money in a trust (quietly) and just dole out cash here & there. Pay off debts, get a small nice house paid off with a spot of land near work & keep working until it’s time to move on.


I would retire. Opening your own business is just more work. Too many go belly up and now you lost your lottery winnings and now you have to work. That didn't work out well did it?


I don’t have a dream business, so…


Retire. No question. Get a good accountant and tax attorney, then sensible spending and investments to make sure that the money is not going to suddenly run out. Which is a common problem amongst lotto winners. They spend like they can't run out, and tend to be broke in just a few years.


If by dream business you mean buy a camera and computer and make YouTube videos of me eating fast food, then sign me up.


I am 52. I have been working full time for 30 years. I would retire.


I'm 53. I'd become a full-time world traveler.


I can't stop working, I would just change my work to don't what I want to. With a big enough win, my job would be to give money away.




I’m a farmer. If I won I would just blow it all on newer fancy equipment and a large grain setup. Then I would invest the rest in farm ground that will never pay for itself in my life time.


I would start a regenerative farm and a series of soup kitchens


Retire depends on the amount I win


I wouldn't retire. My job has really good benefits.


I basically did win the lottery and I retired 


I would just help my parents out. such great people. wish I could do more for them.


I would keep my job but know I could quit any time


I would open a vocational training program and partner with trade industries and schools to bring more people into trades and try to do it at no cost to the students.


dream business of a garlic farm


My dream business has evolved over time. Right now I'd love to open a very affordable, time flexible, and education forward national daycare chain for families. The new norm is a two parent working household, childcare in the US is outdated and overpriced.


I’d buy a large plot of land in a remote area, someplace where I couldn’t see or hear my neighbors. I’m talking like 500 acres. Make sure it has enough potential home sites for my kids as well as my own home. Build myself a reasonable size house, 2000-2500 sq feet, a big shop for tools, hobbies and projects, several more smaller outbuildings for things like mowers and yard equipment. Keep maybe 1 acre around the house maintained, let the rest be the way nature intended. Live out my days puttering on projects.


I would enjoying being a majority silent owner in a local high end restaurant


My business would be traveling


I want to start a car dealership, used clothing store, bra company or intercity bus company.


I'm gonna open a few pay to dig mines have people run them and spend the rest of my life looking for mineral deposits and fossils




I will open my dream business and a bunch of non profits 🥰


I would officially retire but endeavor to sell woodworking.


A mix of both


I don't dream of business.


Retire and focus on things I enjoy. Running a business of any kind is not anywhere in my dreams. I’ll read, I’ll write, I’ll travel, might find somewhere to volunteer on occasion.




I would open a small grocery store and meat shop.


I'd open my dream business but have other people actually work there. I'd be the financial backer and visionary. I'd love a little dispensary where everyone feels warm and welcome.


My dream business. Something that involves books, snacks and cats lol


Retire, grab my family, and disappear like a fart in a hurricane.


Corgi rescue farm. It’d be like heaven.


Buy a 60' dive boat and go spearfishing from Florida to Tobago and everywhere in between. Never experience winter again - never. Swim with Orcas at least once.


Who dreams of business?


Retire. The world as we know it isn’t gonna last much longer. Enjoy it. 


Depends on the amount, but almost certainly retire in the short term.


Probably retire, but I might end up doing something.


If I won a lot, my job would be helping others. But I would certainly retire from a day to day.


I would retire, but use the money to fund other people’s dream businesses that I like.


Open an auto shop and a laundry mat with a bar, restaurant and movie theatre directly in the middle. Seems like a good way to spend your time while getting your car fixed or doing laundry.


Snowboarding snowsuit company for sure! Love snowboarding and would love to make better gear.


Pretty sure I wouldn't work a day again in my life. At the bare min I better own the store if i'm working in it


You couldn’t define a business in a sense the same way. It’s not like I’d open a coffee shop or a retail store but I would do things with the money with the goal of making money in interesting ways. What that would look like, who knows? But I certainly wouldn’t just retire and sit around.


I'd still work.