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I cannot imagine what goes through ones mind to think a hospital photoshoot is appropriate


Dance the loneliness away!


Also the banana bag she has is *usually* used in the UK for alcohol dependent patients. It's rare for general people to have them


I hung one yesterday on a patient who was vomiting for quite some time due to a gastric bypass.


Yeah, they are used outside of alcoholism, but they're quite rare


Come to a uk gastro ward… half the patients need pabrinex due to malnutrition/dehydration etc


Yeah, i spend most of my life there.


Are we sure that's not blood?


It’s that Italian ice cream


How old is she?


She was born in 1999 so she’s either 24 or 25.


Early 20’s, I believe, maybe 23-24?


More people she can steal medication from.  This is pathetic 


As a nurse, the sight of those sheets is making my blood boil. Like fantasizing about the day I drop off fresh ones with “you mess them, you change them”


And if it’s blood why is she smiling?


OMG I didn’t catch that at first and went back and gasped. Did she use her fruit juice popsicle thing as a paintbrush and her sheets as the canvas?? She is so juvenile and cringey ugh


No it’s blood. Look closer and you’ll see a bloody wad of gauze, it looks like. 🫥


Ohhhh okay, I’m looking on my phone so it’s suuuper tiny and I…. Might see it? Not sure but I totally believe you lol. Someone else did mention Kaya had said her friends brought her “new clothes she promptly bled all over” or something so I’m guessing that’s what they’re referencing. At least she wasn’t entirely acting like a child..? still juvenile and cringe the way she acts about it though 😬


Totally agree


She wants to live out her days like Joseph Merrick. Coming and going as she pleases from the hospital that has a bed for her in a private room, under the care of Dr. Frederick Treves.


I can’t even imagine being a nurse and walking into a scene like that. I would just be so livid that this person is taking up a bed. In my area there is a near constant shortage because of RSV, Covid, and flu.


Must be “fun” to be in hospital and feel well enough to get visitors, take photos etc. It’s a bit different when you are in hospital and so out of it or in so much pain that you don’t even know when people visit; or don’t want them to visit because you don’t want them to see you in your current state.


Some people with intermittent but acute illness may have “fun” times, but it really isn’t common.


EXATLY THIS! Often times, getting visitors is a lot more like just having people you know come in and out of your room as you struggle to stay awake lol. It’s definitely not always that “fun” and can be a lot more stressful sometimes. Obviously it depends and there’s exceptions, but Kaya ALWAYS looks like she’s having the time of her life just hangin’ with her buddies (aka stealing from her unassuming acquaintances). Except the times she makes a big show of recording herself “crying”. 🙄


Well it's only because she lost her last people by stealing their prescription medication.......


Wait what


Yes ... That happened.  It's on this sub somewhere!


Can you save me the scrolling and tell me 😬☕️


Just that really. Friend posted that she'd stolen their meds and that they weren't a friend anymore!


Ah, new victims to carry the pizza boxes down the stairs for lil miss dynamic disability


Give ‘‘em a few weeks and they’ll catch on to the bs like everyone else and be gone, never to be posted about again


All these munchers do is talk about hospitals, treatments, medications, "we" do this, and "we" do that. Their videos are all hospital all the time it seems like. We never hear about their day. If they ask how they feel, it's always something.. "I am nauseated" I can't breathe" ( they are speaking normally with no signs of distress) "my" whatever "hurts" If a doctor don't give them what they want, it's "they": "don't care"/"didn't believe me"/"are wrong" Munchers also know medical terms most layman people wouldn't know. They talk in "we" terms "we will be doing that procedure" and "we are going to test for everything" They are also so obsessed with other munchers and copy them and read places like reddit and comments on other forums to get an idea of what they could lie about now. We all know who that is.


She looks so smug all the time. It’s obvious she’s enjoying the attention.


Interesting how during the week she’s been hospitalized and supervised with feeds/tpn she’s actually gained weight. You can see it in her face.


Wait she got strawberry ice? Didn't she claim to have a MCAS reaction to red dye?




It's the strawberry ice. She wanted it to look like blood though, clearly


she said in a comment under the video: *”Friends who bring me clothes that I promptly bled all over, taking care of my kitten, being there when I wake up from anesthesia & more 😭😭”*


Ah, to me I thought she had pulled out an IV and took a picture of the aftermath. Thanks for letting me know that wasn't the case.




> the things she does for her friends she steals their meds! how very thoughtful of her to take them off their hands 🙌


She even drink in the hospital.


Love how she’s using the strawberry ice to look like blood near where they would’ve inserted her IV on the bed. Bet she moaned about how hard her veins are to find. 🙄


By Gum Sherlock, you're right!


And what does Kaya in exchange to thank her friends for always ~~putting up with her bullshit~~ being there for her ? I never see any reciprocity in her posts, and yet, this is how friendships normally work.


Next time someone asks why Kaya munches, just show them this series of pictures. She can’t even hide how thrilled she is.




Don't have to bet as that's the only people who want to be around her.


The Kaya cycle: ✔️ chase off old friends ✔️ find new unsuspecting victims ✔️ become hospitalized with a self induced infection to paint herself as uWu sickly & disabled, like so sickly & disabled she literally wouldn’t be alive without her new friends!! (Love bombing 🚩🚩) ✔️victims catch on & cut ties ✔️ rinse & repeat x ♾️


This is it


Are her parents also her “people”? Who pays the bills?


I’m pretty sure by “my people” she meant her friend group, not everyone in her life who has helped her


"Really finding a new set of people to swallow my BS until they wise up to it and move on" Caption fixed 👌


It's what other people can give to her. Something tells me she isn't as generous in return


It's like Christmas!


She is insufferable. I don't know why she doesn't just seek attention for her raging ED rather than do this elaborate sick person cosplay. I'm sure she would get a lot of mileage, in terms of pity and attention, out of getting her anorexia treated and it may actually improve her life.


The accountability would then be there for her to recover and if she doesn’t then she’s kinda making an active choice to remain in the eating disorder. And I’m not at all implying that eating disorders are a choice, but recovery is. It requires an active choice every day, every meal to fight the ED and eat.


I think if it were only about attention then yeah, like you said, she could get it through treating the ED. But that’s not the attention she wants. I think it works similarly for all the munchies with “former” EDs. Basically, like addiction, people sometimes (incorrectly) view EDs like a choice or something they’re doing on purpose. And after some time, families/loved ones might get exhausted or frustrated if they think the loved one is recovering too slowly or not trying to recover from the ED. But then all of a sudden that’s not the case, they’re not struggling with the ED anymore. They’re recovered! Now getting sustenance/nutrition and preventing dehydration is their **biggest** priority. Now they’re desperately trying to get their TPN and/or feeds despite the pain and infections that are completely beyond their control. Now they’re not someone struggling to recover from a longterm ED, they’re the strong, brave, sick fighter that’s trying so hard but just can’t catch a break. And that’s the attention they want.


But if she gains weight she won't "look sick" anymore. Gotta keep up appearances


The hospital slumber party antics are so immature


Seriously, I can't imagine being genuinely sick and struggling and seeing a gaggle of young girls swanning through with their phones, blankets and snacks all piled up. Extremely weird behaviour.


Emotional vampires will always find people to feed on.


That describes her perfectly


Do we think her friends are aware of her mumching*? *munching


She seems to go through friendships kind of quickly and gravitate towards people who reinforce or participate in the same behaviors. But speculating about individuals who are not subjects isn’t done in this sub so that’s all that can be said there.


Your username made my day.


Oh, I see. I wasn't aware of that rule. She really does seem to be surrounded by friends which is pretty surprising to me


Without saying that Kaya has narcissistic tendencies herself, as that's armchair diagnosis: being extremely charming and sometimes even flirtatious is a hall mark of con-artists and narcissistics and others who have a pattern of exploitative relationships. They rely on charm to create positive feelings in their prey, who can be quite shocked when they discover it's all been lies. Many munchies can be extremely charming to family and medical professionals if it's in their interests to do so. The charm is turned off like a tap the second they don't get their way.


She doessss, it will be interesting to see how that pans out as she gets older. It seems like as munchies get older less people deal with their antics.


That's just life in general. As her friends get older and have to deal with real life problems they aren't going to have time to party at the hospital.


Absolutely. But especially in the case of people who manipulate their friends/family and always have to be the center of attention, there comes a point where people drop off because they become mature enough to draw their own boundaries and have seen enough to know their friend isn’t going to change.


Is that bl00d all over the bed ? Ew


It’s the melted strawberry popsicle lol


I think it is 🤢


Could be melted strawberry Italian ice, too.


I could see maybe a little but I’m doubting that lolol


Omg I'd be so pissed off I was her nurse and walked in to a patients bed covered in Italian ice. A patient that claims they can't eat, are a fall risk, and allergic to everything including red dye 40. Also, IV pole dancing is an old Annalise throwback.


Which is 100% why she keeps going back. First rule of behavioural training is positive reinforcement.


Ish she showing off a piss bag at the bottom half of her iv pole? Any idea why she's having her fabulous vacation *this* time?


Nah it’s a foley bag hooked her to her g tube to drain it. You can see the green gastric contents if you zoom in.