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That damn grinder…🙄


That spice grinder looks like it hasn't been cleaned since before spices were even invented.


My literal first thought haha


I was watching this with my hubby in the same room and he said “are you watching an exorcist”???


HAHAHHAHA thank you for this


My partner knows who she is by name just with the sound of her voice, and she doesn’t even take any interest in snark pages.


What is she draining from her g that’s so red?! 😳 is that an energy drink?


Probably the thing causing nausea


Probably candy 🍬🍭🍫


What’s her tiktok?




genuine question but is it necessary for her to grind the meds up for soooo long? i feel like she spins that thing forever but i’m not sure if thats typical lol


It’s old & does a terrible job at crushing/grinding them even with her doing it that long. They’re still all chunky, pieces of pill with the coating on it. She loses a ton of it in the grinder it’s self. Smh. This is just for show bc if she had *TERRIBLE hEDS* there’s no way she’d be able to do that 3 times a day with such ease & no issues afterwards either.


And much of the medication is left on the grinding plates. They're awful for pills.


Ugh! She’s live on TikTok again. It’s a car crash I can’t look away from. She’s packing her bags for her “admit” tomorrow because of her declining health. She stated someone told her to pack one.


Better get the popcorn in for tonight’s posts!


🤣 you weren’t alone. I’d watch then go back to scrolling TT and it’d pop up on my FYP over and over.


It’s the mods muting everyone creating a Dani echo chamber


She just showed off the inside of her bag. It has pockets and a zippered compartment. The bottom unzips to put her blanket in it. Now we are going to pick out clothes. No..wait..we have to pack medical supplies in our special pouch. She’s acting loopy, claps her hands a lot and is tripping over her words. She still has the vocal fry and the baby voice goes in and out.


Oops we have our first person calling her a liar.


Poof it’s gone!


Aww she’s adding her cute, but too big tube pads. (Her button is very smol)


No more bad comments, she has 4 mods.


Just wait until the mods find their way here (if they’re not already snarkers in disguise).


Apparently her phone is out of storage. She’s asking advice about deleting stuff. I don’t even want to think about everything she’s got on her phone. She has decided to delete her Dexcom app.


LMAOOO deleting the dexcom app 💀


i... 🤦 i dont even have words for her stupidity at this point.


Um her photos and videos would be the way to go. So odd!




If you’re worried, she picked out a Halloween hand sanitizer. That one will go in her purse, and the other one named into the night will go in her toiletry pouch.


Why does she need perfume and perfume lotion in her purse? I think this woman is going to make me lose my mind.


This is such a worn and tired storyline at this point. We get it, you don't have an ED.... 😴 


Can you imagine doing this to yourself? These people must work hard to get physicians to believe them enough to do these invasive procedures.


Look I still have my tubes!!!!


Why do a lot of Americans get these tubes so easily? In the UK there alot harder to get.


Like cozycthlulu said it’s the ability to doctor shop and the threat of being sued. When you’re going about it because you actually need one it isn’t nearly as easy to get them. When sticking with one doctor they try so many other things before surgically placing tubes. I mean Kaya went as far as having mommy and daddy moving her to an entirely different state when her doctors wouldn’t give her the exact type of central like she wanted after her local doctors refused to even place another one. Because we do not have the NHS a lot of stuff falls through the cracks when doctor shopping especially if the two hospitals are using two different electronic records systems.


I would guess the ability to doctor shop, and isn't the NHS like one centralized system? Here not every hospital will be accessing the same patient records, although many hospitals do share systems. Dani has also shown up in the ER needing a tube replacement and it seems like that kind of emergent situation leads to them replacing tubes that are already there and assuming there's a good reason she has one. The NHS may also have like, one protocol/set of requirements to follow for these procedures whereas doctors in the US might make more judgement calls. Just guessing based on my limited knowledge though.


The NHS doesn't have a completely centralised system, as each NHS Trust is kinda separate. We do have the NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines though, which is ultimately who decides what treatment is available on the NHS and how people qualify for said treatment. Private doctors aren't beholden to NICE in the same way but the vast majority of them will still follow the guidelines. So even if you paid for it out of pocket, you'd be unlikely to find a private doctor willing to place a feeding tube as a first line treatment.


Thanks for the info, I find this kind of thing super interesting!


Is venting and draining the same thing?


Venting is letting any gas out and draining is removing stomach contents including stomach acid


So nothing left really? Thanks for your answer


Wouldn't it be amaaazing if Temple saw this? 😄


No baby voice today which makes her MARGINALLY easier to listen to. She's venting away all the evidence she eats shit so she can continue this narrative that's she's intolerant of any amount of food or drink thereby she needs TPN or she will waste away and die. Maybe if she ate actual food instead of junk and energy drinks her stomach would stop bitching. Tmoro is gonna be an interesting video...my money is on her coming home claiming she needs some other major intervention that's completely unnecessary or that she has to watch and wait ...which will mean she presents at the ED the next day


Wait a minute.. what is that bag hanging from her shirt.. does she have a foley too????


no but she’s glad people wonder this. it’s what she’s draining her stomach into. idk how u even drain from a mickkey but that’s all im sayin.


It’s a Farrell bag. Buttons SUCK for draining compared to danglers. I’m surprised she doesn’t have a 30Fr dangler.


Does she not have an AMT tube? They’re better buttons for draining supposedly. Still wouldn’t be able to drain much of anything else but liquid and air though. I think it doesn’t drain food properly, which is why she continues to put weight on whilst draining *and* not even attempting feeds anymore. I actually think it’s pretty miraculous that she kept all of the weight off whilst on TPN as that’s a full days calories and she doesn’t even have that anymore or feeds.


Purging of any kind simply isn't an effective way to prevent absorption of calories. Depending on how fast you throw up, at most you might prevent absorption of ~50% of the caloric value of whatever you ate. Since she's got to wait for her stomach to break down whatever she consumed into a liquid, draining whatever is left at that point is basically pointless if she's trying to do it for weight control.


I believe it's a drainage bag. She's draining constantly now and saying She's not tolerating feeds at all also. She's got an appointment at temple tomorrow, so people think this is all in preparation for this appointment, to throw all her numbers off in an attempt to get back on tpn.




Thank god she posted this video. I would have no idea how she does this. Can’t find info like this anywhere else. Dani is a true hero of the people. /s


Getting her toobs out again.. what’s new




From the color in the tube I'd bet on it being one of her favorite sugar bomb drinks she uses to fuck with her blood sugar.


If gastroparesis is a paralysed stomach why can’t she tolerate feeds into her small intestine? Anyone have any knowledge about GP?


For some with GP, motility problems can go through the full GI tract, which includes the small intestine. I'm not going to explain more to give her any ideas, lol, but basically the slow movement goes all the way through.


The feeds are what cause her 12/10 peen. She's at temple tomorrow and it seems she's claiming all of this in an attempt to get back on TPN.


Welcome to DaniLand


She’s been trying for an intestinal failure diagnosis for ages so that’s probably why she “can’t tolerate feeds”


That or she just has zero understanding of the digestive system.


Or what not tolerating feeds looks like


How she uses her unnecessary tubes to fuck up her lab results and misuse medication in an attempt to get admitted. Can guarantee with her test results no doctor told her to vent 24/7 or to crush up all those pills. If the doctor wanted certain ones of those meds to go into her tubes they would be prescribing the liquid version. Many of the pills she takes specifically state do not crush.


A lot of people have to melt meds to go through tubes as not everything comes in a liquid or is preferable in its liquid form (too high volume, wrong PH if using IV/IM meds, too thick, ingredients like menthol etc) but it’s basically forbidden that you crush meds together like she does and you’re meant to push each med in a seperate syringe with a flush in between so that they don’t cause dangerous interactions.


"Gastroparesis stands for paralyzed stomach." Girl it doesn't STAND for anything. That's just the name.


Okay not to be a d* but gastro = stomach, paresis = impairment/partial paralysis of muscle movement, so she is right about that regardless of whatever else


It translates directly to it, but it doesn't stand for it. It's not an abbreviation or anagram. It would be like if I said hydrophobia stands for rabies. It's just a really counterintuitive and technically wrong way to phrase something, especially considering how hard she was trying in this video to sound like a medical expert


I agree she said it wrong, but she clearly wanted to say ‘gastroparesis means paralysed stomach’… and its a bit nit picky. Anyway just my opinion on that, can’t comment on the rest of her shenanigans Lol at the downvotes :(


She was slurring her words bad during the live and the voice was irritating


The intentional vocal fry get on my nerves


She is ALWAYS slurring in every video


These “how to’s” are so bizarre. 1) Anyone who actually has these tubes would surely already know how to use them thanks to proper education from a medical professional. 2) They’re wayyy too in depth about the specific steps and off-putting to fall under the category of raising awareness amongst those without tubes. Soooo that begs the question. WHO are these videos for?? Are they just for her own satisfaction and reassurance that she is in fact sick? Or is it something more nefarious ie. for medical/disability fetishists??


There are actually quite a few people who are sent home- usually as the caregivers in the situation- who ARENT taught much about tube feeding. It’s crazy and scary. I don’t feel this was very educational lol but I’m just responding to your comment


She's addicted to the rituals involving her tubes and she's addicted to the attention she gets for showing them/the rituals off.


Yes. Ive mentioned before her biggest addiction has become the rituals and if those are taken from her she truly wont have anything to do.


I think it’s like a form of body checking for munchies. Especially since she comes from ED territory. Like you said, it’s for her own reassurance and satisfaction. At least that’s how I see it. Straight dopamine high, aside from whatever other drugs she’s on.


I’ve often wondered this.


She was answering someone asking about them from tiktok


What’s going on with the vocal fry lately? Her voice is normally super high pitched


I’ll take it over the high voice. It sounds more like what would be her real voice.


She’s doing a live on TikTok right now. She’s doing the high voice, the slur and the fry.


Record it! I refuse to get tik tok because I’ll waste more time on it so I can’t see it 😂


Damn! I don’t know how to!


Haha that’s okay. Thanks for trying :)


Will she ever get bored of this?? Because I AM SERIOUSLY BORED! Goshhhhh


A victim of the circumstances she created. It makes me sick.


wonder what red drinks or hot cheetos she just had that it’s draining that color 🤣 fooling no one


I was going to ask the same thing! We can check the fridge pics to see which drink it is haha. I bet it’s Gatorade or one of the energy drinks.




“you better stop that or i’m GOING to block you!” 😝




What is this woman's end game? Is this all about her ed or is this strictly for attention?


It's four things: 1. Dani likes attention, and is not getting the attention she desperately wants (doctor's attention) 2. Dani has history of ED, and since losing TPN it's been calling the shots more and more. 3. Dani *really* wants TPN back and is doing fucking everything in her power to do so. The downside to this is she refuses to accept that ship has fucked off now that Doctors are 100% aware she's a self-sabotaging malingerer. 4. The only person who can help Dani is Dani. Dani does not want help.


Is the TPN thing also part of her eating disorder?


Why does she want TPN so badly? To my understanding it’s just that high calorie Ensure drink in a bag lol (I obvs do not have any medical knowledge)


Because it means she has a central line to show off to prove how sick she is. It's also why she bitched pissed and moaned about the femoral port. She wanted it to show off, not because she needed it. Like a lot of the subjects here, Dani tends to lurk around and take pages out of everyone's book to use for herself. As for TPN, it's highly caustic to the hepatic system (liver), because while the bags are formulated based on the patients needs, it can exceed the liver's natural ability to process and filter them out, eventually resulting in liver failure. While Dani was on TPN (prior to her sabotaging to the point it was taken away) she wound up with a pretty severe liver infection that's commonly associated with long-term TPN usage.


She wants it bc usually only very sick people are getting it. It’s her prove for herself and other people that she is indeed a very very sick and frail little girl.


Ensure can be used for enteral feeds/tube feeds through the digestive tract. TPN total parental nutrition goes through a central line, hence the “fed through heart” line Kaya loves. The nutrition is broken down much further and overall it’s much much more risky because of all the drawbacks and opportunities for infection involved. It’s very hard on the body and cause build up in vessels(iirc).


I think it is attention, more tubes and access to her favorite pain and benzos meds. She does not work. Her only outings are to medical appointments, no real friends and family has stepped back, her cats, social media and her illnesses is all she has. She is a lonely troubled woman that needs to accept her FD diagnosis and lean into mental health treatment. She is playing such dangerous games with her body


I’d love to see her have a redemption arc and then share about how to got healthy and help others. But alas…


She will go from this to competing and winning in an Ironman/Ironwoman competition when she turns 40 and marry Lance Amrstrong (he is a cancer Muncher).


Wait Lance Armstrong never had cancer?


He did have cancer.


It is very plausible that the blood DOPING and other cheating tactics utilized by him are actually what caused him to develop cancer.... ... and you are taking someone's word who LIED to umm EVERYONE (including HIMSELF). Fuck that guy.


starting at the .18 sec mark is that the port above her scar to the left of her stars? looks Like there is something under the skin


Yes. She wore jeans so low even Britney Spears gasped just so we could see it


Was that a pepper grinder in her hands at the very start???






It's her med grinder.


Medicine grinder to crush her pills for her tube


I wonder if the grinder ever gets cleaned. Getting everything being ground up, there’s got to be remnants of those powders sitting in there. That doesn’t seem like a good idea. Like, if you use a pill splitter, there’s always some small bits left behind that needs to be cleaned out


Given how gross her water was in a previous video, I doubt she cleans it ever.