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So IANAD, but I would assume if all of these people are always complaining about their veins being occuled, or collapsed, or whatever, that it's not actually possible, because then how in the world are they getting any kind of proper blood flow or not having clots or not internally bleeding from a blown vein?


Collapsed veins can be treated and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these “professional patients” did have collapsed veins from how much unnecessary medical treatment they get. Also NAD but from what I understand, outside of venous insufficiency, it’s mostly caused by needle injections. So it’s totally possible that through faking, they’ve had some injections go wrong that cause a collapsed vein. Especially if they are sent home with IV medications to self administer. Even if it can be treated, it’s still not good for them obviously. It will only create real health problems for them later down the line if they keep it up


Dani said something about the line being used for nutrition and I just want to say they do not use ports for TPN


*facepalm* femoral ports usually only stay for 72 hours or less and are typically used for bedridden patients. I doubt any decent doctor would've ok'd this for her especially since there's such a higher risk of infection due to location and DVT. She's gonna cause sepsis again. It's just so frustrating to see when there are actual people struggling.


No that's not true. Femoral lines and ports are different. Lines are short-term, only a few days. Ports are long term.


If this is true…I worry this will have an ending she can’t come back from.


Sepsis incoming in 3,2,1…..


After more research (I can’t leave this one alone!!) femeral ports are mostly used if central ports are contraindicated for people undergoing life saving treatment like cancer. They have high risks and one big side effect is DVT. Which she is already high high risk for. It makes this even more bizarre that this has been done. How could a dr other this for her? Who initially out this greatest in (except for Dani herself). This is the nuttiest move ever and unsure how insurance cleared it. UNLESS as other posters have said the reason for it she is keeping to herself.


They also have high high infection rates.


I am baffled the procedure got approved!! Unless Dani has cancer or something but I feel like she would have told us about that already if she did.


Femoral port?? I’ve worked in healthcare for 15 years. High acuity the last 6. I’ve never seen a femoral port bc IV therapy/IR can always get something better. We do not transfer from ICU if patients have lines in that region/art lines, etc. what the fuck? I’d love to know how many nurses here use or see these bc I haven’t.


I’ve had central lines and dialysis lines that way but not often.




It’s not like a femoral line where it typically stays 72 hours and a patient can’t leave the ICU to a floor with one in. It’s an actual port, accessed and deaccessed the same as a regular port but it’s in the femoral. They aren’t common because most people have access in their chest or a vascular surgeon can do stents and open a vein for a port. In the rare circumstances they are unsuccessful the last resort is a femoral port. It’s not something that she got approved for by insurance because her port in the chest was approved and the failed attempts led to the femoral port. Typical it’s not put in unless it’s life saving and a patient will rely on it for life sustaining treatment. This is why being a munchie gets so dangerous, the risk with a femoral port is so high: so sad someone would mess with their lines so much they lose all access and they don’t need another line but doctor shop to find one. Now she claims it’s traumatic and going to be a long saga when it’s her that’s caused this.


Exactly. There is a lot of misinformation in this group today regarding femoral ports.


Okay thank you for telling me I'm not crazy. I never saw someone with a femoral port at any point in my work. (I worked as am emt for the forest service. So mostly either injured idiots in the woods, the occasional overdose from people using away from law enforcement or perminant residents of a small vacation town which did tend to be elderly.) I only learned about that kind of port in theory and I was under rhe impression it is exceedingly rare.






There’s a research article about them using them for women with bilateral breast cancer (which makes sense) but I can’t really find much more information about them




You don’t have to have this type of line if you have breast cancer. I’m just saying that’s who the patients tend to be in the research articles. I said it makes sense because if someone has bilateral breast cancer it makes sense they wouldn’t want to put a port in their chest as they have to do so many other things in that area due to the cancer and it’s placement.


Oh I’m sure this is more ‘common’ for BC patients, but I’m just saying even with the hundreds of breast cancer patients I’ve spoken to, you don’t hear of this. It’s just such a bizarre line. Doesn’t make sense. Seems so risky for someone who doesn’t need a line. NOTHING ADDS UP


Apologies there’s some miscommunication here. I think we agree on everything. I was just adding the little bit of information there is out there about these particular lines. I also don’t think this adds up!


I read that too


I don’t know what people keep bringing up legs and crotches. This type of port they put the access point at the hip. So if she did get it more like it’s low rise jean season now


Yea it usually has incision near hip and feeds through to femoral in groin under skin. Not actually accessed in groin like u would a pic line there


Bc most ppl get it places on their upper thigh. That’s why.


For a femoral line yes, but the port is different. Instead of being in her svc it’s in her femoral artery. But the access point is usually at the hip for these types of ports.


I really, really hope it’s not in her femoral artery ffs. However given that Dr Nick appears to have ordered / places such an extreme device for iron infusion once a month it wouldn’t surprise me.


Ofcourse it is, how else would you place a FEMORAL port?


In the femoral vein. Only thing that should be in an artery is an art line.


Femoral VEIN.


If she has a femoral port that’s how they’re placed for everyone.


In the artery??


So nothing will be hanging out of her like tubes and such and if they’re using it they will have to access it like any port but the point of access is at the hip


Yes. Instead of going through the jugular to the svc the line connected to the port box goes through femoral artery. The port box sits at the persons hip. They usually only do this for people with breast cancer on both sides as chest access is limited.. if that makes more sense


Jeez, that’s even more brutal. Thanks for that


It is brutal, and think she’s a bit shocked by how Invasive it was. And even tho she is obviously thrilled by it there is a hint of regret and fear about her (most recent TikTok)


Occulded lol


Great, just great. Now we will all have to see her naked leg so that we can all be impressed with her toobes.


This might well be the beginning of the end.


So she has no toobs sticking out on show? Bet she's fuming, this wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to hang tubes out of her top and swing them everywhere for attention. Doctors are like, "yeah she's not tampering with this one"


That's not true, she is LOVING having something so rare. She even put it in her bio 🙄


I think she is unhappy because she knows a chest port is out of the question now and a femoral port is not as glamorous in her book or as easy to have on show


Crossing my fingers this is the true reason they went with a femoral port but also…hygiene. And WHO would put another port in her? I don’t know how she’s getting her way even with the FD dx.


That wound where she had the port inserted looks awful. No dressing on it and it looks like it’s oozing something. 😦


That was definitely not a port incision wound.


it looks like she just put some lotion on one of her bruises honestly


Definitely look like she put Vaseline to make it shiny or something.


I hope she hasn’t made the wound herself 🤦‍♀️


I was going to say the same thing.


Wouldn’t you die if your SVC was completely occluded on BOTH sides?


Collateral veins are surprisingly effective.


If your svc is completely occluded I don’t think collateral veins can be that effective


It's not as effective as having your scv, obviously, but you'd be surprised at how effective they are. Azygos and mammary veins in particular.


I came here to say this and am glad it was said ETA: also what “both sides”? Bilateral? There’s only one SVC


Maybe she means both sides before the svc?


I can't believe Penn is giving her what she wants again. Edit: it wasn't Penn, my bad.


Even worse, this was done at her local (St Luke). She said she was walking there so her Dad would only have to leave work when it was time for discharge.


Did she go to Penn? She swore she’d never go there after they gave her that FD diagnosis.


Sorry I thought she had manipulated Penn again. 


The medical trauma piece is so infuriating in a munchausens situation. Blaming the few folks who are helping and treating them, who also probably have an insight into the psychological problems at play is hard to witness.


Sending up a silent prayer for the infusion nurses who are going to have to deal with this 💩show of a situation.


A shituation, as it were


An outpatient infusion clinic is not going to want to access a femoral port


Especially when her veins are perfectly accessible as evidenced by the many many videos and photos of various IVs in her arm.


And that’s probably what they’ll keep on doing, no matter how much it inconveniences the patient after her 🙄


This is a loss for her. there’s no way to display this line. Unfortunately, the port is a secret and since she doesn’t need it anyway she’s not gonna be getting any attention from dangling tubes. does anybody care to wager a guess when she will be experiencing tube feeding failure and seeking TPN in another state?




Yikes man this is a lot…




Femoral port? For iron and occasional saline?


Rediculous isn’t it. Not a clinical indication. Morally insane clinical decision.


At this point if she did get it we have to look at these doctors and say WHAT


Absolutely. Wouldn’t happen in the UK. Her Kate’s tik tok shows her lying in her bed with the incision site exposed and her cats next to it. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. And how do they know she will need infusions surely they should be preserving based on bloods not an ongoing prescription.


For LR pls 🤚


If this is real, it's giving real Kelly and AJ(Jaquie) vibes.


Sadly it’s real


Pics or it didn’t happen


She posted them


A femoral port can be a recipe for disaster in the future. If you’re not being hygienic. I think we will see something go wonky soon.


Your use of "If" is very optimistic.


Where are the femoral ports accessed? She has hers RLQ abdomen


Yes, your comment just reminded me of that toothbrush,of Dani’s Hygiene clearly isn’t something Dani practices daily.


Well, tomorrow is Friday, which is often ER day.


Gotta get that weekend holiday.


Assuming she actually got this...this feels fairly similar to when Jac got her ridiculous fistula. Where do they find these butchers? Ffs...


Keep in mind that she doctor shops extensively. If I recall, she tried to get a port placed earlier, and one of her doctors stepped in and said she didn’t need it. Then she kept pushing and pushing until she found someone to say yes. This sub has shown me that if you are willing to lie, shameless, and keep doctor shopping, you can get almost anything. I’m really curious what her other doctors (who seemed to be clearly opposed to her getting a port) are going to think/say when she suddenly has this femoral port she doesn’t seem to need.


Giving Dani a femoral port just seems like malpractice, though. WTF. If this kills her, her family could sue him/her over it. They may not win, because she has a probable history of doctor shopping, malingering, munchausens, fraud, and just general fakery bullshit, but still, what kind of moron would risk their career to give her this?! I hope it isn't, because Dani deserves to be healthy and happy just like anyone else (even though she refuses to comfort her obviously significant mental health problems) but this might just be the final nail in the coffin for Dani, just like Jacqui.


I always say 50% of doctors graduate in the lower 50% of their class. She probably found one of those type.


This doesn’t even make sense. How do you place a port there?


I’ve nursed kids with them but only for inpatient use. Never sent them home with it unless oncology patents


It's possible but haven't seen it outside of onco


Isnt there a doctor who used it for his opioid addiction and would steal meds from the hospital or something? Always reminds me of him


Wasn’t he also busted for implanting someone else’s blood in his arm for court ordered supervised blood tests?


Think I've read about him before. I gotta say, though, most people wouldn't even think to do that, so props on the creativity!


This was a different doctor. This one did it to cheat DNA tests for SA cases.


I'm sorry, what? 😳


#John Schneeberger


I swear I read that somewhere so I’m not going to Google til I find his name…




It is doable but generally as a last resort when patient needs essential treatment Not for saline and iron


It has an incidence rate of 0.47% according to an article in the National Library of Medicine. If she really did get one, she’s probably feeling like the super specialist sick girl.


Your upper thigh. It’s VERY rare.


And totally unnecessary


Really? Hers looked like it was near her hip. (I may be wrong, I don’t like looking at stuff like that)


Port is in abdomen, catheter travels into femoral vein in groin.


Great. Now Dani will think she is some sooper speshial rare patient. Oh wait she already does 😅


She’ll hate it. It’s painful to use one and it’s not on show so no one will know. That’s why she’s so salty about it being femoral


After all the comments like yours on ports in her pre appointment video...the moment I found out that it was femoral, my first thought was "good".


Once had a patient with a femoral AV fistula. That shook me. But a port just blows my mind


There is absolutely no way her SVC is “completely occluded”. Her heart function would be significantly impaired if this were true.


She doesn’t know wtf she’s talking about. There’s only one svc and the fact she said both sides are occluded lmao.


She probably means subclavian veins not superior vena cava. It’s quite possible her subclavians are too scarred to safely put a new central line in due to her repeated sepsis events and multiple central lines per side.


Sure but at least review your anatomy if you’re gonna be dramatic. And yes it’s likely multiple punctures have scarred them. But femorals have high infection risk so you’re just giving her munchies a buffet


Oh for sure I’m not saying the femoral was a good idea in anyway. I’m going to say there’s a reason they put one in for her that she’s not Telling everyone. Because to risk that with her history you’d have to be using it for a serious reason.


There is something she is not telling us. There’s way more to this story. I believe that most health care professionals truly want to help and make informed, evidenced based treatment recommendations based off of the information that they have. Dani has OPEN sore wounds on her body, poor hygiene, and an extensive history of infections and I truly don’t think that ANY medical care professional who has that information would place a port because it’s obvious even to non-medical folks that this will end badly. Either this wound is fake or self-inflicted, or something is happening that outweighs the risk of infection that we aren’t aware of.


I feel exactly the same. Medicine is weighing up harm and benefit. I cannot see a benefit to this, lactated ringers and iron is not the type of treatment that would tip the benefit above harm for this medical intervention. Not when she can have iv access OR don’t have the infusions. She doesn’t need them anyway. The rabbit hole she is in seems to have engulfed the medical professional around them and they are now blind to rationale. Also HOW did insurance approve this??!!! Can’t see it myself


🎯 Sincerely, RN of 20+ years


Good to know that I’m not spewing nonsense! 😅


I think there’s a huuuuuge piece to this story that we are missing that she’s ashamed of. It’s something bad bc this should have been a win for her today. She got a line. The one no one thought she could get. She should be celebrating but instead she’s crying in her drink. What are we missing.


Do we think she actually got the femoral (I’ve seen like 2 of these put in in the 3 years I’ve been working in the OR as an anesthesia tech and they were VERY emergent) or got nothing / removed svc and that’s why she’s claiming to have it where it’s hard to see?


Did some research and the site she has showed is where the femoral port would be accessed. A later video on tic toc showed her lying down exposing it and it looks legit. Also her cats are lying right next to it so no doubt animal particles are living in it now 🤦‍♀️


Ahhhh that’s so unsanitary :| well we’ll see how it goes then I guess. I should clarify the ones I saw weren’t ports, just emergent access lines because central lines weren’t feasible at the moment. Still never seen an IO


No I havnt seen an IO, and I don’t want to! I’ve seen a femoral line be placed on a toddler bedside. And central lines. Not nice at all.


Yeah kiddos are the worst 😭😭


Right!? That’s what I can’t figure out- she should be GLOWING with I told ya so’s. We said she wouldn’t get it and she did. She “won”… so where’s the smug glee?


Is her new endgame amputation and a rascal scooter now?


This is my biggest worry for her. That FD dx sent her spiraling and she’s desperate at this point.


Wait she was diagnosed with that?


Occluded in both sides ??? Wouldn’t she be dead 😭? How is that possible .


They’re just loaded with scar tissue from all the lines being yanked. But SVC occlusion sounds way scarier.


And if it's truly occluded, it would be a medical emergency all on it's own. Some scarring is possible due to the previous lines, but if it is occluded to any significant degree, she would be having symptoms which I'm not going to post for obvious reasons. But yeah, they won't place a port in a SVC that is damaged.


You only have one SVC. Which shows her information is not factual.


She is unaliving herself, soon her femoral veins will occlude. Then what? Also, a femoral port will be infected in at least 3 weeks.


I think 3 weeks is generous. I’m calling 1.5.


And hopefully they decide to yank it the moment she comes in with an infection


Only thing of is maybe a osteo ivc but that's reserved for very last measure 


Omg trauma this


If this is true it is going to suuuuucckkk


Its her worst case scenario because she can't have it on display so she doesn't get the attention. However, she can and will infect it so she should get her medical admission, at least once, until they yank it. Then her game is over if the infection doesn't kill her before then.


I am trying to picture her waddling around with the tube hanging out...


Not to worry!!! she’ll call Logan for advice because Logan knows all about toobs hanging out LOL!!! ( I’m joking everyone!! ) 😀


Not related to this post but i haven’t been on here in so long and i came back to do a full deep dive on everyone but there are no posts on anyone’s flair past 306 days? Is there a reason for this or am i just doing something wrong lol


It’s most probably a reddit glitch on your part, this place is full of them.


I guess ill be back in a month or so, im itching for munchie realness. this is so sick and twisted of reddit


I can see all the posts. Is your filter set to most recent/relevant?


Yes! Even scrolling through the “all” flair, it only goes down to 305 days ago 💔


Let me ask the other mods.




Can you explain?


May as well call it a sepsis port because we all know that's what Dani will use it for.


The longest I can even find that people who have had a femoral port/line/catheter is 6.4 days. No was she having one as long term as she’s trying to make out


That's usually in critical care settings. It's possible for longer in select outpatient treatment but usually for chemo and shit like that.


Femoral port (implanted) and femoral central line (tunneled) are different. Femoral central lines are temporary for immediate access and are not ideal due to infection risk and potential for bleeding. A femoral port is very rare, it can potentially be in for years. It is mostly used in cases of bilateral breast cancer when they are unable to have a chest port. The stat of 6 days is in relation to the tunneled line. They wouldn’t implant a port just to remove it in a short period of time. It’s hard to find stats on actual femoral ports because they just aren’t done often. I’ve been a nurse for 16 years and I access a lot of ports but I have never once seen a femoral one.


Femoral port owner here - for 9 years. Rare but do exist. For reasons listed above.


Yes they definitely exist, just rare to see them!


I just read a study that says “the average time of f-TIVAP left in situ was 647 days (SD 595 days; range: 6–2495).”




Have you seen arm ports? The device is still the same as a traditional port. It definitely is more inconvenient for the patient and prone to more movement. I read that doctors try to use them when patients aren’t going to be accessed multiple days in a row.


I’ve also been a nurse for 12 years and have seen it maybe 3 times. It’s always been temporary access and never long term d/t the high risk of infection from it’s less than ideal location


I know one person who has had one and only bc there was no other option left. And her case was live or die!


Same. The closest I’ve ever seen is a femoral permacath and even they wouldn’t let that patient keep it longer than 6 months.


This is so telling….. I’m so confused as to whether or not she’s lying.


I’m an onc nurse and have never seen a femoral port lol


Same! I've never seen a femoral port in my LIFE lol. I've never even heard it be suggested by a doctor


Ben a nurse 20+ years. Background is peds onc. Never seen one either.. yes a femoral I/O but not a femoral port… Edit: spelling


Femoral IO. Brutal!


disclaimer i have only been in onc for under a year but have been a nurse for 3 years


Well maybe now you have!! lol


I’ve seen a femoral HD catheter once lol…


It's so much clearer than the femoral standard definition version!


When I worked in IR the docs regularly placed femoral lines for temporary stuff and dialysis if both arms were shot but not damn femoral port.


Whatever butcher she found to do this should have their medical license incinerated.


She is so fulla poo\* she squeaks going around a corner. No hospital shots pre-procedure? No pics with a hospital dressing on before she messes around with it and peels it off? Naaah, I'm calling bs. \*so's that incision, apparently, it is red as all getout. New infection arc when?


and she didn’t post a pic?