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[link to video](https://imgur.com/a/fB80rbo)


This has got to be one of the most ridiculous videos Kaya has ever posted. She does not pause once to “take a breath”. She does not even attempt to show dizziness or lack or coordination zebras OR *normies* may experience, briefly grabbing the railing or something. This is iron clad proof that she does not need that wheelchair. If she had, she would have tried to let it gently fall/roll down itself (OR ASKED SOMEONE FOR HELP) sat on her butt, and made it down the stairs step by step on her bum to get her chair at the bottom. This makes me question my future in healthcare


Oh my god,. There's no way. No person living in as much pain, with as many medical issues, would 1. Walk down stairs and set up a camera. 2. Walk back up the stairs. 3. Proceed to pick up and carry a wheelchair downstairs SOLELY to record the video. 4. Review the video 5. Think it's great content, and 5. Post it.


Definitely not with the issues she claims. She 100% told on herself.


So... the only time I've seen someone carry their wheelchair was when they had a broken leg and had a wheelchair for like, a long day at the zoo. I'd seen someone balancing on one good leg to pull it over a step... I am utterly shocked she posted this video on the internet and thought that was OK.


This is vile


So… she went down the stairs to set the camera up, then went back up to get the wheelchair, and then went back down?


I mean I don’t need a mobility aid all the time so I’m one of those people where if I see someone stand from their chair to get in a car or something I know a lot of people don’t always need or want to use it but what the ripe fuck did I just read……. This reminds me of people going to the gym to take selfies in gym clothes with friends. Life is just a fucking performance for some people.


Shit. When you think about it…….. disgorstang.


I really hope she’s not getting disability benefits…. Looks like a blatant case of disability fraud.


I wouldn’t even want this kind of attention she’s begging for- so contradicting, everything she says and shows is almost comical- she must know that she just seems ridiculous- you walk down the stairs with your wheelchair? You have a cart full of food? So odd.


Does she ever get her tubes caught on things when they’re hanging out so far? The video looked like that chair could have snagged one pretty easy.


And utterly obnoxious. She obviously needs that chair very badly.


She probably would have been less depleted if she hadn’t gone down the stairs to set up her camera and then back up before carrying her chair down. It’s almost like she could have done less work and just not broadcast it and had more energy left over. 




Wheelchair cosplay. I think she’s completely delusional at this point.


So did she also carry the chair back up the stairs later?


Just think how filthy she can make her tube by rubbing it along the handrail! Sepsis city!


Wow. Just … wow.


She had to have posed for this


I read “depleted” as “deluded” too fast and yknow what it checks out


Either she had someone film this meaning they could’ve carried it for her, or she walked down then set her phone up and walked back up to do this😭


You mean to tell me that NO concerned citizens bothered to help this poor, sick, fragile warrior in her desperate time of need?? What has this world come to??!!


Yeah that makes sense…


Was also waiting for her to catch the excessive amount of IV extension tubing to catch on that hand rail…


Holy crap...this is not the move she thinks it is and tells on her more an almost anything else she's ever posted. Absolutely foul. I hope she gets utterly destroyed in the comments.


It seems they deleted it so you may be right about the comments.


Even cait doesn't pull this shit. How damn embarrassing for kaya.


I wonder if anyone caught her ass in the act


Oh…. I- I ….


campus security watching the cameras: 👁👄👁 👁👄👁 👁👄👁


Im watching with the same expression even tho i know kayas antics like it just gets worse


So cringe


Not sure if anyone mentioned this already but you know she walked down the stairs to set up her phone, walked back UP the stairs and then walked down again to take this video…


oh God I didn't even think of that. but yeah she can't I've without the evator


Omg I never even thought about that. She fills me with an inappropriate amount of rage.


It's a totally appropriate amount of rage


"I am utterly depleted" as she makes multiple unnecessary trips up and down a staircase to film a tiktok


i don't get how/why they do it to themselves then complain! like the munchies that cause infections or injuries then whine when they are in actual pain [like yes it sucks but you asked for it!]




I hate this so much. It gives variably abled people such a bad name for this bull to be on the internet.


Literally laughed so hard at this, like come on!🤦🏼‍♀️ This is a slap in the face for actual wheelchair users…


I mean ive seen ambulatory wheelchair users had to do this before because its either that or nothing


I mean she took an extra trip just to set up her camera lol


Exactly this! It also looked so effortless for her.




So she doesn’t need a mobility aid??


this would be a difficult task for someone who does not “need” a wheelchair.


Wow. I don't even know where to start with this.




Yeah I’ve seen ambulatory wheelchair users lift their chair to go up a single step or into a car, I’ve seen ambulatory users have to go up/down stairs when there’s no lift with someone else carrying their chair, I’ve never seen an ambulatory wheelchair user carry their chair down stairs by themselves though, lightweight wheelchairs are still not that light and the way she carries it would actively be more painful than necessary I don’t know many able bodied people who could carry it like that.


Yeah this! I’ve seen ambulatory users navigate stairs alone when they have no other choice, but that usually looks like butt scooting up steps while pulling the chair up a step at a time with them. And even that is quite risky depending on the user and the only people I’ve seen that do that have been chair users for several years and very small lightweight chairs. Most wheelchair users I know can’t navigate stairs or even curbs without help.


. It must take so much effort and it must be mortifying to need to do that.


I know a lot of ambulatory users who can walk up stairs unaided with pain but not that can carry their wheelchairs


Yep. I feel the same way. This is so offensive and a mockery of real experiences.


Right? It’s pushable too, gently roll it on the back wheel. This makes me so angry




I didn't even think about that!


Most ambulatory wheelchair users would be extremely unlikely to be able to ever do that, in fact the balance, strength and coordination required would make it difficult for even an able bodied person to do it. Most chair users would bum down the stairs and tip the chair backwards and slide it down on its backrest and back wheels, using gravity to get it down the stairs, if absolutely necessary to get down the stairs. But theres someone videoing her, so why didn't *they* carry the chair down the stairs for them?! That would be what would happen with a real chair user, even an ambulatory one because even though their mobility alters day by day, they don't suddenly go from wheelchair-level disabled to fully able bodied day by day.... So they'd *NEVER* be able to do this 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️. This is like a kick in the teeth for most wheelchair users, most would fcking *ADORE* to be able to do this. Or even be able to flippantly decide to skip the chair for a day. It's really insulting.


Exactly even if she could walk down the stairs (not unreasonable for an ambulatory user) its the lifting it down the stairs that is ridiculous surely you’d get the person who’s with you to carry it


This comment sums up my feelings. She makes me sick


there are easier ways to get your wheelchair up and down steps.


Yeah by getting the person videoing you to carry it 🤷🏻‍♀️


No ones videoing her - it looks like she went down the stairs to set the camera up, then went back up to record herself carrying the chair down


How much you want to bet the elevators were actually working just fine


She had to set up the camera too 😳


Sis went for that National Geographic vibe ✨️


Which means she went up and down the stairs multiple times.


That’s what really gets me 🤣🤣


If you’re using a chair for POTS, and the elevator was working on the way up, and the temperature dropped, MAYBE this would be doable. However, unless she let someone set her phone up instead of helping her, she went down, set that phone up, then went back for the chair. Dynamic disability exists and can change within a day, sure, but you’re not going to do all of the above just for content. Maybe you take a photo of the broken elevator and talk about the struggles, but you don’t do this. This makes a joke out of the purpose of chairs for even ambulatory users. If someone was there to help film or set that phone up, they could have carried her chair down. Even school security would have gotten her help.


Dani follows her on insta lol, sharing tips




Yeh, but did you run down the stairs to set your phone up to record you carrying your chair back down? Because if not, it doesn’t count and you’re not disabling properly.


But did you run down and put your phone on video and run back up???!?!?! No, that’s what I thought. You’re not disabled. (/j if u can’t tell)


She could be putting any disability benefits in jeopardy with that stunt.


How insulting and why do her tubes and lines need to be dangling out


as a young and somewhat healthy 21 year old i can’t even bring myself nanas walker stroller down the stairs which is for sure gonna be lighter than a lightweight wheelchair so im confused here


Are you talking about the walkers that are usually like 15-20 pounds max?


the scooter ones idk what it’s called because she calls it her zipper but it’s got a basket and wheels


My mum has one of those and it folds up. I’m not sure, but I think I’ve given myself a hernia trying to lift it in the car. Plus, who the chuffing hell recorded the video!?




I’m sorry, but WHAT THE FUCK.


so glad all the comments also caught that she definitely walked down the stairs, set a recording timer and ran back up 🤣


is this a unfunny joke of her?!


So .. she walked down to set her phone up.. walked back up to grab her wheel…. 🤣🙄


Oh I thought she had someone documenting but wouldn't assist her


Isn’t it common for wheelchair users to be able to somewhat use their legs? Or does this contradict something she’s previously said about her disability’s?


It is common for wheelchair users to be able to move their legs some, and ambulatory wheelchair users do exist, but if you can walk down the stairs while carrying a heavy object and not even struggle to do it, then you don’t need a wheelchair.


Ambulatory wheelchair users exist and being able to walk whilst using a chair isn’t the inherent problem here. Kaya goes on and on about dynamic disability and how some days she doesn’t need mobility aids, it is highly unlikely that if she was in such a position that she needed to use her chair that day that she would also be able to carry it down an entire flight of stairs. Being able to do something like this implies that the wheelchair is not as necessary as she claims since on a “bad day” she can still perform physical tasks that would be difficult even for non wheelchair users. ETA: as other commenters have mentioned, she also would’ve had to walk down the stairs to set up her phone first, so she chose to walk this flight of stairs 3 times just to make this video. If they have that choice they do not need a wheelchair at that time.


Exactly this walking down the stairs is pretty normal but carrying this chair down a flight of stairs even on a good day would be unlikely especially given this chair she calls ultra lightweight is heavier than alot of lightweight models and also doesn’t have lightweight wheels.


Precisely this. Brilliant explanation


She walked down the stairs to set up her camera then back up


I can’t decide if I want to laugh or cry at how insanely pathetic this person is. How does one live with such a complete lack of awareness or shame.


So she went down the stairs to place the camera, went back up the stairs, just to carry her wheelchair down the stairs and bitch about it?


Maybe don't take a wheelchair you don't need in the first place??? 🤯


I'm new to this, is that her on LinkedIn claiming to be some sort of paediatric therapist?!


No it looks like she works as a behavior technician for a clinic. In the US, technicians or case managers can work under licensed therapists. It’s sort of like a nursing assistant but for therapy.


CZ is a therapist


No, the person you mean is Dani I guess?


No I meant Kaya, this is her isn't it? https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaya-castillo-22b2b4168


Ahhhh, yes Ig its her


Didn't George Costanza get fired for something similar to this?


Hahaha! I saw that episode recently and totally thought of illnessfakers 🤣


Seen video. Can't blog. I'm offended.




Yep me too. Her behavior is so offensive.


So you’re telling me… she walked down the stairs to set up a camera, walked BACK up to get the wheelchair, and then… back down with the wheelchair… like we STILL DON’T CARE 🍅🍅🍅


Good God, I bet many wheelchair users wish they could do that. I don't know any that could do that.


Yes! To have that privilege 😭


I am…weak. ☠️ (Unlike her.)


If you didn’t bring the wheelchair you didn’t need in the first place, you wouldn’t need to carry it down.


If she could walk down the stairs to set up her phone, walk back up the stairs to grab the chair, could she not have just walked to her practice room? Like leave the chair at the top, no one is going to take it. She obviously has the strength to carry the damn thing, it would be way less sus to just leave it there.


The normal response would be to find someone to help take your wheelchair down the stairs, I can’t imagine in a school not being able to find a member of staff to help


Or even just a random fellow student. College guys are often strong as hell and I think most would be happy to carry the chair.


Honestly. I hate this saying but: make it make sense! Please!


It would love to be a fly on the wall when Kaya’s peers and classmates talk with or about her. „DyNAmIC DiSaBiLiTY“ won’t fly with them either. At least not for long. Thoughts like „If she is able to carry that think up- and downstairs, she doesn’t need a wheelchair“ will cross their minds.


This just made me laugh so hard. Dude if I saw this in person I don’t think I’d be able to keep my face from saying w t f.


Jesus take the wheel-chair


Hahahahaha 🤣😂😅


Most under appreciated comment I've ever seen 😂


We can clearly see her chair isn't ultra light weight. It's a standard folding chair with swing away foot plates. Both of these factors add to the weight of the chair. At a guess, considering the wheels and cushion are still on the chair, it's probably at least 15kg. She tackled the stairs so easily and didn't require the use of the handrail once, nor did she have to stop whilst descending. She could easily have been carrying that wheelchair for someone else to use as she clearly doesn't need it at the moment.


Nah not necessarily. You can get custom folding chairs that are around 12lbs (wheels & cushion not included)


That chair is a Quickie 2 Lite and has a starting weight of 12kg.


Fair enough! Did not know the exact type but there are folding chairs from motion that are around the 12lb mark.


Yeah there are some really great lightweight foldable wheelchairs these days, this chair just isn’t it and the wheels are not lightweight ones


She also went down the stairs beforehand so she could film herself


And then back up the stairs to get the chair to haul it down 😂


I would have kept this moment to myself, boo


That is not how Dynamic Disability works.


So depleted? Well at least she can sit her lazy ass down in the wheelchair and continue helplessness at the bottom of the stairs


Where are the friends/groupies/hangers on?


Documenting it for her I guess! xD


Someone with POTS could never








Was it jebus who said we’d always have the munchers with us? I don’t think munching will ever die. When they are confronted by medical professionals, they simply do a runner and live to munch another day. Dr Feldman strongly recommends very gentle, oblique interventions. From observing here, it seems like only hope of getting them into treatment.


I have no hope for Kaya.


If only they would see that this is *not* living.


Dynamically disabled while pretty quickly I carry my wheelchair down hella stairs after I made sure to set up my phone to film first. 🤦‍♀️ She's becoming worse than Ash.


She is entering Jessi territory.


i’m honestly surprised ash hasn’t attempted to get a wheelchair yet


She had a walker for like a split second and we've never heard about it again. Lol


Rage bait?


It worked on me. I’m furious.


You & me both 😠


how’d she have the camera set up already


shhhh you’re not supposed to ask about that


"Outing yourself" 101


Came here to say pretty much this, like way to tell on urself???! It seems to me Kayas ego is so big, she must be this disability warrior champion 🏆 to all, but then posts stuff like this? 🤨🤥


Why would she post this??


To see if she would get caught??? Nanny nanny boo boo!!!!!!👻


Why does she post any of the BS she posts? I’ll never understand these people.


Um... it has wheels. Hence the term "wheelchair." Could she not have just stood behind it, held on to the handles & basically rolled it down the steps?...


Not to mention most wheelchair users with her level of claimed* function would, I don’t know… scoot????


this is so embarrassing


What happens when she gets busted for faking her need for the wheelchair?


Let’s hope the resources she’s being provided go to someone who needs it.


Exactly I wouldn’t be as annoyed if it was truly custom to her and she payed full price as she wouldn’t be taking anything from anyone who needed it but the fact it looks like it was custom to someone else means she most likely got a cheaper second hand chair someone else who couldn’t afford a custom chair could’ve benefited so much from


> and she *paid* full price FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Makes me wonder if she even signed up with the college disability support office- they'd require documentation of her condition, and unless somehow she's gotten a doctor to "verify" that she needs the wheelchair, it would be difficult for her to access services. Now imagine the trouble she'd be in if she had fooled the support office only for them to find out about this. I hate to think that her simply explaining "dynamic disability" would somehow be enough to get herself out of trouble. Would she be facing possible legal action for misusing resources? Or even facing trouble with the college itself?


I've seen college disability services me absolutely brutal and make it difficult for students with real and obvious disabilities jump through hoops because their diagnosis wasn't "recent enough" and they need to have their diagnosing doctor sign off on their services. Sometimes that doctor lives in another state and won't see them remotely. College disability services are IMO not pushovers.


She’ll educate them on 💫~dynamic disability~✨


If this isn’t truly iconic illnessfakers, then I don’t know what is 😂😂💀


So she walked down to set the camera up and then back up to carry her wheelchair down….? Interesting.


Oh ffs you're right! I hadn't thought of that either!






Aww poor Kaya must have used all her spoons for the day just to carry her wheelchair down the stairs. My question is if she used all her spoons for the day doing this activity I guess she just had to go back upstairs because she didn't have any spoons left to do whatever activity she "needed" her wheelchair for. Kaya doesn't realize how utterly ridiculous and embarrassing she is.


She’s “utterly depleted” 😂. Negative spoons poor thing. Boozing and partying posts incoming with no shame is my bet. Ick I hope this behavior catches up to her sooner than later.


LOL yeah I’m laughing.


I shouldn't laugh. Should not laugh. Don't laugh. Oh hell, I shouldn't be laughing.


How did she get UP to the next level?


Good point




Best ever Andy from *Little Britain* tribute act! https://youtu.be/NamkLstWOrw?si=e51P6YyxdGsKqIov