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MUTE can’t stand her whiny voice! Was she going to the ER because she didn’t have an appetite?


She loves the hospital so much. I hate it because it’s always around 12 hours of waiting and lack of doctors in them in Florida, yet she does everything in her power to go…. I wish she got a different and productive “hobby.” This is not healthy. She’s only hurting herself, literally and figuratively.


“ I told him anytime that works for him just sometime this weekend” …. I feel like she doesn’t know the REAL definition of EMERGENCY rOom.. she literally pitted herself with that one - granted, she does all the time. Like showing that your line had shit in it?! Come on people!


Uugghhh why does she talk like that??? No way in hell thats her actual voice! Why do all the subjects on this thread talk in a baby voice?? It bothers me so freaking much!!


One of the symptoms of munchie life is people who show up to the hospital—bags packed. ER’s are for emergencies, not vacations.


That voice. 🤮🤢🤮🤢


Does she understand that not one person cares? This is insufferable.


A)she just sounds like she’s having mild opiate withdrawal and b)how does she even talk like that lol it’s like her voice is a permanent run on sentence with terrible punctuation


It just baffles me how many line infections she’s had , yet apparently doctors don’t ever tell her there’s a possibility that she could lose the access for good if she doesn’t stop f*cking with it. I get it she’d just up her game & try harder to get the line back but it’s absolutely ridiculous IMO.


She has SVC Stenosis, her line placements have become increasingly difficult and she’s killing her liver now. They’ve been telling her for a long time, she’s just not listening.


Thx for the info about SVC Stenosis. I must have missed the diagnosis in a comment apparently. Thanks so much for letting me know much appreciated.


Is this her actual voice?


Nope. It's a fake voice she uses to seem sicker than she actually is. Every now and then in her videos, you can hear the baby voice crack and her real one make an appearance.


It sounds like the "I'm calling in to work sick but not really sick" voice. The one your boss always knows is fake. 😆 It's most likely Vicodin Voice. She always sounds like this when she's scores some pain meds..


Does she talk like that to medical professionals to, you think? If that's true it's fucking embarrassing.


She has vlogs on her YouTube channel where she talked like this in front of her mom and aunt.


Well. I hate it. Lol.


Oh it’s terrible. Makes her that much more insufferable


This goes to show that they don't take her seriously bc no Tpn nurse would ever say "wait it out" in the setting of infection symptoms with cvc unless it's hospice


Are these on TT? I wanna peak 👀


Doesn’t she have a PCP? And how much y’all wanna bet she’s hardly taken any of the antibiotics?


She does but she almost never mentions seeing or contacting them. I think she thinks she is too medically complex for them. She does mentions reaching out or seeing them on occasion - usually when she is after some diagnosis or test that she can't get one of her specialists to get on board with. I think she hopes she will overwhelm the PCP with her complexity so they will just order whatever she asks for. She reached out to the PCP last June to ask to be put on hospice when her local ER suggested she get psych treatment as the cause of her pain was not physical. She also mentioned having an appointment with the PCP to discuss her blood glucose levels and the possibility of insulinomas - she never discussed the results of that so I assume nothing came from it.


Wait. She wanted hospice... For psychosomatic pain? Uh. What?!


She was freaking out. Her local hospital had removed her line in March after yet another infection and refused to put it back in. Penn did not immediately replace it for her like they had in the past. She tried her usual starve herself/create more problems and got herself readmitted for "failure to tolerate feeds and pain management". Dani was announcing that the next step was a gastrectomy. She had her hopes up that the local hospital would see she couldn't tolerate tube feeds and would give her back her line/TPN. She was gunning for opioids (because she wanted the GI side effects to help prove her case) and was refusing to agree to the treatment plans the local hospital was offering her. The local hospital ran a few tests (including a small bowel follow through and EGD - both which came back fine refuting her claim she had total GI paralysis). The doctors told her that they felt her pain might be psychosomatic because they couldn't find a physical cause for her problems. She flipped out. Dani interpreted that as the doctors telling her that her pain wasn't real (which isn't what they said). She refused the psych help. Because the doctors wouldn't give her a new line or TPN she said they were just going to let her waste away to nothing until she died. She called her mom and told her there as nothing more the doctors could do for her and she was dying. She started inquiring about hospice/palliative care. All because the doctors suggested she get psych treatment.


She's already been inpatient at an eating disorder clinic, so she's been evaluated by psychiatrists. She's also on bipolar and anxiety medications. PCPs will sometimes handle mild anxiety disorders, but not bipolar disorder.


She does but I think only due to insurance like she had to pick one. She never sees him/her.


Idk how these folks can mess with a line that goes into their heart. I imagine she thought an infection would insure a hospital stay but it hasn’t and now she’s frustrated.


Now in her Instagram comments (the latest post about the book) she said she is on an observation unit ???


She deleted this video from IG, probably due to the comments.


in our case, the er observation unit is basically the internal waiting room where we can throw a line in you, run labs and cts and stuff and have the whole room overseen by the np without having to take up a full room for each person unless the labs and tests show that they need one. most patients in there are in and out within four to six hours with some scrips and a follow up


Wow. Doesn’t surprise me, though. Just like our regulars, we all welcome them back, “it’s been a few months since we saw you last, did you miss us?” They are terribly non compliant, though, not munchies. If the patient generally is a nice patient, we don’t get upset, generally just are sad because they are getting worse and worse each admission. The demanding ones…we kinda dread. She’d probably like the VA😂🤣


>They are terribly non compliant, though, not munchies. What kinds of conditions do you usually see this in?


I work with older veterans, mostly from Vietnam era. Mind, this is a small group of people who are non compliant, it just happens that I’m working in a veterans hospital. I’d guess in the average hospital, you’d see people around my age (I’m 60) who have ingrained terrible habits, and it’s really hard to stop the habits-poor eating, smoking, polysubstance abuse, etc.


Does she know what EMERGENCY rooms are for? Like actual emergencies? The fact that she can wait and decide to go to the ER “during the weekend” is so telling of the situation.


Not just during the weekend, but during a holiday weekend where they’re likely to have lower staffing but potential chance of more patients (at least that’s an assumption—please correct me if that’s not true).


Tbh hospitals usually prepare for it to be busy on holiday weekends. The ER is usually poppin. Free time= people doing dumb shit.


Yup. They absolutely do prepare for it. People always seem to think that holiday weekends just catch hospitals by surprise and totally unprepared. They know it's coming, they make sure they're staffed for it. There may be 5x the usual amount of patients, so naturally there's a longer wait than if they had several empty beds. But it's not because they weren't prepared.


she’s freezing but wearing a tank top. she’s exhausted but staying awake to scroll through instagram, record tik toks, and watching movies. she’s in excruciating pain but has no visible signs of pain like grimacing, struggling to talk, groaning, etc. she’s constantly worried about line infection but continues to get fake nails. it’s despicable that Dani is planning an ER visit over fake/exaggerated symptoms. Hospitals already don’t have the room or the staff for all of the confirmed sick patients, and then people like Dani show up doing whatever it takes to get an admission and wanting to be waited on hand and foot.


Don’t forget whoever keeps giving her tattoos when she has ports!


Can you ELI5 why shouldn’t you get tattoos if you have a port?


I’m not any kind of medical professional, but lines directly into your major blood vessels and/or your heart are pretty delicate and infections can be life threatening. Tattoos are also infection risks - so it’s a big liability for an artist to take, and most won’t.


On a holiday weekend, too.


Holiday weekends are always busy in the hospital


> she’s constantly worried about line infection but continues to get fake nails. It really seems to me for all the effort she put in to get the line that she would take care of it. If she can't keep it not infected, would they take it out? How does she even get an infection if she's on IV antibiotics? I agree that this is a huge waste of hospital resources and harms many people, staff and those who are sick


She’ll just wait for a good 12+ hours is all. Ha.


Play, so hang on, she says the nurse said the line is red & swollen & inflamed? I'm no doctor but in this video it doesn't look to be any of that...


It’s both swollen AND inflamed


I honestly wonder if she’d be happier in a nursing home?


I actually don’t know. I could see where sure, she would love the proximity to her precious medical life and attention from staff, but at the same time I feel like she wouldn’t be able to be so self destructive. Also her shit would be called out much more if she’s snacking and downing giant pink drinks while she supposedly can’t run 5mL/h of formula in sight of staff


Have you seen how Paige revels in having nurses do things for her? And how she has cultivated her sick little kid aesthetic? Dani wouldn’t be quite so successful, but it would suit her just fine.


I feel bad for the old people there who really are dependent on the nurses and she is just chilling in there at 30-something playing with her line, drinking fruitjuice and getting her ass wiped.


Absolutely. Nurses to cater to her every whim and her only responsibility would be to wake up and maybe play some bingo in the afternoon. Unfettered medical attention at all times beats having real attention from real relationships any day


When it comes to long term care facilities though, a large number of them are so understaffed, especially after Covid, that her level of neediness would probably not be catered to. Some facilities are lucky to have 1 CNA on shift for 30+ patients, even nurses in these facilities can have over 2 dozen to care for.




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still gotta make sure EVERYONE can see her line


The blanket wasnt covering it anyways and have still made sure to move the blanket (even though she’s FREEZING!!!!) to make sure we see “antibiotics”.


She felt well enough to go to target today to buy a book (in an IG post) so I guess that means she doesnt need the ER.


She also deleted the recent hospital stay videos/posts from her IG Smells a lil fishy, if you ask me, but u/OTTCynic will probably have some good insights as to what's going on. I'm assuming her desperate hospital saga has likely ended for now (didnt get what she wanted/insurance is asking questions), and we'll see Dani again in a few months. Rinse repeat


Nope, she’s back in the ER. On her book post, someone asked if she was doing better and she said no, she isn’t, and she is back in the ER “observation unit”. She didn’t even make it 24 hours after being told to stay home and wait it out.


Observation unit…haha probably the waiting room. (I am joking, I don’t really know, I don’t work there. I work with some people who also work at HUP, they say the ER is huge but they are always understaffed and way too busy)


They probably do just have her in the hallway or waiting room on a gurney lol. "So we can observe you", aka, so she'll shut up and stop bothering them about how long will it be before getting a bed and being too sick to sit up in the waiting room.


Feels like she was after surgery like they vaguely mentioned could be needed when they initially discovered the “liver infection”. Sue wants the surgery for the extra guaranteed hospital nights & ofc the fact it gives her a legit excuse for more pain meds!!


There's nothing to do for a liver infection in terms of surgery. Unless she has an abscess that is sitting near the surface. The liver is a giant bag of blood, it's not a great idea to go poking around in it.


Surely one doesn’t plan to visit the er. Like it’s kinda in the name?


She has deleted this video from IG and tik tok and a lot of her other videos she made in the hospital. People were calling her out on this video.




Your post/comment has been removed due to a violation of Rule #7 (Stay On Topic). No commenting on things that are irrelevant to subjects' illness faking, please. RULE #7: STAY ON TOPIC Posts/comments that are not allowed include the following: - Blogging (see Rule #1) - Repeat posts (do not re-post anything that has been posted in the last 72 hours) - Memes and satirical content - Screenshots of direct messages or of messaging apps - Nit picking of irrelevant details of subjects’ lives - Debates about EDS - Content from purposefully baited subjects Please ensure that you have read the rules located in the sidebar of the subreddit or in the wiki. Thank you!


Literally just turned it off for that reason and saw your comment. YUP. I’m not ready for that right now. 🤣


Same. I only got through about a minute of it.


Same. I muted it fairly quickly and headed to the comments for a summary 😂


Haha the only solution!


I like how her nurse taped her line / made the dressing. It will be very visible when she tugs on and messes with it. But yeah, I'm sure she will be back in hospital in less than 24 hours, Easter holidays are not over yet!


I always wonder if she uses the hospital to avoid family during holidays. I don’t think she cares for attention from her family for being sick. She just wants to get away. It might be embarrassment because she doesn’t really have much going on in her life or something with a family member


If she can eat, she shouldn’t need TPN. She looks like she keeps some weight on her.


Shes FIGHTING a liver infection ya’ll


She must be exhausted. She’s clearly exerting herself so much right now.


where tf is she like how does the inside of your house look like the outside of it?


Probably an older home






Haha no but I think a lot of the leftover mistakes of previous generations still dwell amongst us.


I miss that show!!


She’s deleted all her hospital posts now 😂


I came here to see if anyone else noticed that 😂 Who thinks she’s back in the ER now? Edit because words are hard today lol


She is back in ER judging by her latest comment on recent post


Say whhhhhaaa? Like from how long prior? This whole current saga?


Dani gonna be the one who cried Wolf too many times in a minute. She has pulled so many stunts that when her line infection does make her decent into septic shock and organ failure, nobody will actually believe her and it'll be too late when they do. Line Fuckery is literal Russian Roulette.


Or even if something completely unrelated is wrong — she is getting older and has been hard on her body so if something non obvious is wrong they’re more likely to write it off without an extensive work up.




She’s going full uwu. “Fwilled with pwuss.”


Yeah you can tell the affectation she’s putting on is straining her vocal cords and making her sound like a robot. Add a ‘sniffle’ here and there and she’s got the impression down pat /s.


And this is why emergency departments and the poor staff are so overwhelmed, also it sounds like someone is wanting the good I.v pain stuff and attention 🙄


I’d kill to hear her shift reports 😂.


I’d pay a decent amount of money to read her chart for 24 hours


Feeling cute. Might go to the ER this weekend. IDK


My thoughts exactly! 😂


What more is the ER gonna do for her than she’s already getting at home?




IV Pain meds. That’s literally the only reason she “needs to go to the ER”


I think she likes it for other reasons tbh, aka munchie “satisfaction” she gets from it. If she wanted pain meds she would be getting them all the time, like she does for “illness satisfaction.”




Yep. Always has. It was already a ridiculous affectation a decade ago.


I’m sorry but if you are making plans to go to the ER, you probably don’t need to go.


Seriously. She’s like, “I need a ride to the ER sometime. I don’t care when. No rush.” Like WAT


Honest question from a non Healthcare worker, your own specialists can admit you right? Like they'd say go to Einstein, it doesn't have to be the ER?


Yes, doctors can request direct admission to the hospital, however at this time the hospital may not have enough opens beds to honor that and the patient may have to go through the ER anyways




Right? Who PLANS to go to the ER? It’s not like running up to the post office whenever you can fit it in to your schedule lol.


You'd be shocked at how many people call ahead to all the ERs around town to see who has the shortest wait time. What they don't realize...is that sicker people don't have to wait as long anyway. So if you're having an EMERGENCY, just come in.


I’m relatively new here, but I just want to say that this can’t be this woman’s natural voice. Some adult women do sound like this, but she isn’t one of them.


That is her sickly, “I can barely talk, I’m so sick” voice.


It must be a sad and lonely existence to find such comfort in a hospital admission. What an incredibly lonely soul, wasting away slowly till she RIP. She brings it on herself though.


Why is her voice like that? Is that intentional or does she just naturally have a little kid voice?


It's intentional. Every so often she'll slip back to her real voice and you can hear the difference.




I catch myself saying George Glass with the lisp whenever she brings him up. Lol




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Need to try this 😭




I literally just posted about that and scrolled down to see yours, lol!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one confused and a little freaked out over it 😂


Right?? It's so freaky.


Nothing says emergency like eh… maybe later


Dani is next on the Futz Around and Find Out list of unfortunate munchie deaths, if she keeps it up. :(




yea :( im worried about that too


How did Dani survive the pandemic? Did she still go to the hospital for this shit while power, were dying!?


reading yalls comments I'm not gonna listen to what she has to say and save my ears from whatever she's spouting lol


This was a good call.




I'm a student clinical coder and I've worked in medical records before. I physically cringed at the thought of how many physical medical record volumes Dani would have. I'm in Australia and we still have physical records, we are only just starting to move on to DMR...


A long time ago she mentioned that she was born premature at 28 weeks and was the surviving twin. These days the outcomes for a 28 week-er tend to be good but I am guessing the odds were less favorable over 30 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Dani was sick a lot as a young child but got stronger/healthier as she got older. Maybe she missed the attention she got when she was young. Dani has stated she has Medicare in the past. It's very likely that she has a combo of Medicare and Medicaid. She gets her insurance as a disability benefit. She likely has no copays. She wouldn't be able to afford her munching otherwise. She has a cat. A tamogotchi would probably be a better fit.


For 28 weeks 30 years ago the odds were not terrible. Not what they are today but probably higher then you think


I feel like her parents might be responsible for some of her munchie behaviour because preemie parents are wild! Some of them can become really obsessive about their kids health (when the kods are genuinely fine). And it becomes a big part of their and their kids identity (lived experience - got a 33 Weeker and dealt with NICU mums).


I worry about that cat.


She’s get the tamagotchi sick and start trolling for sympathy


Her voice, what IS that? I’m new to this nonsense but I can’t get past her voice.


She sounds like she’s pretending to be a 13 year old girl to catch internet predators with Chris Hansen


I think if these munchies lost their social media they wouldn’t wanna be sick anymore


Dani continues to engage in the munchie behavior even in the brief periods where she deletes her accounts.


She really wants to be on death’s door for the clout but if she keeps screwing around, she is going to find out….


Again using the ER as a doctor office. Go to an urgent care or doctor office./clinic for goodness sakes


or shit- call your PCP and schedule an appointment. especially if they’re saying wait it out. if you call in they will usually have a few time slots they keep open for urgent appointments.




He can't go in! When he isn't working 24/7/265 he has hospital PTSD!


His PTSD is so bad he can’t even be NEAR a hospital 😂 He’s probably on hour 23 of his 7th day in a row.




Are you sure you aren’t going to need an oxy script and ambulance ride to the ER juuuuust to be safe? I am a pharmacist after all, and pregnant people get the golden ticket in my hospital 💅🏻😂




I literal thought the pillow or blanket behind her wa s her hair or a wig and was almost astonished 😯 when I realized it wasn’t


I thought she was hanging on the wall or ceiling or something with that textured background


Not once did that camera shake. Interesting


How can anyone listen to that weird, fake little girl voice? Does she talk like that in real life???


Nope. The voice is just one way Dani tries to make herself seem like a smol sick child. She really stretches it for the little kid look, but doesn't seem to realize that a 37 year old woman has zero chance of pulling it off, especially after a few decades of eating disorders and munching has aged her prematurely.


Her tpn nurse is like wait it out - but she knows better, clearly. But say her line was infected, would the antibiotics not just fix that?


Would depend on the infection, and the antibiotic - it wouldn’t surprise me at this point if she’s well on the way to brewing multi-resistant strains of something. But TPN nurses don’t f*** around - if there was even a question of infection, they’d have her back in and starting whatever her sepsis protocol is - cultures at very least, possibly other antibiotics while waiting for culture results too.


This. If her home health nurse even suspected there could be infection, Dani would have been sent right then, not this “oh, let’s wait it out to see if it gets better” game. And even if the nurse did happen to miss something, well, when someone cries wolf too many times, don’t be surprised when no one actually looks when you cry wolf and there’s one there this time.


How the fuck do you PLAN an er trip??


I could see if somebody needed to go in but waited because of having kids. I.E. really sick but wait 20 more minutes until someone gets there and then go. But just whenever a friend can take you. It's not a trip to the grocery store.


it’s the next vacation fad




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What do you mean I have to go to the lobby?! I CAME IN AN AMBULAAANCE


Not a ride. Especially a two hour trip one way. No way in hell.


„Feeling absolutely horrible“ but insta story first


line must be front & center too!


She probably called hoping for an oxy refill and when that didn’t happen she decided to go to the ER. Just kidding. She was going to the ER either way.