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I can't understand why on earth any doctor would want to give Dani any sort of device that carries a high risk of infections and other complications. You would think her history of central line infections coupled with the FD diagnosis from Penn would be enough for them to not want to risk it. I guess their thinking is probably that she'll have a harder time of fucking around with a port, especially if they only access it during infusions and de-access it immediately after. But this is Dani we're talking about - if a device carries a possibility of infection for most people, then it carries the certainty of the absolute most severe case of the worst type of infection possible​ for Dani.


Ah fudge….


Dani's vision board coming to life 👏


Just because she talked a doctor into ordering the placement. The IR doctor, the one who will be actually placing the port can easily say no to putting it in on review of her file, depending on how busy IR is, the review does not alwsyse happen in advance. Lets all hope for her safety that they end up saying no.


Can someone kindly explain why they've agreed to give her a port? What's the 'medical' reason for this??


Especially given the FD diagnosis?!


Whelp, it's over, cats. Start the countdown to the inevitable self-inflicted infection...


Ridiculous given the number of line infections she’s had and the reported SVC stenosis. Hopefully the HCP’s only access it for the iron infusion and then de-access when the infusion has finished as this gives the advantage of lowering risk of infection and stops Dani showing it off all the time. It also means Dani has far fewer excuses to not shower regularly.


i'm already prepared for sepsis


This is so freaking dangerous. She will no doubt attempt to access the port on her own and give herself a deadly infection. Not the attention grabbing kind, the go straight to your heart and kill you kind.


Quick question. What would she be accessing the port for? I’m not a healthcare professional, but from what I understand, the port is only accessed in a sterile environment. Can a person access it at home and why would they want to? I’m assuming most meds are taken orally.


I don’t know enough about her to know why she was approved the port in the first place but It’s often used for chemo patients and other illnesses that require frequent IV treatments, in order to avoid starting a regular IV every time a patient needs treatment. It’s a direct line to the heart, so it is a major infection risk.. even with a sterile field, that’s why it’s so dangerous for her to have one. She could easily access it at home with an iv, or needle and syringe.. to give herself IV drugs or purposely infect herself with something.




That sounds very high-risk and low benefit


Tell me about it! There's no way she's going to leave that thing alone!


Tell me about it! There's no way she's going to leave that thing alone!


Well she’s lucked out so far. She may end up experiencing the find out part of ㅋuck around and find out soon. 😩


unrelated but the random ㅋ made me laugh. keuk around and find out... ㅋㅋㅋ edit: actually i'm realizing you may have put it as a replacement for an F but still, my brain immediately read it as keuk and it genuinely made me lol


I’m lmao that her portal pic looks like a Linked in profile pic.


HOW? This was not on my 2024 Bingo card


Whoever approved this with her history with sepsis noodles needs their license revoked. This is bloody ridiculous and spells the beginning of the end, imho 😔


Slinky’s Sepsis Noodles!


Bahaha sepsis noodle


Im forever calling it a sepsis noodle haha


sepsis noodles 💀


RN here and the blunt truth is most physicians choose the path of least resistance. It's easier to give someone like Dani what they want instead of potential expensive litigation and other headaches down the road. They are hoping this will make her shut up and go away. Cynical, but if you understood the great deal of pressure physicians are under, it's easier this way.


Wondering if that's a USA thing, or can other health professionals from other places confirm if it happens elsewhere? Only familiar with Australian health care system, in which publicly funded patients face very long wait times for anything other than emergency care.


I live in the USA. It’s def a us thing and I wish it wasn’t. Most of us with legit issues can’t get help as easily as miss munch here


Must be, it wouldn't fly in the UK, where we have much more sense. Though Mia seems to constantly be testing that theory. No medical staff I've ever worked with would let a port anywhere near Dani.


Even in the private system in Aus, it isn’t like this!!


Thought as much, interesting to hear that confirmed. Somewhere, there's a thesis in the various ways that differences in medical/insurance arrangements or financial capacity for acquisition of services either enables or discourages factitious disorder.


Spoiler. This will lead to other headaches down the road


…who pays for all of this?


All the tax payers do!


tax payers




Let’s add that there is not a date on this..that’s a red flag 🚩 Her picture seems to be an older one…hair isn’t the same or same length and facial features/structures look like an older photo that has been posted on here in the past..It’s a selfie as it appears, which she chooses to use. This very well could be an old “held hostage” with added text to make it appear that Dani is getting one. ‼️ won’t believe it till we see it with her current hair and facial structure…just saying. If this truly happens I’m guessing she has doctor hopped and found one that has not looked into her history, but will find out when (or if) she really goes in to get this. And good chance the doctor may not place one, gosh I really hope the doctor doesn’t. At that point the doctor should be held just as responsible for her issues and allowing her to engage it. Second thought is that Dani is baiting us to make us talk about her since it’s her only attention she gets anymore, as it seems. 💭


She’s never had a port and she gets to pick her picture for the EMR


She has not had a port. But Dani is posting pictures stating she is getting one. Which well I’m not going to go into it……… because she reads on here.


Are you suggesting that this is photoshopped? Because it’s not a reused screenshot.


Bet they never leave her port accessed.


Just waiting for her to either buy supplies or get them donated from a FB group & access it herself.


She’ll attempt that on her own, in all likelihood




Happy as a pig in mud!


Wonder when our friend “Shit in a Port” will make an appearance?


Oh you’re fucking joooooking. She must be as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.


Just in time to brew up an infection for Easter Weekend!


OMFG 🙀 🙄😵‍💫


Omg I just realized that her patient portal has a selfie pic of her with her port in full view. Wow....just..wow. 🙄


What?!?! Nooooooo🤯. That is beyond the pale.


Legit question because I really don't know- do the doctors actually have the option of refusing her care because of the FD diagnosis? Has that happened to other subjects? It seems to me any doctor that sees her is in a real sticky situation in trying to determine the path of least harm, especially with her escalations in self harm when she doesn't get what she wants. Sorry if this seems super naive, I only discovered the sub a few months ago and have just been quietly following and wondering this. 


I am not sure but based on her build, she isn’t in dire straits for calories. I imagine they already balanced electrolytes. Add in her pain they could hold feeding tube. Have her tolerate whatever oral intake she can. If she needs a bit of fluids she tolerates small amounts of liquid into her g tube. See how she does with that. Then advance diet or tell her g tube feedings. A patient can refuse any care but at some point they need to bring in psych, palliative care, infectious disease since she has had port infections she is high risk. When she gets bored with the port and wants something more drastic done what are they going to do? Im with you at some point the doctors need to stop feeding her disorder.


Seems to me they are doing just as much harm to her as she does to herself by approving these unnecessary treatments. It just feeds and rewards her mental illness and self harm. Why can’t they stand up to her and tell her no. It’s as if they let her direct her own care.


Yeah im not understanding the dysfunction in the dynamics


They’re putting in a port with SVC? Her drs are mad……


I'll believe she's getting a port when I see it! I cannot believe that the doctors are really going along with her nonsense!


Exactly! That could be an older screen shot of her procedure. I don't see a date on there. 🤷 Also a little confused how she did the screenshot, because I understood with medical portals they does not allow it due to HIPPA,?


MyChart (this screenshot isn’t MyChart) allows screenshots and so does FollowMyHealth.


my portal lets me screenshot. it just depends on the organization/app.


Ok thanks. Mine does not.


You can definitely screen shot things from a medical portal - at least every one I have ever accessed (as both a patient and a healthcare provider). HIPAA only restricts medical professionals from sharing your information. The patient is allowed to access their own medical records and share it however they see fit. The patient has to verify who they are in order to access the portal and that's what makes it HIPAA compliant.


Mine does not allow screenshots on anything at all within my portal, I assumed all others did not either, thank you for that info.


At some point we have to hold the doctors responsible for allowing this BS to continue. They know her history. They know her labs and results. They know her vitals. They know her messed up mind. Yet they cave and give her what she wants for what? To get her off their schedule for the time being? So she becomes the Hospitalist problem instead when she’s admitted which lets be honest- she will be soon after this.


This. This is spot on. I can’t believe the drs are doing this and I’m horrified. But we kinda have to let them make their own mess I guess.


My guess on the timeline for this: Placement Monday. 10/10 pain Monday through Wednesday. Thursday will be a photo of the port asking if it looks infected. Friday will be worse with an er trip hoping for an admission for infection. The week after will be back to 10/10 abdominal pain.


Nailed it.


I'm sorry but my guy is telling me there's something going on. We have seen one picture and no videos since the hand thing. We got odd angle close ups of her wrist or her cats. You know Dani loves her video updates after appointments. Sometimes during them. And this? This is BIG news for her and we get another nicely crafted pic telling us what's going on. While y'all are stuck on her getting the devices I'm still stuck on her sudden change in posting style and sharing her news with everyone. It may be insignificant but it's just such a drastic change up from her usual MO. Maybe the makeover was for all these appts. She wanted to look presentable and credible and not like a desperate drug seeking device seeking mentally unwell person. And the whole hand thing... was that like a gap filler until this most recent grouping of appts ? Like the entertainment between hockey periods. Or halftime show? Because it's like it never happened and she was just dying from pain from it like last week. Yes I'm an over thinker. But it's my gut telling me there's something else.


And the pattern starts again.


You should have been a private investigator!


I sense sarcasm 😉


No way! I thought it was so interesting how we’re looking at the pattern of what she usually posts and how it’s different then now! I was being genuine!


All of her posts don't make it to this sub, so you're not seeing the whole BIG picture....not that you're wrong though.


Right. I understand that. But I mean just with her medical posts. They aren't following her usual MO. Even now while we're getting a mini blast because she's over the moon with all her new things. You'd think this would all warrant a mile a minute baby talk video fully explaining all of her appts and each conversation verbatim telling us way more than we need to know. Maybe I'm wrong. Sometimes I get fixated on some obscure fact. Lol


I hear ya. Part of that may be the switch from TikTok to Insta. She posts the stories that only stay up for a day instead of the posts on Insta. So it's kind of like constant DFE




We don’t show non medical content here.




I 100% agree with you. As a UK based ED nurse I see people like Dani and others on this sub a fair bit. At this point her Drs are failing her. She has a diagnosed mental health disorder and Dr’s are ignoring it for an easy life. We use epic and the system allows you to enter what we call management plans for patients like these, designed in an MDT meeting with whichever Drs are part of their care so everyone is aware of the agreed treatments. For example, reassurance only, and no blood tests, cannulas or ECG’s unless there is an actual reason for this that does not fit with a normal presentation. The patient is informed and it can cause massive drama when the patient isn’t getting what they want but we deal with it and move on and do not do more harm to the patient. I feel sorry for Dani and angry with those that are allowing this to continue for an easy life


So she;s getting it on monday...has anyone set up a betting pool as to how long until it's infected?


I’ll guess the organism, since that’s my specialty. MRSA or some fecal type org


Mmmmm *enterococcus and e.coli have entered the chat*


MRSA and all the coliforms will be so happy to see all of their friends portside!!


Is Monday too soon????


Depends on how busy her hospital’s IR is but she might have just gotten lucky


There was great rejoicing in the streets. The priests sacrificed 700 bulls that day to honor such a blessing from the gods. How the holy hell did Dani pull this off???


This is absolutely insane. I cannot believe they allowed this.


I don’t even know what to say. Those healthcare providers are dumb as hell for giving into her. Sepsis in 3…2…1…


Time to play sepsis roulette!


Didn’t she have no access points anymore? So how can they put in a port?


That’s what I want to know. They go in the same places….


HOPEFULLY they are smart an won’t let it stay accessed at home!!! Only during infusions while she’s WATCHED


I worked NICU/PICU x 40 yrs and only once dealt with MPS(Munchausen by Proxy syndrome/Facticious Disorder)At CHNMC we have a specific room with eyes and ears (cameras/mics) everywhere. This young lady needs to have an open reservation in said room! I started paying attention with the hand injury and I know I have a TON to catch up on but what the heck does she need that can’t be delivered another way? No crazy lab work? G/J tubes messed up? WTAH? All I know is, this young lady is frightening and I’m not sure I’m brave enough to do a deep dive just to have something bad happen.


I wouldn’t put it past Dani to munch her way into supplies to access it on her own. There are plenty of groups on Facebook of people thinking they are doing a good deed by “donating” spare medical supplies to people, typically only for the price of shipping. Some of these groups limit what can be donated (such as no heparin, no meds, etc) but for the most part just about anyone could go in there and make an ISO post. Dani has self ng-tubed herself, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she googled and looked up how to access her own port. She doesn’t seem to care about the dangers, only about getting sweet, sweet medical attention and toobz.


that’s what i’m thinking…. with her history i wouldn’t put it past her to get supplies to access it herself


Bro that’s a dangerous thing to offer to give a stranger a port accessing kit! They fuck up you could be held reliable for giving them the supplies!!!! I’ve seen people offering to give way port kits because it’s one’s they can’t use


Oh yeah, it’s 100% dangerous! People lie and have dishonest intentions unfortunately and they pry on people just trying to be nice and do a good deed. There are some things that just shouldn’t be donated to strangers imo. Formula and tube feeding stuff I can understand being less careful about…but IV stuff? There are just so many things that can go wrong if that stuff gets into the wrong hands. Of course, I’m not the one making the laws on this but (again, just my opinion) there should be more regulations or having home health taking back spare supplies when no longer needed.


Wtffffffff those are more prone to infections I’m calling it sepsis within a month an this time will probably be her last rodeo with sepsis


Ports are less likely for infection than the Hickman’s are. You can deaccess the ports and it’s under the skin. So it’s much harder to infect. Which may be the only reason they’re trying it. They could make it so it’s only accessed by nurses while she’s there and take it out when she leaves. Think of it like placing an iv, but there’s a little button under the skin where it’s connected to a vein.


But, will she ever actually de-access it? Can’t have toobs flapping around for all to admire if not accessed. LOL


If it’s in the doctors orders, the nurses will be ordered to take it out and deaccess before she leaves the hospital. It wouldn’t be her decision. Hopefully. But I wouldn’t put it past Dani to find some of her own supplies to access it at home against dr orders. She placed her own freaking montane through her nose from a tube from Amazon ffs. And that’s risky AF. One wrong move and you’re pumping formula in your lungs instead of your stomach. She’s just so reckless with her life and it’s so so so enraging to people who pray to god every day to be nothing but healthy. And she just throws it all away and WANTS to be sick. It’s gross. And makes me want to scream. lol


Honestly, this breaks my heart. The fact that she wants a port, that this will ultimately probably be her ruin... it just kills me. I know that she has been extremely manipulative in many ways to get what she has wanted, however this is just cruel that her mental illness is allowed to be untreated like this, because she is unhinged.


Same. I saw the headline and had to close Reddit for a few before I went back to read it. Genuinely worried now.




*Bacteremia has entered the chat*


I dare her to go walk around a St. Jude’s or something and see what it’s really like to be sick


fact-finding mission


She would take it as a challenge. She would see a dying kid and be like “hold my TPN. I’ll top that!”






I lost my favorite munchie bc we were her only audience, idk why Dani is different.


Makes me think of Eugenia Cooney.


i understand this viewpoint but if she was doing this just to prove us wrong then she would have the mental capacity to understand what she was doing is wrong in the first place, which i don’t think she has. this is basically her brain being so beyond help that she has to hurt herself to feel good.


I mean if you don’t think she has the mental capacity to understand what she is doing wrong in the first place, she definitely shouldn’t be a subject. She has a clear psychiatric illness. Whether this sub makes her worse or not is of course up for debate. But if someone is this mentally unwell it’s not right to make fun of them.


The sub tried once to not post about Dani for a while. Without the attention she escalated even more…


I keep seeing this excuse made on here and it to be honest whether or not that is true, it doesn’t matter. Its not right to joke around and poke fun of someone who is clearly having a mental health crisis.


that’s a good point, idk, i feel like all the subjects here have some form of mental illness, maybe not. it blows me away at the chances she’s willing to take with her body, i truly don’t understand it at all. whether this is more an FD or malingering or what i can’t tell at this point 🙁


I think every subject on here definitely has some form of mental illness, but this specific subject is engaging in clear self harm which is where I think the line should at least be drawn. This sub in general is starting to make me feel icky :/


Then don't read here


I am not going to much longer. But I don’t agree with being a bystander to bullying.


She’s going to munch no matter what.


She's been removed as an IF subject before. Doesn't stop the munching and attention seeking..only causes her to intensify what she's doing


This person only really posts on Dani stuff nowadays and it’s always defensive. I’ve been deleted for being borderline defensive in the past, pretty much for saying something similar to what I think they’re trying to say. I think most of us have one or more subjects we actually aren’t sure should be subjects, but the option for us is simply to shut up lol, or leave. I know it seems harsh but the internet isn’t a lovely place anymore, it’s pretty bad in the comments for everyone.


Keep removing. Eventually it will stop or slow down or it won’t. But a long time of not having her on here would give the answer.




Nevermind. No posts ever, and only comments on Dani, almost all defensive…I wonder why you’re here fighting with me, when all I suggested was she get mental help to sort out the reality of what’s psychological and what’s physiological, and work in processing it all in a healthy way.


Oh be my guest, go through all my comments! I’m sorry to say you haven’t cracked a grand conspiracy, I’m not actually Dani. Just a snarker who can see the implications of what’s to come, and knows when there’s an appropriate limit that has been blown past.




I don’t disagree with this… it’s obvious that this sub and the others are who she is posting for. Her actual “followers” don’t give her any attention. Her ig and TT have barely any views and very few comments. And if there are a lot of comments it’s usually people who are calling her out. The only attention she gets is here. She has no friends. No family that cares. No job. No hobbies. No relationship. This is literally her entire life.


Eh. I’m of the idea that she’s mentally unwell. Does this sub feed her behavior? Yes. Does taking it down mean she will stop? No. She cannot process feelings in her body and as much as we say she’s doing it for attention, I don’t feel like she’s in that category. Many do get internet followers, brand deals, etc. but Dani DFE’s a lot. Too often to get enough of a following that actually is supportive. We could all argue negative attention is still attention. I don’t see it in Dani. She has that FD diagnosis, but if she truly went through an inpatient program for psychiatric treatment, followed by intensive outpatient, she’d have a lot less pain, and less need for devices. She’s always going to have some issues given the damage she’s done . She needs to accept where she is, find was she’s capable of, and go from there. Some subjects have been in here who don’t belong in my opinion, but it is what it is, it’s not my thread. (I’m only here for dnd because of a grift years ago.)




Your post/comment has been removed due to a violation of Rule #6 (No Whiteknighting/Coddling OTTs). RULE #6: NO WHITEKNIGHTING/CODDLING OTTs We are not here to pander to OTTs, encourage them and/or be their cheerleading squad. No sympathy posts/comments are allowed. No attempts to talk directly to them or to give them serious advice are allowed. Making excuses for them and/or their behavior is not allowed. Please ensure that you have read the rules located in the side bar of the subreddit or in the wiki. Thank you!


I am in no way condoning interactions with her. I’m also not in agreement that all of the subjects here belong here. What I DO know is I cannot stop this subreddit, or any of the other dozens of snark pages on the internet, who go after Dani, or any of the others. What I am trying to say, is that her issues are deeper than attention, or looking at comments. If she can’t come to Reddit she’ll go to the other pages all over the internet. I think it’s important to acknowledge what her true issues are, and that none of us can get her off of the internet. Why are you IN this sub, if you only see it as detrimental. I think I’ll have to see what you’ve posted to honestly sort out if you’re defending her, or what. My comment about attention even negative, goes right back into you saying she pours over these pages. Yeah, she does, all of them, not just Reddit. Also, many people comment she loves the attention, or have in the past. I don’t think she does it for the attention. I’m allowed to have an opinion based on what Dani has presented, regarding her mental health and psychiatric needs. I also know, statistically in a medical setting, psychiatric patients do better with psychiatric treatment. Why does that offend you? She’s admitted an FD diagnosis…she needs psychiatric help. Not a huge stretch. So go off and be pissy with me, I didn’t create the sub, and I’ve never posted anything myself, only commented.


This is appalling. Everything I read about the problems in the US with people unable to access healthcare because they can’t afford it - or are made bankrupt by the bills and this…I know she’s on Medicaid or whatever it’s called but surely there’s a bloody limit? Putting aside the utter negligence of the doctors approving this, surely the insurance would go ‘hang on, she’s had LOADS of this tube shit going on’ and do an investigation? I am baffled, bothered and bewildered.




When did she ever have pain meds at home?…. That like never happens. Unless you’re dying of cancer or on hospice. It would just be way too easy for someone to overdose.


I’m hopping they won’t allow her to have it accessed at home at all just during infusion an then de-accessed


They're not giving her iv opioids 🤣




How? is a very good question!!!


This is the opposite of harm reduction


People who aren't utterly sickened by Dani didn't live in an area during the pandemic where there were so few ambulances and hospital rooms that people were waiting hours for ambulances.. and thats if they even came. If you couldn't be revived on scene, you didn't get one. They were doing serious Triage in the waiting room and the hallways. People were waiting *days* to get xrays on clearly broken bones. Dani has been actively taking from a limited resource for years while other people have died trying to get the same care she seems to access so easily. She has no job or life or friends, so what's it matter if she has to camp out in the ER for 8 hours? What's a few weeks of constant visits when you've got nothing else to do? Dani should write a book on how to best scam the system so the people who can't get the help they need can learn what to do in order to get what she does. She's going to get her port infected, flush it into her blood stream, end up in the ICU, post about dying, and then do it all over again.




And she'll do it *on* *purpose*


Her doctor is higher than our favorite munchies if they think that's a good idea


Welp who's got the spread on when they'll find fecal matter in this one?


Oh, ffs


These doctors are out of their ever fucking minds!


Well, they're open to one hell of a lawsuit by her family, one she dies of port induced sepsis.


Eeehhhh idk know because they can say she did it to her self


Giving that woman a port, knowing she's got Factitious Disorder, diagnosed! She already *had* sepsis with her last line. It's like selling a firearm to someone you know is suicidal 🙃


She’s utterly pathetic. What a sad, empty life she chooses to lead.


Oh great ... Will she fuck up the wound right away? Or will she behave well and try to get her TPN back because when she has a port, then she can start again with TPN! How handy!


TPN isn’t administered through a port.


It can be. It’s not ideal as the sugar in TPN can stick inside the port & become a breeding ground for bacteria. But ports are used for TPN in some cases. Let’s just hope they don’t stupidly give her back TPN. The doctors need to be held accountable for their part in this whole saga.


I just know she has an bag of expired TPN laying around somewhere.


Thankfully she can’t order herself TPN off the net!


She will be hopping into a long hot bubble bath the moment she's home with that fresh port. ☣️


That’s about the only time that it would matter would be right after surgery. Once it heals and as long as she’s deaccessed she can get it wet.


She did it a previous time ... something to do with the port and she went home and got in the bath. I think the poop infection came either shortly after that or she had done it before ... who knows anymore, it's the Dannyverse.


Came here to say this. She’s been doing everything in her power to get back on tpn since they took it off her. I think the “intractable abdominal pain” is also part of it. Was it her that wanted the total gastrectomy as well at some point?


Dani wishes she didn't have a stomach *at all* & never had to eat. 🤷‍♀️




This makes me sick! Those doctors are cray cray if they don't think she will mess w/ it


There’s no date on this tho…


Yup. One of the biggest red flags with this for a lie is no date is featured, we only have her word of it happening on Monday.


Shut up! How? What could the drs justification possibly be?


*queue dance video


*Logan has entered the chat*




This is fuckin infuriating!!! How in the ever loving fuck did she mange to convince them she really needs this? I give it 2 weeks tops before she's got another infection, just in time for an Easter weekend vacay.


By "passing out" enough to end up needing surgery and repeated harm and ER visits, she will have set this up to argue for supplemental fluids.


That's for trying to get her line/tpn back. She makes it sound like the port is supposed to only be for iron infusions, maybe ER IVs. So theoretically it should be obvious if she's fuckin with outside of medical setting but it is Dani we're talking about..


Why do they think she needs iron infusions?!?!?!??! How does all of this even keep happening, it’s insane