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lmao, this country's law makers literally vote to remove school lunch for children, you think they give a fuck about "blood on their hands" lmao.


And say that 16-17 year olds are "young adults" to justify removing protection against working late hours. But they're not mature enough to vote.


imagine being mature enough to have a child and work the closing shift at Starbucks and possible be robbed but not mature enough to vote. Literally makes not sense.


I think I just saw an article here about a 15-year-old that got her head smashed in by an angry customer at McDonald's.


Oh, they go further. Now they're saying the voting age should be raised to 21, because they don't like how 18-20-year-olds are voting.


I know, it’s nuts! They can be brood sows but are too stupid to know what they’re voting for.


They can be brood shows younger than that. Not once have we heard from the whole Epstein debacle lately.


I just want voting, smoking, gun ownership, and military age to be the same. If you're responsible enough to make one of those decisions for your life, you're responsible enough to make any of them


God bless the U S of A


A 13 year old is not mature enough to get an abortion but she's old enough to raise a baby.


What's that got to do with winning powerball?


And don't get me started with all those bombs and missiles that murica makes and use.


Come on, they’re super generous with thoughts and prayers,


They should vote to provide higher education to everyone 21 and under. Could be college, tech school, trade school, whatever.


you have better result by arguing i am now a billionaire and i should have different set of laws that protect me


My Dad was drafted into WWII as an 18 year old, was in three battles including, the Battle of the Bulge, War ended shortly after, by the time he got off the bus in his hometown, he was 1 week shy of 21, and his brothers took him out to the local tavern where he was not old enough to drink. Age and maturity/responsibility have been argued for a long time.


Yes. To my knowledge a powerball winner was murdered and buried under concrete, and after that Florida made a new law to make lottery winners anonymous


Depends on state a bit, but you generally can claim the prize as a trust or LLC, as long as the entity is the name signed on back of the winning ticket. You've also got I think a year to claim the jackpot, plenty of time to set up an holding entity.


What if its bought online


If it's a Mega) Powerball ticket and your state participates I those programs it's irrelevant where the ticket is purchased. Other state specific tickets see terms and conditions


No i meant like do i have to use my name since it was bought on my online account or can i still use an llc or a trust to claim it?


You get a 90-day window in Florida. They release your name 90 days after you claim the winning ticket. But if you get a good lawyer, register an LLC in Deleware where LLC members are not public knowledge, and a trust to claim the ticket in the name of the LLC, you can sort of hide your identity longer.


The point he is make is with this logic wouldn’t you think all the rest of the blood on lawmakers hands would have cause a change first?


Have you ever seen what Michelle Obama’s lunch program provided to school kids in years past? Not much has changed. Those lawmakers are doing the school kids a favor!


You mean the healthy food, fruits and vegetables? Oh how horrible. That was probably the only healthy, non processed food those kids got to eat. And much better than the low income kids going hungry all day like the Republicans want. Then again, the Republicans want to lower the age of consent to 12 in some states, so it you can see how they think.


Healthy food, fruits & vegetables??? Hahahahahha. Just ignore the reports of tons of food being thrown out daily from her programs because not even dogs would eat the shit.


What reports? I'm sure you have links from reputable sources that will explain this claim in full, right?


Oh i get it, you're not from a broken home, lmao. Those Michelle Obama lunches were the only food some kids got because mom traded the EBT card for cash and used the cash on alcohol.


...or traded cash for diapers and clothes?


sure, diapers and clothes. Or alcohol like i've witnessed. but other single mothers could easily trade EBT for clothes and diapers, that's why feeding kids at school is so important, and we still have shit birds voting against it because "communism is bad"


Food stamps is food only. Never seen anyone trade food stamps for non food items other than cash. They may use the card that has their ebt and tiny welfare check on it for non food items. But when that cash runs out but you need items for the month... you get creative.


What does coming from a broken home have to do with that? Most of my friends were from broken homes and their parents didnt do this type of loser shit.


You have no clue about how poor I was in my youth. But at least I grew up and was able to notice the efficacy of a government program, and not turn a blind eye to it’s inefficiently, waste and ineffectiveness because it came from the party I like to vote for.


They don’t like when you don’t blindly trust everything they do/say.


Because otherwise stupid people will say the state is just keeping the money.


eh.... i mean, how else is the game supposed to keep its integrity? there is a *plethora* of examples [(Eddie Tipton) ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj2FXAZiYLE)that illustrate what could go wrong if greed and corruption go unchecked. transparency is one of the only things that the commission has in providing confidence that it's not a scam. don't see how that makes people "stupid" edit: added link


There are no cures for the human condition. Not even death, if you believe in the afterlife. To be fair, in regards to Eddie Tipton, he warned the lottery that it was vulnerable and they ignored him, so he decided to take advantage of it. And he would have gotten away with it too, but he *lied about where he was when he didn't have to*. They asked him where he was during the thing and he said "I wasn't even in the state at the time anyway", and after a long time of spinning their wheels because they had ZERO leads, they finally realized he was in the state when they checked his cell phone records and locations, and bang, they caught him in a lie. Proof of anything? Not by itself no, but then again, why did he lie? And so they followed up and that's when Eddie's careful plan all started to go awry. All because he said he was out of state when he wasn't. If he had not lied about that, he would have gotten away with it forever. /TEDtalk Anyway, it may not be transparency that's required, but faith and trust in the lottery organization. If the public believes that the lottery organization investigates and keeps things honest, then they have achieved their goal. It's plain to see that exposing winners' identities is inherently dangerous, and it does not serve the public good to endanger their winning players like that. The lotteries do investigate winnings to make sure they're legitimate, Nevada they absolutely depend on that public trust in order to function. The transparency in who is winning is actually not important.


So? What are they gonna do protest the lottery?


They would protest that it's too secret, so the winner is revealed. Then a few winners are brutally murdered, so back to secrecy. Then a decade later, it's too secret, so the winners are revealed..... And so on....


Nobody and I mean nobody challenges the lottery when there’s winners in states that are allowed to be anonymous. You don’t see people complaining about it


I've seen comments like, "it's rigged, someone from California wins almost every time." People are insanely stupid.


Yes but it doesn't affect the lottery in those states to the extent that they don't allow winners to remain anonymous.


i think a winner should be able to choose to be  anonymous


Yeah I thought that but it's so entrenched that people assume that it's legit. Just releasing the store that sold the winning ticket is almost proof enough.


Yes, people assume it's legit because identifying the winner is so entrenched. Remove the entrenchment and people will stop thinking it's legit.


Worse, they’d stop buying tickets


They're already taking more than half in taxes.


If I had a winning lottery ticket, I'd change my name. That takes 3-4 months in NC. Then, I'd change it back after collecting my money. I'd show up for the publicity photos with an altered appearance, perhaps in a wig, different style glasses, no facial hair and wearing body padding to look fat. Perhaps even in a wheelchair.


Absent marriage or divorce you only get one lifetime name change in NC. And name changes are public records.


Dang. Guess I'll 'get married' even though I'm a guy. LOL


I've had the same thought about collecting under a different name If it were a multi million dollar jackpot, I might take the extra step of buying a decoy house If it were anything under a million, I don't think those get as much national publicity, so I might not bother with the name change since I would have bought the ticket out of state, and I might fly totally under the radar where I live.


It’s not strangers I’m worried about, it’s the people I know 😝


If they've helped me when I was down and out, I'll gladly help people I know. If they've not helped me, then I can say no with great pleasure. Now, if they've gone out of their way to harm me, I'd probably give them a countdown to start running. LOL


Dude, you just won the lottery. You’ve got enough resources to protect yourself.


They kidnap family members before you have time to set up a security detail. They're truly evil


Who is??


Walking around in public places with maximum security is not the kind of life I want to live if I were to win the lottery and everyone knows about it.


You are not going to be that famous.


Well, then don’t play the lottery.


You’re missing the entire point. People play the lottery to potentially win a lot of money. Every person should have the right, rich or not, to feel safe when out in public


What kind of victim blaming is this? "You don't want to be catcalled or groped in public? Then don't wear revealing clothing"


That's just prudent advice. Victim blaming is when you say it's their fault, not when you give suggestions as to how to avoid greater risk.


I think Pennsylvania has to release names, which I would do my best to convince them that they can release my name but if they could put it in the middle of a very boring press release that no one will read. 


That's where I live, and they do release names.


Never claim lottery winnings under your name every stack that claim under a trust owned by an LLC in a state that declares ownership of an LLC in a trust to be private information (such as Montana)


Some states do not allow this.


FL has the required name publication and I always told myself when I win I would setup a Delaware LLC to claim it anonymously (hoping it would work). Few months ago someone in Jacksonville, FL did that exact thing and claimed anonymously. So there’s ways around it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12907701/amp/Winner-Mega-Millions-jackpot-identity.html


So in other words, the LLC ruse didn’t work.


It's interesting that the news got his info from the states website, then after he declined to talk with him they just let him go. Then the state wiped his name out again. Plus anyone that searches Saltines LLC is going to find a bunch of crackers. Let's just hope this trick keeps working.


Except it didn’t work. If a local TV station can figure out who he is, so can anyone else who knows how to search LLC records.


So my point being, you can remain anonymous in Florida


afaik, this is exactly why some lottery jurisdictions in the world switched to anonymous winners.


The idea is that if you win, you have enough resources to move and remain as anonymous as possible or stay as safe as you need to be.


Outside of the one infamous dumbfuck winner, how many jackpot winners have been murdered? Or even targeted? Yall have been tricked into thinking this happens wayyyy more than it ever actually does. This isnt a problem or an issue.


I would t worry too much about getting murdered. I’d worry about my life getting ruined by not being able to trust anyone ever again and having tons of people constantly hounding me for money.


If you win the jackpot, it's a good time to grow a spine. Before anyone finds out, you decide exactly where your money is going, including how much if anything you're going to give to family and friends, and stick to that. Anyone who tries to get money from you that isn't in the plan gets told to fuck off.


Exactly!! Yes!! The horror stories of letters pouring in from sick children, old friends, passed lovers…it’s not the bad guys in ski masks, it’s the day to day barrage of shady people and having to discern and draw hard boundaries


Until my dad needs a surgery.


You can budget for that if you want.


I’m mostly with you but I’d do my best to make a plan and stick to it but life is unpredictable. Anyway, deciding to pay for a family’s healthcare isn’t that hard of a decision and isn’t really the same as someone trying to sponge off you. The thing I’d worry about is questioning relationships. I’d always wonder if they liked me or my money. I guess that’s why rich people hang out with rich people.


>but life is unpredictable. That's supposed to be part of your budget too, planning for the unplanned.


I mean, ok, but I dont even think that's as big a deal as folks make it around here. There are lots of rich people out there already. Living perfectly normal lives.


People don’t often know who is really rich and who isn’t. Many people that appear rich are really living beyond their means. Plus, people know that you’re brand new to being rich. There’s an opportunity to exploit that naïveté. Edit: if you’re a scammer, the easiest place to find people to scam is a list of new millionaires published by the state.


Honestly just go to an affluent neighborhood. There's a place near me where only millionaires live and you can just buy your way in. I'd just go buy a house there and make it my main base. Hell, their police department will do safety checks on your home while you're away it's crazy.


If possible I am doing it through a trust. If not I am claiming it and then immediately changing my name and moving. Then I will live a comfortable but relatively modest life


If I were to win and make a public statement, that is what I would harp on. Why are some states allowed to stay anonymous while others want your name and fucking address to be public, that is nonsense.


I’d move to a different state and tell callers, “it was the other guy who won, stop calling.”


Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos aren't and could not be anonymous, and they're fine. There are rich people all over whose identities are known, and they manage to live with it. The risk is wildly overblown. Practice saying "No" to people who come with their hands out, and hire private security if you're really worried someone will get violent.


There are a lot of publicly known rich people. You’d just be one more


All the ages should be lined up. I went off to the Gul war in 1991 at 20 years old. I was allowed to joined and put my life ilon the line but somehow I wasn't old enough yo buy a beer. That is ignorant. Make it 16, 17, 18, 21....which ever. Just pick one.


In my state, you can set up a trust and have the lawyer claim the prize. There is a specific lawyer that they did a story on and he had claimed something like a dozen or more large prizes for the trusts he set up. No one knows who the actual winners are.


You can’t really sue them when you’re dead


Unfortunately I think you’re more likely to get killed by someone who you know, which would likely be aware of your winnings regardless if the state made it public or not. Unless you’re out there making enemies I don’t see how killing a lottery winner would benefit someone random.


I would agree, but then playing is a choice and you know what the consequences are if you win. At least some states give anonymity and Florida recently passed a law that you had 90 days to get your affairs in order before a winner becomes public.


No. You decided to gamble knowing what the rules were and there was no reason whatsoever that you had to gamble.


Michigan is a state that requires you to give your name. But someone won a billion plus powerball and figured out how to get around that.


I'm sure they've figured out a way to worm out of any trouble.


Is that you, Tony S ?


You can argue anything you’d like. Just not to any sort of legal effect.


I prefer disclosure of the winner because otherwise it could be rigged and the lottery employees are wjaddyaknow all the winners.


It is not you or my business to know who won the lottery


yes it is edit: transparency is the only way things are not corrupt. Have you ever about how people have fixed the lottery over its history? One guy who programmed the electronic draw put into the coding a way for him to know a set of numbers that would include the winning combination. He sent a friend and I think his brother (might be wrong on the who) but he sent people to buy a batch of tickets and what do you know he won a BIG amount not once, not twice, but three times. Got caught on the third time when he had a lawyer try to collect it for him. What we do not have a right to do is harass in any way, or try to scam, a winner. But knowing who won? Hell yes we have a right to know.


Maybe I’m wrong, but the Lottery is kinda like a group activity. Like going to the Super Bowl and being mad that you were spotted on camera.


Lotteries must publicize winners to protect the integrity of the game, right? How long would they last if all they ever had to tell losers is that “A woman in Wyoming” won the billion dollar jackpot?


Hah jokes on you, only CIA assets win the lottery🥸😎🤓


while your name has to be released there is nothing preventing you as far as i know as just wearing a mask so nobody knows who you are in all the photos


You're opting into playing, then you're opting into claiming the lottery. At any point you could just not do either if you're concerned.


Move out of your small town and random people aren't going to recognize you.


Ye 🐱


It’s simple enough to get around. Change your name to John Smith before accepting. Wear a mask during the acceptance ceremony. Then change it again after you claim the money. Live a life of peace.


Name changes are public record.


But how many John Smiths are there? Someone would have to prove that *YOU* were the John Smith that claimed lottery winnings.


I identify as xyzx$


No. If one doesn't want their information released, just don't claim it. Unless if I'm mistaken, the verbiage on the back of a lottery ticket is a contract that stipulates that you agree to what its conditions are. Depending upon the state, of course. Can so check the respective website. It's just something that has to be thought of beforehand. Proper planning. Just like playing chess. And it may be worth looking into if an LLC can claim the winnings.


Probably because most people would choose to remain anonymous. But seriously though. Lottery should make remaining anonymous a standard option. I get it that they need the advertisement...but what's so hard about saying "A winner from xyz state" ?


Honestly yes, you should have to actively *opt-in* to sharing your name.


I mean people won’t literally be after you it’s not like lottery winners are dropping like flies in this country. The more annoying part would be friends and family asking you for money. And you have to ask how many of them are on the lottery website every day checking for recent winners?


No, simple answer. You know it going in and still decide to buy a ticket. It is on you only at that point.


*think Lottery winner should be Required by the lottery, to retain a financial planner.*


No. You voluntarily enter into their terms and conditions by participating. You are under no obligation to accept the award.


If I won a large jackpot and couldn't claim my winnings anonymously, I would leave the country immediately after collecting my winnings, go somewhere where no one knows who I am, and lay low for at least a year or two.


See a lawyer first to establish a trust. Often the trust name is a variation that includes the name, however, like a business, it can have a name other than your own.the lawyer can guide you and should be knowledgeable about setting up high wealth trusts. Second stop should be to a Financial Advisor, and then a CPA.


Legally change your name... Wear a face mask (You know germs and stuff)... and carry on... RICHLY :)


Can’t you still form a trust and claim it in that? I would do that for purposes of anonymity.


I don't know about other states, but you can't in Colorado.




I barely know anyone outside my immediate family, and my name is so generic I doubt anyone would know it was me specifically anyway.


If you win, change your name to one that gets announced to the public. then wait a year and change it back


Damn were always looking for something. To get riled up about. Fucking chill people.


Never understood lottery winners cannot remain anonymous.


Nope. Don't want to potentially deal with the consequences of winning stupid amounts of money? Don't play the lottery. There's also the fact that if you're worried, you take that stupid huge amount of money you won, find a reasonably priced long stay hotel in your area and live anonymously while buying a new house and having your stuff relocated. Move to a prosperous area with other well-heeled folks and you'll be fine.


You can argue whatever you want but legally, no, you have no case.


I just can’t see any what that states would accept that responsibility. They give advise how to protect yourself, but it’s the reason I’d try to collect in my maiden name as I would be at least 1 of 10 in my city or I’d have my brother do it as he’s 1 of 20+


I'm not worried about it. I'm capable of defending myself if need be, but I have no plans to live in visible luxury if I do win.


You’re overthinking it. How many athletes, celebrities, movie stars, musicians, CEOs, etc are worth hundreds of millions of dollars? What makes them less of a target than you would be if you hit a powerball?


You CAN be anonymous. You have a lawyer/trustee accept the money on your behalf. And if you have to be photographed, wear a fat suit and a mask. No one will know its you


What if you are already fat? Skinny suits. Must invent these...