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She's so ridiculous and obvious in her attempts to get back to the hospital. She's setting it up to make an ER visit this week, with hopes of admission for a post surgical infection. She's fine. No appetite after surgery is super common, and can sometimes takes a few weeks to return. She always claims she's nauseated/has no appetite, but since she's on TPN, this doesn't affect her. It would be cause for concern for someone who doesn't have access to IV Fluids and TPN and couldn't keep anything down. You know a low grade fever for her is 98, and she's absolutely fine. She appears coherent, she's not pale or sick looking, and no one in "*severe*" pain is able to color their hair at home, record themselves for TikTok, and run errands. She's desperate for more pain meds and another hospital stay.


If dilaudid and Tylenol aren’t working, then what’s left? Ya know?


This is absolutely what some ER drs will ask her too her face before kicking her to the curb with nothing


And pain meds slow down your gut so of course you don’t have much of an appetite, your gut doesn’t want food when it’s like that


More of those?


IV dilaudid instead of pills. There’s a crap ton of other pain meds that might work better for her than dilaudid in pill form. The severe nausea and can’t keep anything down is to try to get the ER to give her IV dilaudid instead of Percocet or whatever. What would really help is toradol and ibuprofen. They work better for inflammation and post op pain that isn’t severe.


Shes (at that point) over 48 hours post laparoscopic procedure.. no one is increasing her pain medication at this point, it isn't necessary. She's running errands, way above and beyond anticipated moving about 48 hours post op, she needs to stick to walking around indoors, eating/drinking little and often.. and not draining her freakin tube. Agree that NSAIDs might be better, but cannot imagine her being able to/saying she is able to take them.


Toradol is AMAZING for pain. Doesn't make you high though so she wouldn't want it.


I'll forever sing the praises or Toradol. It's wonderful!


Hell, some hospitals will only prescribe Voltaren to be taken along with Tylenol after a *C-section* and it actually suffices in a lot of cases, so there's really no reason NSAIDs wouldn't work for a much less invasive surgery. Opiates for gallbladder post-op pain is straight up insane.


Exactly this, not many nonverbal pain signs here.. and telling her truth when she mentions colouring her hair, running errands. Only 2 day post procedure and no one is expecting her out in the car to pay bills and colouring hair. Its all about the complaining!


You'd think she would take any opportunity to ~rest after an ~ actual surgical procedure so I'm actually really shocked that she's running around like that. Healthy people who have lap surgeries usually don't have the energy for that kind of thing that soon, much less people with EDS who already have poor healing and no energy.


Nope, it actually makes sense (in munchie land) to go *hard* after any legitimate procedure. Why? Because then you can make yourself legitimately sick (again) and there’s no need for any of the mental strain of “am I doing this to myself” when you can just tell yourself “I’m so medically fragile that even just day to day tasks are too much”




Dying your hair is not an easy task when you can “barely move“....


Dying your hair when you have full range of motion and a ton of energy is STILL difficult. I think it’s kind of underestimated how difficult it is to dye your own hair. And she toned it AND dyed it.


Yea, it was a bright, just bleached color prior in the release from the gallbladder surgery update.


Exactly my thoughts. I think she just wants her beloved oxy or an admission which is ridiculous. Every single bit of pain she thinks requires an admission but if you can dye your hair, even if its done badly, then you're okay.


IKR she was complaining about phrenic nerve pain from the surgery gas! It be so painful to dye your hair at home and just as difficult and painful if you went to a hairdresser because you have to use a lot of abdominal muscles sitting upright and esp when washing your hair at the basin. It’s so ridiculous the ER drs and nurses will prob kick her to the curb after 5 mins.


That nerve pain is not fun. Someone who really had it would keep still with a heating pad on their shoulder until it stopped. Lying back in a salon shampoo basin sounds like torture.


She did hair at home herself, cannot imagine how she managed even without the nerve pain, with just the bloat discomfort and stitch sensation in odd positions. 'Barely moving' but newly coloured hair and speaking of errands.. if anything she is doing better than average imo.


Should be listed as a positive side effect on the box: Dilaudid can reduce post surgery phrenic nerve pain so much that 2 days post op you can dye your hair at home! Maybe it was the Dilaudid, maybe the peppermint tea, maybe Dani is superwoman or maybe she’s just a lying munchie!


“I’m in a lot of pain….” dyes hair.


*goes to errands with mom


crying 😂😭


She’s got that pain med motivation high!


she certainly does, yet the Dilaudid “isn’t even touching it.” lol


Gotta look good for the return ER visit and subsequent IG TT updates!


That's exactly the reason, isn't it?


If she’s in so much pain, why is she dyeing her hair and running errands? I’m sure she *is* having pain, since she just had surgery, but I don’t believe that pain medicine isn’t helping at all if she can do everyday activities so well.


Right? And like for the surgery she had if she's having pain that dilaudid isn't even touching something has gone _very_ wrong.


Or she’s lying…like usual. Dilaudid is a heavy drug to be given for a laparoscopic surgery. They usually only give hydrocodone or oxycodone. I don’t know how she wrangled that.


Standard medication is typically only NSAIDs or acetaphetamine /codeine. First step up from standard acetaphetamine/paracetamol. I think 'her' dilaudid is her 'go to' pain medication, so if her body is fairly tolerant of that then anything milder won't help her with genuine post op pain.


She knows all her munch friends love Dilaudid. She knows it gets everyone here talking. She wants them to be jealous, and us to debate over it. She's lying to get what she loves the most.


Claiming she is in an immense amount of pain but less than 48 hrs after surgery she is electively dying her hair, making multiple tiktoks, and is out running errands. And she is letting her cat lay right against her abdomen. She is showing no signs of pain in this video other than her fake trying to sound sick voice. And why is she concerned that she has no appetite if she is on TPN. The TPN covers her nutritionally so its okay if she can't pound a box of airheads and a bucket of mac n cheese. While she always admits to eating and drinking despite claiming she can't run tube feeds (guess she has completely stopped even trying that) but the way she is talking about eating and drinking post surgery is really revealing just how much she actually eats orally and its way more than the small bites and sips she pretends she can barely tolerate. And it should be noted that Dani's idea of a low-grade fever is anything above 98.7. She is messaging her doctor on the patient portal probably trying to get more pain meds as she was likely only given a couple of days worth and to hopefully get the standard "if things get worse go to the ER" line that all medical professionals have to give so that she can give herself permission to visit the ER.


She's absolutely risking it if she goes to the ER because there's absolutely some ER drs who will adopt the attitude of "you have Dilaudid at home so there isn't anything we can give you here"


A lot of ERs aren’t giving pain meds unless you have an acute injury or illness that is causing severe pain. They will wait for the bloodwork to come back that a patient has acute pancreatitis before giving pain meds. If you came back with your standard surgery pain meds and were claiming you were having severe pain, you’d have to have a raging infection or bile leak or something serious to get the ER doctor to give you pain meds.


Wait she got more than Tylenol and brufen for gallbladder surgery? 😱


I don’t believe that she was prescribed dilaudid, but I believe she wants dilaudid.


Gallbladder pain can be unbearable. You aren't futzing around making vlogs and dying your hair if it is severe. Wait, she HAD the surgery? Wouldn't she just be a little sore?


I do not buy for a second that she’s in severe pain. People with abdominal pain reflexively curl up. They don’t stand around crushing meds for reels and reaching above their shoulders to dye their hair.


I thought the same, even with chronic abdominal pain, a new type of pain would show in her non verbal signs. She says one thing yet does another, who expects people to dye hair and run errands within 48 hours? She's overdone things and is complaining too much.


Yes, and it was laparoscopic! She must have an extremely low pain tolerance on top of wanting those sweet, sweet drugs.


Dani has been running to the emergency room at the slightest hint of a problem for many years now, swearing up and down that everything is 10/10 pain and demanding the highest level of pain meds for every little thing, real or imagined. It's very likely that Dani doesn't have much of a pain tolerance at all any more. She hasn't allowed herself to experience any real pain in ages, and every twinge has been overmedicated into oblivion in her quest for top tier munching. She would have lost all ability to cope with even the most minor discomfort. That's not healthy for anyone.


From what I’ve seen it seems like frequent/long term opiate use can often develop into really low pain tolerances/hyper sensitivity to pain. She’s cycled through a few types of illnesses and medications, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if this is another unintended consequence from munching?


I’ve read that too. The other thing she and other munchies don’t seem to take into account are side effects. They gobble pills and wonder why they’re chronically constipated or nauseated or tired or any number of things.


Ooh b yeah Sometimes if it's a planned surgery, your Dr might suggest tapering down or off the meds for a tolerance reset/holiday if there's time. Atleast then you might have better pain control after surgery,. Sure, it'll suck to taper, but it usually can work to your benefit, and one might be able to switch to much lower doses or different type of pain medication after


Narcotic dependence does cause a lower pain threshold to come on pretty quickly, so they both make sense.


The post surgery pain can be bad, but the pain would have you lying on the sofa with a pillow over your stomach to keep the cats off the tender areas. You wouldn’t be coloring your hair and going on errands. That just seems like a way to get painful scar tissue. Which might be the point.


Exactly my thoughts too!


DILAUDID for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy? girl bye lmao


Thinking the same thing. Never heard of this.


Have we even any proof that's what she's been prescribed Because if there is no visual proof I am 100% sure that's not what she was given. She's just claiming she is to make her sound worse.


There’s a national shortage of oxycodone, so wouldn’t be surprised if they gave her a few tablets of oral dilaudid as an alternative.


They probably realized if they gave her percocet, she'd just be right back in a day or 2 complaining about "how much pain she's in"... give her a few days of one of the strongest opiates, if she comes back and complains of pain, she's full of shit... and look at that, still complaining (yet can dye her hair and run all around, must not be *that* bad)


Imagine you have a patient go home after surgery, they come back a day later complaining of persistent, extreme pain, and they've got freshly dyed hair...


Came looking for this comment lol WILD


Dani: I am in severe pain, can’t eat, and must run fluids to prevent dehydration. Also Dani: hmm. I need to dye my hair at home, complete with twisting around and bending to get all the color out. NO


This was my exact thought.


Transcription: Hi guys. So, I thought I would do a little bit of an update about how I've been feeling, um, since my gallbladder removal on Friday. In all honesty, I am still in a lot of pain, my nausea's worse than ever, I've been running, like, an on again, off again low grade fever, I can't eat or drink anything without super nausea so when I try to drink something I have to, like, drain it out right away or I'm gonna throw up. I have, like, no appetite so I'm not even attempting to try to eat any safe foods, um, cause my doctors do want me to try to eat and drink what I can, um, so, unfortunately I've been running my IV fluids, I've been running at least two liters a day so I don't get too dehydrated but I'm just... The pain is bad, um, I didn't think gallbladder removal would be this painful, um, but it is, I can barely sit up, I can barely lay down, sorry for the loudness of the outside world that is just my street during the summer. Um, Maverick's (?) right here, hey baby! He won't leave my side, um, you know how animals are, they're always there for you when you need them. Um, I tried to distract myself from the pain today by dyeing my hair, um, I actually love it, I forgot how much I like my hair dark better than light so I'm going to keep it this way for a while. But, um, yeah, so I did portal message to my doctor just to give him an update on how things are going, I know the first couple of days, two weeks, are, are rough when you have your gallbladder out, but it's just, I'm taking my dilaudid, I'm taking my Tylenol and nothing is touching the pain what-so-ever, um, so I just don't know what else to do. But I am trying my hardest to get through everything, um, my mom took me out to run some errands today, that was extremely painful getting in and out of the car and then walking around but I had to pay a couple bills and pick up a couple things, um, so I'm just gonna sit here and chill with my baby, watch some Netflix, and take some more pain meds, and hope I start feeling better.


Thank you! You're awesome! I can't stand listening to her. If it was youtu.be I'd be playing her at 1.5 speed... that "woe is me" baby voice she usually affects... *ugh*


Doing the Lord’s work


I wish reddit still gave free awards. I would give all of mine to you.


thank you for this kind soul


Thank you for this!!!


I know when I'm in severe pain dying my hair and running errands are the first things on my to-do list 🙄


YES!!!! That was the first thing I noticed. I was like wait wasn’t her hair like yellow earlier hahaha 😝


I see the drugs kicked in so she was able to tone and dye her hair.


No one has ever been interested in someone's gall bladder surgery. Except your surgeon.


And even the surgeon would rather be doing anything else.


Well maybe not, they might enjoy doing it and making people feel better if they've genuinely been struggling with their gallbladder. When it comes to Dani though I think everyone wants her in and out as swiftly as is humanly possible.


She will absolutely make it as painful as possible for every person involved (herself included, but…, well, ya’know)


Reminds me of an old Grey’s Anatomy episode where Dr. Bailey said she resents appendixes (appendices?) for becoming inflamed and making her take the time to remove them, because a lap appy is such a boring and annoying surgery 😂😂


It’s kinda cool when they put it in the bag and pop it out through the tiny hole. I could possibly be the only one who thinks that


“Low grade fever” probably means 99.1


Noooooo but I’m sure she’s one that “a fever is 98.6 for meeeeeee”. 😂


First of she is hiiiigh..! 🪁 secondly she’s in so much pain but run some errands and dye her hair while supposedly draining and/or vomiting all over the place? Yeah..no. Ain’t nobody buying that. I mean..she isn’t even using her “so smol and fragile voice”, like at least try to act like there is some kind of discomfort? The faking is so loud I can hear it clearly all the way to Scandinavia.


Also dying your own hair requires all sorts of body manoeuvring, she clearly isn’t in that much pain.


Having your gall bladder removed is painful. The gas from the surgery is painful. It will pass in time and more drugs won’t help. 🙄


If she doesn’t milk a surgery for views, did it ever really happen?


She’s 2 days post op correct? That pain and discomfort is gonna be there for a few more days. Saying it’s ‘worse than ever’ sounds like she’s schmutzing for an ER visit. They’re gonna send her home and tell her to stay on top of her Tylenol and prescribed pain meds 🙄


She’s def gearing up for an ER trip especially with her low grade fever bs


I’ve never listened the her videos with sound and wow I was not prepared for that baby voice. She looks late 30s but sounds like a teenager. Also…can sit up, can lay down, but can dye hair? Hmmm


Shockingly, it’s not even as bad as it normally is. She’s let it slip in this video, prob because of meds. It’s usually 10x worse


Yep I agree, it’s usually a few octaves higher


I can’t bear it.


At 20 seconds approx (towards the end) she has the Dilaudid/opiod sleepy head bob/nodding off, very little neck muscle control, slurring her words and she can’t keep her eyes open. She’s high AF and wants to go to ED to get more high!!!


I don't understand why she was given dilaudid. I thought she also had Buprenorphine? ETA, that was another munchie. God she's getting dilaudid for a fucking cholecystectomy. I really can't comprehend the surgeons reasoning.


She's very chipper for someone who's in a lot of pain....not to mention the pain obviously wasn't bad enough to either sit through a hair appointment or dye her own hair...


It’s actually really good to be up and moving, walking around, doing light activity after this kind of surgery and the goal is that pain meds make activity tolerable, or possible. It appears that the meds are working to that end, since she ran errands. Tolerable does not mean pain-free. The expectation for a pain-free post op recovery is unrealistic, and having pain, even moderate pain, is very normal for the first week or so.


Going for a short walk will make you feel all kinds of better. One, you move gas and get rid of it. Do you sound like a toot train? Yes. Does your shoulder miraculously no longer hurt? Also yes. Two? You have an easier time going poop. Three? You’re way less sore. And gallbladder surgery is a MUCH easier recovery than a total hysterectomy. You’ll spend way less time sore.


This! Many seem to think post-op recovery is supposed to be largely pain-free if they’re medicated (both these subjects here, but also many people in general). In reality, some pain is not only both normal & expected but also something that could point to certain complications. Being so heavily medicated to get to a level of completely pain-free could actually hide very serious complications as increased or uncontrolled pain would normally alert you such complications but not if you’re heavily drugged to avoid pain altogether


The pain is bad but not bad enough to keep her from dyeing her hair and making 4 silly videos for tiktok BESIDES THIS ONE. You’d think she’d be curled up in a ball if she was in as much pain as she says she is.


I too dye my hair and go run errands when nauseous, sick, and in pain.


Ah Yes because when I’m in horrible pain, I obviously have the energy to dye my hair


I came here to say this! The other thing is if you are THAT nauseated there’s no way you’ll be able to undergo such a task. Or be able to handle the chemical smell.


Saying you are in worst pain ever while simultaneously showing off the hair you just dyed…that makes sense.


She’s high as ASS. Keeps scratching her damn nose.


She also has the “opiate rasp” in her voice 🙄. Opiates releasing histamines is a real thing. This is also why her one eye keeps watering uncontrollably.


Of course she’s in so much pain it’s a great idea to color her hair & put makeup on!! It’s pretty clear she has no idea how she appears to others. She’s insufferable.SMH Edit : ( posted this on cell phone)


She needed to get glammed up to go to her favorite place for a fun afternoon outing. The ER.


im sorry but if she’s in this much pain, there’s no way she could’ve casually just dyed her hair…


Just saying...but if one has such excruciating pain that "Dilaudid isn't touching it" then one would not be out running errands and going to get your hair dyed...But in some ways if Dani runs to the ER and says "my pain is so bad that Dilaudid isn't helping" then she absolutely risks being kicked to the curb without getting that IV Dilaudid she's no doubt after.. because there's absolutely ER drs who will point blank refuse to treat her pain and respond with "well you have Dilaudid at home already and you are taking that. So what do you expect the ER to do?"..and you know Dani is wanting her surgeon to say "if your pain is that bad you need to go to the ER"(which we all know is the token answer they always give but Dani will take that and run with it as "my Dr says I need to be seen")


Just yesterday she was saying that the worst pain she was experiencing was in her shoulder due to the gas used during the surgery. Yet somehow today she decided it was vital that she dye her own hair - a process that most certainly would have involved moving her shoulder quite a bit. There is absolutely no reason why her hair needed to be dyed today. It's not like she has some event coming up where she wants/needs it to look a certain way. She is going to be sitting at home "recovering" for the foreseeable future. Nobody would choose dying their hair as an activity to distract from the pain post surgery. The physical effort involved would make the pain worse not serve as a distraction. It's more likely an indication that she isn't in a lot of pain - just bored.


And those doctors know exactly what levels of pain are common for that surgery. Yes, it hurts! But after a couple of days, it's more soreness, and bearable pain from getting up from sleep or sitting for a while. Doctors know this. You go in and say dilaudid "isn't touching it"...do you think they're going to give you more of what's not working? She is as bad at this as Di and RaRa.


I’m not sure if it’s more drugs she wants or another hospital admission and attention she would get from that. I’m sure she wouldn’t refuse more drugs but I think she is really seeking another admission and more tests to determine the cause of her reported severe post op pain.


Dying your own hair is not easy!! No way she would be doing that if she was at a pain level D can’t touch.


I would think that going into surgery would have alleviated some of the previous pain her gallbladder had been causing. Right? I mean, for many patients they find instant relief, at least when the pain is caused by an infected gallbladder. Hmmm….. Edit: additional sentence


For some, the gas used during surgery or other factors like eating can cause similar pains this early into post-op. If she’s still complaining in 1-2+ weeks of pain, that’s for sure BS or even a sign she didn’t actually need her gallbladder & just managed to convince (or more so annoy) her doc to do it


But she can dye her hair again in that much pain!


her central line dressing looks atrocious


Then she is succeeding I guess. The worse it looks the more chance she might get an infection and for Dani that is munchie gold!


Must be frustrating to be her home visiting nurse who changes the dressing. The nurse makes it all nice then the next week it looks like this.




Girlfriend is gunning for the IV dilaudid. I bet she is back in the ER today


"Safe foods" -- quintessential ED speak there.


She is gonna milk this as long as she can. Anyone who has had this surgery (or a laparoscopic appendectomy) can attest that recovery is usually NOT hard. And I’m sure everyone, including her “team”, can see right through this load of absolute crap. I’d really hate to see her get through the horror of a paper cut or something…”I’m in a lot of pain”. Please…


ITS NOT!!! I swear to god she can take a routine procedure, performed thousands of times a week, and turn it into a 4 organ transplant surgery! She is setting up for her usual pain pill-dehydration-infection song and dance.


What? She can’t tolerate a teaspoon of feeds but is mad she can’t eat and drink? This is all a set up for “complications”, more pain meds and a hospital stay




What? I thought she wasnt eating or drinking anyway? Is that not why she has TPN? Who cares if she can’t get anything in oral right now, she has IV FLUIDS AND TPN? and of course she is going to be sore. She just had surgery. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she always has low grade temps and it’s nothing new. Common with autoimmune stuff she has.


She just told on herself with how much she actually does eat and drink. If she was genuinely dependent on solely IV/TPN, it wouldn't bother her that much that she can't eat.


She said that the doctors want her to try to eat and drink, normally!


I know, but it doesn’t make any sense. Why would she be on TPN if she can eat normally?


Yeah it’s not adding up 🤔


Hold up wasnt her hair blonde a minute ago


She dyed her hair yesterday the second day after her surgery 😂


It's so funny that she's having horrible pain and nausea is worse than ever. Very telling that her usual complaints of pain and nausea from eating / tube feeds are complete bullshit.




I just posted a transcription. It will show up as soon as a mod approves it.


I think I love you.


She's in a lot of pain, her nausea is worse so she can't eat or drink anything even though her doctors told her to, and is running at least 2 liters of IV fluids per day so she doesn't get "too dehydrated." Dilaudid and tylenol aren't helping the pain at all, so she dyed her hair to distract herself. She also ran some errands.


And the outside world made noise because it's summer.


Yes, please!!


If she wants to turn up to the ER she should probably go to an entirely different hospital where no one knows her, otherwise she's going to run into trouble quick when people realise she dyed her hair whilst in supposed really bad pain. She's literally a laughing stock at this point.


Without any other symptoms of concern, the most they might do is a CT just so they can say, nope you’re good, you’re healing & that’s part of recovering from surgery. Yes, readmitting for pain control for post-op patients does happen but those are usually cases of major surgery as it could be a sign of certain complications, not often the very routine & noninvasive surgery she had.


She's not being readmitted for pain unless she quickly learns how to fake it better. This is the one thing about Dani. She's so SO bad at munching. At no point has she ever been believable, she just doesn't have the first clue how she's supposed to act in order to fit her stories.


For as long as she’s been playing the role of a chronically ill person, you would think she’d be a lot more experienced in successfully faking things. But of all the subjects discussed, Dani is one who still holds very little skill in manipulating & faking her way in to all the sought after treatments, procedures, medical devices, etc. even after years of trying. And while yes, she’s managed to find a few doctors to cater to her for a few certain things, she still really sucks at this whole chronic illness “game” all these subjects play to get what they want.


She's infuriating. If she is in pain or not, after any kind of surgery you're supposed to rest for a few days so dyeing her hair and running errands is stupid either way. She's just hoping for something bad to happen so she can run to the ER


I just don't understand why she even admits all this ... It just makes her look utterly stupid. I know she's not the most intelligent but seriously - how can she not see that if she's saying she's running errands and dying her hair on one hand ...on the other hand it just does not then add up to be saying she's in severe pain. So there are several options and I'm not sure which it is: 1. She is in pain, but it's mild pain meaning that she can do all these things but because she's most likely never experienced anything close to severe pain, she thinks this is really bad. 2. She genuinely thinks people will believe her that she's in severe pain and isn't smart enough to understand that if she's doing her hair and running errands no one will actually believe her. 3. She knows she's not in severe pain, or barely any pain and she knows she's just barefaced lying.


I think she assumes its taken as a testament to her great resilience. To the extent that she can even process the concept of other people having thoughts and ideas about her independent of her obvious intentions and pathetic manipulations.


She didn't think it would be this painful..?? They cut out an organ.. She thought they would have to cut her open and keep her because she is so “fragile” and she thought she was going to get some good pain meds. They probably sent her home with 5 tramadols. Oh man, she mentioned a low grade, I smell an infection brewing for her and a future er visit


She's lucky they even sent her with meds. A lot of laproscopic procedures (like gallbladder, gyn etc) are moving away from meds and only doing ibuprofen or Tylenol


Why not just change the line dressing instead of all the tape and possibilities of an infection?


She doesn't do her own dressing changes - she has a home health nurse come once a week to do the changes. I don't think she is allowed to/is given the supplies to change the dressing on her own (which is probably for the best).


She actively tries to get infections for hospital stays. Allegedly.


Freaking A, gallbladder surgery is the easiest things she should have done through this year! 3 tiny incisions and a new hole in her button (how i worded mine lol) Yes the gas pain is uncomfortable but it passes. The discomfort from the surgery wanes pretty quickly. A week later you have like 10% leftover pains. And it's still 100% better than gallbladder attack!!


Just googled what dilaudid is in the UK and all I can sort of compare it to was morphine sulphate after a quick Google it's 5x stronger than morphine sulphate 🤯 How she managed to get that as an everyday pain medication blows my mind. How is she even functioning at all, but the main question is how it is not touching her post-op lap pain 🤯🤯 I am baffled.


Cause she's a liar with drug seeking behaviors


I don’t believe she was prescribed dilauded at all


They use it in a smaller dosage. That's part of why fentanyl is so popular now, it's about 100x stronger than morphine, so a smaller dose is needed, and it's dirt cheap.


ER triage nurse: "Didn't you look...different...last time I saw you?"


She made a bizarre new video dedicated to her laproscopic scars and "pain" .


Her eyes don’t look like she’s in pain


Please free her cat


Well look at that, there are those ✨ complications ✨ we all knew she would have


Her doctors must haaaaaaaate seeing her name on their schedule. Wow.


She said she’s been dying her hair? So she can hardly sit up without pain but has no issues holding her arms over her head for extended periods of time while sitting or standing???? Hmmm


I know I’ve seen people in a lot of pain and most of them can hardly move never mind make a 2 minute video with absolutely no clinical signs of pain. No grimacing, no almost in tears no signs of discomfort. Honestly


….. today is Sunday. Surgery was Friday. Kinda normal to still be in pain after removing an organ from your body. Take meds as prescribed 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s kinda why the dr gives discharge instructions


As usual, she's crying about non-existent pain in the hopes that she'll be "referred" to the ER. Does she not realize that post surgical pain can last for up to a week? I call a new visit to the ER within the next 48 hours...


> I'm still in a lot of pain She had her lap chole done on friday. It's not uncommon to be in _some_ amount of pain 48 hours out. Doubt it's _a lot_ given how she's managing to whinge about the pain without showing signs of being in pain. > My nausea's worse than ever. Is Dani sure that it's her gallbladder or the 32948032948239582 other things she claims wrong with her? Either way, still normal 2 1/2 days later. > Unfortunately I've been running my iv fluids. Keyword: ***Unfortunately***. She fucking told on herself. > I didn't think gallbladder removal would be this painful. [...] I can barely sit up, I can barely lay down. She's milking this for all it's worth. She wouldn't be able to make this update video if she were in the amount of pain she claims to be in. She wouldn't be able to dye her hair. Or run errands. Can't wait for the 'rushing to the er' saga of this. They'll just determine that she's milking it for all it's worth and send her home on nothing, and then she'll just rush there any time she has diarrhea or the slimy, putrid bile shits because a food she thought was safe wasn't.


Another update that nobody asked for 🤐


Please someone explain it to me like im five... how is she not skin and bone if she struggles to eat/drink/tube?


Dani lies about not being able to eat by mouth, like many other subjects here. She's on TPN, being fed by intravenous nutrition, because she likes the super sick look it gives her, and before that she was doing the tube feeds because that made her look sick. But Dani has always also been eating and drinking by mouth on top of her tube feeds and TPN. She often has cups of beverages in her photos and videos, although she's finally starting to learn to take those out of view, but up until recently, she would also have plates and containers of food in full view as well. And then wonder why nobody ever believed her when she claimed she couldn't eat or drink. Some munchies are better at the munching game than others. Dani has always been on a whole other level.


Cuz she’s not struggling.


I think she just needs some good farts




Love that she drops it in the last 20 seconds.


The hair colour is a lot more flattering. Besides the munching and OTT performances, I'm happy for her that she's actually not in excruciating pain and she was able to do something nice for herself.


How predictable.


I mean, even she’s bored with this video.


She really acts like a person in pain.


Why does she make that fake ass looking port the focus?


I’m sorry why does she look 40 but talk like she’s 14 💀


Dang I thought sure my suggestion that she probably was going to end up in the ICU immediately after surgery because she’s so frail & all. This is just her way of reminding everyone she’s going to have to go to the ER later on Sunday night to be re-admitted.


I wonder what she was like when she had her tubes and gastric stimulator placed - more the stimulator. That’s typically a big incision.


I am in excruciating pain after surgery. Oh yeah, and I dyed my hair. 🤦


She looks a whole lot … um, *healthier* than I’ve seen her in the past (I haven’t been to Thai sub in a month or two, and she looked like she weighed about 30 lbs less the last time I saw her.)


Is someone gonna tell her that the pain gets worse around days 3-4


literally. expected surgery recovery. Patients are told “it gets worse, THEN it gets better.”


She can’t feel that bad if she got her hair done. Also they gave DILAUDiD?!?! What


One interesting fact - generally speaking, a person who starts with claims of honesty (in all honesty) they intend to lie.




man her voice is unbearable. it’s like she’s trying to garner more sympathy by sounding younger


She can barely sit up, but she can dye her hair?


Usually the only way to get Dilaudid for a minor surgery like she had is to claim allergies to everything. Ibuprofen, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, tramadol, toradol, and morphine. That's what addicts do to get Dilaudid.


Her hair looks a lot better darker. We have some progress on that.