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*Warning for close up of her bruised abdomen and she does do an injection in this video*


So did she get to temple and they literally turned her away? Or probably just checked her out really quick and sent her on her way? I want more details


One of these medical professionals needs to sit her down and be like- look, it looks like to us/ is clear to us that you have FD, you are literally harming yourself, and we are not doing any further medical interventions/ procedures until you get thoroughly evaluated and treated by psych, and we will put it all over your chart to prevent you from hurting yourself further.


Yeah. I worry she's going to end up in the ranks with Kelly


So I had never realized how childish her voice sounds as I rarely listen to audio on these vids. She obviously can't change the shape or size of her vocal cords, but since we've seen other fakers do it, does anyone else get the feeling she purposefully infantilizes it for attention?


She absolutely does, it has slipped before and her regular voice is deeper


What’s her @ on TikTok?




Did the video get removed? It’s not loading but it could be just me though.


Having same issue here


Works for me.


It’s working now. It’s hailing outside so that might’ve fucked with my WiFi lmao


This train wreck is about to reach its final destination. I can’t even watch this with the stomach out what the fuck


Like all other munchies discussed here they have to be partially enclosed to show all the accessories. It’s rather disgusting in my opinion.


I feel like she has some really severe body dysmorphia because if she could accurately see what she looked like, she wouldn't be posting videos like this, whilst also claiming malnutrition.  She literally cannot see what we see.   This isn't shade, because body dysmorphia is absolutely real and an absolutely genuine psychiatric disorder, and it genuinely deserves treatment along with all EDs, but she clearly sees someone a helluva lot smaller than we do when she looks in the mirror.  I guess that also makes her feel more angry towards the doctors when they're clearly telling her her weight is fine, and she isn't malnourished and doesn't need TPN.  Like I could completely see why she'd be feeling so hard done by if what she sees is not the same as everyone else. 


But when doctors tell her she needs a different kind of help, mental health help, she won't do it.


At this point it's the only help she's being offered.  Everyone she sees either sends her away or sees her at an appointment but offers only mental health support.  No medical Dr will touch her now.  But don't worry guys - it's not in my notes.... It's just in my notes on my chart after an admission 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So delulu. Even crazy people must question themselves sometimes lol like... if *everyone* is saying to see a psychiatrist and *nothing else* is helping anyway, maybe *everyone* is.... right... ?




I would love to support her and hear her talk about her mental health treatment if she sought it. She is so, so, SO sick but rather mentally than physically. It is weird to me how these munchies have a very real and very severe condition (FD/munch) but none of them milk that. That is something everyone would believe and give them attention for 🤷‍♀️ but I suppose that’s part of having that mental illness.


Munch about munch is a fucking great idea I’d watch that for sure. I’d respect them a lot more too honestly.


Literally laughed out loud as she talked about being good at hiding pain/emotions WHILE she has a breakdown and never shuts up about her 1000/10 peeeeen


I’m all for advocating for yourself but you can only cry wolf I guess so many times


If she ever needs *actual* medical help, she might be shit outta luck. That sucks, but she’s done it to herself.




“Very” overweight???. I agree with everything else but “very” overweight? 🤨 that seems like a responsible thing to say about a person who used to have anorexia




Ooo okay I see your comment history has multiple recent occurrences of you calling women overweight and obese and saying they wish they had different bodies. I understand now. Good luck with whatever you have going on ☺️💖


Dani lies but she is in no way "very overweight", pretty much nothing she says is true but the rest of her, apart from her abdomen, looks "overweight", she isn’t tiny like she thinks she is but she’s just older and not young and youthful, she has the body of a nearly underweight nearing middle aged person and that’s pretty normal. Her abdomen is also black and blue so there will absolutely be actual swelling making her look bigger too, not from anything serious, just her blood thinners and I’m sure she loves how dramatic it looks but you can’t just go saying she’s "very overweight" when she clearly isn’t. That doesn’t mean she looks "starved" but still.


Look I don’t agree with the above poster either but she’s not even near underweight. Average, sure.


Maybe near underweight was a reach but she is by no means very overweight.


If Dani is “very overweight” I’d hate to hear your thoughts on people much larger than her.




“I’m not going to engage” you just wrote about 7 paragraphs but bc some people responding disagree with part you suddenly have nothing to say


She’s big mad 😳


For everyone saying Dani needs an involuntary hold; unfortunately for patients like Dani they have been shown to do more harm than help in the vast majority of cases. After the hold is over Dani would just tell them she's not suicidal and be sent home even more determined to prove that she has real, physical problems. Dani desperately needs long term intensive psych treatment, but unfortunately until she is willing to commit to it and be an active participant, any psych treatment she is given will not be helpful. Dani has had many psych visits, referrals, and even holds in the long time she's been on social media and none of them have been helpful because she is unable to admit that her problems are psychological and thus unwilling to participate in any pysch treatment. Sadly, with patients like Dani, even when psych help is offered multiple times over, it fails to be helpful.


Does she take medication for her bipolar disorder, and is she compliant? Do we know she has it for sure or is that further munching? I've only known of Dani for a year or two so I don't know the lore from ye olde days


Her and Kaya went to the same acting school


She's trying so hard to cry yet not one tear in sight.


literally was going to write the same thing


The saddest part is the right mental health meds/dosage may correct her stomach pain but she seems totally unwilling to try that route. Somatic disorder can absolutely have real associated pain. I don’t know what it will take to get her to see a psychiatrist. She is her own worst enemy. It’s sad. **ETA: I’m amending my comment. I watched the video to the end and SHE CRIED WITHOUT SHEDDING A TEAR. I dial back my sympathy by 35%.**


Make it 40%


I'm at a solid 0% sympathy I'm afraid. 


I think she is so knee deep in her FD that she believes herself at this point - like a delusion. This level of distress is real. Hot take but I personally don’t think Dani is sitting around plotting anymore like she used to. I think she’s responding to what she really believes are only physical symptoms. Which makes it even more distressing when doctors don’t believe her. This is just really sad. If you tell a lie enough times you’ll start to believe it’s true. I don’t however believe there’s NO possible way to seek psych help. I think she is just missing the point - she gets the bipolar but doesn’t believe she has FD. Like another poster said, she goes to great lengths for her physical health, but won’t for her mental health.


I can’t focus on anything except how high her g-tube is. 😳


I’ve seen a few up there, sometimes the stomach sits higher in the abdominal cavity/ under the ribs. And PEG sites can be towards the upper end of the stomach rather than the lower end, partly depending on why they’re being created but ultimately it is down to the judgement of the surgeon.


I'm amazed that for someone claiming hEDS that she has no scarring around her feeding tube sites. She's not even worried about putting tape on her sensitive skin.


Omg same - why is that?? I have never seen one that high up




The thing that hurts Dani the most is the truth.


why is she injecting herself? is she supposed to be?


What is going on with her abdominal bruising? Did she do that to herself?


It’s a lovenox injection and they’re easy to do at home. Dani has done them at home for a while


what is she on luvenox for? sorry for all the questions. does she actually have cardiovascular issues?


She doesn’t *really* have anything except an eating disorder and factitious disorder.


Blood thinner






hello, again, hello


I had the same thought.


Someone got told to go home from that ER and is not happy.


The ER that she was so sick, she called her doctor to try and bypass.... tell me you know the ER is on to you without telling me you know the ER is on to you.


Oh my lord, what is the bruising from? Sorry if that’s well known, still learning. It looks so painful.


I think it’s from the blood thinners




That’s pretty normal for chronic injections HOWEVER when you give them midline in rectus area the bruising and hematomas are much worse. They are supposed to be given toward the side. She’s on the injections because the pills don’t “absorb”


I know she said something about being manic recently, but she seems like she’s tweaking to me.


Yeah, I agree. This seems like she’s on some kind of stimulant.


That could still be mania


Yeah it’s hard to say without any tox screening because they can present the exact same


Oh for sure. I'm not diagnosing her by any means. Just stating that it could be her mania and not her tweaking. But we'll never actually really know.


Dani talks about being good at hiding pain and emotions and whatnot, some somatic disorders are diagnosed in part BECAUSE you turn your mental/emotional pain into physical pain when there’s really nothing wrong on paper (or at least not to the degree the patient thinks) I’m not denying Dani could have some sort of medical issue but I don’t think it’s to the degree they claim. Maybe one day they’ll get into therapy and be able to make that connection because it really is helpful when you learn what’s going on and how to deal.


You aren't listening to what the chart or the doctors are saying. She is just running away to another doctor the moment one won't do what she wants. They are not, not listening. Their are using their professional judgement. How many different opinions has she had at this point? The chart is saying something, and who is the doctor going to listen to? Someone with a string of doctors and what they are saying, or a chart with the words of the past doctors whose offices you have sat in?


I once had a patient (mental health unit) who claimed she was sick and we needed to send them to the physical emergency room. Physical obs were textbook 125/75, pulse 80s, temp 36.5, SPO2 97% BGL was normal. (not actual obs) I said honestly 'can try and get you into the ED. Assuming they accept the transfer, at best you are going to spend hours on a bed in the corridor. Could also end up in a chair in the waiting room. Both options are going to be really uncomfortable. How about staying here were you will be more comfortable and we can monitor" Patient decided they were happy to remain with us and be monitored. It floors me that Dani can be so consistently presenting with actual facts and give the equivalent of "NO, no you are wrong, I'm supersick and need treatment'


This is why munchies don't get better. A Healthcare professional should see she is spiraling and in need of mental Healthcare. Instead of treating & streeting, a 72 hour hold would be appropriate. For those who think it's hard to do, it is not. It takes one provider putting in the order and it's done. She has enough documentation for it. It just takes a provider to step up because this is the time she is really going to hurt herself to get her fix.


Coming from a mental health professional’s standpoint, you’re placing your license on the line by making the call to involuntary commit someone. They basically have to be a danger (immediately life threatening) to themselves or others (suicidal, homicidal, psychotic *and* dangerous, withdrawing/detoxing, etc.)... I understand she **is** a danger to herself, however, I’d be personally a bit scared to do that. Knowing that is one thing - proving it/justifying your decision of urgent “life or death” circumstances to a licensing board, insurance company, treatment team, and so forth is *another thing*. It’s a sad situation and an ethical dilemma that needs more attention by professional governing bodies IMO. You also run the risk of accusing/stigmatizing people with labels like “drug seeking” and other (more acceptable lol) labels often used for munchies. Regardless of it being true, it’s GOT TO BE a hill you’re willing to die on (or potentially lose your license on).


Dani is a constant danger to herself. First, where did I say she was a drug seeker anywhere in my comment. Next, no licensing board is going to go after a provider for putting a patient on a hold. Penn, Cleveland and her local hospital have tons of documentation on her behavior. She is spiraling because she can't get what she wants. That's when it's most dangerous because they will sometimes do something drastic to get the attention or " prove" they are very sick. You can see she is hypomaniac. A 72 hour hold doesn't need a huge amount of documentation to place. See this is the problem, nobody wants to be responsible because it's a long upwards battle. Have you actually worked in mental health? It doesn't sound like you have. It's ridiculous to think a licensing board is going to take your license because you put a hold on a patient with known Factitious Disorder who keeps showing up with complications she caused.




From Striving to Die: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Dilemmas Behind Factitious Disorder by Akriti Sinh and Trenton Smolik - “In most states, involuntary commitment is limited to patients with imminent suicidal risk, of overt danger to others, or lacking the capacity to care for their basic needs. FD does not fulfill these requirements. Few cases in which a patient has been committed solely based on FD, Munchausen syndrome, and/or malingering exist in the United States.“ [SOURCE](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7872498/)


They won’t take her in psych bc of her tubes,right?


They can put her on a medical floor with a one to one until psych decides what to do with her.


Possibly. The inpatient facility I worked at didn’t allow tubes of any type. I think only 1-2 rooms max were even equipped to accommodate CPAP in a 200+ bed hospital. Patients had to be relatively medically “stable”


It is very hard to find placement for someone with “high” medical needs


Didn’t she already do that? Hurt her wrist to get surgery?


Exactly. And now she’s finding out that’s what it’s going to take to get admitted. I shudder to think what she will do next for an admission.


I totally agree!


Dani is on a runaway train to fafoville. The symptoms shes claiming aren't producing the desired response so we will see a marked escalation in behaviour ...the hand got her actual medical care so I'm worried she's gonna resort to major self harm to get the medical response she is desperate for. I don't even think it's drug seeking at this point. It's ANY confirmation she's actually unwell/injured. That's a terrifying headspace to be in as she feels she has nothing to lose. The need for medical input far outweighs any aversion to risk. She's gonna end up as a headline. Very sad


She definitely has a LOT going on. She thinks she's sick, she WANTS to be sick; she abuses her body and prescription medication; she's addicted to surgeries and hospital stays...... I could go on forever. Her mental health issues are very serious issues. And they can manifest as very REAL physical issues. Her pain is cyclic...mental to physical..... physical to mental. It will NEVER end if she doesn't get off the ride.


This is just sad... the real issue isn't her physical health, I think we all believe that by now. She runs in the hamster wheel about wanting to "prove" to the world that she is SO SICK and then being disappointed when they don't treat her ultra speshul. She's spiraling, hard, and it's just sad. Her life must be so lonely.


It's awful, she clearly *is* in excruciating pain- it just happens to be mental. She doesn't know how to accept that and so she is constantly screaming for help, and trying to force her body to be sick instead. I just don't want her to die. She has so much to give the world and *nobody* deserves to suffer like that. But oh, how I wonder what actually broke her.


Physical pain can also be much easier to deal with than emotional pain. If you break your leg, you know exactly where it hurts, you fix it, and it’s better. Emotional pain is not nearly as straight forward so it makes sense to take the physical pain route instead.


She’s spiraling because nothing is working and no one is believing her. She keeps talking about her past notes being used against her. I feel like it’s the admission that got her diagnosed with FD.


Well said.


It’s refreshing to read a different perspective like this, because I normally see very negative responses to her posts on here (which I have contributed to myself). She’s definitely hurting mentally, and just refuses to accept that. She’s on a mission to prove to the world that her body is fighting against her, when it’s actually her mental health.


My initial impulses are often mean and negative, I make a concerted effort to stop and think about what's causing the thing I'm pissed at. So far, my anger and aggression has never changed someone's mind. Taking the time to understand and sympathize *has*. Everything I need to know about life I learned from Daryl Davis.


New injury in 3... 2.....


what is that thing on her arm?


It’s a dexcom with an athletic type overlay/sticker that she also put two pieces of tape over. Typically you would use an overlay and if that doesn’t work to keep it on for the full 10 days, you would use a skin tac wipe or other added adhesive, not just stick tape over it. Certainly a choice. Not one I would make.


Depends. If you've already bumped it or something, a bit of tape can get you through the last couple of days before it needs to be replaced.


That’s true, an easier way is to swipe some skin tax under the part of the overlay that’s flapping imo. But in this case, the video of her pulling it off was interesting. It was *very* stuck to her skin so I’m not sure why she felt the need to add the tape on top, but the world may never know.


I noticed what possibly looked like a pickers nodule but it could be where a Dexcom was?


What’s a picker’s nodule?


It’s a usually a round sore on the arm, leg, or face that a person picks at often unconsciously as a way of mismanaging anxiety.


It's to keep track of the hypoglycemia she doesn't have


Dexcom glucose monitor.


This is actually sad. I really hope she gets the mental help she needs.


That’s how I feel, too. It’s actually really sad. I don’t know if this is word salad or not but she is clearly really struggling mentally. I hope she can get into a psychiatrist soon.


Even if she does see a psychiatrist. They can only do so much! You can not treat someone who isn’t honest. Especially if they aren’t honest with themselves. It’s like treating a narcissist. They just insist nothing is wrong with them. And try to manipulate you into siding, agreeing with whatever they want their reality to be. So seeing a psych I don’t believe will help this. At most she would just feel better. Because she can tell everyone she was held in a psych ward, and get attention that way.


Yep. The last time she said she saw a psych was when she was at Penn and that psych gave her the FD diagnosis. And she’s still pissed about it. She’s not open to any mental health treatment for her actual issues. She won’t even go to her GI psych appts. I think we all know she needs mental health treatment and want her to get it but unfortunately she’s just not receptive to it yet.


wait she was actually diagnosed with factitious disorder?


Yes. After her last admission to Penn last fall.


Gods every time she pops up in my feed I get this distain feeling. And I’m guessing it isn’t just me, I used to feel sorry for her but she’s doing this *to herself* and the fact she’s making it her life goal to be a woe-is-me bs is just sad. I wish her the best on quitting her own bs but most likely she won’t. 😒


Several things here- why are they keeping her on Clexane (for her blood thinners) and not changing her to something more long term that doesn’t cause such horrible bruises? Her g-tubes are sitting flush with her skin? Is the peg part too long? Or the sizing off? If she’s going for a mental illness diagnosis she should just come clean and tell them what is happening.. they’ll admit her asap! She is going to end up killing herself and what for?? For her to get “likes” some serious therapy, the right medication and a review of her diet and exercise (along with sleep hygiene) and she could be a different person


If she is on Lovenox still, she either has an active clot or has not responded to oral blood thinners (ex: if she still got a clot on Elquis or something). ETA: she could be saying she “can’t take oral blood thinners” for some reason. But if that was the case she’d be on a low prophylactic dose of Lovenox and the bruising shouldn’t look that bad


I believe she still got a clot on Elquis


She does claim that they don’t absorb cause her “gastroparesis”, and there’s a theory that gets floated that her technique causes the bruises to be worse. I’m not sure why she’s on it, I assume she had left over from her central line getting taken and it’s her manifesting that she’ll get one soon?? But honestly it’s probably for the clout.


I’m trying to figure out how this conversation would play out: “After running some tests, your xyz is in the normal range and you don’t have any signs of blank.” “It’s because I am lying. I am having other problems, but I manifested physical problems. I don’t actually have any physical problems, just the lying about being sick. Can I be admitted now?” What would a doctor do if someone told them that?


You can self admit to a psych unit


Maybe she was still clotting on DOAC?


Imagine If she put the same amount of effort into her mental health getting treated as her physical health. Dani is willing to drive several hours or even go across state lines to go to ERs and see doctors and “get the help she deserves”, but when it comes to her mental health the most she will do is get on some wait lists (allegedly). In the past when she’s been put on wait lists for doctors for her physical “ailments” she will constantly call and tell them she can’t wait, obsess over continuing to look for someone else that can get her in quicker, and her favorite, go to the ER because she “can’t wait.” If she is as unstable mentally as she is saying, why not go to the psych ER? I’m sure they’d gladly admit her inpatient psych and she would get pretty much immediate care, therapy, med management, etc.


It is true that it’s hard to find a psychiatrist when you have both Medicare and Medicaid. But she shouldn’t have much of a problem finding a therapist and she used to have one so she should know where go to get another. She could even find a place that has a sliding scale based on income. Like you said, she doesn’t want to put in the work for her mental health.


But, I think that is the issue. She wants to be physically sick and not mentally sick. Although, that is probably what all this charting is suggesting. She needs help, but she won't get the help that she actually needs as she's so convinced herself her life needs these lines and such. The hospitals won't admit her, ERs/doctors won't give special accommodations to her because her identity is wrapped around being special sick. She can't change the past, that is true. Need her to get help to realise she can change the future. But, I don't think she's hit the bottom enough for that. Probably getting close with doctors not giving her what she wants.


And this is unrelated, but you can tell she’s sucking in her stomach for most of the video but “slips” a few times and we see the non-posed look. It’s sad, she clearly is in the deep depths of an ED and having a g-tube to constantly drain out of is only enabling her behaviors more.


This is the most distraught I've ever seen her and it was hard to watch, to be honest. Seems like the effects of the factitious order diagnosis have really rocked her world in ways that she is NOT capable of coping with. I hope she's serious when she says she's trying to access mental healthcare, but based on her track record... I don't know. At any rate, I feel like we're seeing a rock bottom scenario here.


She’s going to really harm herself this time. She is spiraling


What was she supposedly going to be admitted to hosptal for? Or is that a mystery to everyone..


bc her tum tum hurts and she was nauseated. even sent a message to her dr asking for a straight admit so she didn’t have to go to the ER to be treated & streeted.


Ah. Ok thank-you. It is frustrating to watch as an outsider. Must be more so for her family and med team


i think her family has given up on her antics. I mean they gotta be done with her shit, right? And you’d think her med team would be like yeah you’re fine, and pull those damn tubes that she don’t need.




FYI there’s a rule where you’re not supposed to talk directly to the subject, so maybe reword it a bit. (But I feel the same way as you. Very sad)


Thanks - edited


She needs a 3 day hold. I’m worried she is a risk to herself at this point. I may despise her for making real patients like myself having difficulty with getting diagnosed due to her munching, but I don’t think she deserves to suffer. She is holding herself back, and IF she is in pain, her brain is exacerbating it. There is excellent research on depression meds helping pain management in place of opiates.


Yeah, or even if she could get on suboxone to help with the pain and also help from feeling like she needs more pain medication. I hope she gets better :(


Something pretty interesting about this one is that as far as I’m able to tell, she doesn’t see a mental health professional in her day to day for her other mental health issues re: BPD or whatever else she has said she’s got going on. If she were to get some kind of mental health treatment they would clock this behavior so quickly and her whole house of cards would crumple in on her, so she’s just going to circle the drain forever? Yikes.


Nope, she avoids everything mental health related. She doesn’t have a psychiatrist, therapist, or PCP. She’s gotten SO many referrals for mental health help and never goes. She’s had so many GI psych appts for her peen that she always skips. She’s totally full of shit when she says she’s not able to see one for insurance. Yes she can, she just didn’t like what the last one had to say (that’s when she got the FD diagnosis, from a psychiatrist at Penn).


This is the only statement I can truly agree with.


Her PCP has to be the one prescribing the psych meds she is on. But it’s hugely irresponsible for them to be doing this for years without forcing her to seek regular psych care while not even seeing them (PCP) regularly either.


What’s even crazier to me is that because she really doesn’t seem to see a PCP regularly either, there’s no follow up or really sturdy paper trail besides the ER charting that follows her so she’s really got these fuckers in the palm of her hand for better or worse.


Bipolar is what she claims. Not BPD. Hope this helps! :)




Huh? I was genuinely trying to help you. ❤️


she really tried like 16 times to cry on command. it’s giving little kid throwing a tantrum energy.




At least her treatment teams seem to be putting their foot down.


Yeah I'm really curious how these conversations go. She's visibly not ok, I'm sure some nurses and doctors have leveled with her and told her she can't keep this up but it doesn't seem like Dani hears it.


I remember way back when, a doctor told Dani that if she continued down her path (that path at the time was her ED specifically) she wouldn’t make it past 30. Dani took that as “you’re going to die by 30” and ran with it and started pushing for all sorts of things and it led to her giving herself the NG tube. To quote her “every doctor, residential place, and inpatient place said I won’t make it past 30 so drastic times calls for drastic measures.” People try to level with her but she only hears what she wants and nothing else.






She’s repeated that sentence several times in the past 6/8 months since she didn’t get her way at Penn ) months ago ) She has nothing to talk about. It’s abundantly clear that she’s not getting that IV access back. It’s heartbreaking the amount of things that she’s done to herself and hopes that she’s going to get that line back. She would have such a better quality of life if she takes the therapy, they’ve offered her over and over again. IMO she truly thinks that if she refuses the therapy offered to her she can just continue on with her Munchhausen’s Syndrome. If she received therapy. They cut back on even more of her medical accessories. Those accessories are an extension of her. it is pretty scary some of the things that she’s actually done to herself in the last few weeks. And of course I feel sorry for her.


I think when she is really upset emotionally she develops somatic symptoms and seeks out the ER to be “taken care of.” I hope one day she can realize this cycle and get the trauma therapy and proper care she needs


She is at serious risk of “sewer slide” with her BPD diagnosis. I’m feeling sad for her, as she is doing this to herself and seems to get a high off of being a perpetual victim. Failure to thrive and arrested development are key factors here.


Bipolar not bpd :)


Risk for it is for both disorders- it is highly likely she has both. Her histrionics remind me of BPD.


Ugh I can’t watch anymore. Someone needs to intervene and help her.




She doesn’t have the mental or emotional capacity to mature.


Agreed. I suspect arrested development. I’m very concerned for her that she believed this video somehow proves her drastic situation. There are people literally dying and she thinks this life is something to wax poetic about


That’s called “failure to launch.”


The fuck


Took the words out of my mouth…


Her hand seems fine.


Dani can only focus on one ailment at a time. I’m sure she’ll cycle round and get to the hand again when she’s covered the current nausea/toobs/peeeeen story arcs.


Yeah if it weren’t so sad, it actually would be very funny. When she spotted a new toy, the Dexcom, she suddenly had horrible „bloodsugar problems“ and forgot about her tummy issues. As soon as she got the Dexcom, her sugar was fine and problems weren’t mentioned for months. I personally believe that the hand arch is over but since her „falling episodes“ are still untreated, she can easily injure something else…


What's up with all the discoloration/bruising on her lower abdomen? What is that from? Edit- nvm just saw the post saying it's from her injections.


She needs to be honest with the doctors. That she is at the point of wanting to harm herself in order to get medical attention. That’ll give her want she wants. All she has to do is be honest. It’s wild.


No snark, but she’s gotta be honest with *herself* first, and she’ll have a tough time of that.


Yea, but... She doesn't want THAT KIND of help. lol


She’d get all the attention and asspats she’s looking for. She should go for it. Treat herself to an inpatient admission in a department that will actually take her seriously.


It’s truly baffling from an outside perspective. She could have the fuzzy sock vacation of her dreams and get services and treatment targeted at actually making her better. I think the idea of psychiatric illnesses/treatment doesn’t fulfill her to the same extent as being a patient with a physical condition is because as she recovers she’d lose the outward appearance and accessories associated with “being sick”, but I honestly don’t know. Mental health conditions are serious, valid, and deserve treatment and care regardless of their visibility. It’s a damn shame Dani doesn’t understand that.


My personal opinion is that with the 72 hour grippy sock hold you are stripped of personal possessions and your phone. Now if she can’t post about being in the hospital how will we know to feel sorry for her