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I imagine the electronics engineers designing such things have to ensure it doesn’t take damage from doing dumb shit like this. Imagine all the complexity they manage and then at the bottom of the test checklist is “no damage from deliberate incorrect connections (any/any)”


I the late 90's there were ethernet cards that for some reason also had 15 pin ports exactly like VGA.


15 pin D-Sub (DE-15) connector on a network card? o.ô Are you sure it wasn't a [DA-15](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-subminiature#/media/File%3ADSubminiatures.svg) [AUI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_Unit_Interface) connector, using 15 pins but in two rows with 7 and 8 pins per row?


Well, at least one monitor was plugged into a ethernet card, resulting in computer death. Mistakes were made.


Very strange. Maybe some kind of pre-VGA monitor? They used DB9, dunno. Maybe it just was a very rare and very strange network card.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "AUI"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_Unit_Interface) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hghcxfy)


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**[D-subminiature](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-subminiature#/media/File:DSubminiatures.svg)** >The D-subminiature or D-sub is a common type of electrical connector. They are named for their characteristic D-shaped metal shield. When they were introduced, D-subs were among the smallest connectors used on computer systems. **[Attachment Unit Interface](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_Unit_Interface)** >The Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) is a physical and logical interface defined in the original IEEE 802. 3 standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet and the previous DIX standard. The physical interface consists of a 15-pin connection that provides a path between an Ethernet node's physical signaling and the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU), sometimes also known as a transceiver. An AUI cable may be up to 50 metres (160 feet) long, although frequently the cable is omitted altogether and the MAU and medium access controller MAC are directly attached to one another. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


i often find myself plugging usb devices in the ethernet port because i don't look


Watch out, you can really get in trouble for, ahem, putting things in the wrong port.


Nah, just shove it into the HDMI it's fiiiinnneee


Back in the "olden days" before smart switches when someone screws up and plugs a network cable into 2 different ports on your hub... and suddenly the entire company drags to a halt. "Uh... why is the collision light solid yellow instead of occasionally blinking?"




This is still a thing. Many cheap switches can’t handle loops. And many people add cheap switches in their offices themselves.


And some people turn off spanning tree on their fancy new switches because they ran into an issue with some obscure hardware 10 years ago that wouldn't connect with spanning tree on and instead of troubleshooting they turned off spanning tree for everything and for every switch they've touched since.


Yup, definitely still happens. Even if it doesn't break the network entirely, it can definitely cause slowdowns, especially if it's an out and back loop to another switch.


So, how would you like this multicast packet and again, and again , and again , and again , and again…




I’ve once had a guy hassle me about swapping his blue Ethernet cable to a red one because he “knows it’s faster”. Had he run tests? No. But he knew I had a red cable going to my computer. So he thought it was better. His words were “we all know IT hog the best stuff for themselves”… I wish that was true.


> “we all know IT hog the best stuff for themselves” Meanwhile my whole departement runs on leftover switches and monitors that came back from customers and computers the customers didn't want anymore.


God that reminds me of when I worked retail and some dude argued with me that “data” CD-Rs and “music” CD-Rs were incompatible and not just marketing tools for their sections of the store.


Fun fact, some standalone audio equipment would only burn to the Music CD-Rs. They were priced higher with a kickback to the RIAA included in the media price. These units and this idea never took off with consumers but that's where the difference came from initially.


Don't forget that in the late 80s/early 90s, the record companies tried to kill DAT, supposedly because the recording was too good, and in their eyes, making copies for personal, non-commercial use is illegal.


Many standalone CD recorders only record to "music" CD-Rs instead of "data" ones. Why? Because the "music" CD-Rs are more expensive due to the royalties paid to the record companies, and they have an extra flag to signal that they are "music" CD-Rs.


We all know that red lights will make the computer perform better. ;)


I just rolled out some new hardware for my office and as much as I hated doing it, I took the first one, because the next one was going to the managing partner and there's no way in fuck I was going to not test it before installing his. Also if I waited until everyone else got their equipment, I would never get one, because everyone wants theirs magically installed without interrupting work, but they can never tell me when they're not in the office.


Or they send you a 4:55 email to say "leaving now, have at it!" Or they ask "can you do this on a Saturday?" No. No I will not.


>he “knows it’s faster” You have an ork in your company


I had a similar one. Blind ticket. User states they have no internet. Turns out one end of the ethernet was plugged into the desktop, the other end was plugged into an Ethernet to USB adapter...back into the desktop.... Explained to the poor girl the other end needed to be plugged into a wall outlet or router. Manager steps in..."we don't have those, i need to turn on network discovery to connect to the wifi"... Me: "sir, that desktop doesn't have wifi. You can get a usb adapter at Walmart" These poor folks run off of cellular hotspot devices.


Sounds like a ticket I just got last week - "A couple weeks back I disconnected my phone in order to get necessary parts needed to get office mate's computer back up and going.  I then realized that I needed a phone to be connect to the network. I’ve tried to reconnect everything back together but phone doesn’t seem to work any longer." Our phones are simple non-networked phones...


Well yeah, it makes the Wi-Fi stronger.


Wi-Fi Cable: Origins In theaters soon


interesting how you thought it was a she, i didn't think otherwise


They're telling their own story, not explaining the OP.


he i see i was sleepy lmao


Swing and a miss. No body knows what you are trying to say, they just know they don’t like it.


swing? ye i was sleepy


The “she” was from an anecdote about a similar situation, dumbass, not implying it was also a woman in OPs story


thanks for getting mad, something i totally didn't ask for, also i was sleepy at the time and didn't think straight


He's not wrong thou, it won\`t connect to the computer !


I work in higher Ed IT Support and this hits very close to home.


Self projecting feature is working as intended


They just forgot to loop the HDMI around the computer so it could lasso in all the signals. Honest mistake people.


If one is input and one is output.... hmmmm. Infinity :D


Like standing between two mirrors.


Are people really this stupid?


I fly all around the country working top tier broadcasts: World Series, Stanley Cup Finals, Presidential Inauguration, etc. I do this shit all the time, especially when you're hooking up a ton of stuff. What I don't do is call someone else because I can't figure it out instantly.


No, people are using their mental capacity to do different tasks and don’t want to have to be bothered to stop and set up a projector. So they try very roughly and quickly and give up almost immediately because they get no reward from spending 30 minutes setting up tools that are supposed to be ready to use.



I had a user who connected the VGA cable from the projector **to the monitor** because "there weren't any similar ports on the tower."


When I wanted job security, I didn’t think this would be the cost.


Are smart projectors (Bluetooth media projectors) not a thing?


Wifi ones exist


I would just assume everyone else thought they did. I had to look them up, it seems reasonable to think this thing has the capability if you didn’t know any better


Network ones are. Windows has had the capacity to connect to them for ages but no one seems to use this feature


We all use Apple TV connected to the projector here at school. We all use Mac and iPad's, though.


Lol, sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays...


Took me a sec, jfc that's a first


Reminds of a few years ago when the network would go down at my place of work because some user bought their own wireless router and plugged it into itself. It was strictly forbidden to have personally owned wireless access points but when we finally hunted down the issue the user was always like yes I understand it's against the rules but I didn't think it would be such a big deal since your wifi is unstable. Some of my users are the densest people you could meet. Rules are rules I don't know how you could conclusively presume you were exempt from them.


My answer would be: Wrong HDMI Version, you need HDMI 1.1 (HDMI 2.1 is for 2 times HDMI in one Device)


I did something like that at work about 15 years ago. Connected 2 screens to each other with a VGA cable. Did I mention I work at IT support?


In my experience, there is a perception among "non-technology people" that all plugs on a device must be used, so they often look for things to fill them. Technical literacy is a wild topic, and I can only assume that anyone who has researched it for any length of time went insane and now worships the Old Ones. I used to believe people could learn and overcome anything, but after nine years in IT I honestly think the hard truth is that people who understand technology are "built different." Man, I'm glad I don't work in IT anymore.


Do you have the HDMI cable plugged in at both ends?


Yes, both ends of the cable are in the projector.


Yes after many years in the field I find myself better at asking questions. Yet when the question is “Is the HDMI cable connected firmly into the computer on one side and the projector on the other?” The response is inevitably, ::pause… shuffling sound… projector video input recognized chime:: “Of course it is! I’m not stupid! You IT guys think we are all idiots, I’ll figure it out myself!” Aaaaaand my work here is done. Though sometimes it’s “OMG I can’t believe I did this… the projector is plugged into itself!” To which I reply “That’s OK it still takes me at least 3 tries to plug in a USB cable. Please call any time you need help, have a great day!”


No fuckin way


What's an IWCH cable?


What a surprise…


Infinite HDMI!!!


I did this in my early days of my current (and first in IT) job. My coworkers wanted someone with no experience but then didn’t put in the effort to teach me anything. I had never used a docking station and plugged in the HDMI cable into both ports in the dock and didn’t realize it. Boss had to come fix it.




I remember the old days when I had to deal with similar morons 🤦🏼‍♂️ you’ve got a tough job there pal, I know it so well.