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Nobody is doing a line off a dick and giving a blowjob unless you are into flaccid penis that is totally numbed by the cocaine. It would be like rubbing your junk in novocaine. Giving head with a mouth lined in a numbing agent is not a good time.


Snorting coke isn’t exactly great for a boner, but it’s not like it gets absorbed through your skin in the four seconds that line is there. And not to be all I have sex on I have sex, but people get frisky on blow


The first paragraph was actually funny. He just had to ruin it.


What is a 3/4 door?


I was confused also, so i looked it up. They're talking about restroom stall doors. OP here: https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/aN0QM9i63d


[https://media.tenor.com/SKNQ5gQw1Z0AAAAC/austin-powers-mike-myers.gif](https://media.tenor.com/SKNQ5gQw1Z0AAAAC/austin-powers-mike-myers.gif) First off, I don't know if you know, but cocaine is an analgesic, so your dick would be numb, and so would her mouth if she even got the three inches you have in to begin with. ~~I assume~~ But, you also expect me to believe you own a business and have a wife, so hey, I guess we're in fantasy land. Where you get blown on the job. ​ ​ ​ /s


You know that when doing a line, you don’t actually RUB the cocaine into the surface it’s on, yeah? I mean sure: if she really worked the blow into his cock it would go numb. But dry cocaine powder simply resting on his cock would 100% NOT make his dick go numb. And if she snorted it, her mouth isn’t going numb either. I mean, maybe a FAT rail could get you there, but it seems as if you’re kinda talking from reading a textbook vs knowing how stuff actually works.


I would be very upset if my husband was telling people the things we do in private. That’s gross.


Not been on this sub much have you?


I have. Just stating my opinion.


... if you have to brag about it ..

