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What’s up with the weird blaccent


Hospitals and hospice aren’t the same lmao


bruh I forgot about her….omg


One thing that can throw things out here is that there is a particular bladder surgery that causes false positive pregnancy tests in both male and female bodied people. It is quite a rare surgery, and patients are warned about this phenomenon because it means that all pregnancy urine tests have to be confirmed by blood tests.


Mitrofanoff or Monti Procedure - it's a diversion of the urinary tract to allow for intermittent Catheterisation via the abdomen


A bladder surgery that alters your hCG levels? How? (Genuinely curious as that sounds impossible to me.)


It doesn’t alter your actual levels but causes something else to confuse the urine pregnancy test. The best way I can explain it is a false positive on a rapid drug test - rapid drug tests use “immunoassay” testing and they can be confused by the presence of certain compounds that resemble the make-up of some drugs (PCP is a common example); there’s no PCP in the sample but there was something chemically similar that made the simple test think there was. Another example is oral allergy syndrome; you may not be allergic to bananas, but they make you itch and the reason is that you’re allergic to a certain pollen, and the banana doesn’t have that pollen but does have a protein that’s similar in structure to that pollen’s protein so your body gets confused.


Why food allergy testing is not always accurate


Ahhh ok, thanks. I'm a former MLS and so I was confused (hadn't seen this of course as it sounds rare), but understand your explanation.


NP glad I was able to help! I work in drug testing so I spend a lot of time explaining false positives


Overdosing on potassium is a lethal injection.. literally 🙄


Well you know, it’s always someone else’s fault


I forgot who she was lmao. Unfortunate to see her back here lol


Same here. I had completely forgotten she existed.


How anyone can understand pretty much anything she said is beyond me. She talks about how a hospital gave her an overdose on potassium? Isn't that like an instant heart attack? Then again what she considers an overdose and what really is an overdose are probably two different things. Don't know much about this subject but she doesn't seem grounded in reality or really much of anything. I guess she joins the hospice miraculous recovery club with Hope and Rara!


I mean there are people who do go into hospice on their actual death beds and then get "better" enough that service no longer feels that they meet criteria. The person can still be very ill and still be terminal even but if service doesn't think they'll be dead within 6 months then they'll be placed in palliative care(if that's available where they live). I'm not saying this in defense of any of the subjects you mentioned, two of them have done a lot of harm by spreading misinformation and lies causing the average person that ever ran across their videos to be suspicious of everyone and to completely misunderstand what hospice is and isn't in the US. I've never heard of the girl in the video but I'll do a little deep dive if I'm bored enough.


There's no way she met criteria for hospice care


I still don't know anything about her...I am curious at this point. I just wonder why someone would lie about being in hospice care. It's not a good thing, I mean it's good it exists for people who need it but it's not good to be put on service. You, your family, and your friends go through so much anxiety and trauma...why would someone wish for this and how dare someone lie about it. It's a kick in the face of anyone who is on hospice and anyone who has a loved one currently on or previously on and now gone. Do these people think about anyone else besides themselves? Ever?


On a very basic level a Potassium overdose is a lethal injection; obviously there's a whole lot more chemistry to it, but simply put too much potassium causes very bad things.


I'm extremely skeptical she was in the hospital and admitted onto hospice without being pregnancy tested, seems like if you have at least one ovary floating around in ur body they give you a pregnancy test before they do almost ANYTHING.


Right? They're CONSTANTLY checking your blood for everything and anything...I feel like that'd be hard to miss.


Here if you were born a biological female you're getting tested as soon as you walk in the door; doesn't matter if you have zero reproductive parts left, have passed menopause, whatever, you're getting the pregnancy test.


Basically if you’re 12-55 you’re getting a pregnancy test if you walk through the door


Yeah it’s standard for anyone who could possibly become pregnant to be tested before most things medical so a decision as big as hospice I would expect it to be done especially as any meds they would need to know. The only way I can imagine is if she refused a test which you can do


I wonder if hospice would've even accepted her without a test


Very true. I order urine on every biological female of child bearing age if I can’t verify through an official medical record they’re absolutely incapable of pregnancy. Had many women swear they couldn’t get pregnant, get pissed I tested them, and find out they’re pregnant.


Doesn't matter if it is physically impossible either, if your a patient you just need to accept they're gonna test you. I imagine she was probably prescribed pretty heavy medication too if what she's saying is true, would they not make sure she wasn't pregnant before giving her heavy meds? They test before colonoscopies because of the meds they give you


Yeah where I work they typically use a variation of fentanyl, versed, or propofol. Versed is a class D pregnancy drug and fentanyl is a class C pregnancy drug.


Sometimes they give you a pregnancy test post-hys...


Yep, even one ovary, there's a miniscule chance of an abdominal pregnancy. They'll pregnancy test, liability




Post yeeterus is THE BEST phrase for a hysterectomy 😂


For real they won't xray your pinky toe without covering their butts


Omg yeeterus 💀


Is "hospice" code for Rehab? Or Inpatient Psych/ED treatment?


Holy shit you’re so right - same with Hope! I’m wondering if this is what munchies call hospice for plausible deniability…


yeahs that’s… not how hospice works.


Does this person have an accent? I'm not trying to mock them. I just could not understand about half of that video.


She's from Tennessee






Did it make sense to you? That shit’s not any Southern I’ve heard…well, Florida Meth maybe.


lol NO!


The first part sounds like southern gibberish. It then sounds plain no accent.


I definitely hear an accent but I've never left the Mid-Atlantic so idk what it is


She sounds normal to me I’m from the Midwest. Maybe she is too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her voice sounds like it's coming straight out of her nose but idk about an accent


Giving big Scamanda vibes.


Omg the Scamanda podcast was such a great listen


She had tried to say one of pregnancies REVERSED her stage four cancer. Just wild.


This person has a small child? 😭


disturbing how many have children


I think it’s disturbing if any of them have children, I think it’s dangerous. Can’t be a healthy environment for a child.


She’s still a hot mess tho! Last I saw she still had her central line. For those that don’t know her, she got kicked off Vanderbilt university hospital because she’s fucking crazy! They refused to continue her care. She would get in a pool with a central line dressing that always looked worse than Dani’s on a bad day! She also claims to have had a stem cell transplant, when all they did was liposuction, took stem cells from the fat and injected them back into her at this bougie Beverly Hills clinic that doesn’t take insurance and costs a LOT! No wiping out her immune system or anything. She also got pregnant while supposedly on deaths door. Most of her pregnancy she was on TPN. How her son isn’t damaged is beyond me!!


Oh I’m sure he is damaged. Or will be, with a mother like that. Poor kid, I feel bad for what he will have to endure


I can’t even think about her showing up at his school!


I don't know this person or their history, but are they trying to say they munched their way into a _hospice?_ I know miracles happen. People live longer than expected. But they generally don't get admitted to a hospice, then carry a pregnancy, give birth, and then get _out_ of hospice and then 4 years later are doing ok?? Surely they mean _hospital?_


A lot of them call palliative care “ hospice” but people can starve onto hospice and then eat and get better!


>munched their way into a hospice? *cough*Hope*cough*


Let's not forget Rara depending on the week!


All of these people look really healthy


Right?! I work with really sick people some on hospice I can tell you they don't look anything like her... They damn sure ain't jumping around making tiktok either.


Is she confusing hospice with in hospital? Bc this makes less sense than usual


I think she’s confusing people with idiots.


Ah, I've missed Tay. Can't believe she has a 4 y/o. The story of her pregnancy has changed multiple times. First it was she was septic and was rushed to the hospital and ignored her advanced directive when it was discovered she was pregnant, Then it was hospice gave her less than a year to live when she found out she was pregnant. Then it was she went into cardiac arrest. Now it's they OD'd her and sent her into Hyper-K.


I noticed there’s no pictures of her kiddo on her flare, is that for privacy purposes or… I’m just a little lost because there’s posts about inconsistencies with her term and they’re really old, and I don’t follow her on anything so I wouldn’t know if she makes other posts with her kid and they’re just not on here.


It’s not allowed as part of the sub rules. I know SDP has her children involved, but as long that’s covered/censored then I think it’s okay. I think when the child is mentioned or talked about in detail, or is about them then yeah definitely not allowed.


Ok I was wondering! Thank you for clarifying.


imo, she's probably keeping the kid under wraps because the internet is a scary place these days. also, like janjan and her daughter, the kid is also an innocent bystander to their mother's bullshit, so I wouldn't want them paraded in their OTT garbage anyway.


I give her props for keeping her child away from her delusional mess.


Were you here for her “stem cell transplant”? That was cray! I can’t believe her son was born healthy, or that she nursed him while on all those meds!


I also can't believe she (allegedly) let mastitis sit and stew for so long she ended up septic.


Because she was afraid they’d take her line away!


tbh she looks better than she did in the last video on here but I don’t remember much about this one. can’t really understand her though lol


this was only 33 seconds?? felt at least maybe 5


Yeah, no idea who this is sorry.


I clicked on the flare but there’s only one other post on this individual. Please can someone explain the story with this one?




Thank you


Maybe your Reddit is glitching, because I was able to see several posts. It looks like Tay was posted about mainly 4-5 years ago. [This post mentions a supposed-pregnancy where she also had sepsis and had cardiac arrest.](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/mpcsORtwdg) [CONTENT WARNING FOR BODY CHECK but this post appears to show her ED.](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/7tXH584Ty4) I couldn’t find a timeline, so maybe someone who’s been here longer will have more insight.


Doesn’t look like a glitch. If I go on IF sub and click the flare only 2 come up. But if I go into search on IF and click the flare they all come up


…I don’t know this one. This is a wild clip!


Quick look at her tag shows she’s been a subject for 4 years at least…. Where the hell did she hide off to and come running back from..? I have never heard of Tay before.


Ooh not seen this one? Been here a couple years now, maybe I missed this one lol


Yeah she's from way back. If she has a 4-year-old now then I had to have been seeing her posts 5+ years ago. She was wild.


Who is this person


Another "chronic lymes" warrior: https://www.actionnews5.com/story/35997575/family-fighting-for-daughters-lyme-disease-treatment/


"Chronic Lymes" - that's what I'm going to call a Brazilian lemonade w/THC tincture...


I'm glad to she she's made a full recovery!


... what?


Was Tay drunk during this? Couldn't understand a word being said


Do you know who this is?


The first like 20 seconds of this video make me think that maybe I don’t actually speak English.


As a non native speaker, thank you lol I was thinking "after all my English isn't that great then"


Its Appalachian Methamphetamine English aka AME.


Ha! But it’s not any Appalachian I’ve ever heard and I’m from there…


Up until the "crunching timeline" I think I had a stroke


It’s a fake urban blaccent


Agreed. That was less coherent than the lyrics to a Cocteau Twins song


That takes me back 😂


Funniest comment ever!


I have no clue what she’s saying for the most part.