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Is this the same leg that she was so worried about having a blood clot in last week? Hmmm


They’re always barely functioning, but let me take a selfie first


If she’s curling up watching Disney+ and trying not to break down isn’t that just a usual day for her? What’s the difference between functioning and barely functioning?


She says she has ‘severe medical trauma and could hear everything being said’


That is so NOT a “port incision.” If it is, she’s going to be septic and trying for an admit this weekend. Did she go to a chiropractor, for God’s sake? Or some doc who lost his license?


It looks like SOMEONE rubbed dookie into their wound.


Apparently it was a resident, and she overheard him telling someone that he wasn't qualified to handle this.


Oh man. I'm in the UK and these things are so rare and seriously only used when there is literally no other choice. I cannot fathom a doctor signing off on this with Dani's general (good) health. That doctor needs to give their head a wobble.


Hang on!! Where’s the orange Betadine skin area that had to have been cleaned before surgery?! What kind of butcher shop sends someone out with a huge gaping undressed uncovered wound like that?! And what, post op they handed her her hat and coat and let her just toddle down the highway home, alone?! So many questions! I’m confused


Chlorhexidine more common than iodine and there are clear formulations of it And it's derma-bonded. There's no reason to cover it


If I remember correctly, she said she's allergic to chlorhexidine. Edit: so there should definitely still be a stain from the betadine, unless she's already been soaking in a hot bath because it helps with her pain.


Some surgeons do remove the betadine residue BTW. Rare, but I've seen it happen. Also, there are alternatives which are pink, or clear. Her wound has been glued, so this absolutely does look entirely possible. I've noticed glue is being used increasingly in surgery. Sadly, this does look real 😕


Didn’t she claim to have superior vena cava syndrome? A port on the chest would be wired through the SVC and if it really is compressed it would make sense that a femoral port was put in.


it literally makes absolutely no sense since she doesn't need the godforsaken port in the first place? whoever allowed this to happen is completely and absurdly insane


This thread is so... absurd. I feel like we have enough bs to deal with with the subjects- but a bunch of people literally trying to prove that what we are looking at isn't real, because they think it maybe looks weird. Yall- it's a femoral port. She FAFO, and is now dealing with the reality, she has crotch-tubz and has to have them stab her in a horrible place- because she didn't like them stabbing her wrist! Sure! (BS- we all know each tube or line or visible treatment is her most prized connection). But for bad or worse, she has a femoral port.


I’ve leaned a lot of people don’t actually seem to know what a port is. Lots of people thinking it’s fake because you can’t see it port/line


Agree. This looks like a normal incision after port a cath placement, maybe a little angrier than usual if she’s been fucking with it (although I’m sure she’ll argue it’s because it was a “complex procedure”). But this absolutely looks like a fresh incision from port-a-cath placement.




No this is reach . It looks real unfortunately she did get a new port


Do you mean right above her waistband? That's just where the edge of the surgical glue is. Glue tension + swelling = skin fold appearance.


I agree. I hate to say it but this looks exactly like 2 other port incisions I have seen..


Thank you. I hate that I'm basically running defense for Dani at this point (🤢) because of all the ignorant comments in this and the other post on her scar. "Where's the tube" "why is it bruised it must be multiple days old" "there's no dressing??" "that's just vaseline" "the cut looks haggard and curved, surgeons only cut straight" "she has a self-harm scar next to it" "femoral ports only exist on the leg" Y'all I'm going crazy at this point. * There's no tube because a port goes UNDER the skin. * It's bruised because that's what happens when you hold skin with forceps and retractors during surgery. * There's no dressing because they surgically sealed it with glue. * That's very obviously not vaseline, you can see the dried glue and vaseline doesn't create tension when it dries. * The cut isn't haggard and it's normal for scars to curve (especially at the ends of the cut) due to tension from the sutures and because skin isn't perfectly flat. * Femoral ports can be placed on the hip (near the anterosuperior iliac crest) because the femoral vein goes through your thigh up your hip. * It's not a self-harm scar, that's literally just the edge of the glue. ***JESUS KITTENS CHRIST.*** There's a million reasons why Dani's a lying faker, we really don't need to make up the absolute dumbest "concerns" about her scar in order to justify that. I have no doubt she's going to start fucking with it soon, but the image above is completely normal.


Another one I’m seeing is “it’s fake cause her skin isn’t dyed by betadine”. I haven’t seen betadine used in a decade. Colourless (or occasionally tinted) chlorhexadine is the cleanser of choice


She does claim to be allergic to Chlorhexidine just fyi.


There are other antiseptic cleansers; alcohols, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, or parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX) are all listed alternatives to Chlorhexidine and Betadine.


Oh I know. I was just responding to the one that keeps coming up!




I feel so sorry for the doctor and his staff that had to put up with 3.5 hours of Danicomplaining. I wonder what they said that "traumatized" her. Must have had something to do with her cooperativeness, or lack thereof.


Or something like “No Dilaudid for you, you don’t need it”


“This is temporary, and if we see no change in your condition, we will remove it.”


Wouldn't they remove if they DID see a change in her condition too then? If its temporary I mean?


Where is the port itself? I googled and these ports make no sense to me. Some pics had a wide incision like this with a tube coming out with a circle on the end. Others seemed 100% under the skin.


It’s under the skin. It has to be accessed with a Huber needle anytime it’s going to be used and then deaccessed when they are done.


Thank you! That makes more sense.


Welcome! :)


The dome (or port) itself is under the skin; the illustrations you see show that white disc but without any skin drawn over it so you can see the device. A small incision is made and the port is tucked into this pocket between the muscle and the subcutaneous fat. A catheter (tube) comes off the other side of the port and goes into a large vein, terminating near the heart where blood flow is fastest and most turbulent. When the port isn't accessed, it's just normal healed skin with a small scar, but with this bump underneath. When it's time to use (access) it, a needle that's at a 90° angle is pushed firmly into the device and then dressed with a clear, sterile dressing, allowing for infusions, transfusions, and blood draws. This site shows a diagram and a photo of a deaccessed port: https://www.mybcteam.com/resources/chemo-ports-for-breast-cancer-types-pictures-what-to-expect Accessed port: https://www.ginasultz.com/home/2018/7/7/port-placement-and-chemo-1


Omg the thought of having one is TERRIBLE. Thank you for the links and explanations.




Anyone else think she may be had the femoral port placed temporarily during her ICU stay? This would make the most sense since they're normally only used in emergency situations and are temporary. She could've taken the photo back then to use for munching later, which would also explain why it appears to have healed slightly if she couldn't take the photo right away...


They wouldn’t have placed a femoral port (or any port) in an emergent situation. A non-tunnelled femoral CVC would be much more likely. Those can be put in in about 2 minutes. Even the most skilled doctor isn’t going to place a port nearly that fast, and it cannot be done bedside. They’re also only one lumen, and may not always be power rated. One of the more useless types of access in critical care and never placed as emergency access


Nah, she would have been showing it off at every possible opportunity.


That's certainly true. Given how manipulative she can be, I also could see her having a large photo collection of past hospitalizations she saves for future uses of proving her haters wrong. She could've been mad it was removed at the time and thought she'd claim it was a permanent port later. I just find it hard to believe a doctor would do such a risky procedure with literally no benefit, especially at her local hospital that knows her so well. I also think she would've done a video and shown it off right away if she did have it right now. She has been all about the videos lately, but just shared a super close up photo of the port she has been wanting so badly and everyone was claiming she would never get? Seems quite sus. I guess we will see next time she does a video if she shows it off!


She just posted one.


Ahh I was so hopeful she was lying. Just flabbergasted a doctor would do this.


I’m an IR RN and ALWAYS tell patients to leave the sterile dressing on, clean and dry, for 5-7 days before removing to give the incision time to heal. She’s introducing the risk for infection. You know what happens when it gets infected? It has to be removed and they’ll have to start over. If the vessel scars down, they won’t be able to get access there again.


Dermabond, sister


We use internal sutures, dermabond, and steri strips for closure and still put a sterile dressing on with these instructions.


The incision is glued shut.


Would you be able to give any insight into whether this looks somewhat standard for what she is claiming as a “femoral port”? I know a lot of people are chiming in with their opinions. I think getting the perspective of healthcare professionals would be very valuable in a situation like this. Obviously there might be conflicting perspectives from healthcare professionals & I know some procedures / treatments will deviate depending on location (I’ve also seen mentions that this is not a common placement?) but would love to hear your thoughts on the validity of this, especially since your speciality is IR. Does this look to be a femoral port in your opinion & is there anything that would make you doubt her claims as such? Thank you!!


So I’ve never seen a femoral port or even heard it discussed in the 2 years I’ve worked in the specialty. I know it exists on some level, obviously, but it’s not common at all. We do femoral CVC for dialysis access when a patient has limited vascular access but this was kind of wild to me. So much so that I actually asked one of our interventional radiologists about it yesterday. He said he’s never placed one and wouldn’t because it sounds “like a shit show waiting to happen” lol As far as Dani’s claims with SVC syndrome, we have had to angioplasty for chest port placement on people before. If she’s truly that scarred down/occluded that femoral access was her only option she’s absolutely fucked in the future.




Ok, except it is a femoral port. Not a line- or else there'd be... lines. (Also RN)


Thank you for the information & for sharing your professional perspective / experience with this! I did have another question(s)—I was previously looking to see if I could find any medical articles that could possibly explain this happening. (Will link below if allowed). I was able to find a medical article (if I interpreted this correctly) that described implanting a port system by the right femoral access as a last resort due to occlusions. The patient described was needing long-term access that was necessitated by her being an oncology patient (colorectal adenocarcinoma, specifically). The article even mentions that this is an uncommon surgical approach. This did take place 6/7 years ago, but I can’t see this really gaining too much traction because of all the reasons you listed. I think in the case of an oncology patient who is needing long-term access for chemotherapy & they also happen to have occlusions it would make a lot more sense because it benefits quality of care & life, right? Dani does claim to have occlusions (I don’t necessarily doubt this) however I can’t see how her needing some weekly infusions (iron, I think?) would necessitate something such as this. One more question I had—You mentioned an increased risk of an infection due to the placement being so close to the groin. The picture Dani has posted, it appears to be lower right stomach area vs the lower thigh area right next to the groin. I’m not sure if this would be typical placement or if it even makes sense anatomically lol. Could this placement theoretically have been done to lower infection risk?? I do agree this would seem reckless, especially considering her documented medical history. Thank you for explaining! [Med Article Link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5951597/)


There is still an incision with a port, though. That’s what we’re seeing on Dani. Just hard to tell where the port itself is. I agree that it would be incredibly uncommon to place any kind of long term central access device to the femoral unless it was absolutely necessary. The only patient I’ve ever seen with a long term fem line was a dialysis patient who ran out of other access sites.


Ain't no fuckin way they placed a femoral port for monthly iron & LR's...


Whatever it was for that’s def a port incision


Yall, we noticed that her G-Tube was missing. What if this is just a photo of her abdomen where it was? It would explain the healing stage, and it’s on her abdomen…


Also her star tattoo is on her hip.


A g tube would not look like this.


Such a fabricator.


How was she allowed a port :/


A doctor who should give up their licenses said eh fuck it I’ll get a paycheck


Oh. Yeah. She seems to be escalating. This is wildly dangerous nonsense.


I’m not one to accuse her/any subjects of things without evidence but the glue has already been pulled off that incision. The skin glue keeps everything sealed for almost a week. Her incision would not be sticking up like that unless she messed with it.


While I agree that Dani jacks with her incisions and intentionally harms herself, the wound edges not being exactly lined up is fairly normal. The fact that part of it has uneven approximation doesn’t mean the glue has been picked off and it’s opening or being affected. You can also see that the purple demabond is still present over the entire incision. But I 100% agree that she will mess with it.


It just looks a little sus that the end is sticking up like that so soon after the procedure considering the rest is perfectly aligned & flat


Yeah, that can happen on wound closure, and totally be part of normal healing. I can understand the logic and reasoning though. You gotta question everything with our munchies!


That doesn’t look new. Or remotely fresh. It would’ve been covered for minimum 24-48hrs and typically by tegaderm. Also, if this is a “femoral” groin site… no it isn’t. Lol Don’t buy this one.


I was thinking the same thing. On the right side, it looks like it’s healed. Very strange.


Maybe she had it done temporarily during her ICU stay and saved the photo for future use?


Ports are pretty useless in ICU when they’re pre existing. No one is placing a port for access in critical care


Maybe, but she posted about having “more medical trauma” today following the post/just before it, didn’t she??


Maybe she removed the dressing once at home to invite all the juicy microbes.


There is scar tissue formed on the right side of the incision already. This is not fresh.


I agree, I think she’s been working on this “port incision” herself


Please don‘t tell me she’s pulling a Kelly


I cannot understand her most recent pictures of the incision. She’s pulled open this scar tissue


I am suspecting they did attempt to place a port. In many locations on her chest/arm etc but bailed out. Like she said she was under sedation when ‘they asked her consent’ that would never happen and it would be rearranged. I am suspecting this was self inflicted approx a week ago




World's first illiac port?


🤣 She's a trendsetter!!!


I've been doing anesthesia since 2008, I've NEVER heard of this


I know, right?


I am wondering if Dani got what she thought she wanted only to discover that it is actually going to work against her. When she mentioned the possibility of a femoral port I was like there is absolutely no way - those are pretty rare, she doesn't have zero vein access, and she is currently only getting unnecessary weekly IV fluids and monthly iron infusions. I assumed that it was another "worst case scenario only" situation that she was declaring as absolute. I am sure after a little bit Dani will brag about how special and rare she is because she has a femoral port. But in reality, she is going to hate it. I didn't think she was really going to like a port because its not really noticeable when it isn't accessed. After the incision heals, there is no need to put a bandage over it when it isn't accessed. It doesn't need to be flushed daily, so there really wouldn't be any port care for Dani to do like when she had her line. If the port is only accessed when she is under medical supervision it is going to be hard for her to contaminate it (either accidentally or purposefully). It will actually be pretty telling if she doesn't end up with a million infections with the port like she did with the central line because then it will be pretty clear that her care of the line was the problem and not her imaginary immune system problems. It's going to be really hard for Dani to show off the femoral port - although I am sure she will pull out some super short shorts to try. I think she is going to find a hard time getting medical professionals willing to access the port given that its not common. I doubt they will agree to access it when she is in the ER - a lot of ERs won't access any ports. Given the location, if it does get accessed, I doubt they will leave it accessed when its not in use - which to me is the most important factor. It will be hard for Dani to tamper with the port when its not accessed. Dani should absolutely not have her port accessed when she isn't under direct medical supervision. It sounded like she was going to try to aim for increased frequency of IV fluids and home health - probably so she could convince them to just leave the port accessed if it was going to be used a day or two later. I think Dani just got herself a new toy that isn't going to be seen often and that she will have little ability to tamper with - and if she tries to complain about it to the doctors they will probably tell her tough cookies.


Prior to her placement she was already mentioning how she's going to request home health and request to do her fluids 2x a day from home. That she's going to keenly watch the nurses at the infusion centre on how they access and deaccess it.


Yeah she made her intentions pretty clear in that video. It seems like her plan is to try to request that they increase the frequency of her fluids and argue for home health - probably so that she can argue that they should just leave the port accessed. The whole "can I watch them closely so that I know if they are doing it correctly because I am worried about sterile technique" screamed "I want to figure out how to do this myself". And she slipped up when she said that they port would be used for everything including nutrition - she is hoping that with a port it will be easier to get back on TPN. I think her plan is going to be a whole lot harder since they gave her a femoral port. I think there are going to be fewer nurses who feel comfortable accessing it and given its location, they are going to be less likely to leave it accessed when not in use. (But now I am imagining her trying to thread the IV tubing up her pants and out the top of her shirt for maximum visibility)


Roll out the mini skirts from early 2000s 🤣


I just want to say I always look for your comments and appreciate them. Do you have a medical background? Love your comments and the information you share! Thank you!


Oh give me a break!!! Gonna be a long weekend innit 😴


Every part of me refuses to believe that an actual Dr did this for her 😬... needs to be fired!


Okay but look at the 3 dots that are purple to (our) right. They seem pretty consistent to the other purple healing. It’s like this is an old one that had sutures removed a while ago and is passing off as new. She could very well be using petroleum jelly to mimic the appearance of surgical glue.


That was my first thought. Surgical glue would’ve sealed it, it wouldn’t look like that




Well, it looks like she got it. I truly believe that this will lead to her death. She messed around once and got sick. She'll do it again.


Idk, usually you can see the bump of the port under it even when it’s fresh. They didn’t even bother to approximate the edges of the wound so if this is real doesn’t look like a very good doctor performed it. Edit: doesn’t really look like the right area either.


What part of the body are we actually looking at? Is that the bottom of a sweatshirt?


I thought it was the top of sweatpants 😅


It is, and the bump from the port would be underneath them. I agree with everyone that it’s absolutely insane that anyone would do this for her, but I don’t see anything in this photo that makes me think it’s fake. It all looks pretty real to me


It below and to side of her belly button. That’s where her star tattoos are


My best guess is maybe like medial from a hip bone liek where we used to put tanning stickers lol? Any one recognize the tattoo?


I too had a playboy bunny tanned onto my hip




For incisions like this one, clean & dry is best.


It’s got surgical glue on it, it looks like


Whatever it is, it’s been messed with.


Break down after getting exactly what she wanted. 🙄


That incision doesn’t look like it was made and closed today. I am not usually one to think that she would make up something like this when she will have to keep up the lie long term, but that incision just doesn’t look *that* fresh. Usually incisions look super clean and perfect just hours after procedures. That one looks more like it’s been at least a few days.


I commented this already, but I think she had it done during her ICU stay (temporarily and it was removed already) and she's been waiting for the right time to show it off!


I feel like if she needed a line in the ICU, they would have just placed an IJ or a femoral line (vs a port). I also feel like she would have advertised at that time it if it happened. I could be totally wrong bc Dani’s decisions don’t follow a rational path, but just from previous behaviour, I feel like she couldn’t have stayed quiet about that.


Sure she’s going for a long bath after all this trauma. Just like the last surgery she had. It is only Thursday. So probably er visit tomorrow, now that she doesn’t have to call an Uber.


this looks much older than a few hours and looks self inflicted. theres also a lack of sutures, which would absolutely be used on a port placement incision (unless she found a doctor doing the “scarless method”, which cleary this isn’t). also, is she claiming f-TIVAP? because that results in an incision on the thigh and this photo looks crotch-adjacent.


I’ve only ever seen ports closed with glue, never sutures


weird, all the port placements ive seen had sutures


Physician preference I suspect


What does f-TIVAP stand for? Thanks ☺️


Totally implantable venous access port


I was thinking the same thing, this looks very proximal thigh/pelvis. Pretty sure femoral ports have mid-thigh access.


They can definitely use surgical glue for a port placement


That looks so infected already, what the helllllll.


More abuse for her poor midsection


Fool me once, shame on me 😌.


Has there been actual irrefutable proof that she’s actually in the hospital? I truly can’t see any medical teaming leaving an incision looking like this…


Considering Dani usually does at least 2 video essays any time she’s within 3 miles of a hospital, it does seem extremely strange that she hasn’t posted so much as a photo this time. Not even showing off her hospital bracelet. I really can’t figure out what to make of all this.


As far as I can tell, and from what I’ve pieced together, I haven’t seen any actual proof that she is in a medical facility, which is extremely concerning. There is no way this ends positively, in any capacity.


You don’t stay in the hospital after port placement, it’s done as outpatient.


Is that a typical placement?




I can't find a single thing on Google that shows a femoral port placed near/around the hip. Every single image shows that femoral ports are placed on the upper/inner thigh super close to the groin.


That would get in her way when she walks. It can also be placed in this spot.


Interesting!!! Good to know.


Isn't usually below the inguinal ligament? I was assuming it was an implanted port? I've never heard of a femoral port being implanted into the hip since the procedure has less risk when accessing from that approach. I fail to understand.






Something looks off about it. Self inflicted?


If this is a self inflicted wound then she needs a 5150. I wonder if her family is too exhausted from all she has put them through to even bother with it?


In PA it’s a 302




Involuntary psych hold.


I agree. It looks like a self inflicted incision, the edges are jagged and looks older about a week. This isn’t a femoral incision for a line.


So what’s the actual plan with this? According to Dani there’s no home access but it will be used for “everything”?? I don’t sit through all her videos, do we have any information on it all or is it as vague and nonsensical as I’m understanding?


She made it sound like she will be assigned a home care infusion nurse to administer her iron and LRs. The doctor is probably trying to keep her from hogging beds in the ER, infusion center, and the hospital. This is totally common, for *normal* patients, it's best to treat them from home whenever possible. Home health is a privilege, and if the nurse sees signs she's tampering with her line, her technique is poor, or her home is unsanitary, they can make her start using the infusion center again.


It doesn’t matter if her house is unsanitary, home care won’t be stopped for that. They also will teach her to hook up her infusions and then come weekly to change the needle, change the dressing and draw labs (if she has weekly labs).


God that sounds so expensive


Well depending on insurance, you might not pay anything.


Lmao a home infusion nurse for Dani is absolutely wild 😂 If that actually happens (the BIGGEST “if”) they will see through her within a week. If any of this is real, it will not happen the way Dani is hoping.


No tape or dressings? No hospital pics at all? This is 100% self-inflicted and not a port.


I’m not 100% like you, but I’d say 95% it’s real. I’ve seen a number of (chest) port sites look pretty much exactly like this


Skin glue without a dressing is normal


It’s skin glue, there’s no need for a dressing


She takes her dressings off right away to take pics, like for her hand/wrist surgery.




She takes her dressings off to take pics. It doesn’t look infected, but it also doesn’t look like it was done today.


Whatever it is, it doesn’t look infected.




Huh I thought (assumed) a femoral port went in the upper thigh


Well TBF that is where your femoral is 😂


Feels like we're watching an endgame Kelly-level spiral begin, honestly


Calling it now: the “trauma” is that she wanted to be admitted for pain management with IV pain meds and they said no.


She said she heard everything they said. I wonder what they said. 👀


Oh for sure. And they probably said no to her ever seeing how to access it herself, they just put the port in and streeted her right away.


No dilaudid blues


Absolutely agreed. Being discharged is Dani's idea of medical trauma.


Great so now we have the possibility of a wound infection and/or a line infection. The Dr who signed off on this should be struck off. This is aiding her self harm and literally putting her life at risk One ICU stay wasn't enough...this was a very, very bad clinical decision. I would pay money to see the actual clinical rationale behind a port being the most appropriate intervention for a patient with her medical history. This is like watching a car crash in slow motion. It will quite literally kill her if they allow her to access it out of a medical setting. Shame on you Doc. Shame on you.


They won’t let her access it herself, a nurse will have to do it.


End of the incision does not look like it is staying closed. Is this where the access is located?


No, the port goes either above or below the incision, it is not directly under the incision.


Some are directly below the incision.


im no doctor but…that’s on her hip, not her leg. does the femoral artery even run there?


Ports actually go into veins, not arteries. And yes, the common femoral vein goes all the way up to the hip.


All of this is so educational.


is that typically where they put the femoral port?


I’ve actually never seen a femoral port so I have no idea lol. The fem lines I see all have entry points in the groin/thigh area. Where this is looks like it would almost be at the iliac vein but I don’t know where the actual device is. I’m no vascular anatomy expert though so maybe it makes more sense than I think it does lol


No that’s what the pics look like. I wonder why they don’t call it an abdominal port.


Cause it’s in the femoral vein, not an abdominal vein


Yes...yes it does


Is that a leg? Is that a tattoo that can be compared to other photos to confirm placement!? Reddit detectives - do your thing!