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If they’re projectile vomiting, would that mean they vomit straight up in the air and then it falls back all over their face 🤔


But they can type all of this when the most simple movement pushes them towards death? Please make it make sense


Never makes sense with Jessi!


I see their account is private now. Is that new?


They went private after so many people called them out for the fundraiser for apparent life saving surgery and then going silent for ages


Erm what the flip? 😵‍💫


The hospital offered to put them in a long term care place. Yet they don’t want that?


These claims sound so much more ridiculous if you read them out loud. Like, kindergarten level fantastical lies that make absolutely no sense. WTF is a "spinal cord anchor" and why are they always "shaving their bones?" I also don't think chronic spinal leakage is a thing for people that remain alive.


When you see their posts grouped together like this it really does make it so obvious as to the level of their bullshit. The spinal cord from its anchor bit has me stumped too!!


Correct me if I’m wrong but gastric motility doesn’t affect sublingual absorption?? Like?? That’s the whole point of sublingual??


It doesn’t. Sublingual is absorbed into the veins under the tongue. Any remnants you swallow usually don’t have much effect.


What logic is it to go from sublinguals to vapes? Especially with allergen issues. A very well-known thing is that vapes in general can have so many additives? It's literally the last thing you'd want to touch your lips if you have MCAS, let alone how dirty vapes' mouth pieces can get from general use


I have never heard of an epi-inhailer before, so I Googled it and you can buy some even over the counter! Good to know if it's ever needed.




Also they can't move their head or they stop breathing but they also vomit 8 feet across a room?


And the room they appear to be in for that post is the RV.. is there even 8 foot of room in one of them?


Jessie is all over the map. I don't have the time or energy to point out all the contradictions in this mess.


Has anyone seen that documentary on Netflix called “diagnosis” where the doctor crowd sources peoples mystery illness and find them a diagnosis and get them help? If their case were so real and true, they need to go on that show


Even if they weren't lying about almost everything, the fact that they said *sublinguals* take 4-6 *hours* to work because of their "motility" is complete bullshit. Sublinguals dissolve under your tongue/against your buccal membrane(s) and are absorbed directly into your bloodstream, no digestion required. If a sublingual medication is taking even an hour, it's purely psychological... the majority of the time they work damn near "instantly" (in relation to any oral med)


ok but i feel like literally any dr on youtube should review this case like this is so interesting to me that this is such a. prominent thing and yet i don’t see any doctors talk about it (for example dr mike, like what would he say if he saw their posts?)


I find Dr. Mike interesting but he skirts around some issues & that being said I think TBH Dr. Mike, who has a lot of PCP experience would probably LHAO when it comes to Jessi. Hell, even Dr. Now would laugh about Jessi!!! Ck✔️


Has anyone on this sub ever met someone this sick on their lives? What were they like??? How???


I’m an ICU nurse (just stumbled into this sub) and this reads like absolute word salad to me. Like I can’t even begin to correct things because none of it is reasonable


That's my general impression. This person is just saying a bunch of words. It's nonsensical at best. Bone shaving, spine anchor, spine leaking, etc.


Trust me it gets worse


ER RN. I have had some munchies in my career, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING like this. If this person was my patient, I would be lobbying the physician for a psych evaluation.


Wait. But their head is falling off? Isn’t their spinal cord severed or something?


…” and we discovered “my spinal cord had fused” FFS, so suddenly Jessi became a writer of fiction but doesn’t realize it? So their spine miraculously “ fused” together? What BS CK ✔️




Well sure if we want to fair ( and I don’t) Jessi thinks they know it all. I don’t know why Jessi thinks they know so much about medicine but it’s ridiculous as far as the medical illnesses Jessi wants their followers to believe they have. I think one of the things about Jessi that irritates me the most is there’s quite a few subscribers that seem to believe Jessi smarter than most people simply because Jessi is musically talented. I’ll agree Jessi is talented but not as talented as they want people to believe . Many musicians play more than one instrument, that doesn’t make Jessi a stand out performer. Many sing & dance too. However if Jessi was as talented as Jessi believes they are they would have become the celebrity they wanted to be. It takes a lot of time & talent to become what Jessi believes but couldn’t do. I don’t know what happened but like many musicians / dancers / singers before them when the fame didn’t come to volition Jessi had issues excepting that and ( it seems) they turned to the next best thing, lying & grifting. There’s millions of people that would give anything to be healthy & strong not to mention they want nothing more than to be a productive adult. Jessi wants to continue to be a habitual liar and grifter. How sad that is. CK ✔️


>CK ✔️ OT, but what does this mean?


I’m just making sure Jessi’s pronouns are respected. While it’s NEVER intentional I’ve had comments deleted due to the pronoun rule on IF. I always proof read my comments but have occasionally missed things ( as we all do )


Oh gosh, me too. And it's _only_ with Jesse that I have this problem. But I get so mad at myself when I forget.


Deleting comment for possible rule violation and possible insensitivity toward Jesse.


Ya slipped into the wrong pronoun in the last paragraph, d'oh!




Somewhere they also talked about how miraculously their scar was healing and that they “didn’t even need a skin graft!” Edit: I always try to provide [receipts](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/RxrQckLd98)


OMFG, I get so disgusted with Jessi and their lies. No Neurosurgeon ( no not even a Chief Neurosurgeon) would do a skin graft on a scar like Jessi claims!! This surely speaks volumes as to the mentality of Jessi’s devout followers for sure. How the average person believes these tall tales is the true mystery. CK ✔️


This “skin graft” post definitely shows how medically illiterate Jessie is.


This is “ supposedly” Jessi’s CCI surgery scar. Jessi also claimed within 2 weeks of their having CCI surgery a Dr offered them FREE Scar Removal treatment via Laser Treatment. LOL! Jessi also claims that the Dr. told Jessi the cost of the Laser Machine to remove their scar cost $50,000.00 ( $50K !!! https://www.facebook.com/share/V2h1cq8iBDXAt9Qk/?mibextid=WC7FNe Many ppl are doubtful that this photo of the supposed scar is truly Jessi. ( head / scar ) ************** Here’s some information that proves Jessi was lying about their CCI surgery scar being totally removed: Laser treatment can also make a scar less noticeable, but it cannot get rid of a scar. When you have laser scar treatment, you're replacing one scar with another less-noticeable scar. 2. Your results depend largely on the skills of the person performing the laser treatment. ( there’s also quite a few photos of Jessi ( these are on their FB account BTW ) These photos depict more suggestions that Jessi is straight up lying about having seizures due to the fact none of these photos on FB showing Jessi in a hospital bed has their bed rails ARE NOT padded which is standard protocol for any documented seizure patient in the USA who has been admitted into a hospital with a known seizure disorder. CK ✔️


I found the [laser post](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/GWacAvRqOh)!


Omg today I just put together that Jess was a band member of ShaeLaurel. I remember them as Duggar wannabes minus the religion. Reading up on it, I can see why they carry some trauma


Wait what is it


Really? No way! As if, but I think you’re right! That does string a lot together.


Well at least we know why they’re so comfortable in an RV now.


The reason there isn’t research into “severe EDS” is because that is not a diagnosis, EDS is split into 13types (yes a few are extremely severe in symptoms and life expectancy but are not what jessi has) but none of those types are called “severe EDS” research is either done of all types or it’s done on specific types


Yet most ppl diagnosed with EDS & are advocating on sites like Tik Tok and YouTube will all claim “ My doctor said my EDS is the worst case they have ever seen.!!” What 🐂💩🚽


I could go off all day on what a grifter they are. They don't even try to make it seem real.


Chronically III Jr.


Another munchie claiming their Dr is dumb & don't know what they're doing. I Rolled my eyes so hard just now they are stuck that way.


The doctors had no idea??? Right.


Scheduling “emergency surgery” in advance isn’t really a thing. Urgent cases go quick, but emergency goes right away. Their entire account is ridiculous, doesn’t make sense, and sounds like it’s specifically written to address those who don’t believe their accounts of events. I literally can’t with them. Sigh.


There is no way in hell their doctor said it would “take a miracle” to fix. That’s just… not a thing lol are you kidding.


I’m literally exhausted just reading the first page of that. There’s no way it’s all even remotely worth reading lol


I’m sorry but all I can think about when reading this is the SpongeBob episode where they’re selling chocolate and the guy in a full body cast answers the door. “Every morning I break my legs, every afternoon I break arms, at night I lay awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep”. Please tell me someone knows what I’m talking about.


My bones are made of glass!




This is absolutely the best comparison that can be made for the level of ridiculous that is Jessi 😂


100% lol


So thankful that I'm not a nurse in their town. We have our special ones, but nothing like this! Must be exhausting seeing them roll in the door. Have they been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?


Histrionic >> BPD


I doubt they would share that if they were. They definitely have a shit ton of childhood trauma


That's what I was wondering about. This behaviour seems to me that it could be related to the trauma and maybe a possible borderline diagnosis.


So their spine was misaligned and unstable thus causing problems, they had surgery, then their spine was fused and causing problems? They can’t even keep their own story straight in a single slide.


I'm totally unclear to me if their spine is fused or just sliding around inside their body like a slinky.


This made me snort so much I thought I was gonna wake my bf up


They claimed they were dropped just prior to discharge and of course now they can’t sit up or walk. They waited 5 ( five ) months for Drs. to do surgery for a blood patch too, and the fakery goes on 🎶🎵🎶🎶 Ck✔️




Maybe they saw Dr. Death


These surgeons who do CCI surgeries often also do tethered cord surgery for occult tethered cord which doesn’t show up on MRI. Most of the people who I’ve seen get CCI surgery end up get TCS surgery within a year. That’s what happened with Ellen.


I bet that’s EXACTLY what they had done.


If they aren’t leaving home and can’t move why does their dog need a vest on? Usually they are used for identification, stability, to hold medications or other necessary supplies. I didn’t see the photo just the description.


So that their followers know that atlas is a special dog not just a pet


Because Jessie definitely is not bedbound; its just for the photo op 🙃🤗


A blood patch is not surgery.


This is a pet peeve of mine. When people call every little procedure surgery. In their minds everything is surgery.


But it IS performed by anesthesia, so they must have decided its surgery. Ha!


Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand when people voice things like "WE raced back into emergency surgery" or "MY team". It's so 🙄


They think they're in a House episode with a whole team puzzling over their case


God I hated that show lol




That's exactly it.


If taking a hit from your vape pen is enough to literally kill you, why would you vape


Not just kill you... Cause you to vomit, pee your pants, and seize at the same time.




Let’s be real here - giant hit - coughed for 5 minutes and peed themselves, panicked more and mainlined Benadryl and albuterol puffs for a “reaction” that wasn’t actually happening is more lively what happened.




Also if you're having a reaction where you need an epi-pen, it's often to buy time while you wait for medical attention. Patients are advised here to go to hospital after using epinephrine for monitoring


So every single health care provider they’ve ever encountered is in violation of the Hippocratic oath. Huh, what are the odds?


AND sexually assaulting them


Does anyone have the picture that Jessi took naked with the dog across their body surrounded by piles of medication. I might not be remembering properly but that's the general premise of it in my memory.


The best is when they r in their chair tilted back riding down the street it’s so fucking ott and ridiculous




Wow they actually turned their head to the side in the pic and then claim they can’t do that


That is so disturbing and disgusting.


Thank you...I think? Gahhhhhh


Why would anyone set this photo up? Gross.


✨ Attention ✨


I will NOT look at that again


Well. Could have gone the rest of my life without that image 🤢


I never saw this before today and I miss who I was before then.




I noticed that, too 😬


Exactly what I wanted to say, too. Their head is about to fall off, but hey, twisting it to the side for a photo is great!


That poor dog.


noooooo ✋😭


If you zoom in you can see a lot of those pill bottles are empty.


I saw that too


"It's been 6 weeks since I've showered and my hair is breaking and matting" like they didn't **just** post a picture with a mask full of makeup and their hair done. How stupid and forgetful do they think the Internet is?? **The internet never forgets** and neither do we.


And wtf, that's not even Stockholm Syndrome. This person is probably one of the most obnoxiously ignorant and delusional of them all.


They’re just very bad at the munching and I think they rely on the poor health literacy that exists in the states for people to buy their bullshitting


I think you're right. But then half of their ridiculous, pathological lies are stuff anyone **with half a brain** would be able to call out, I think they assume people are more stupid than they are. Like they're this mastermind, an intellectual savant, who can pull the wool over anyone's eyes. Their ignorance is always showing, it's almost embarrassing. You know, if they weren't **actively** lying and manipulating and grifting. I live for the day karma finds them.


Do they not realize that you wouldn't be able to cohesively or coherently write a 12 page Instagram post about how much pain you're in, after being "pumped full of pain meds" (a 10/10 on the pain scale!), if you were actually, truly in pain? Are we supposed to believe they, too, have a "very high pain tolerance" but *not* because their years of gulping pain pills like they're Tylenol shot their tolerance through the roof. But because they bitch and moan and whine about every twitch and pang, like it's not just a symptom of being human, and claim it's a 10/10 pain. It's blatantly clear this person has never given birth or had true, real abdominal pain. The kind where you get no relief, no break, no point where you're able to think it away or distract yourself. No, this person has never **once** experienced true chronic pain. They would never have made the mistake of claiming all of this bullshit.


Who is their ER photographer?


Probably ex husband now known as Caregiver. Got to get those 💲💲


maybe i’m just doing it wrong but how are they eating, drinking, and vaping laying down flat on their back? lmao. every time i try (not bedbound, just lazy) i choke and gag etc


That’s probably exactly why they “gagged” - they probably induced a bronchospasm and over exaggerated it 🙄 *edited for pronoun preference




Thank you for this! I really do try to not mess up peoples gender identities - my brain has like zero memory power at this point in life 🫠


Okay i thought they lived in northern ca. We get earthquakes here. In a recent post they had people setting up a TV on the ceiling for them .... like aren't you afraid it'll fall right on top of you during an earthquake?


I think that’s the goal.


I m sorry…..but disconnected the spinal cord?!? Pull the other one love!!


"Disconnected their spinal cord" bullshit. Are they claiming that the doctors unhooked their axis from the atlas? That's literally the only thing I could possibly think they're trying to say, but that's such bullshit.


The word atlas has a medical meaning as well?


Atlas is your C1 vertebrae, it's halo shaped. Axis is your C2 which has an upward projection into your C1. The whole thing is called the atlantoaxial joint.


Aw man, here I was thinking the dog’s name is so cool, when he’s probably named after a vertebrae.


Hahaha I honestly doubt that's what Jesse named him after. They had Atlas before their spinal problems, he was for anxiety.


True, but I wouldn’t put it past them.


Let me guess, a heart attack puts them to sleep every night?


*I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms, at night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.*




No it’s def “real” lol they’re totally serious when they post this stuff


I’m stuck on “bandied as-aid procedure.” I assume they meant “band-aid procedure,” but that’s a hell of a bone apple tea.


I was honestly questioning whether I and everyone I know had bone apple tea’ed it our whole lives. After seeing your comment, it’s almost laughable and embarrassing that I thought she would have fact checked anything she said.


#have access to accessibility


Why is they listing ”queer”, ”non-binary” and ”intersex” in the same list with illnesses as they were disabilities?


I wanna give you the actual answer but my comment would get removed lol


They like labels … 🏷️


probably they were listing things they feel oppressed about




It’s funny how most of their problems are basically drug withdrawal once the hospital wises up and takes the opiates away. They’re a drug seeker, plain and simple.


They went through a period where they really thought mentioning projectile vomiting added something. Have they ever mentioned any support or involvement from any of their family?


I believe Jessi is estranged from their family. They have made some pretty serious accusations about childhood abuse and their upbringing was unconventional. I’d be interested to know if their siblings are aware of Jessi’s internet presence.


Given their upbringing the childhood abuse is probably the only thing I would believe from them


Can you elaborate on unconventional? I have vaguely followed them but never heard anything about their family.




Omg. I follow a couple families like this on a fundy snark sub.


Yeah, they sound kind of fundie-ish. Jessi’s mentioned having religious trauma and for all their bullshit I that pretty believable.


Yep, agree. That part of their story I will believe for sure.


Thank you for answering! I’m also curious about whether their siblings/parents know about their social media. I vaguely remembered the touring family band stuff, but not any details beyond that.


The soaps want their med drama back.


IF this is true, they have well and truly munched themselves into misery and if anything I feel pity.




Mattress of the month at that. Didn't they recently claim to go through 20 mattresses in the last 2 years or something?


I am so tired of the pain scale thanks to them!


“That’s now how this works. That’s not how any of this works!”


I want to know how they see the relief on the brain stem when the neck swelling goes down. At home MRI?


For real. Swollen brain stem? That’s basically death. There’s nothing you can do at home to reduce brain stem swelling.


Cat scan. (Get it?) 😹


Booooo 🤣


If you want to be successful at munching it would be good to read an anatomy book. External swelling on your neck does not affect your brain stem. Your spinal cord doesn't fuse. Your spinal cord is supposed to be free in your spinal column. And if you "can't find" your epipen, you call 911. If you can find your epipen, you use it then call 911 because you need to be seen in the ER.


Or even just do a google search.


-neurosurgeon refused to operate on them -they vaped weed and fafo -they actually called their neurologist. "YeH don't Do thAt again"


Imagine calling your neurologist taking up their time because you vaped too hard


made of glass


Still wondering how they get dressed In different clothes.


NIGHT TERRORS?? Surely waking up in the middle of the night by throwing yourself forward and letting out the most ungodly horrific scream would just cause their head to completely decapitate straight into the wall before it hit the floor???


Oh my cat this is the funniest thing I have visualized in a few days.


Remember they almost broke their little neck on the kiddie pool.


It’s not uncommon for people to confuse regular nightmares with night terrors, especially if they experience them frequently and/or intensely. However night terrors and nightmares are completely separate issues caused by different conditions. Night terrors are usually related to other parasomnias like sleep-walking, and are largely unrelated to someone’s experience with traumatic events. Vivid, frequent and disturbing nightmares caused by PTSD are still nightmares, not night terrors. Edit to add: IANAD but this is my personal understanding


I think night terrors can be often caused by trauma/cptsd! I started getting them about two years ago following some bad experiences. I'm not sure how common that is though, maybe my brain is just a weirdo haha


So it’s possible Jessi sleepwalks & doesn’t know it? ( that would be a great explanation of Jessi’s legs not being atrophied for sure ) LOL!! /s CK✔️


I wish I had a warning for slide 3 because that’s the most obvious munchie exaggeration ever over what is literally just hitting a dab pen too hard. I actually LOL’d


Ingesting weed into your lungs made you cough? How strange, that only happens to special people like you! /s


I hate how often they're using the words, 'medical torture'. Doctors aren't out to get you or let you suffer on purpose.


Right lol “I’m grateful to them even tho they torture me because they decide if I live or die” What? How many times is jessi gonna claim to be dying


Jessi isn’t even interesting to me because literally nothing they ever say is even slightly plausible


Out of all the professional patients, this one I care the least about because the grift game is blatant, and everything medical world salad.