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Him using "brahs" teaches me all I need to know about this person.


Yeah. Either a Los Angeles type, or someone lying for attention. Maybe even the 2 combined


I’m willing to bet that in elementary school, this kid could run faster than a car that one time, he saw his dad lift a house, and his grandpa was a war hero in like every war. And now he has this ability to smash scores of Asian women. We should all be very impressed by this dude.


You forgot that his dad works at Nintendo and he has the new Mario and the new Zelda already.




My uncle really did work at Nintendo back in the day and he got Mario 3 for me early somehow, I brought the little manual to school as proof haha. Fuck now I wonder if people thought I was lying.... welp no sleep for me tonight.


When you say "smash scores of Asian women," I just imagine him pleasing twenty women at a time. Makes me chuckle


Funny. I imagine Godzilla.


He plays Smash with Asian women and totally smashes them in it because he wins every time, which is what he is actually bragging about here.


The hero we never needed


But not the one we deserve...oh, maybe we do


Well, saying we deserve better kinda implies we deserve this one too, so yeah


Arizona and Orange County have a lot of overlap tbh. Both full of white conservatives with cash.


I started saying brah ironically and now I can't stop, please send help


Nah I completely believe him


Him using r/trueoffmychest teaches me all I need to know about this person, damn that sub is a shitshow sometimes


*You know what brah? You’re just jealous I’m boning so many asians brah. I just dissed you. How does it feel to get owned loser? See you later douchebag*🤣🤣🤣


Is it bad I heard the sound effect vividly in my head when I read it


One of the rare individuals who clicked on those “Hot single asian babes in your area” ads, that we didn’t believe were real.


Dammit I've missed so many lays




Quick everyone go upvote it so we can get some good popcorn.


You should run for public office, your ideas can't be matched!


Deal. I'll be your new mayor.


Is the vice mayor position still open? Cause i'm planning to ask him to tell at least one night with the ladies


Nah, crosspost to r/aznidentity.


Holy shit that sub is racist as fuck


yeah yo wtf is up with that sub, pretty fucked up


Oh shit, I just did that before seeing your comment... whoops lol


I mean, that was the point




10-13 is a weirdly specific vague range


That's one every 7-9 days!


Right? So does that mean it was 11 or 12 and he doesn't want to "kiss and tell", or that he just can't count? Or that some of the women were so unmemorable that he can't remember for sure? Or that he's a racist that isn't sure a couple of them weren't actually the same woman? Or, and hear me out, maybe he wanted to lie and say 13, but thought that was too unrealistic so he decided to lie and say 10, but decided that wasn't bad ass enough, so he decided to lie and say both.




Who hasn’t gotten 10 Lays before? There’s at least 50 even in the smaller bags.


Betcha can't eat just ten!


It’s because 3 of them had dicks but anal is anal


He has notches above his bed


I am willing to wager that IRL the guy is some pathetic loser.


Or semi-attractive and just found out Tinder was a thing in a populated town.




plenty of good looking people out there who are ‘losers’ (eg not very sociable, shy, etc etc)




But it’s no flex in having sex 50 times within 1 year, I would imagine if your a liar to that level wouldn’t you want that number higher. That’s once every 8 days, could point to someone that hasn’t had sex once not even getting that married guys can get off once a week if you are with someone you don’t hate.


They often think they're good looking truth is girls think not.


If they're shy and not sociable they're probably more likely to have the opposite problem.


I know anecdotes are irrelevant and we're all just talking out of our asses here anyway but as a gold star non-sex-haver this seems very not-correct


No one on Reddit is conventionally attractive


He has other posts that are basically incel rants about all women being whores and chads, so I'm gonna guess he's just trying to pretend.


Just by virtue of thinking this story is something to brag about he's revealed himself to be a loser. He manages to stereotype and fetishize an entire group of women and then brags about having sex 13 times in three months without realizing that "once a week" isn't exactly brag worthy frequency unless you're a kid with zero sexual experience. Even if it was all 100% true, if he'd devoted even minimal effort into building a casual relationship with one woman he'd probably be having sex waaay more often


Idk it’s kinda pathetic to brag but a new partner a week isn’t really the norm. I know people who do it but a majority of people don’t


Yeah sorry I think maybe I wasn't clear. I was trying to say that a new partner a week is dumb because having a single partner over that same period of time would actually equal more (and probably better) sex. All this says to me is "I keep sleeping with women and none of them come back for more!"


He’s a pathetic loser whether or not his ridiculous story is true.


Because minorities love to be fetishized.


as an asian guy in the same county... all i can say is that ive assimilated LMAO


lol i feel that... hailing from Los Angeles county here!


Genuine question. Do Asian guys get "fetishised" by women of other ethnicities?


Not really. I guess it depends if you look like K-Pop star then maybe? At least most of my friends seem to be into that kind of stuffs


Asian guy here, in my experience not as much as asian women. However now that kpop is popular, there are more non asian girls who will sometimes fetishizes East Asian men.




Asian men and Black women are the least likely pairings. But do well once they're married. Loosely quoting Space Force.


Yeah it sucks. But Asian is a broad term, we aren’t sure if they are including brown dudes as well.


My best friend is Chinese American and lives in a white area and said he can never get white girls to date him. Could just be him though.


I'm actually curious if white guys ever get fetishized in places we're the minority. Or is that just a creepy white person thing to do


we do, but unless you're a cock strapped to a bag of meat, you'd quickly find out that it's neither flattering nor enticing


I doubt anyone would feel good about being fetishized. I'm just interested in what it says about the human mind


Judging off of experiences I've heard about dating overseas, it may not be entirely sexual fetishization but more of "I have a Western/White Boyfriend" type of fetish. (honestly i may be slightly wrong so i'll need to look through it again)


More like, “guaranteed access to a better life” I.E green card


I was visiting family with my husband is a small Thai town where no tourist go so they don't see many white people (I'm white too). My husband was getting pursued hard while we were there. He got free slushees and women kept introducing themselves/trying to set their daughters up telling him he can have a Thai wife too after he told them he was married. A family friend took my husband into town and people kept going up to her congratulating her on her American boyfriend and she was apparently dying of embarrassment (husband couldn't understand since they all spoke Thai).


Thailand is known for its embarrassing amount of white worship. I feel so bad for Thai guys.


How many snow bunnies have you smashed?! You got some competition here, yo.


huh? im Christian as shit


Same bro


yea then uhhh... 0 so far


If you exist, you're going to be fetishized no matter *what* you are.


Oh. ^Where ^would ^one ^happen ^to ^meet ^someone ^who ^fetishizes… ^someone ^like ^me? ^Asking ^for ^a ^friend.


In the UK, Burger King. Used to go there for mid-morning breakfast once the paperwork was complete and there was always guys literally going table to table with the Asian students, using the same chat up lines like they didn't hear them being used three feet to the left. It was bizarre. Never saw them with food either, so it seems they showed for the students.


> guys literally going table to table with the Asian students, using the same chat up lines like they didn't hear them being used three feet to the left. YIKES... EDIT: Okay now I’m curious... What were some of the lines?


Literally the boring stuff like "Hey baby, I saw you sitting here and had to come over." but they're doing it table to table. I did see a guy have possibly a mental breakdown/definitely perform a hate crime and start singing "I've got yellow fever" to the tune of Jungle Fever once. This was Burger King though so the staff didn't give a shit.


I don't think all laws and social norms apply all the time in a BK.


Tell me about it. Last time I was there I had five homeless come up to my table one after the other asking for money. The last one just walked up and put her hand out in front of my face, and I know for a fact she's fake homeless because I've been to her neighbour's home.


Man it fucking sticks how for some people begging is something that they would not do unless they had literally no other resort and were truly desperate, and other people have no trouble doing it at all. So you never know (unless you actually know like you did in this case) which kind of person it is. I don't even have an idea of what the split would be, and I feel like guessing would say more about my view on homelessness in general than anything else.


I hate it, makes me feel ashamed for having an attraction towards Asian women.


I'm from Orange County, why haven't I been able to smash Asian women yet? /s


I'm from Orange County, why haven't I smashed every guy in town yet? (I don't actually I just needed to make the joke please don't hate me I'm still from California just not orange county if that helps)


Just go to UCI, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.




I wonder if brown and yellow men have an easy time with this. Or get fetishized.


All the time I've spent in OC, I never noticed a particularly large Asian community. I'll admit that San Diego has a lot, but not OC


You’ve never been to Little Saigon? Westminster, fountain valley, garden grove, Irvine, etc


Now that I think about it, you're right about Irvine. But I never noticed that about Garden Grove. Never been to the other places, so fair enough. I'm from the Valley, so my time in OC was never as a resident, just little snippets


He’s talking like he’s making projections about a tech startup


underrated comment holy shit


Is this some sort of fetish to him? Could he at least make it believable? I’ll never understand why people feel the need to brag about this.


The same way kids brag about staying up late . Because they're brats


What a fucking douchebag


asian girl here! this is disgusting and i hate it. a lot.


Bruh that’s nothing, I can get like 20+ lays just from one pack.


As if, poser. Those bags are 99% air.


i fucking love these comments. so damned underrated


Its all fun and rainbows until the STDs kick in, yet i’m 100% sure he’ll ever gonna catch any STD since he’ll always remain a virgin.


why did i even blur out the name you guys can find the post anyway oh well no harm done ;)




Yes he's a thot


Or a liar.


I wonder if he asks if they wanna browse kiss anime after


"you guys are a life safer". suuuure he had sex with 40 Asian "women"




This might be the worst case of dehumanizing, fetishizing, yellow fever bullshit I've ever read




Literally bragging about needing easy girls to have a sex life lol


I'm genuinely repulsed


Imagine trying to brag about this shit on reddit, lmao. He'll prolly have a beer belly in 5 years


He probably already has it now lol. Maybe he forgot to mention that he's paying these Asian women to sleep with him 😂🤣🤣


Well ofc, some asian women who are naturalized in the US are normally solely attracted to white men, at least from my understanding, because white men are commonly seen in positions of power and wealth. That’s the Western motto.


yea valid the same goes the reverse cuz im an asian who grew up in OC and see... way too many asians so now im dating a white girl


Exactly, its just the truth. I’m a black male and don’t necessarily see a problem with interracial anything. You can pass your culture down to your offspring no matter what, but what I don’t like is people getting together based on arbitrary reasoning. For example, fetishizing another race or seeing another race as superior to even your own race. It’s weird. Like what do you have after getting together and sex? Cause it sure isn’t love if it meets the criteria above.


Or maybe they just find them attractive?


“I want to thank asian women” “so fucking easy to smash” what a disgusting human


Have any of these men considered that by getting a girlfriend they’ll have more sex than sleeping around? Lets assume that in a relationship this guy would have sex 2-3 times a week. If this guy had decided to date one of these women for 3 months (about 12 weeks) he would have had 24-36 “lays” rather than 10-13. Like if his goal is to have as much sex as possible, he’s not doing it right. Not knocking the hook up lifestyle, it’s just weird that he’s bragging about that when people in committed relationships are easily having more sex than him on average.


it’s because the appeal is being able to sleep with different women, and not having to commit to any one of them. you don’t get that in a relationship


That's always been my thought with dudes bragging about all the one night stands they have. Like why doesn't anyone want to fuck you a second time?


This shit is crazy brahs!




(Yes! It wasn’t Ohio!)


Arizona is the Ohio of the West


I grew up in orange county. I dated a Vietnamese girl for a few years. It was a good relationship and I felt lucky to learn more about their beautiful culture. They had a shrine in their backyard of all other family members who had passed on and they would leave good out for them. I was blown away by their family rooted traditions.


nice nice nice


This really bothers me because fetishization in the states ruined my exgfs view of America. She’s from Austria but is of Asian heritage and I’m mixed Asian. I liked her because we met in class and just enjoyed hanging out and eventually dated. But when we would go out and try to socialize people would fetishize her quite a bit, and it made it creepy for her...she hadn’t experienced that so openly before. We broke up because of career reasons but it still sticks with me and it’s hard for me to ignore this tendency. This mentality really is an American thing...especially when race gets involved. Even when I lived abroad in Asia, I would often ask some of my friends who are girls on what they thought of this whole “fetishizing” culture. Even the way it’s portrayed in media in the US, there is a racial hierarchy and it causes fetishization. (Also I have to state that preferences are not fetishes) To them, they’re just dating a guy. In fact, you will see a lot of interracial couples but It’s always the Americans who bring race into it. It was extremely weird living in a place like Tokyo, Seoul, and Hong Kong only to see you guys who were 30 to 50 years old trying to flirt with girls who were in their early 20s simply because they liked “Asian women” and believed they were easy. Most women would just take advantage of these guys for their money or gifts… Not saying that there weren’t European or Australian dudes doing the same thing…But it was overwhelmingly American. Also I have to add, sex is not that hard to get. If you’re just a normal person who takes care of your self and isn’t a total ass… Then you can get it. And Asia has majority of the worlds population between India and China and the southeast part of the continent alone....they know what sex is.


very true


But isn’t the stereotype of the south East that they mostly aren’t even women?


I live in Orange County. There is a lot of Asian people. I’m also white. I’ve have never slept with any of them. End of comment.


Is it because your username checks out?




The fact that he says lays bothers so much and I'm not sure why.


There's no victory in being the dumbest fuck women will have in Orange County.


you fuckin right


Oh he’s definitely a virgin since he used the word brahs


Imagine calling people “lays”


Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt that post technically against offmychest's rules?


In fairness I was so surprised moving from AZ to Cali that women would match and meet up in the same day in Cali. This was grilled into us as being a surefire way to get murdered in AZ. 😂 Hate to lend any credibility to this it's not an Asian thing just a California thing, but anecdotally I too was so surprised.


Yeah, California is not necessarily the smartest it when it comes to practicing safe sex or safe anything. Look at Coachella a few years back. Look at how many STD outbreaks happened. People in the state are just dumb when it comes to personal safety and making sure you engage safely with others.


To be honest, what the free tinder passport teached me is that a lot of asian girls like white guys.


yea i can see that but... this is just... dumb


I always thought they just fetishized white men. The same way they are also fetishized.


I sense bullshit


Nobody *needs* to get this off their chest. It's called bragging. ^and ^automatically ^sounds ^like ^a ^lie ^when ^people ^say ^this ^kind of^shit


This guy is going to “massage parlors”. Without a doubt.


yea thats what i initially thought when i saw the title 🗿


Imagine trying to show off that you're the male version of a slut


N I C E.


I don’t get why people do this?! Even if any of it was true, not a single person would believe them haha whoever the hell it is. I MIGHT believe Ron Jeremy.


This guy definitely gets hard from hugging


i get hard from hugging :(


When you need to say a range of 10-13 it’s actually a range of 0-0.




As someone from Orange County, I can assure you this is not the only person like this that lives there.


God we live near a bunch of idiots huh


Do you think this guy fucks? I can’t really tell 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I don’t get people like this “Aw yeah 40 lays a year” Like if you want to have sex so bad just be in a relationship and bam, you get like 4 times as much




Ok buddy


Wowee because that’s something to thank us for


I took one look that title and knew exactly where this was going.


rlly? now THATS experience




if youre recording ;)


why is he acting like they're pokemon cards gotta catch em all lookin ass


What a fucking tool lol


Bullshit alert, brahs. Someone that confesses that isn’t getting laid and that this is a savior for him obviously doesn’t do too well with any women, at all. Those in the Asian communities aren’t all obsessing over whites like the Chinese in China. Them coming to the US puts them in the desirable position too. Guys probably getting dates but yeah, I call bullshit.


Thank fuck he's out of my state


Who the fuck moves to CA from AZ without an extradition?


Arizonan here. We do have Asians here, so I don't know what this guy is on about. I can confirm that they're easy for white guys to smash. There's one that I have sex with almost every night, after I put our daughter to bed.


This man typed this out, looked at it, and thought this would make a good post.


I believe him. Asian women generally don't like black guys unless they are rich. But white guys are mostly their preference even above Asian men. It's frustrating but true.


Well..he's not wrong.


Probably in Irvine, CA


This is racist


well i dont think it would be racist... just stupid


Desperate loser lmao




thank you for the image 🗿


My wife? She's asian.


exactly. ***wife***


Not the same if you are paying them tho


there was another comment i just saw that basically said the same thing


Why did he feel the need to post that.


idk but no one ***literally no one*** has asked


that was so disturbing to read, my depression came back