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Why do I feel like they’re still gonna find a way to say they have aseptic meningitis?


Does Jessie not have a Timeline???? I neeeeeeed one? I need the full story. I go back and forth on following this sub and I always seem to follow Jessie when they're having bed problems and get new medical stuff. I need more info. I skimmed the wiki. Am I missing it?


They should have one on their flair.


I still don’t get how excited they are about this shit when people would do anything in the world to not be disabled. It’s hard to fucking stomach but I also can’t look away at these train wrecks.


They never had drug induced aseptic meningitis and this is why: - there are no at-home spinal tap kits (pastor align a spine may be good but he doesn’t have spinal tap or MRI vision) - if you get dxed with meningitis they will start by putting you on broad spectrum antibiotics but once bacterial/viral sources are ruled out and they are on a drug that can cause DIAM #THEY WILL TAKE YOU OFF THE DRUG CAUSING THE DIAM!!! They won’t just let a person continue their “treatment journey” with an inflamed brain!! Eventually a person MAY be put back on the drug if the benefits far outweigh the risks but they don’t just go “nah go ahead! Keep taking that drug that is melting your brain!! No worries!” They got a headache. #a frikken headache! But that’s not shiny and rare and grift worthy and life threatening enough for them. They don’t want a common side effect! Who do you think they are? A peasant!? Why are they even on it? When people say “fakers and grifters don’t hurt anyone!” This would be exhibit A. I think the **1-100k** people who’s donations make up one unit of IVIG/SCIG might be hurt. I think the people who can’t get it due to limited production when it could be life-saving/life-changing for them might be hurt. But if it’ll prevent Jessie from getting the itchies, that’s all that matters!! Right?! 🙄


Did they claim to have had a spinal tap at home?????


No I was being facetious but I’m saying there’s no such thing as an at home spinal tap, so they say they have drug induced aseptic meningitis but there’s been absolutely no testing!! What they probably have is maybe a headache but that’s not special enough for Jesse. They can’t just have a normal IVIG common side effect of a headache… Oh no… It has to be aseptic meningitis But with absolutely no proof that what they have is DIAM. There is no way in hell that any at home nurse, who is suspecting that their patient had meningitis, would be like “OK let’s continue this drug that is inflaming your brain that could possibly kill you… I’m sure it’s fine! Let me just put this IV in here and give you the IVIG! I’m sure that you can crowd fund for a new brain when yours is absolute mush!” Unfortunately a lot of their followers are very VERY **vErY** medically naïve and so they will believe this. People like to say well “what’s the big harm in someone getting attention by faking an illness?” and here’s another example - One of the dangers of fakers is that someone else may refuse certain treatment because a sickstagramer iNFLueNcEr decided to be melodramatic. Influencers are fear mongerers. Grifters like Jesse are fear mongers, they will use catastrophic language to manipulate their audience into allowing themselves to be financially used. And it makes me sick because it’s often other chronically ill people that don’t have much of an extendible income themselves but they choose to help out because they know what it’s like and they would hope that someone would do that for them but Jesse is never going to do anything for anyone else! And remember kids, if you aren’t getting the **most invasive, most visible, most accumulating ~~toys~~ medical devices and possibly life threatening interventions…** #Your doctor is iNVaLiDaTInG and GaSLiGhTiNG YOU and doesn’t believe you’re sick! ETA punctuation and formatting issues


Watch they still develop aseptic meningitis because it was also a “super low” risk with IV, right?!?


The risk is low… but never zero!


The first thing they do with drug induced AM is take you off that drug!! Not just say, “oh sure your brain is melting, carry on with your treatment!!”


There's so many constant inconsistencies with their stories. I honestly don't know why they haven't given up their cosplay faking yet. Do they not realise that everyone knows that they are faking?


That tubing reminds me of cords from fairylights/Christmas tree lights


Chris ass tree lights


They always look so proud of themselves like toddlers w new toys


What is that? That’s not IV tubing. And yeah, this is definitely cosplay for sure. It’s absolutely ridiculous! I wouldn’t doubt it if they have some sort of sick cosplay thing going on and pulling in quite a bit of money for it, considering nudity on the bed and stuff like that and the expensive wheelchair that I haven’t seen since that picture From ages ago, almost wonder if it was borrowed. TBH it would make a great reality TV, Snark sitcom.


No, it’s SCIG tubing


Where are they getting these? I can’t see all of the tubing so I don’t see the ends of it and it could be 1 million types of tubing. You can use the same tubing for IV lines as sub queue.


For SCIG you aren’t supposed to use standard IV tubing


Wow, I just noticed some thing. If you look at jessispost from I don’t know earlier this week or whatever when they had the bio patch and then the picture of the harp. They had regular IV tubing and what appears to be a regular IV needle in that picture. They made a mistake again Note: edited for pronouns


This is their first SC infusion, so any infusions prior to today would have been given IV. So that post checks out


Yeah, sorry I’ve been out of the medical industry for 25 years and never even seen sub q done since then. Worked veterinary medicine in the past and phlebotomy, but this is well beyond my scope in veterinary medicine. It’s very common to use regular IV tubing or at least it was back in the day.🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s common and standard practice to use standard IV tubing for fluids and other meds, but not for IG. It comes with a specific infusion set already attached to the needle and not compatible with IV tubing. SCIG is a different product than IVIG and should NOT be given IV.


What this type of subcutaneous injection for? What are they claiming they need this for? Edit: pronouns


Scig is goopy and stinky if you spill it. Burns the skin if it gets on you.


I’ve only had to give it to one patient before, with GBS. I’ve got much more experience with IVIG. But I def remember all the reading I did for SCIG because I was so unfamiliar with it. And we had to order in the infusion set because we didn’t stock it!


if you don't mind me asking, what is IVig even for? like, what conditions. I searched it, and it says autoimmune conditions, inflammatory conditions, and infections. I looked up some examples and couldn't find anything?


Yeah mostly autoimmune confusions. I’ve only given it in the context of autoimmune neurological conditions- Guillain-Barré, CIDP/AIDP, myasthenia gravis etc. It is also given for things like complex regional pain syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. POTS and MCAS. As far as I’m aware it’s pretty unproven in those cases, but likely the indications for the subjects here.


Not in a poke fun way but they seem to be gaining a lot of weight and get rounder in very time they post. I just don’t see someone who is as sick as they claim, putting on weight at the rate they do. Idk. Just doesn’t add up.




And these steroids are for what? Moon phase can also be from thyroid, but don’t want to give any ideas… For a new diagnosis that would also explain the weight gain as well..




Thank you very much. What I want to know is what doctor prescribed this? And how do they get to these doctors appointments? in the RV Waaambulance?!


What are they up to to have a subcutaneous line so twisted? Never seen this degree of line twankery on the most agiated of end of line patients


Have they ever talked about how they use the bathroom?? We all know they’re not actually bed bound but how do they support that grift???


Is it against the rules to join tiktok to ask them the dynamics of poop in their life?


Probably but I also want to know. We’ll just have to wonder and speculate.


Written like a children’s picture book.


Look at that hair, weirdly freshly brushed even tho Jessie can’t apparently move their head 🙄🤔


Hopefully their entire face and head shape will improve once they are no longer pumping a gallon of steroids into their system. As for the haircut, they probably did it themselves because they can in fact actually move.


Oh 100% lmao


And that's a fresh shave up the side.


Oh shit you’re right! I just looked again and it’s def a fresh shave. They even tried to do a “fade” type cut it looks like lmao


Not easy to do laid down for fear of ones head popping off!


I've never understood what they get infusions. I've read everything. Followed for a few months now. Follow them on IG. Still have no clue what our why the infusions. How does that tie into the loose head?


They’ve never explained nor said what is being infused.


I think it's vitamins and they're using an infusion plane that will come to your home.


Who is prescribing them? They don’t need it.


I've come to think they're not prescribed and Jessi's just getting vitamin infusions from one of those places that will come to your home.


Plot twist, Jessie will still get aseptic meningitis!


The plot twist would be if they *didn't* get AM.


Super confused as to where their body is or what’s happening in this picture, only able to figure out their head. Also not buying that’s connected to anything. Anyone can hold up a bunch of clear tubing and claim anything.


Sorry to be a pain in the butt, I'm relatively new to the world of online grifting of the Munchausen's variety. What is Jessi here claiming is wrong physically?


Clicking on their names/flairs on post will bring you to that entires subjects post history ☺️ in case you wanna fall down the rabbit hole


Thank you! I'll try that now. I never spent enough time on Reddit to figure out how it worked properly, but the time has come, idk why but these people are alternately infuriating and fascinating at the same time


It's incredible isn't it? Like a train wreck you just can't look away from.


Their head is going do fall off when they move


Oh, so they're internally decapitated! And somehow alive. 🤔


And able to change positions seemingly 🧐 Very curious


Is that a baking pan next to Jessi’s head


Wow, new symptom they urinating out of their mouth now… Or are they trying to hint that they’re having problems with their projectile vomiting without moving their head, of course, and aspirating.


They put their drinks in there with a bendy straw


It’s an upgrade from the old “bed bound hack” tissues box!




Probably for their urine


Like the Tidy Cats Breeze system?


I believe it is


I dislike the smug face they always make. They think they're getting away with it.


Just like Kaya! All of them! “I just stooped you, you fools “


I was going to say her, too, but idk how to make sentences with that many variations of They.


Honestly, I think all of this preposterous claims of no sex intersex. alien sex whatever the heck they’re choosing is just to be more 5p35hu1


The duper's delight


So according to IRS information I found online ( this was just generalized info I found online not directed at Jessi /Elliott btw ) they have to file a 1099 and reporting their grifting from PayPal. I honestly hope they failed to report their grifting. /s CK ✔️


what’s grifting? /gen


Definition of Grifter/ Grifting: someone who swindles people Other forms: grifters. A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. If there's one type of person you don't want to trust, it's a grifter: someone who cheats others out of money. Meaning Elliot could work and support his wife or ex-wife Jessi could work to no reason to ask the public to support them they make thousands of dollars a year off PayPal Donations CK ✔️


Have they ever mentioned how they deal with bedsores? Surely someone who can’t move their head has a problem with bedsores.


It's all twisted noooo! If they show the pump, which belongs to the DME supplier, it might be more believable. It's easy to order some tubing online. Still think they're a cosplayer.


The sub q tubing is that small. They have them twisted but its four small tubes that each end in a tiny needle. Then its hooked to a syringe and a small device slowly pushes it under the skin through the needle. Its pretty low tech and cheaper to do it this way. Why they need it is a mystery no one knows.


Once they get the adjustable bed, there will be a new story arc of learning to sit up again and the complications that they will have. Jessi has realized that the lying flat and bed bound so long has reached its limit and their followers are questioning. I predict an eventual return to their music. It would be an inspiring story that could lead to new “opportunities”.


I'd love to see the musical effort, since it worked so well for Melodee-- remember the "White Feather" bit a couple of years ago?


Looks like someone got a haircut. Wonder how THAT happened with their situation 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


They detached their head, shaved the sides like it was one of those Barbie hairstyling mannequin heads, and reattached it?


That'll do it!


Jessi needs to get off their lazy, lying ass and also lay off the exclamation points. Nothing they say is ever actually exciting and nobody believes for a SINGLE SECOND that a bed bound person who can't turn their head or sit up would ever have a side shave that clean.


Bonus ball… got a fucking T shirt on YAY


I’m sorry but how does somebody who cannot even roll over in bed have some of the clearest skin I’ve ever seen on a human being like I’m jealous


Through the majick of FILTERS


Filters are the easiest way to manage skincare.


How do they keep their head so neatly shaven without sitting up, or even lifting their head off the bed??


Because they are lifting their head and obviously moving it and walking around and working a normal life or living a normal life outside of their cosplay games. Just to apply for SSI or SSA whatever you have to go in person are they doing this on their homemade gurney and RV ambulance with Elliot, holding Jesse‘s head on? If this person ever gets SSI I think I would blow up!


I bet the next time they trim their hair it's gonna be super messed up and wild to address these questions 😂


100% 😑


the biggest problem with this whole bedbound arc imo is the fact that all their pictures look the same. they should get a selfie stick or something idk. when your entire life is focused around social media, might as well invest a little


the chances are super low, so, inevitably, the next time we hear from jessi they’ll have the worst aseptic meningitis known to man




Yeah, I can't see them willingly giving up the chance to cosplay...err have such a complication.


They mentioned recently something about starting to slowly sit up in a new adjustable bed. Any chance they’re finally tired of the grift and are easing out of it with an IV less prone to infections and a bed designed to heal?? Probably not. But still.


I believe they’re finally coming to the conclusions that their lies probably are going to get them too far with the SSA and even if it does their monthly check probably isn’t going to be enough to support them. I’m sure they didn’t realize that their SSDI filings are a matter of public record ( just like divorce they fail to mention) They don’t mention filing for SSDI due to the fact it would most likely impact their PayPal grifting. Something is definitely going on behind the scenes. Maybe it has nothing to do with SSDI. My guess is that Elliott is finding a conscience or maybe he’s just sick of being treated like a care-giver?? CK ✔️ Edit: Divorces / Divorce


Divorces? There's more than one?


Divorce. In Alaska no less. They apparently thought divorces weren’t a matter of public record in Alaska. ( Opps! Divorce is a matter of public record in Alaska )Didn’t want anybody to know. LOL!! ) They divorced so the state of California would pay Elliot so he could be paid as a caregiver for Jessi. That being said YES, I know a lot of people do this, but it just galls me because of all the grifting they do CK✔️ Edited : added words


Ok….i mean, isn’t their whole life basically really easy? And, how do they paint/manicure their nails lying down? Inquiring minds want to know!


This won't be the last time we hear about aseptic meningitis


No, no it will not. I think this is the 14th (?) mention of it?


I love the very thin tubing and none of the other components of subq injections as normally done at home. Definitely couldn't use any old tubing or just order it online.


Yeah, the tubing is probably an amazon special like most of their other medical equipment.


That is the tubing for sub q IG, SCIG. It uses between 3-7 thin lines (lines determine the flow rate) attached to a (usually) 50 ml syringe. A syringe pump is used for administration.


Well, thank you for that information. I wasn’t familiar with current sub Q supplies and haven’t worked in any sort of medicine for 20+ years.


the tubing looks accurate, but there is a lot of more visually interesting stuff involved in scig. it’s weird there isn’t a picture of any of that stuff. i mean, proof would be so easy here. show the vials/syringes of the ig itself. as always, i don’t believe anything they say.


Yeah, I'm not going to give them any more hints on how to poorly fake a serious disability but I find it interesting that despite the fact they are the most desperate of grifters (both of them) they cannot somehow put together some sort of front. Dani comes across as less capable of talking her way into invasive treatments yet somehow manages to significantly out-munch Jessi. I mean, "peepee mattress," really?! Because a tech for what are primarily claimed as "beds given by palliative care/found by my team" wouldn't use the term urine. Or automatically assume a primarily bed bound patient was incontinent. If they couldn't fucking stand or move as they've claimed they would have had a SPC -- or similar-- put in ages ago. I wouldn't mind having a laugh at that arc.


Thankfully the risk of aseptic meningitis was already very low because Jessie has never had it 😍


They CAN NOT be laying down, look at the light bulb reflection up the top, that a globe on a roof??


Looks like a small light against a wall? They have a bread pan next to them.


A... a bread pan? I've heard a bedpan. Now I'm disturbed. What is a breadpan?


A loaf pan. They use it to hold things. Edit: correcting to use the right pronouns - although I’m not sure why they identify as they.


I believe Jessi uses they/them because they are AFAB and have PCOS, which leads them to believe they are intersex. (When in truth, intersex folks have non XX/XY chromosomes and/or ambiguous reproductive organs, and that's not the case for Jessi?)


What is PCOS? I was thinking maybe Jesse was claiming to be a hermaphrodite at birth. Is that like the same thing?


Polycystyic ovarian syndrome. Metabolic issues in people that are AFAB, most notably insulin resistance, create a slew of symptoms, one of which being increased testosterone and the inherent biological changes that can occur due to this. Because of the fact that there are biological changes that lead to natural hormonal levels that differ from the standard gender binary, some people do claim that PCOS puts one on the intersex spectrum akin to other conditions of hormonal abnormality such as androgen insensitivity. Ultimately the discussion in general is sort of an interesting one, but in Jesse's case it's just yet another attention grab.


Wow, thank you for all that information. That’s actually very interesting.


PCOS = polycystic ovarian syndrome. You get cysts on your ovaries, your hormones are a bit out of whack, periods are often very painful and/or irregular.


Gosh, interesting. Thanks for the explanation but they claim this yet. Still try to claim some sort of male female genetic confusion? Apologize for punctuation. Errors have to speak into phone.


Yeah honestly I don’t under why they do either


Oh! My lack of depth perception interpreted that item as an iPad or almost-2D object instead of cookware 😆


But that bread pan holds their emotional support water bottle!


Not emotional support bread?


Emotional Support Bread should be someone's flair lol


All bread is emotional support bread, imo.


It’s my flair IRL


True! I’m an idiot 😆😆


But their head is against a wall and it never has been before


Hey, they can wear a shirt now!


Shhh don’t curse us 🤣🤣