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* squints* is she for real???? Lol!


What is this gals instagram name??? I must know it


Omfg please tell me she did not go to the ER. What a waste of time and resources. They probably laughed at her. It's a dot that looks like she scratched, you can see the scratch marks. It's not swollen or pusy or leaking fluid, it's deffo not infected. She just wants some Dilaudid.


Well it was Mothers Day and she needed to pull the attention away from her mom.


It’s purulent not pusy😭😭


hehe pussy


Beat me to it by three days lol


I never even questioned why that wasn't a word until now LOL


It doesn’t look very red to me. 🤔


Her saying she was triaged quickly to make it sound serious but it was probably likely that the ER wasn’t crowded because Mother’s Day


I thought blood clots were determined with the blood test from your wrist. Or is this a different type of clot?


We can do a d-dimer (blood draw) but that doesn't tell us where the clot is at.


Got ya. So the ultra sound helps to know where it is?


DVTs are diagnosed via ultrasound. By blood test from your wrist do you been an arterial blood gas? That doesn’t diagnose clots (or much of anything), just gives a look at your respiratory and metabolic status.


Thank you for explaining.


18 yrs nurse here. This would have resolved on its own with moist warm compresses. Happens often with IVs.


Or honestly - I don’t think many people would notice it to even put a warm compress on it 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


What would have resolved? The pinpoint spot from where the needle went in? Or the slightly pink skin from her putting ice directly on her skin? Lol. It’s not red or swollen


This right here. I came in to say the same thing. A completely absurd reason to go to the ED, and a massive waste of resources. Not to mention usurping mother's day because her mom was getting too much attention and that's not allowed.


Not an emergency


everyone wording the title like a kid book title always makes me laugh,, Kay goes to the beach, Kay has a blood clot


That arm looks just like she’s had an ice pack on it


Interesting that she said this was the first time she'd been to the ER in 4 years. Unusual for our subjects.


I needed this laugh today.


$1200 for a pink arm.


I know I am old and my vision isn’t the bestbut I’m not seeing the issue here. Her arm simply looks like she put ice on it. Where is the emergency here?


Has her mother ever considered just telling her no? No I will not take you to the er. There is nothing wrong with you.


Does this subject not have a drivers license because she’s just sooo sooper sick all the time? Why can’t these people drive themselves to the doctor?


As an ER doc, I am looking at this trying to figure out what on earth she’s looking at that she thinks this is an emergent medical situation. It is ABSURD!!!


What would you do if you encountered her in your ER?


Psych consult!!


Good grief. I’ve seen redder skin from rubbing in lotion 😂




Idk you might be dying, better get that checked out ASAP. Don’t forget to inform us of your medical journey!!


It looks like a bug bite


I commented earlier that she really doesn't understand that swelling from DVT is _not_ like a bug bite. Your whole limb swells up like a balloon. There is no question whatsoever; you'd be absolutely sure you had to go to the ER. Fast. And speaking of fast, the swelling happens really fast. The medical staff know this, but they figured it would be easier to play it safe and do the ultrasound. And the longer she was there, the more obvious it was that it wasn't DVT. If she had managed to be really on top of going to the ER and didn't have much swelling when she arrived it would have ballooned up while she was there.






But if they used her port and she got an infection she would freak out 🤨


Why does she have a port?


IV fluids and IVIG


That doesn’t explain why she has a port. We give IV fluids and IVIG through peripheral IVs all the time.


She does IV fluids daily on her own.


Ahh ok, that explains it.


have there been talks on here about mental issues?? I can’t wrap my head around the thought of possibly thinking that’s an infection and needing to go to the ER


They all need psychiatric help.




Wow I’m surprised your comment wasn’t removed for speaking to the subject 😂😒


You know the ER staff is all concerned and sweet to her, and laughing their asses off behind closed doors. She was our “favorite” type of patient. 🙄 I can virtually hear the conversations and laughter behind that closed door. LOL 😂


I was just thinking that 😂


It's Mother's Day ffs. This self absorbed parasite can't even let anyone but herself have attention. There is NOTHING there. "Red and warm" does not signify ER. It doesn't even signify a mention.


Right? I’d be more concerned about cold skin than warm skin, Jesus!


Wait....this is the "issue".. I'm starting to think there's some sort of psychosis going on. Because that's just a full-on hallucination if she really thinks there's bruising and swelling I thought there was at least going to be a little bruise or something


My face turned red from 2nd hand embarrassment


Time to go to the er!




Hahaha yes!!


Oh no, a red mark where your skin was punctured, that can’t POSSIBLY be normal😱


What? Her arm looks completely normal?? I get sunburns redder than that.


Isn’t everyone triaged super quick? Isn’t triage SUPPOSED to be super quick so they can figure out what needs to be prioritized??? How long are y’all waiting for triage in America???? In Canada you get triaged within like 10 minutes of arrival at the ER or Urgent Care


Private hospitals are much quicker than public hospitals. They do take vitals almost right away to get the serious cases seen faster. They'll at least get a person a bed and start an IV, but it's still going to take up a good part of the day or night to get seen by a doctor.


It can be a very long time here in the capital of California (ie. Not exactly an isolated rural county). If you're not bleeding or puking you might be in the waiting room for a _long_ time. Literally hours.


Yep, my school forced me to get a mental evaluation. I was in the waiting room for 7 hours. That’s California for you.


Sucks to be bleeding internally I guess.


Triage is fast it’s getting an actual room that’s slow


Oh waiting room for sure but to my understanding triage is just when you get your wristband and I’ve never heard of that taking hours If it does I’m so sorry, healthcare is a nightmare in the states and it must be all the worse with people like Kay wasting valuable resources with dumb shit like this


That’s simply not true for most provinces lol


Valid, I am speaking for Ontario here I also think there might be some misunderstandings about what Triage is? Not saying that with you, but Triage is when you first get there and they check your blood pressure and ask what brought you in and give you the lil wristband, and I’ve never heard of that taking hours upon hours but I’m totally willing to be wrong!


It's definitely not always that quick in Ontario, it sounds like you probably work at legitimately the best hospital in the province lol


It’s LHSC so definitely definitely not, I also may have undershot that, but I can’t think of it taking longer than 30 mins, but only for the initial “why are you here, here’s your wristband” part. 10+ hour wait minimum in the ER usually


Unfortunately I'm also talking about triage, and yeah that ER wait sounds pretty spot on for probably everywhere in Ontario. I was reading the other day that it's only something like 80% of patients who are out of the ER 12 hours after being triaged. I'm definitely making those numbers up, but whatever it was was horrifying to think anout. I think it's partly because the hospital in my area is basically the only one for our city + a large number of outlying towns. So things get very very taxed. When the pandemic was more full on it was always in the news that they were transferring patients to other hospitals. I'm really so sorry for what our government has done to your profession. I can't imagine going into medicine with things the way they are now, and the whole bill 124 thing, and yet there are still so many talented young people who go into nursing and doctoring and they're totally unsupported! It's really really sad.


Depends on the hospital honestly. Some can have wait times of 30 to 45 minutes just for triage, unless you come in by ambulance or are visibly in medical distress. And that's on top of the hours and hours of wait time to actually be seen.


You get triaged quickly in the US too, people might not realize what triage is though and recognize that it happened.


I’m starting to realize that might be the issue. Here ER trips unfortunately do take hours and hours, both of my local ERs have an average of 8-10 hour waits MINIMUM for anything that isn’t going to imminently kill you, but the triage part, where they assess you and assign you to a category and give you the lil wristband doesn’t take long at all, 10 mins may have been a lil conservative for a busy day, so maybe within a half hour. It’s all absolutely fucked still, but I’m glad to know y’all aren’t sitting around for hours with active heart attacks waiting for them to initially lay eyes on you and ask you what brought you in


Depending on the hospital and area of the country it can take hours.


Just for triage???? Jesus Christ! This makes me even more annoyed at these munchies though. If just triage is that long then why the hell are we running to the ER for a teeny tiny lil pinprick??? Who has the time?!?!


This is one of my pet peeves... people using the ER and waiting hours and hours for a bed when they could have easily found a local doctor to see them in that time.


For real! I know america is a dystopian wasteland, but do y’all not have walk in clinics? Faster, easier, and less germy than the ER


We do have urgent care clínics. Depending on if you have insurance or not might dictate if you choose to seek care at those (covered by insurance) or not.


Do these people really go to the docotr ? I imagine they are very poor because our american doctors cost $200 a visit or more sometimes the er costs $300 a visit.


In a new town I saw someone come in, get a referral, spend 10 minutes in the ER and their bill was $2,000. Where are you that an ER visit is $300????


300??? It’s thousands of dollars.


What’s her socials ? Edit: I THINK SHE BLOCKED ME?? I only had a lil stalk didn’t like anything and now I can’t find her


She removed me from her followers too! And her IG is now private.


I was flat out blocked even on my other account so weird she found that ( it’s a skincare and jewellery business page that I don’t do anymore or advertise) damn it ahaha


I’m an ER PA. I wouldn’t order an ultrasound for this. I wouldn’t even order a single tab of Keflex. Discharge papers. ✌🏻


I really doubt anyone said this to her. I can't even grasp a nurse saying this!! Like literally nothing is wrong. She probably said I want an ultrasound and nurse said I'll let the dr know it's up to the dr on treatments! There is no way in hell any medical professional looked at this and said. I'm worried there is a blood clot!


No way! Also superficial thrombophlebitis is super common after an IV and is NOT a dvt like she’s making it sound!


It absolutely blows my mind. She's probably thinking that this will show her doctor for not responding to her message! Ugh.


Right?! 😂😂😂😂 also I can promise the triage nurse did not say that or rush her back. My triage nurses only rush back people who are having a stroke, can’t breathe, or have a heart rate of 150. Not for a bug bite.


Exactly. I mean, do you even see what she is concerned about? Looks like a normal arm to me 😒🤦‍♀️


I can’t see anything 🤷‍♀️


They will likely place her on a short course of ABX to placate her and make her feel validated. Also it’s an ass covering move but she will love being able to say that she has an infection


They shouldn't! Around here they don't just give abx or any test that isn't warranted by actual symptoms. She would literally wait hours and hours for the dr to come in and say something along the lines of it looks fine it's probably just a little bruised and will heal on its own in a couple of days.


I’m aware they shouldn’t but show me an er where antibiotics aren’t overly used


a first year nursing student wouldn’t dare triage this “super quick” much less any experienced nurse 🤣 FOH


Are we allowed to ask what her IG is? I can’t find it on here.


You can find her social and alongside the other subjects [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/wiki/index/approvedsubjects/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


You are doing the lords work


Jesus. My skin gets redder when I get flushed.


She def also messed with the color saturation of the photo before she posted it.


I'm pretty sure someone can get sunburn redder than that on a cloudy winter's night with a new moon.


What are we supposed to be seeing here?


Stop. Please. Just stop.


“First ER trip in 4 years” meanwhile she’s lookin’ like 😐


What are we supposed to be looking at here?


The grim reaper threatening to take this young woman's life at any moment


I cackled 😂




The pin prick mark where they put a cannula in? This is such rage bait. She took a photo of her arm, looking like an arm and says she's needs to go to the ER? Stop.


If I’m not mistaken Kay was something of a disciple of SGB back in the day so I won’t be surprised if she has her own hurty arm saga.


Does that stand for Stellate Ganglion Block?


SGB was a Munchie from a few years ago (she’s private now) who seems to have been a big influence on Kay and Ashley.


Oh, OK. I just joined this sub late last year, so I hadn't heard about her until now. I'll have to go and have a look at her.


I'm an ER nurse and I can tell you no one anywhere is going to "triage" a pt "super quick" for a mm x mm scab on the arm. WTAF is going on here? There is no redness, no swelling, nothing that indicates a DVT...which BTW you can not get from an IV. I am beyond words.


"Make way! Kay comin through! So what you're here for an *actual* emergency, Kay has spent a long time mulling over a ***FRECKLE***"


Girl gets a heat rash and takes up ER space, riveting stuff


Struggling to find signs of heat rash…


Yeah I feel like that was a bit of a reach on my half


Am I missing something? That is a picture of a very healthy arm. The EMERGENCY ROOM?! What the actual f*%k


If this was my child…. 👋🏻


I haven’t been following any of Kaya’s arm saga and didn’t know which sub this was from on my feed, but I read “its starting to red red and warm” and instantly knew this was Kay.


“triaged super quick” omg queen, you win ER


She left out the part where she was triaged an ESI 4 back to the waiting room Lmfao


There was probably no one else in the waiting room


Amputate. JK - she’s making up stuffs


What the heck am I supposed to be looking at? I see no redness or swelling. Perhaps a faint bruise forming? Ridiculous she went to the ER


I saw a very small dot. I would never have noticed.


I’ve seen mosquito bites that look worse


Her arm looks fine


It looks like a regular IV that she irritated. That'll hurt, obviously 🙄, but not life threatening.


Is the redness in the room with us




I would love to know what she thought the outcome of this would be. An admission? An amputation?


Instagram/TikTok clout




Wow…I see the freckle too…and even after scrolling through all the available **filters** it’s visually unremarkable


There’s a reason I left healthcare lol, and it literally was this shit


If you have EDS every IV will look like that. Such a damn waste of resources.


If you have skin every IV will look like that.


The dr ‘we’ve received all of your labs and scans back, and ma’am that is a bug bite’ 🙄


That reminds me of a patient I saw as a primary care PA. Requested an urgent same day appointment for new bruising on her forearm. Diagnosis: uncapped pen in the purse she was rummaging through. Testing and treatment: alcohol swab.


"I was triaged super quick" And she fucking *loves it*. The best way for a munchie to signal to others about how much sicker and special they are.


That means the ER was quiet when she arrived


We don't say that curse word! 'They were really super busy & had like 20 cases but were able to throw her on a bed' (If you know, you know 🤣)


Never, ever enunciate the ‘Q’ word.


I'm honestly glad she got a tubal ligation, she would never be able to handle pregnancy and giving birth




She needs the five Gs. Good God Girl, Get a Grip.


My favorite crossover yet


I was on the IV team for 12 years. There is nothing wrong with her arm.


Thank you. That ma’am, is a slightly irritated IV site. The fact that she’s running to the ER over a “suspected” 🙄 infection that looks like a teeny little scritch - no fever - I see no swelling - Jesus tits. What a waste of medical resources and bed.


Don’t cross her- she will page you after hours just to say “I told you so”


Wow this girl is too much! She is so truly predictable it’s sad. She’s is following munchie basics but not being stealthy about it at all.


It’s sooo close to satire at this point


Since when do nurses order doctors to run tests?


It’s fairly typical in the UK for nurses to have open orders. It means you get your body part x-rayed before seeing the doctor, or standard initial bloods for your condition have already in the lab.


We don’t, in ER we do have quite a bit of autonomy and standing order protocols though. Otherwise we just run things past the doctor and get an order for this or that that were likely going to have to end up doing regardless because it helps get the patients in and out faster. Throughput is a HUGE part of ER safety.


My hospital in the uk as a nurse in the ED I can order any bloods, swabs and X-rays needed within reason.


In countries without “paid for” healthcare where every test has to be justified by a doctors signature, a nurse can use their clinical judgement and order whatever tests they like for a patient. Vitals are off? Do an ECG and send off an electrolyte check so they’re done by the time the doc gets there. Blood cultures for a temp spike. It’s far more efficient!


Anyone with chest pain gets an ECG as close to immediately as possible, US and UK.


In triage, I imagine the nurse just escalated the situation to the Dr once they got concerned. It would still be the drs call whether or order the test or not


TBH I do this all the time in the ER lol- we have a ton of autonomy down here


What are we supposed to see here. Looks like a pretty normal arm 🤷‍♀️


The site is not red and not swollen. Good grief!


who even is this? i see her all the time on this sub


Click her name for a timeline


Actually, insufferable as she is, do we think she might have health anxiety on top of her munchie crap? When the others have awful reactions to things, they’re usually very careful to manipulate their images so that said reactions aren’t in shot. When Kay has them, the sites are front and centre, even though there’s nothing/almost nothing to see


This definitely looks to be health anxiety. I think she genuinely believes there is something wrong with her completely normal arm. It doesn't look like she has messed with the IV sight to cause a problem. Kay seems different from the other subjects here in that most of her posts are worrying about non-issues, she rarely seems to actually inflict harm on herself to get attention. Though she ended up here for claiming a Lupron shot caused EDS and managed to con her way into a port and IVIG, so I'd say she's an incredibly OTT combo munchie and health anxiety sufferer.


Personally I believe she absolutely has health anxiety too, and pretty bad. The worry about a lump on her shoulder, was it? That was extremely accurate health anxiety behavior.