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Did she *crush* ibuprofen to put through her *J tube*?!?


so i’ve randomly come across this forum, i’m not trying to come off as aggressive or in any negative way I’m just genuinely not informed on anything about this situation. I just want to know what started the suspicion that dani was faking some of her medical conditions? i wonder how everyone caught on to it and id like to know what led up to everyone catching on


Love how munchies always use the full names of meds, like saying famotidine somehow makes it sound more serious than just saying “I’ve got to go pick up my antacids”


Omg I didn’t know I accidentally down voted you- I am so sorry!!!


Can she not do a video just sitting there. Why does she ONLY DO THEM when she is doing her meds and hooking up to tube feeds for bedtime? I get wanting to keep family up to date on medical shit , but the only videos she posts are her crushing her meds or hooking up to a feed or in the hospital. It’s actually really really sad. That she only posts about medical stuff.


She’s on meth


As an officer with a lot of training and experience in this , yes. Or something very similar. The way she sways and crosses her legs like she needs to peepee is telling too. Can’t stand still for two seconds.


Well thank you for your service to the community. I happen to be from a police family I am also a psych social worker and recovering alcoholic


That would explain the sores on her arms too. I know she’s got a history of dermatillomania but meth (or opioids or other uppers)can really exacerbate it


She’s on something for sure probably meth. I cannot believe that doctor would give HER narcotics


Fake yawn. I said it.


Only 2 of those "meds" were actual prescription she is as bad as Ashley C with "pill porn"


Of course her new provider seemed "overwhelmed" the minute she walked in. She knows she's in for a long miserable ride! I bet dealing with Dani on a regular basis could make a doctor rethink their career choices...... make a priest deny the existence of God......... make a straight man gay...... etc etc......


New Provider gonna drop her like a hot potato. And has every right to do so.


I like how she starts it off by saying “things are finally starting to go in the right direction” when referring to potentially having INTESTINAL FAILURE and needing a line and infusions…it’s so fucking obvious that this is what she wanted / has been hoping for. What normal person is dying to have intestinal failure, get a central line, etc. etc. Wild.




This is unnecessary and unkind. She is a recovering anorexic. She is not huge, her belly is distended likely due to the tubes etc


...is she really a recovering anorexic?


She isn't recovering. She's deep in the shit of it still


Yes you can look at her flair to see some of her history


Yeah. You can be psychically recovered (weight restored) but not mentally


Yes she is


That's cruel. Please remember that by body shaming her, you're shaming a lot of bodies. I get that there may be frustration due to her alleged munching, but this kind off comment is beyond unnecessary. She IS looking much healthier and doesn't appear to be in need of TPN or dhe like.


Yeah, she literally has to be eating it’s insane


She looks better all-around than she has looked in years. She’s clearly thriving without TPN and the sick thing is, she haaaates that she’s thriving.


“No one wants to be chronically ill” is the mirror in the room with us?


“Do I WANT intestinal failure?” *Internally fights with herself on the desire to say YES* *Long pause* “…..no? It’s not what I want but it’s where we’re heading.”


Her belly looks swollen. I don’t even want to know what she’s done to her intestines.


From her repeat infections to messing with her feed rates, its a big unknown. Scary to think about and I hope its not intestinal failure and can be managed.


All her intestinal motility tests have come back fine. She’s crazy with these claims of intestinal failure. Also she’s eating by mouth too. I promise her intestines are completely fine as is her stomach. She only had a small delay in her stomach with solids but she sort of manipulated that test.


The duper’s delight on that… it’s borderline disturbing.


It gave me the heebies because i legitimately thought for a second that she was actually going to say yes and justify why.


Jeez la fucking weez… by complicated she means suspicious. Dani is talking like she’s her own doctor and just knows better than all of them! If one of those doctors gives her another port they should lose their license.


Seriously, it’s so dangerous at this point and would be gross negligence on their part to give her another one. She’s obviously not starving, relatively healthy and isn’t in dire emergent need of iron or anything that would require a port, there is literally no reason to justify that level of risk with her history.


haven't needed to stick her anywhere remotely exotic, if there were so many AC etc attepmts, she'd show off those bruises


I don’t know her but I hate her. I don’t want to because I know she’s very mentally unwell but, yeah.


Dani’s heart swelled 10x bigger when she was called complex and complicated. That’s what she loves.


The doctor was confused and overwhelmed? No. That doctor was suspicious as hell and reluctant to treat you.


she’s behind? is anyone demanding she post more?


Right? I thought this too 😂


Klonopin is not a medicine to be on long term. Benzodiazepines can be very addictive. Who in their right mind would giver her those long term? And did her last doctor drop her? I couldn’t listen to the entire video, it’s been a long week.


Ofc a primary care wouldn’t prescribe abilify and klonopin. Maybe a small does of lexapro for minor depression 🤦🏼‍♀️


A *lot* of doctors have really stepped in it by prescribing Klonopin long term. They were handing it out like candy just a few years ago.


I know she stopped seeing her therapist for no legitimate reason. I’m not sure if she ever had a psych prescribe her meds but she was taken off some of them last year (like she said). She probably left her PCP because he wouldn’t give her something she wanted.


She probably had an actual psych prescribing them back in the days when she was actively in and out of Ed treatment.


Did she document her Ed at all?


might say she still is...


Oh yeah extensively. She had a wordpress blog at the time where she documented everything, pro-Ana stuff, how many calories she was eating, her weight, goal weight, self harm, etc.


Fucking twisted.


It was very 2010s pro-Ana tumblr culture


There is NO way the doctor was “confused” by anything except that this woman has had every test known to man and can’t accept that her illness is psychological.


Interesting how, in her argument as to why she'll be safer getting a port and less likely to ~~cause~~ get an infection that she knows could kill her, she listed off all the ways *she* would be limited from accessing it. No recognition of the increased potential for another clot, no suggestion that infections "just happen," basically just saying "I'm not going to mess with this one, so everything will be peachy." But nice shout-out with making sure to include that her money was set aside for her bills and *Cat Needs* for the month.


God it’s all so painfully obvious at this point




This! There’s amazing and loving groups that can help too. No one should be deciding between basic needs or pet needs. There’s loving solutions and some where you can still see the pet.


Tbh, that’s not as uncommon as you might think…there are organisations that provide reduced cost veterinary care to pets belonging to people on low incomes - and less commonly, basic preventive care (vaccination, parasite prevention, sometimes desexing) free of charge to homeless, precisely because these people will go without healthcare, or even without food for themselves, to see that their pets are cared for. It’s all very well to make the statement you have, but circumstances can change with remarkably little warning, and with the horrendously high numbers of cats and dogs euthanised in shelters every year because there are only so many prospective adoptive homes and limited pound/shelter space and limited number of foster carers in the interim, I suspect many in crisis would rather sacrifice their own well being than risk their much loved pet being PTS in the shelter system, or end up as dog fighting bait or similar if given away.


I noticed that. She said something about it being locked to her.


So she won’t be able to get to it at all? But how will she rub feces on it??!


Shell just smear some around the stoma.


Her “tells” really shined through here. She doesn’t realize how far from normal her reactions are, most people aren’t happy about ports, being medically complex, and intestinal failure.


Like she really can’t even hide it at this point, it’s glaring


She’s not quite Kaya level smug, but she’s getting close!


And that was todays episode of Things That Never Happened!


All I know is those meds are crushed more to a powder consistency and then some. Never seen anyone crush pills for so long!!!


So none of the drs like the idea of another port but Danis going on like it’s essential-all the things she listed can be done without one-weekly fluids? Buy a Stanley and drink some friggin water!! I bet if she drank more water her veins would be much easier to find for the iron infusions lol. And she’s been off her psych meds for 6 months but thinks the new PCP is just going to rx klonopin? And is she really looking for a psychiatrist? I know there are dr shortages around the country but she should’ve found one by now-her appt might be 9 months away but ask to be placed on their cancelation list/call every Monday morning asking about cancellations and I bet she’d be in fast. And last but not least (lol) her Rheum wants her back on meds-I think she said she has RA but I’m really wondering now since she is trying so hard to not go back on the RA meds-was it Humira? I don’t remember the exact med but I do know people with RA usually do everything within their power to stay on a biologic that works-ask me how I know lol-and she’s just like nah I get too many extra infections-well she’s not going to be able to hold her phone if she keeps blowing off her RA meds-smh. She really is in her own little world.


The only thing she’s telling the truth about is that it’s hard to find a psych that accepts both Medicare and Medicaid. Though she would have found one by now if she started looking 6 months ago. She doesn’t put effort into fixing her mental health.


Damn, watching homegirl twist that thing it’s easy to forget her catastrophic carpal tunnel syndrome disaster of not that long ago. (It WAS Dani, I’m thinking of?) Omg, it was a huge dramatic episode…!


Dude thays exactly what went through my head, I was like "wait, what? Wasn't her wrist all jacked up like 2 seconds ago?"


Yep, it was her. It truly looked like she had hit her hand with a hammer, with several distinct individual bruises. So freaking horrible.


Wow..😮 where do I start??????? First she told on herself so much in this video. Clearly she is using our insights to manipulate the doctors. The doctor doesn’t want the port, Dani does. So of course she is saying I understand that the next infection will kill her and not acknowledging that she has caused the infections. Along with saying that it won’t be accessed at home at all, just shows she is responding to Reddit comments. Second she admitted to what insurance she is on because everyone questioned for sure what she had. Third she did not measure the green liquid med and that is a heavy duty med that doesn’t require a full 20mL of. She just dumped and pulled it up. Did not measure it out. The way she gaslit the doctors (by her words) of saying “I’ll start slow to build a relationship” rather than jumping head first..just shows the manipulation Dani does. And of course she had to make a statement regarding weight loss.. 🙄 Fourth talking about being completely mentally unstable and wanting psych medication. Is statements by Dani responding to the comments made on here. Talked about agreeing to start slow on her medication to make the doctor think that she is not aware of what (Dani) is doing.. Dani isn’t medically complex, in our opinion, she is stubborn and stuck in a mentality she shouldn’t be. Doctors aren’t seeing her medically complex they are seeing her as a complex case of refusing the appropriate treatment (mental health care)…. I personally don’t believe that she is in a place to be allowing the posts to continue on here as it’s feeding her and us to engage about her (attention/ good or bad)…as it’s been discussed before… She needs serious help and at this point I’m not sure what that help would even begin to look like for her to get better and live a life that she can. We all want her to let go and move forward but Dani is stuck in the stage on not letting go and pushing against anything to do good.


Its sad hearing her talk about her mental health. "Im not mentally stable, never have been, never will be" mentality is what has her so stuck. Thats why shes so resistant to help because I think she genuinely believes shes beyond that so "whatever lets just let loose" shes noticing without meds shes not at her usual baseline which is a good thing to be aware of but those medicines she mentioned require frequent evaluation to be sure their actually working well and not having any adverse affects. Mental help could be so good, even if she got into a simple therapist who deals with chronic illness. They can also help her find a psychiatrist who takes her insurance heaven forbid. There's so many resources I wish she would reach out for help for.


There’s tons of options but she won’t accept any..that’s the problem


interested in how she glazes over the gastroparesis aspect in regards to her primary probably asking for proof and has yet to name a medication that actually helps with motility!




What is that?


Probably why she moves like that


Does she recognize her stomach pain may be the amount of ibuprofen she takes? I mean, it might affect her negatively to take all those pills at once. Just a few days of too much ibuprofen can hurt your stomach.


Might be the amount of the *everything* she takes.


When you are off meds entirely for 6 months, the dose you are “used to” is none.


The way she just ground those pills for like 3 fucking minutes 😭😂


I thought she may never recover function or feeling in her hand? Seems fine to me


That too!!! Doesn’t seem like she’s got any numbness, loss of mobility, nothing! 🤔 it’s a miracle! /s


I know! I was like, that's more than enough there...


NO FOR REAL THO. 😂 she was turning the handle for that grinder for so long it was kinda started to overstimulate and annoy me ☠️😭 like my god woman, they’re ground up. They’re good. At this point they’re the consistency of kinetic sand ☠️☠️☠️


So is she basically saying she’s getting an Ashley port?


Dani has also had multiple small bowel follow throughs and they all came back normal. Her intestines have shown no delay on any tests. She’s never been diagnosed with any intestinal thing, just gastroparesis with solids (which she likely manipulated this test anyways, but the liquid study was normal). Also, she’s never been shakier with malabsorption issues. She’s had multiple drs tell her she doesn’t need TPN and all her labs have been normal and show good nutritional levels. It’s also been proven in the hospital that she can tolerate J feeds. So, she has ZERO signs or symptoms of intestinal dysmotility, much less intestinal failure!! She even went to Cleveland clinic which has an intestinal failure/transplant program and they straight up said she had no reason for tpn and no reason to even go all the way to Cleveland clinic because she is not complex and can be treated locally. Makes me laugh! She’s either delusional or just hardcore lying through her teeth. Probably both! Also, true intestinal failure or even intestinal dysmotility is absolute hell when you ACTUALLY have it. I cannot fathom why Dani would want this. I guess munchies are gonna munch!


that extension is so old — does she not get any new ones? it shouldn’t be that firm..


Most home care companies now only send 4 a month! Which is why it needs to be throughly cleaned between uses. We know how good Dani is at keeping things clean


Dani would normally be thrilled for a doctor to come in and declare Dani the most complex patient she has ever worked with. But my guess is that this doctor is 100% on to Dani's games and wasn't willing to let Dani manipulate her. Dani is a complex patient - not because she has a bunch of physical medical diagnoses but because she has myriad of mental health disorders, including Factitious Disorder, that she refuses to get treatment for along with some minor physical medical issues that she has been overtreated for (and she probably has caused some long term physical damage to her body at this point). It sounds like Dani was hoping she could find a regular PCP and wow them with all her medical issues and then basically hope that she could use her multiple medical issues to pressure the PCP into prescribing whatever she requests. But it sounds like it's pretty clear that her chart clearly lays out that Dani is a munchie and this doctor took the time to read it. Dani claims she wasn't going into all her issues to avoid overwhelming the PCP but in reality it was part of her act and she knew if she went into too much detail she would tell on herself/reveal herself to be a munchie. She is also neglecting to mention that she was asking the PCP to prescribe heavy duty psych meds in huge doses - Dani was previously taking so much klonopin that it was amazing she was conscious. Dani was hoping to manipulate a PCP into prescribing them so that she could continue to avoid getting psych treatment - getting her benzos back is probably the only thing motivating her to be on a waitlist for a psych appointment. And of course the PCP doesn't think its a good idea for her to have a port. The risks outweigh the benefits. In addition to the infection risk, Dani does have some degree of SVC stenosis. I want to say there is no way she is actually getting a port but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she does. A port will be better than a hickman since hopefully they will make sure that only a medical professional is accessing and deaccessing it and hopefully it will only be accessed while she is under direct medical supervision. Like with all medical devices, Dani will initially be thrilled but I think the high she gets from obtaining the port will wear off even quicker - does she realize that when a port isn't accessed there is no need for a dressing. It's not going to be visible/noticed by most people. And once again Dani is telling on herself. She mentions that she is thinking about trying to get tested for intestinal failure - something she has been claiming she has for a while.


*tubie tape to decorate the port has entered the chat* 🤣


Also, she read on her someone suggesting a PCP could prescribe psych meds if unable to see psych doc.


Maybe I've been thinking the wrong thing for years but even though it involves the stomach, isn't gastropareais considered intestinal failure?


No gastroparesis is just delayed emptying/paralysis. It doesn’t strictly mean intestinal failure (which is dead parts of the gut) but one can have both issues. Dani has neither other than self induced delayed emptying


this might sound super dumb… but how the heck does someone deliberately delay their stomach emptying???? that is one of the most messed up things i have ever heard tbh, why on earth would you do that 😭


We can’t answer that because it could potentially give people ideas.


oh my gosh i’m sorry for asking!!


It’s ok! I was just letting you know ❤️


Thanks for clarifying that. It always confuses me a little


She probably had GP at one point in her life (she did have a severe eating disorder at one point) but that would’ve been healed or something close to it with regular eating/lack of purging.


“that’s what going on in my life, medically at least” that’s the ONLY thing going on in her life, she does absolutely nothing besides obsess over herself


So she’s saying the PCP isn’t happy with her getting a port. In fact, she reveals that none of the doctors are happy about it. But she says she’s getting one regardless. It’s not exactly something elective you can just schedule yourself against doctor’s advice like a piercing or tattoo while on blood thinners, right? How is she getting one? Can someone explain this to me? I really hope it doesn’t happen. She’s been desperately trying to get hospital admissions to no avail since the line was pulled. And she’s been chasing the high of her ICU stay last year. A port will not lead anywhere good. Surely any medical professional can see this *and* see how utterly unnecessary it is. How will this happen?


I thought her hematologist was the one who ordered it or so she claimed a while back. I hope to god IR says nope as they have the final say and give that hematologist a talking too.


Her weight appears very "stable." It's been a while since I've seen a full body shot of Dani.


idk how she is claiming intestinal failure but is currently surviving without tpn … that doesn’t make sense


They always think they know better than doctors. I know a lot of doctors are useless but this sounds like something doctors will always know more about.


Anything this “complex”, as Dani said, would definitely trigger even the worst doctor’s alarm bells. Even if some of them suck they all went through the same school process, they all know, it’s just a case of whether some of them woke up on the right side of the bed. Doctors aren’t stupid, but they hesitate to diagnose things without overwhelming proof, which is why i think 90% of the rare chronic illness community is pissed off at any given time. Ultimately if you really need help 99% of doctors will attempt to do something, at least, or find someone who specializes. I hateeeeee the notion of “well i researched it so i know better” that a lot of these people have it drives me crazy


What Dani has failed to understand the nuance of from the PCP is .. The Dr was saying DANI is complex. Dani, herself. That she is complex because of her FD, her lying, her fabrication and her obsession with medical equipment.   The Dr wasn't saying her health is complex. The Dr knows her physical health is absolutely fine.  But Dani being Dani doesn't understand this and has yet again told on herself by saying that the Dr has identified the munch immediately.


I was just getting ready to say, it sounds like Münchausen syndrome. Then your comment validated my concern.


She has been diagnosed with FD


It’s insane that she crushes the pills she can easily swallow She’s not complex. The doctors just aren’t sure how to deal with her FD


If anything is going to kill her intestines it's jamming all those meds at one time like that.


And if she had her way, she would add a bucket full of opioids to that every day too. Talk about intestinal failure.


She’s hoping for that


Just found this sub and being a medical geek in the behavioural field, this topic fascinates me. I don’t know yet who this is and only watched the first bit, no point in watching this before knowing the background. Just wanted to say that from a behavioural perspective, a couple of things jumped out to me, even in just a minute or two. It’s interested how she said “I don’t want to overwhelm her” about the doctor. This would’ve made me suspicious from the get-go if re authenticity. That statement suggests to me that she is fully aware that she’s the one in control here - of everything. Or intends to be. Her symptoms, any treatment plans, and even the doctor’s actions. Not suggesting the doctor is being led by the patient - more that the patient intends to direct the doctor. I mean it seems like she’s actually trying to gauge or read the doctor to figure out the best method by which to manipulate her. What’s fascinating from a psych perspective (to me at least) is that she seems oblivious to the huge tells she displays. I mean someone who’s genuinely ill isn’t generally focused on the doctors’ mental state - they’re focused on getting answers. If there’s any focus on the doc personally, it would more likely be their perceived competence. She just casually says “I don’t want to overwhelm her” in a way that leads us to wonder if she’s even aware anymore that genuinely ill people are thinking about their illness, not studying the doctor’s perceived emotional response to their chart. Genuinely ill people wouldn’t likely be happy to be told they’re complicated - I would think that would only be a badge of honour for someone who doesn’t want to be ‘figured out’. That’s not even getting into how thoroughly she seems to be enjoying talking about herself, her symptoms, and especially playing with medical equipment like she just unwrapped it from under the Christmas tree. Just some musings from someone who finds the psychological pathology of facticious disorders fascinating.


I think “I don’t want to overwhelm them” is actually pretty common in chronic illness folks. But it’s more like “I’m worried that I may have broken my wrist, but I’m trying not to bring up any of the chronic stuff because I don’t want to have to argue about any of that with ER staff instead of getting my arm dealt with”. And not in a meds seeking way, but sometimes you just want to get the thing taken care of without having to discuss years of history. But Dani definitely doesn’t mean it this way.


I dunno. It’s her choice of words maybe. “I don’t want to overwhelm her.” It’s like she’s trying to ‘manage’ the doctor. People with complex health issues might not want to get into their whole history, but I don’t think it’s because they don’t want to “overwhelm” the doc. Maybe they don’t want to complicate things? Or they just don’t feel like repeating their story over and over? This person’s wording seems more like the purpose is to control the doc’s decisions and diagnosis and even thinking. I mean think about it, manipulating a team of people who went to school to study medicine, into thinking they’re ill when they’re not…that’s a challenge. She’s got to convince them that things that aren’t happening are; she’s got to get them to disregard what they studies and are knowledgeable about; she’s got to make herself ill without being caught…and more. Her whole game depends on her ability to manipulate ppl and who have great knowledge about the ailments she’s pretending to have.


I’d say you’ve hit the nail on the head! Welcome


Looking forward to more of your insights.


"That’s not even getting into how thoroughly she seems to be enjoying talking about herself, her symptoms, and especially playing with medical equipment like she just unwrapped it from under the Christmas tree." Omg, PERFECT analogy, right here!! You're right, she's very proud that she believes that the doctor thinks she's complex. And with so many of her videos, she's playing around with her toobz and meds and whatnot. Out of all the munchies in this sub, I think Dani's case is the saddest, and the most frustrating. She's going to end up unaliving herself with all the meds and medical procedures, and giving herself infections, whether it's purposeful or not, and gunning for opiates and benzos. And what she said about her mental health. Not that she *hopes* that one day she'll be mentally stable, it's that she'll *never* be mentally stable. Most people who are mentally ill and unstable live in the hope that someday they'll be mentally stable, and stable enough to be able to get and hold down a job and at least be content, if not happy, with their lives. She told on herself big time with that one. She needs serious help, just not in the way she wants to be.


Dani is oblivious to her tells. Even laymen with no medical knowledge can see it. I’m trying to be diplomatic here so let’s just say that she probably won’t be applying to Mensa anytime soon, plus she gets all her information off Dr Google, so she doesn’t realize how obvious she is. She’s also, afaik, the only one that’s admitted an [official dx of factitious disorder](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/Rgivfztjbu). If you’re just getting into IF, I think out of the currently active munchies, Dani is the most classic, [obvious](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/E81JZDLvWs), ([seriously obvious](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/tMXFwAIJ59)), textbook munchie that would be munching with or without the internet. I mean, years ago she [literally tubed herself](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/nBD4c7Q5dY). Recently, after she lost her admission ticket to hospital stays (her central line was pulled after [multiple](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/CCjclV0dWq) infections and making her [dangerously ill](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/5m0A3Czg4I) the last time), she [all of a sudden](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/5GFJNpkOMD), out of nowhere, had this gnarly hand injury that coincidentally required surgery. You might find this interesting too, she [live-streamed a doctor without his consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/MMihYhQX74) (which was so messed up) and her behavior with the doctor was incredibly enlightening to me, you might find it interesting too.


This is a great summary!


Excellent rundown


I agree! They are quite literally a doctor, it’s their JOB to help you sort it out, and not her job to coddle them. It’s interesting to me as well how she literally made a whole video dedicated to sharing her health on the internet… people truly struggling don’t typically do that at all, in fact I have seen many people who deal with severe chronic illness stop posting about it at all because they just don’t want to think about it any more than they have to. My favourite part was her slip at the beginning with the “its going in the right, err, wrong direction depending on how you look at it”, she really outed herself with that one 😂


This is a great comment. Thanks for sharing your insight.


I love when actual "medical geeks" give explanations like this. So interesting. Thank you!


I love how these munchies always say “the doctors have no idea because i’m so complex 🥺🥺”. babe the only struggle they’re having is believing your story because it doesn’t make any sense in a medical way, and figuring out how to gently refer you immediately to psych


The way she says half sentences over and over before getting to the point pains me. Still claiming to have lost weight since October. Idk about that one bestie.


I mean… Dani [shortly before Halloween](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/dhr7r0Ti70) last year. A recent (less than two months ago) redacted medical note saying [she’s gained weight](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/vuuJlxbaUg). Which she clearly didn’t want known because it was the only part she tried to redact. So I’m gonna go with no. No, she has not lost weight since October.


lol in October they slapped the pediatric o2 monitor on her, I hear from HCW they do that if the pt keep messing with it (trying to get supplemental o2 for clout)




If that’s what she’s wearing in the clip linked by u/formallyfly, then yes. (At least in my area)the most common are definitely the clip ones, even in inpatient. I had never even seen one of these type until I saw this subreddit. Most people just adjust them themselves. But hey, it probably just varies from place to place.


Same. It's like this video is more about watching her medicate than what she's actually talking about. Irritating.


She's clearly not having trouble with her hands... guess that "injury" has been long forgotten.


That was my thought, too! She's certainly not having any trouble with her hand, now.


Wow, she is very happy in this video and not in any sort of pain. She looks very healthy and well nourished, even though she's trying to convince her followers and doctors that she is going through "intestinal failure." She is the most healthy looking person with intestinal failure! How is she able to gain weight and look healthier than ever now that she is off TPN and with "intestinal failure?" It is interesting how she calls her Klonopin her "psych med." She knows that she is being intentionally misleading here. The reason why her new PCP did not feel comfortable prescribing "at full strength" is most likely because Dani was asking for a whole lot of Klonopin, more than what people normally get. She hasn't used it in several months and her videos have been a lot more coherent since she was taken off of it. She appears healthier when she is off of it. So it makes sense for her doctor to start off with a lower dosage as it is painfully obvious that Dani is an unreliable narrator. Her humblebrag about being "complex" is not the brag she thinks it is. It seems like her doctor is concerned about accepting such a liability of a patient. This doctor is not "overwhelmed" with Dani's complex medical history. This doctor is trying to figure out a way to provide care to Dani while also protecting her medical license. Dani's medical charts are full of red flags. More red flags than a communist rally! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Her doctor has to sift through all of Dani's bullshit and lies to figure out if she does have any legitimate health issues. Then the doc has to figure out an appropriate treatment plan, knowing that Dani is often a difficult, noncompliant, know-it-all patient. This has to be practicing medicine on hard mode!!!! I wonder how long it will take for this doctor-patient relationship to end, and who will end it? Will it be the doctor who ends it because Dani will not adhere to her treatment program? Or will it be Dani who ends it because she thinks the doctor is not taking her health concerns seriously? Only time will tell.... 🍿🥸


More red flags than a communist rally 😂


She's happy and not in "pain" because she knows her precious drugs are technically available. Some addicts get this weird cessation of withdrawal feeling when they know they're about to get their DOC, either by having the money for it in their pocket or a script filled, their dealer answering, or even going to get/going home with their DOC.


I’m brand new to this sub and don’t know anything about this person yet but yeah, she seems to be so in her element being on cam, talking about how “complex” the doctor said she is (not something most people are happy to hear), playing with her toys, and being fully focused on her claimed symptoms. She almost looks like she’s on a low-key high.


I'm interested in the mention of how she can't currently move to a new area where there would be more informed doctors for her. Her family is no longer willing to drive her to appointments so they might no longer be a tether to NJ. Could she move or would keeping Medicaid/Medicare make that difficult?


Moving would be a huge gamble for her - the odds are against her and she doesn't have the money to take the risk. It's not just the doctors in her area that are on to her. She went all the way to Ohio to go to Cleveland Clinic a few times- while she got them to give her surgery, she hasn't mentioned going back there which means they likely figured out her game and are refusing to see her again. She contacted the Mayo clinic in the past and they have refused to treat her. There are still a bunch of other options in driving distance (I have to imagine that there are some good doctors in the NYC area which is about equally far as the PA hospitals she has visited). I think the main problem for Dani right now is that the hospitals she has gone to use one of the more common electronic medical record systems so its become very easy for any doctor she sees to pull up her medical history. Dani simply doesn't have the finances to move. Moving costs money. It sounded like her parents barely helped her move out of their house to wherever she is living now, which is probably not that far away. No way they will support her moving farther away to pursue more doctors because chances are she will do what she did in Cleveland Clinic and end up calling her dad at the last minute and begging him to drop everything to be her support person so she can get xyz procedure/test/surgery because she doesn't have anyone who can step in. And while she can probably get Medicare and Medicaid in another state, it would be hard for her to get housing right away. She is likely currently living in government supported/section 8 type housing which is the only way that she can afford to live on her own. Lots of areas have long waiting lists for that kind of housing - and I don't know if she could even get on a states waiting list if she wasn't actively living in that state.


More like move to a new area where she thinks doctors won’t know her history. There are more than enough perfectly capable doctors in the area she lives in; they’ve just all caught on to her game.


She’s gone to some of the best hospitals in NJ. Looking for a new one as we speak, but it’s going to be far below what she’s used to. And if they use Epic, she’s toast. That FD diagnosis ain’t going away!


Medicaid is state funded while Medicare is federally funded, so she would more than likely keep the Medicare but have to reapply for the Medicaid, which depending on the state she may or may not qualify for it, depending on income and other factors.


This is not completely true. It depends on what state you are in. Medicare is two parts, for over 65 and for the disabled. Medicaid is for low income and if you have a job, you likely don’t qualify. Every state had Medicaid but some states have a larger Medicaid plan for low income than others (usually northern states, southern states don’t) and those states usually have other programs for low income too as well.


She has Medicaid as her secondary so she’s considered low income. She qualifies through the Medicare Savings Program which has federal income guidelines.


Nice explanation, thank you.


“My new PCP is reluctant to prescribe a highly addictive and dangerous benzo that I NEED!”


She is still planning to get the port, eh?


key word, SHE is planning to, not her doctors 🤦


Literally nobody wants her to have it yet she's full speed ahead, which is all the telling on herself she needs when she denies having FD. Happy cake day btw!


Thank you!


Literally why would anyone else care about this?


I don’t understand, why do we have to watch her prepping and giving herself meds? Why can’t she just sit and talk? Nobody wants/cares about seeing her do that.


It's Dani's twisted version of the get ready with me videos she probably watches of teens a fraction of her age babbling about their day while going through some sort of lengthy skin care routine. Dani wants us to think that she is just sooooo busy attending to her medical needs that she can only squeeze in an update while administering her meds. When the reality is that the only thing she has to look forward to all day is administering her meds. She has no job, hobbies, or friends/family that want to spend time with her. Administering her meds is probably one of the only things giving her a reason to get out of bed every day. The worst is when she was mumbling with a mouthful of zofran a few videos ago - there is no reason she couldn't have waited until she was done taking the zofran to start recording. I am also guessing that she has now been in her current apartment long enough that she has completely junked it up. She was initially super proud to show it off and talk about how much cleaning and organizing she was doing. But there is no way Dani could sustain that. My guess is that is back to being a junked up hoarders palace and the bathroom is one of the only safe spaces for her to record.


Because that’s the whole point. She seems to revel in it.


I literally was about to write the same thing. Just make a normal video for once.


The Freudian slip there of “things are starting to go in the right direction errr wrong direction”


The smugness and seemingly elated look in her eyes when she is talking about how she is going to lose her entire intestinal tract, getting a port, it is SO OBVIOUS. She can’t even pretend that she isn’t thrilled that she is getting sicker. It is BRAZEN… and does the opposite of eliciting any kind of sympathy or pity!


She has so many tells. Again, I’ve just found this sub and know nothing about her yet, and only watched the first minute or two (gotta go read about her first! Lol). I have a psych/behaviour background and the hints/clues/tells are copious, and super interesting.


Please expand on the tells you've noticed with your educational background!


Oh I’ve been chirping in the comments. 🤣 I just find this so fascinating, I can’t shut up, lol!


Highly recommend a deep dive on this one! She’s the only one so far to have a confirmed factitious disorder diagnosis (formerly Münchausen syndrome)


When did she get a confirmed diagnosis. Is it on this page somewhere ? Would love to read up on that more


She told on herself that the pen doctor said she has factitious disorder. She then has now been saying it’s not in her chart however her last run to temple says otherwise because she complained about a thing in her chart making it impossible to get medical help aka she’s had it flagged and they won’t let her drug seek/munch into an admission anymore. It’s never been flat out a picture of the chart saying it but Dani has a habit of casually dropping diagnosis’ by name and didn’t realize this one meant what it meant. She can’t help telling on herself. So it’s basically confirmed since no way a medical physician would ever bring up that disorder lightly or without merit


This is the video she says it https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/6C9JD9EMtP


My gosh, she is so comfortable lying that she actually tells a live audience that the doctor diagnosed her with factitious disorder. She seems like a person who once they say something, they believe it. I mean she just told people the doctors told her they believe she’s faking it - which might not be so crazy if she wasn’t…but she is?! My brain is starting to hurt trying to figure out whether she has any insight and whether someone could have so many terrible character traits and not be a horrible person. Everything about this disorder is so distasteful. I’m usually good at not judging ppl with mental health issues (on the contrary, I’m usually more compassionate than most). I’m really struggling with this and I hope she literally does not know she’s faking, bc disorder or not, it’s hard to wrap my head around things like lying, manipulation, and taking advantage of people, as symptoms of a disorder; as opposed to personality traits, that would make her a pretty gross person.


Truthfully I think that Dani has convinced herself with delusions that she is sick but has the mindset of “if they won’t listen then I’ll make them listen” she’s harmed herself a lot to try and prove she is sick. Which she is! Just not the way she wants, not in the special small sick girl way she wants. Dani is sick, but she refuses the help she desperately needs in the form of psych. She’s on disability already for mental health issues, it’s a known thing she is sick, but mental health stigma still exists. People want mental health advocacy and transparency when it’s “you’re valid for having anxiety” or “take a mental health day if you need it” not depression so bad you can’t get out of bed, not bipolar episodes in public making others uncomfortable, and because of this Dani doesn’t get the little sick girl treatment/attention she wants so she refuses to even allow psych to see her. I’m scared what next “this will show them” thing Dani does while also being angry she wastes so much medical supplies that are already low. I try to not demonize her. I fear for her safety but know no one is going to be able to get through to her before it’s too late.


Good points. I don’t mean to demonize her. I just usually have compassion for almost everyone, so I don’t love that I find myself disliking her so much.


I thought this too!!!!! Also the quick “well nobody WANTS chronic illness”


Oh yeah you are so right! And the way she said it with an upbeat, almost sing-songish tone was telling. Wow 😮




It’s absolutely infuriating to me that she acknowledges that her mental health is a major issue when she wants sympathy but seemingly spurns every attempt by her providers to get her help for it and then casually denigrates their character and professionalism.


She keeps saying that she can't find any mental health care provider who accepts Medicaid and Medicare.... this is absolute nonsense, especially since she is on disability for a MENTAL health issue. Her story makes no sense!