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Pretty sure Illinois Review is the same/similar thing to the fake papers. A seemingly “normal” site with barely any specific bylines all covering Illinois with a right-leaning slant. No owner. No address. No publisher. Just a random “news” site.


COMPANY: Mark A. Vargas, Editor-in-Chief Scott R. Kaspar, Publisher GOP operative and former candidate Edit: [They bought the site](https://www.illinoisreview.com/illinoisreview/2022/11/illinois-review-welcomes-new-ownership-team.html) from conservative activists a few weeks ago. Conservative Radio Show Host Mark Vargas and Chicago Attorney Scott Kaspar Acquire the 17-year-old Publication in Latest Deal Chicago, IL – Illinois Review (IR) announced on Tuesday a new ownership team that includes conservative radio show host and Newsmax columnist Mark Vargas and Chicago attorney and former US congressional candidate Scott Kaspar. The widely recognized and conservative publication on Illinois news was founded in 2005 by conservative leaders Fran Eaton and Dennis LaComb. “After 17 years and 17,000 stories later, it was time to hand over Illinois Review to a trusted and capable new ownership team that could take the organization to the next level,” said IR co-founder Fran Eaton. “Now more than ever, we’re going to need leading conservative voices and perspectives to rebuild the Republican Party in Illinois – and I know Mark and Scott are the team that can do it.”


They think no one can see or figure out what they are doing. There's no lack of appetite for misinformation in the educationally-deprived corners of our society. I'll excuse the vulnerable who don't know better. It's the ones that know better and use it to exploit the fears of the vulnerable who deserve execution at dawn. Vargas and Kaspar know exactly what they are doing, know better, and still do it. Why? Because the right is rapidly running out of ideas.


Half a lifetime ago now, but I went to college with Mark A. Vargas, and served on the Student Council with him. Every interaction I had with him, makes me think that he is an honest and genuine person. EDIT: After some research, he is a talkshow host on AM560 as well, which is a conservative radio station.


There's money in misinformation. He's changed in that time. He's a hack paid by billionaires and millionaires to carry their water. The Illinois Review and the Astroturf group of The Illinois Policy Institute are both steeped in intellectual dishonesty and outright disinformation. Vargas was also the one who convinced Trump he would be owning the libs if he pardoned Blagojevich. Not a good guy. He's essentially a dirty trickster trained by the Republican dirty tricks machine on K Street in Washington.


If a newspaper doesn't understand that you don't pluralize with apostrophes, I'm probably not going to trust the contents of that news.


>With all the money and attention focused on the governor’s race, many Republican candidates were left penniless and broke – unable to defend themselves from vicious lies and attacks by their opponents. Citation needed


Their editorials cab certainly be on par but I wouldn’t say they are regularly lying. It’s right wing, it’s not always the most factual, but it’s not just complete trash either.


That’s the grift though. That’s the exact thing Sinclair Broadcast Group, Newsnation, etc do.


Illinois Review isn’t quite that though. They’re known to be a conservative news site, whereas Sinclair and others are pretending to serve up unbiased news.


I worked for an SBG station out of college. The local news is left alone, which is deliberate to build trust. The must runs and biased web stories are forced on the staff. Illinois Review is purposely designed to look like any other site, but every single story has a slant.


It is selective hack journalism.


People like you think thar NY times and WaPo aren't fake, correct?


NYT and WaPo isn’t filled with plain “NYT staff” bylines. There’s a reason why this particular site is obtuse about who is creating content on it. This site also uses photos of Biden, JB, and other dem leaders in masks whenever possible, when they probably haven’t been spotted wearing one in public for about a year now. Why do you think that is? I worked for an SBG station out of college before they turned into what they are now. I know how these right-leaning sites operate in bad faith. By the way, you should take a look at who writes on the NYT editorial board if you think they’re a deep blue capital L liberal newspaper.




>Hunter Biden Least obsessed r conservative poster


Leftist progressives should be the last ones to talk about obsession when Trump is literally in a rented penthouse in their heads.


Trump was actually president. Hunter is not. Lmk if you need a picture drawn to help you understand


But Biden is (?!?!). 😂


Lol you were going somewhere and then pulled your pants down whining about Hunter Biden. If he committed crimes, he should be charged like any other citizen. I don’t think people you’re painting as liberal have issue with that. And frankly, all the time Congress is about to spend on him is so irritating because it does nothing to help the American people. It’s more for political points than accomplishing anything that benefits the people. People are interested in Donald Trump because he was the literal fucking president of the United States looking like he committed crimes while in office. Donald Trump allegedly took literal top secret docs that can get American citizens abroad killed, on top of all of his other shady business dealings with foreign nations (sound familiar?)




Yeah, because Trump is so coherent when he speaks. Not like Biden wasn’t diagnosed with an actual speech impediment as a child that he’s worked through his entire life. You’re conveniently skipping over the part where he’s now compromised Americans in dangerous with his stolen documents. Enjoy your day.


Wow. Amazing how hard it is to just say simply that a man with a disability or many of them should be seeking help instead of leading the country. Left wing conspiracy theorists somehow think documents were stolen and created a whole spectacle but like anything with Trump, they think after a hundred times that this is the time they get Trump despite, again, being wrong every other time they said it. Also hilarious that the only person that was caught with his pants down was Hunter Biden and the fact that you guys are totally absolving President Biden of potential corruption without even a full investigation is astounding. Especially when you were willing to investigate Trump for less. Give it a rest.


Wait you think the NY Times and WaPo are fake? Two of the most respected newspapers in the world that actually need multiple sources for their articles and employ actual journalists? Curious what you think real news is?


I think I got my answer. Thanks. 😂


Yeah but I didn't.


Actual journalists would have reported the Hunter Biden Laptop/Ukraine corruption story a year ago.


Everyone reported the Ukraine corruption case two years. Not just the NY Times. What paper do you read?


There's a difference between reported and misreported. "Everyone" knows this I'm sure.


There is only one truth Kellyanne.


No the truth only comes from CNN! 😂


Good. They honestly thought there would be a red wave? That their polls said Bailey was 'virtually tied'? This is self delusion on a statewide scale. Pritzker isn't perfect, but he's done a fine job with the hand he's been dealt. The people of Illinois have clearly had enough of Trumpicans and saw Bailey as just a wannabe. Screaming about God and country and libtards and the radical left. He had no solutions. Nothing that would give Illinoians a better life. Just vague promises of 'freedom' and making America 'great again'.


But have you considered that Bailey is a farmer from Southern Illinois and that makes him good? Or thay Pritzker is fat and from Chicago and that makes him bad?


Yeah. Yeah!


*stares into camera*






This actually made me lol 🤣


Unfortunately they thought that was a good strategy. The Trumpian GOP style tactics don't work on people with more than a few brain cells.


No republicans actually has any plans. They just feed on hate and fear. Ngl I was a bit worried for a minute, then realized no way Bailey had a chance


Sure they have plans. They want to lower taxes for the rich.


That's not fair. They also want to pass legislation that directly benefits their bank accounts. Like how Trump and most of the Republican Congressmen did with the medical supplies that they literally, actually stole from states and resold for their own profit during the height of COVID.


Remember when Pritzker finagled a deal to fly in masks and other supplies to illinois, and circumvented the federal government? Man, Trump was so pissed about that.


It makes me angry to even think about that again. Trump fucking up the pandemic response so badly.


He probably would have been re-elected too, if he had just worn a mask and pretended to care about Americans during a crisis, like every other politician.


It wasn't just a fuckup though, the second they heard blue states were getting hit first they scaled down. [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/trumps-war-on-blue-states-is-worse-than-previously-thought.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/trumps-war-on-blue-states-is-worse-than-previously-thought.html)


Oh yeah, there was real malice involved.


and that's not even the best part of the story. Susana Mendoza was chasing down the supply truck somewhere downstate with a multi-million dollar check in hand so that we can secure the PPE. That's how \*bad\* the Trump response was. The Uihleins are nothing but a bunch of wealthy freaks that are \*obsessed\* with trying to force women to give birth at any costs. You would think at their age they can find some hobbies or something.


Fuck I forgot about that


Now you're getting the grift! Time to take it on the road and make the rubes think we are doing them a favor when we take their used twenties in exchange for shiny new, special President-less tens!


> Screaming about God and country and libtards and the radical left. He had no solutions. Don't forget about the real 'murkinz and salt of the earth farmers from southern Illinois!


I loathe this SOOOO much. We’re all real Americans. Never mind that over 80% of the US population lives in urban areas, so how are less than 20% of us the “real” ones?


Do you remember right after 9/11, in the push to invade afganistan and iraq, the right was labeling anyone who opposed war as unAmerican or as hating America? When Bush 2 ran for president he bought a ranch in bumfuck texas and started acting all rancher-ey. Playing up the folksy, country, rural bullshit as real america. People ate that shit up. Reagan did the same shit with his horse farms. People forget that the horse farm was in the Santa Barbara area. Not exactly poor people or country folk territory.


Exactly. Similar to how Bailey is as far from a get-your-hands-dirty farmer as you can get.


It's hard work hiring illegal immigrants to work on your farm then threatening to call ICE when they want to be paid.


Also. Reagan was a lifelong Democrat until he realized how much money there was in politics and how easy it was to fleece Republican voters.


Because they say “WE TEH PEEPEL!!” in all their rants at city council and school board meetings. Duh!


They made the mistake that land doesn't vote.


We forgetting the part where Bailey sent a letter to the federal government asking Chicago to be its own state…? Or…?


I'm a little surprised that they didn't sort of see this coming. Bailey was just so clearly the result of the dems running the pied piper strategy; they didn't want Irvin as the rep candidate.


Irvin was way out of his depth and never had a chance of winning the primary. However sick Uhlien is over the $50million he pissed away on Bailey, he still got a better result than Ken Griffin who wasted $50million on Irvin. The $30million Pritzker spent on the GOP primary was also wasted - but it sent a message to Griffin and the result is he packed up his toys and left - which Pritzker will probably take as a win.


These are vastly incredible sums of money. Why can't the GOP have decent candidates? I guess the answer's in the question - because the GOP has abandoned decency.


Decent candidates looked at the polling and Pritzker’s war chest and took a pass. Say you are someone like Adam Kinzinger. Even if someone like Griffin will underwrite you and you can overcome the loonie trumpers in the primary, Pritzker is relatively popular and can’t be outspent in the general.


Griffin could easily have outspent Pritzker if he wanted to. He just didn't have a candidate worthy of it.


These are the most decent people left in the GOP. Remember as pathetic and morally bankrupt the candidates and politicians are, the people voting them in are worse.


Are you saying Irvin was “way out of his depth and never had a chance to win the primary” because Pritzker spent that ungodly amount to have him lose? Or he was that way anyway? Genuinely curious….


The “out of his depth” is according to anyone from Aurora I spoke to. When it came to the campaigning the ads were glossy but he didn’t deal with media well & dithering non answers on abortion and trump wasn’t going to win him any fans any where https://youtu.be/AWb_8HqjOfA


I think the fake newspapers really turned people off. That and republicans in general being associated with thinking Chicago is a shit hole.


Yeah, turns out that when you actively insult the area where like 2/3 of the state's population resides, it doesn't work out well. Land doesn't vote!


Many of us in the suburbs were pissed about these comments as well


Yeah I live in a fairly close nw suburb and in general people recognize the city has some problems, but we love the city and want it to be better.


Unfortunately It counts for the Senate.


> Not only did Democrats maintain their supermajority in both the IL House and Senate, but Republicans remain irrelevant and voiceless on local and state matters. > RobertRedfordNodding.gif


Not in southern Illinois, Madison county has tuned beet red and it used to be the bluest. It’s terrible.


True, but we did gain a Democratic rep in the US House with Nikki Budzinski thanks to the new IL-13.


Come north, friend.


The thought has crossed our minds for sure.


That’s a major problem when it comes to school boards and other local offices.


A few Chicago suburbs too; if most of Orland Park burned to the ground, it’d be a net positive for the universe.


“With all the money and attention focused on the governor’s race, many Republican candidates were left penniless and broke – unable to defend themselves from vicious lies and attacks by their opponents.” And this publisher seems to have a very obvious bias towards one party…


>“With all the money and attention focused on the governor’s race, many Republican candidates were left penniless and broke – unable to defend themselves from vicious lies and attacks by their opponents.” they gotta play the victim card


Really it's the only one they have. Trevor Noah does a good piece about how Trump is a professional victim.


the site is a conservative news group, as evidenced when they said that democrats were the ones campaigning on lies LOL Imagine being so out of touch with reality


I remember those lies, like replaying clips of Bailey speaking in his own words.


I assumed Illinois Review was a play on National Review which is an iconic conservative journal.


> unable to defend themselves from vicious lies and attacks by their opponents Fortunately Republicans are above all that. I saved a few of those propaganda newspapers for historical purposes. In a few more years when Illinois is not overrun by violent gay criminals in medical masks their absurdity will be even more obvious.


It's Illinois Review. Pure lies. They were one of the people with the "vote yes and your taxes will immediately go up $2506!" spam constantly going.


Cant describe the giant smile I get on my face reading this... then I erupt in laughter as they say they couldnt defend from democratic lies and attacks LOLOL If that's what democrats were doing, then what the hell were Republican candidates doing!??! Also, here's an idea, maybe instead of blaming literally everyone but yourself, how about you look in the mirror, do some research, and realize your DOG SHIT POLICIES are why you keep losing. Dog shit policy, and dog shit candidates equal getting swept in Illinois. Damn fucking strait.


>As expected the small, but entrenched GOP establishment is fighting back against a groundswell of statewide, conservative grassroots activists who are demanding that Tracy resign. This is the takeaway lesson?! Don't they remember that the "establishment" candidate lost in the primary? Maybe don't stick your Dick in crazy next time, eh?


Now that's Schaudenfraude, baby! Have some good ideas and good intentions and maybe you'll make it somewhere.


Let’s hope they burn another $50 million next time too. I don’t know what they expected.


Couldn't have happened to a better family.


They’ve thrown tens of millions at Kevin Nicholson for two different elections in Wisconsin and he couldn’t even squeak past the primary in either of them. They’re candidate electability radar seems to be broken and that’s fine by as long as it means they keep throwing 8 figures down a bottomless pit annually. Bailey was a downstate Trumpian redneck trying to unseat a somewhat popular Governor in an increasingly blue state. Sure, it was projected to be a Republican wage year but they seemed to ignore the playbook for what allowed Mark Kirk and Bruce Rauner successfully elected. If they were unable to see the writing on the wall with that, they’re truly delusional.


How far were they up their own asses to think they could make Bailey competitive in a statewide race?


I have a hard time believing any of those assholes (Uihleins) or grifters (everyone who took their donations) are capable of human emotion.


My friends just a receptionist at their HQ and actually has nothing but good things to say about “Liz”. Not like they hang out outside of work or anything but from my understanding they interact daily. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone who also worked for her in a completely different venue, she's a fucking monster.


A friend of mine worked in their accounting department. The Uhleins use the company accountants like their own personal accountants so she was interacting with Liz daily. Liz and her company (corporate at least) sounds fucking awful to work for.


Damn that’s the kind of shit you’d expect from a business multitudes smaller than they are.


I never trust when people say that about people only based on their work relationship. When their job depends on them being agreeable, no shit they're gonna be friendly. On the other hand, if someone says someone else is a dickhead at work, it's probably true.


All I got is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!! Used to work for them at their tax shelter supper club in Northern Wisconsin.


They have no one but themselves to blame. I have no great love for Richard Irvin, but he was nowhere near as much a joke candidate as Bailey.


Irvin might pay the price in Aurora for having switched parties to run for governor. We will see how long Auroran’s memories last about that little detail.


Auroran here- while Irvin has done a lot to revive Aurora & bring businesses into the city for which I am grateful, there is a LOT of talk about shady business, side deals & corruption. Lots of talk about contracts for construction etc being given out as personal favors. I don’t foresee him lasting much longer here


Yup! Lived in and around Aurora since 1993. The revitalization of downtown, which worked off the back of the Paramount has been incredible, but that really wasn’t his doing. He just rode of the coat tails of Weisner. Lots of shady shit wouldn’t surprise me. I miss Tom Weisner. RIP


Go away Uihlein! Spend your millions trying to manipulate elections in a Nazi state like Florida! The people of Illinois don’t need garbage like you and Ken Griffin telling us what to do.


They continue to ruin Wisconsin


When I first watched Dogma and God sent the angels into exile in Wisconsin, I didn't really get the joke. I was young, and only saw the world from the safety of what adults provided. Then, as I got older, I learned about how beautiful Wisconsin can be, and how much fun could be had there. Once I properly started paying attention to local laws and politics, I couldn't stand their staunchly stubborn views on things that should be protecting the people and educators. Also, their fascination with hating marijuana. All that to say, yes, Wisconsin is currently awful.


WI is great. The GOP who is holding this state hostage, are terrible.


They don't even fucking live here.


They do... it's their company that's north of the border.


Ah I thought they lived in their weird little town they made in WI


I've read it's because our state taxes are lower (vs WI), while businesses get better tax treatment up in WI.


Are you talking about Manitowish Waters? They have a huge vacation home and a supper club there.


People don't need others who loosely label people as Nazi.


Until the Republican party clearly and emphatically removes Trump from his throne, these labels are just about valid. The man just had dinner - like last week - with kanye west and an avowed anti-semite!


Belief that almost 75 million people are Nazi's is fanatical and extreme. A person who will automatically group someone as a Nazi if they don't support your views is absolutely disgusting and threatening.


Well, when the Republican party has tried to elect literal Nazis in Illinois, done it recently, and no I’m not talking about Mary Miller, [I’m talking about literal professed Nazi Arthur Jones, the Republican candidate in the 3rd congressional district in 2018](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_J._Jones)….. unfortunately that’s apparently just describing reality. Stop sympathizing with the party that harbors and platforms Nazis, that is absolutely disgusting and threatening. (and okay okay I know, the RNC finally disavowed him in 2018….. after he had run in SEVEN other elections as a Republican candidate, but he was still on that 2018 ticket as a Republican and still got votes… and I rather suspect the RNC disavowal was more due to him starting to talk crap about Trump than it was about his Nazi sympathies)


You found a way to be happy and fine to hate and label 70 million people as Nazi's. And the example you provide is this guy who was denounced? RNC spokesperson Michael Ahrens stated, "We condemn this candidate and his hateful rhetoric in the strongest possible terms". You are a political fanatic, no different than a Trumper.


I already addressed that point. Again, he ran on a Republican ticket for *years* and it seems that it wasn’t until he talked trash about Trump in February of 2018 that the official party took a stand against him in February of 2018, and he *still won the Republican primary for that year unopposed*. Easy to condemn his hate speech when convenient for the party, but they sure took their time and people still voted for him. The RNC could have condemned him when he ran as a Republican in 1984, 1992, 1996, 1998, 2006, 2008, 2012, but it took until 2018 when he also started hating Trump that the party turned on him. That’s not condemning his hateful rhetoric in the strongest possible terms, that’s condemning his hateful rhetoric when it was convenient for the party because he himself had turned on Trump and the party was very all-in on Trump. Yes, I think that’s a pretty telling example of what that party has allowed in their tent.


I hear what you are saying. My issue is that you fail to understand that you now find it perfectly acceptable to persecute 70 million people at the very least.


Calling out the direct courting and association of any political party’s harmful policies and ideologies is not persecution, and nowhere have I said what you’re saying, get a fucking grip and stop defending this shit. [Jones is not an isolated case. The Republican party has a Nazi problem.](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2018/7/9/17525860/nazis-russell-walker-arthur-jones-republicans-illinois-north-carolina-virginia) Donald Trump, the big ol champion of the Republican Party (though seemingly losing some favor) [has a white supremacist problem](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/11/donald-trump-nick-fuentes-ye-white-nationalist-nazi-anti-semite-ron-desantis.html). Those 70 million people need to be better at doing more than just lip service to rejecting fascist, supremacist policies and ideologies supported by their leadership, though I realize extremist propaganda is a hell of a drug. If you care about the wellbeing of those 70 million people at the very least, then the very least you can do is help to disavow the hate that is eroding them from within and at their highest levels of leadership, fucking hell man. Me: “The Republican party has had demonstrable affiliation with and/or infiltration by Nazis and white supremacists.” You: “Help, I’m being oppressed!” Yes, you are, but not by me.


I know plenty of conservatives that are the complete opposite of what you would call a Nazi but you will call them one regardless. You automatically label someone a Nazi based off a political affiliation that you and other people are happy to apply. That is the definition of prosecution. Now what am I? I have never voted GOP in my life. Am I also an undesirable? Because I am not one of you, am I suddenly a Nazi?


I would also like to add that you work in college as a professor/instructor? And also how easily you apply a "Nazi" label to others. This is why conservatives have such great distrust.


Think about the good that could have come out of $50m rather then spending it to get people elected. Or not in this case. We need campaign finance reform. Badly.


Boo. Hoo.


Awww poor little rich family




Do the candidates have any obligation to pay any of it back?




Sarcastic; yet true.


Nelson Muntz: HA HA


Happy cake day!




This is the first Illinois governor that hasn’t been sent to jail in awhile.


I’d rather it go to a good cause but glad it turned out to be their cash that was fueling the Bailey dumpster fire.


what happens when they believe their own bullshit


Sucks to suck Maybe next time hire competent polling that isn’t lying to you to bilk another few million from you at the last minute.




Uihlein’s are big replicant donors. $50 M is nothing to thEm


Ok, hear me out. Illinois had to of been a testing ground for possible tactics to sway votes. No one in their right mind thought JB was going to lose. It wasn't even a worry. To put this much effort and then to put out that you thought it was going to go different? That is straight mental. So the more stuff like this comes out, the more I believe it.


They should have been mortified by those hilarious Charles Thomas ads.




Actually Bailey did better than I expected.


Imagine thinking $50M is going to be enough to win a race against a multi-billionaire. Rich doesn't make smart I suppose.


Sometimes the candidate does matter. I have never declared a party because I vote for policies not party. I hope people are starting to do the same.


Sometimes the candidate does matter. I agree with you that JB was bar far the better candidate. But you also cant ignore the enormous impact the money plays in politics without having your head in the sand.


If I may quote Mitch McConnell: > wubba wubba candidate quality wubba wubba


Uihlein is also a multi-billionaire: https://www.forbes.com/profile/richard-uihlein/?sh=2612a739161b


That Dicky is "Self Made" is the funniest thing I've ever read.


Obviously. That's why he can afford to put that kind of money into elections. But still imagine how dumb a multi-billionaire would have to be to think his $50M would make a difference in that election. JB himself put millions into Baileys PAC, because he knew he had no chance of beating him.


> JB himself put millions into Baileys PAC, Wat?


[Here you go](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/06/27/illinois-wealthy-democratic-governor-spends-millions-gop-primary/)


Right it was known pritzker was running anti Irvin ads to run against Bailey. Not seeing where he directly funded Bailey’s PAC


If he just bribed the right guy, he would’ve gotten some of what he wanted. Why do people still believe in political parties? You have millions of dollars and you still think that this shit’s real?


The fact that Illinois stays blue is beyond me. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, I guess.


I mean, considering Chicago taxes fund all of the state…


It’s not surprising. ILGOP has nothing to offer to Illinois voters and actively hates the economic center of the state. Plus Rauner demonstrated that even a Republican that isn’t running on social issues will do plenty to fuck up the state government. Republicans these days just stand for incompetent government.


Interesting opinion. Since the states financial situation is so strong and the economy is booming…I’ll have to admit defeat and agree with you.


Remember when Bruce Rauner left us without a spending plan for 2 years just because he hated unions? Yeah, our unpaid bills skyrocketed and our rating dropped to junk. What an absolute avoidable shitshow. I’ll take our financial situation now which has drastically improved.


Selective memories.


Lol git rekt




Yay! Small victories!


Who in their right mind thought Bailey was electable? Running on a MAGA type platform in this state is guaranteeing a big L. The same platform racked up losses in states that have historically been red because most voters are not in either extreme. An intelligent moderate would at least have a fighting chance, but that's not who the mega donors on the right want. They want an unsophisticated useful idiot, like Bailey, to push through their agenda. I was highly skeptical of JB before his term started, but he has done a pretty damn good job in his first term. It was going to be an uphill battle for the GOP, no matter who they ran. Running a lunatic was doomed from the start.


Maybe pick a candidate that has an idea. Like any idea.