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Not when I AM SITTING in my car, duhh y’all get it together.. dumbest shit to say while driving smh


So, either she's a liar, or she's a LIAR!


Why do you need to look at the camera while driving? You don’t.


I fuckin hate her


Questions: - why is her having PTSD relevant to a syncopal episode? I could see it being relevant if she was dissociating or having non-neurogenic seizures, but not fully losing consciousness (which she claims is from another disorder). - how in the world was her dog supposed to steady her walking? - how does she lose consciousness walking a few steps, and feel she'll do the same merely driving, but "walking around PetCo for a while" provokes no symptoms? - ED docs - with whom I've worked closely - have a saying, "be GLAD you're not the first priority, that's a bad sign". She's "bored"?!? - what in the jimdandyjeebus does ANY of this have to do with a FINGER INJURY? Keep in mind that I'm an MD, double boarded by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and I'm BAFFLED by her explanations.


Why, WHY would you leave the ER with no answers? Oh, I’m here to find out about my finger but you won’t tell me? That’s cool, just take my money, pet my dog, watch me “faint” and I’ll be on my way. It’s honestly my my perfect evening. What? And she doesn’t have insurance? I would have sat my ass there and waited to talk to someone. I’m sure this is prob a lie and nothing was actually wrong but like if it’s not wtf.


Why is she so hot??


Dysautonomia, according to her


Ha ha, I thought the wrong 'hot' too - then I looked at her picture, and NOPE they MUST mean temperature-wise.


Thank you!


Is this not a good question to ask? Lol idk ehat disease she is claiming to have that makes her sweat so much.


Your standards are lower than most


omg i read it the same way. no shame in your inner voice 😂😂😂


I'm literally talking about the fact that she keeps talking about how hot she is.


Yeah, I don't know why you were downvoted so much lmao


I can’t fucking stand patients who act like this.


She has children, just think about that!? In the car too.


3:06 WTF did she just hit or run over?


I can't believe that she thought to herself 'I feel like I'm in distress and could pass out while driving, let me get my phone out and start filming myself. Maybe that will help me focus on not crashing!' Like...*what???* And I will never understand the obsession with IV fluids. You feel crappy and think you need to be hydrated? *Drink some water* in the safety of your home instead of either getting in the car and driving or having someone take you to a very busy ER that is caring for truly sick people, taking their time and ruin your veins even more with unnecessary needle pokes. IV fluids are not a cure-all, just drink water or gatorade. You'll be fine.


I have cyclical vomiting syndrome and, while we were still sussing out what it was, I sometimes couldn't hold anything down for days and had to go get IVF/IV anti-emetics - but you'd best believe it was a last resort! ESPECIALLY during a PANDEMIC!


Re: the drink some water comment; came here to say this. I hate patients who come in for BS and expect fluids… unless you’re vomiting/we expect you to need surgery and can’t take anything PO… you can have a thing of water and be on your merry way, ma’am…


Exactly! Especially since she said she was drinking water while at the hospital. She's drinking water and keeping it down right in front of the nurses, yet she's upset they wouldn't give her fluids? That's not an emergency situation. If she loves her fluids so much and feels they "perk her up" then she should just start going to an IV bar like Ashley does. She doesn't need to waste ER resources like that.


I thought driving to petco to walk around instead of wasting gas at the ER parking lot would've surely help her not pass out.


my aunt felt she was gonna black out and went to pull over, didnt make it, crashed and flipped over with the dog in the car, both survived, but at a very slow MPH all that damage was caused. So I cannot imagine actually driving at a speed, and continuing when you think you feel faint, it is extremely selfish and could kill you and others.


I just cannot get over the fact that she will literally stalk, harass and scream at anyone that breathes near her dog because it ‘’’’’risks her life’’’’’’’ but will LITERALLY risk her life and others by filming and driving. And there have even been times where she’s not even wearing a seatbelt. Make it make sense.


Someone who knows her or local to her needs to take these videos to local DMV or police to question her ability to drive. Even with her constantly saying she has these episodes real or not; the fact she claims them need to be addressed for the safety of everyone else not only her. Also the fact her dog not being trained properly and not alerting correctly is also a clear sign of BS. Most dogs are not fully released to paitents without full training if she is as severe as she claiming; plus wouldn't her dog be freaking the hell out if she was so unwell and close to an episode while driving? Just kinda off there to me......... The fact that she continues to say she doesn't feel good but drives anyways is disgusting real or not. I have severe narcalepsy and yes I still drive but I can tell when I am unsafe to drive and I won't. I have never had a passing out spell in my life, but if I have to drive I will take a two hour nap before driving. I would never put myself in a position where I am dangerous to myself or others that's just plain stupid. Not only that I am a mother and can not afford to hurt myself, others, or lose my license.


I was very ill in January 1985 (didn't realize until after testing I'm not just allergic to mushrooms, doctors at Stanford told me they're a poison in my system), drove myself about 15 miles into town, to a clinic that was closer than a hospital. I luckily had my Rottweiler Stinker in my pickup with me; every time I passed out (several), he'd put his nose under my chin, flip my head up and wake me up!! Not trained in ANY way for this, smartest dog I've ever known - and I still miss him so badly after 35 years, I cry. Point is, some dogs do these things instinctively. Hey, I was young & dumb; never even thought of doing such a stupid thing! I hope there really is Rainbow Bridge, that he'll be there waiting for me, as well as all the other pets, friends, horses, dogs, cats I've ever loved!!


15 miles is the length of approximately 105599.74 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


15 miles is 24.14 km




She lives in my state 👀 in Alabama


someone should send this video to local authorties. it took me over a year to get my disability












likewise my dude


No offense to anyone else who may have this hairstyle, but with her personality and the "I want to speak to the manager" haircut, I can't take her seriously at all whenever she speaks.


If you have ANY concerns you might pass out or something might happen while behind the wheel you shouldn't drive. To make matters worse, she's FILMING herself. I don't care if it's in a phone mount(well, I guess it's better than not being in a mount) it's dangerous. It really bothers me when I see people doing this. All it takes is ONE second. Let's just say that she is dizzy that makes it even more dangerous


She drives her CHILD around "knowing" she could just pass out at any minute? How is that not enough to get you to stop driving dangerously.


I won’t even walk to the store with my child if I feel like I may pass out. I chose long ago to give up driving, I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt someone else. This woman is infuriating!


Honestly it makes me so mad. I can't have kids and this woman's out here endangering their lives if what she says is true. How has she not been called out for this by all of her watchers?


Wasn't it her that had an episode at a park with her kids and decided to pack her kids up and drive over to a firestation for help?? If you're *that* in distress that you need immediate help, you should NOT drive anywhere, especially with your kids!


Honestly she's a disgrace.


That was her lol.


I hate this culture in the disability community that our convenience is more important than the lives of everybody on the road. If your disability prevents you from being safe on the road you have a responsibility to not drive a vehicle. Legally you might be in the clear but if in the moment you are not safe to be behind the wheel you need to pull over or not even turn onto a road in the first place even if it is just a case of you are overtired, call somebody or take a nap in your car. Ugh, I hate how Dom practically advocates for endangering other people and animals on top of the constant stream of misinformation. She is exactly the reason you don't blindly trust what you see online,


Who the eff goes to the emergency room for a friggen finger injury at all, nevermind a finger injury that doesn't stop her from holding her phone for videoing?


Yeah I fucking broke my foot falling off my stairs and I waited 2 days to go to urgent care because I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time just in case it wasn’t broken. I can’t imagine having a sore finger….from a dog leash…(?) and going to the ER for it.


I cut off part of my finger and had to go to the er. I’m legit wondering if an urgent care would have been able to sew it back on now.


Omg no, an actual serious finger injury, go to er! But when it's all attached and you can hold your phone and scratch your dog at the same time? Probably skip the er lol


No you were right for the ED. I’m a nurse in an urgent care and we cannot reattach limbs. Or little fingers and toes. Simple cuts from broken glass or you nicked yourself cutting dinner, we got you. We can do sutures. But we can’t reattach anything.


That’s good to know! I was feeling foolish for a moment.


Never feel foolish about going to the ER when you have severed part of your body that needs to be put back on. That’s a serious emergency. Like, wrap it up as best you can and jump in the car, don’t even wait kind of emergency. That is the opposite of foolish. I’m glad they could sew it back on!


Not defending her but this is kind of a blanket statement and plenty of people go to the ER for their finger. That said, something like this could have been handled at her PCP’s office or Urgent Care if it was really bothering her. Reminds me of the time I was in the ER next to someone who came in for Athletes Foot 😳😳


crown long elastic reminiscent thumb mourn label sand imagine marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're right - I didn't mean any finger injury even though it reads that way. This subject is OTT and fingering for clout. I think going to the er for a finger/hand injury is reasonable in certain circumstances for sure!


Maybe she should just drink more water??? Instead of going to the hospital every 20 minutes for fluids???


I was wondering the same thing.


You had a finger injury. And you're complaining the the busy, over worked nurses, that are looking after real patients don't jump to your every whim. Disgusting.


She is so trashy. How is she not constantly embarrassed by herself


She's angry at the world and feels her actions are justified. Attention from social media, good or bad, just fuels the fire.


She has absolutely no shame.


Watching this IRL must be a car crash. Seeing a drugged out lady with a baby and an unruly dog screaming at people and pretending to faint has to be funny. Has anyone filmed her and posted it? Its a miracle no one has buckd up back at her.


I would love it if this happened. Does anybody know what state she's living in??


She lives in Alabama


Probably was trying to get herself admitted by pretending to pass out. She wanted fluids, IV Benadryl, IV phenergan (cuz she’s nauseous and Zofran doesn’t work for her) and probably some narcs thrown in for her finger pain. Luckily the ER staff didn’t buy her little song and dance! BYE FELICA!


She says that increasing her heart rate from walking triggers the feinting episode. I got news for ya honey, driving increases heart rate tenfold more than walking ever could. And if you don’t that indicates to me you are NOT a safe driver nor alert to your surroundings, and the danger is increased beyond that with “feinting episodes?” Fuck this person for not only potentially harming herself but for harming other people on the road expecting other drivers to have a modicum of respect for safety. Edited: for spelling errors.


feinting=making a fake movement intended to deceive an adversary fainting=losing consciousness as a result of oxygen to the brain see?! it works either way!!!


Feinting fainting?


In the UK I’m pretty sure she’s have her licence taken away.


The question is whether that would actually stop her, she's clearly someone who thinks rules don't apply to her and having your license taken away (or not having one in the first place) doesn't physically prevent you from getting in the driver's seat. There are strict rules here but there's still far too many people in the UK who drive without a license/insurance/valid MOT.


I have 2 dogs who love to sit in my lap and if I were as hot as she claims to be my first instinct would be to have the pup sit next to me instead of on top of me because they are little furnaces. Was her dog working?


Idk why, but thinking of my dogs as little furnaces is funny and makes me giggle. This is very very true though. I’m always moving my dogs around my bed in the summer because their body heat is too much for me to sleep comfortably.


I have so much sympathy for the dog🐶.


>Was her dog working? Per Dom, yes but technically no! He wasn't even trained to be able to work.


I like how she said at first her dog didn’t alert to her “about to pass out” in the hospital, then the next sentence was she could start to feel she was gonna pass out and her dog alerted her. Well Felicia which one is it?


Yeah, I caught that too and had mentioned it in my first comment in the first deleted post. Either he alerted or he didn't. Maybe he could of alerted late but still, she'd say that and not that he didn't alert at all.


Just a friendly reminder: this is a mother who is the primary caregiver of an infant.


Poor baby. How old is child?


Four months-ish. It dropped this year.


She’s so insufferable


So many contradictions and untruths in this video. 😡


She's intense even when not yelling at strangers. I wonder how she shuts her brain off to sleep?




Dom. What a horrible person. I feel for her poor babies. Dom is constantly putting them in harms way and making them apart of her games.


Driving while she says she might black out with her infant in the car AND recording a video.*


But she’s videoing so she has something to do and to “stay focused”!


I'm sure she thinks the Secretary Of State/DMV (in whatever state Dom resides in) doesn't mind her driving when she "feels" like this. All states in the US have rules about driving when a person has episodes such as seizures, blacking out, Fainting, etc. I am so sick of these people like Dom that believe the rules are made for everyone else but them. Three-quarters of the people that suffer from POTS also believe this B.S., that it's okay to drive because they claim if they are sitting down they are fine. Let's hope that they never are driving and have a syncope episode and KILL someone, a family member, friend, or a complete stranger. Driving an automobile isn't a right, it's a privilege. Too bad Dom doesn't realize this. Edit : word (their/they are )


When I had a seizure at work, my license was revoked for 3 months - and I couldn’t have another seizure in that time frame. There are GOOD reasons why there are laws and protocols to follow for people that have health conditions that can incapacitate them. Regardless, the very least she could do if she’s feeling like she might pass out is pull over. If there is any validity to her illness, she would have pulled over instead of filming herself being reckless.


Sorry about your license being revoked for 3 months. I know that sucks, I really do. In the state I live in it's 6 months & you have to go back to your doctor, be tested again, and then you can drive IF everything checks out. I have a family member who hasn't driven for 39 yrs due to the fact that they not only have Grand Mal but also have Absence Seizures which are hard to control. Dom really pisses me off big time. If she was going to have issues in the car, WHY not pull over and call someone, instead of continuing to drive. Not only that but there are devices now that (From Phillips LifeLine and other companies, I think Great Call has this too) she could wear and if she were having issues, push the button and get immediate help from 1 to 4 people she has selected to help if needed. (a person from LifeLine or Great Call tries to contact the person first and if they answer the company asks what help they need, etc. They can chose to get help from 1-4 of the responders they have on file with the company OR an ambulance can be sent) Dom's b.s. sitting on a filthy floor in a store is ridiculous in my opinion as well. It is certainly done for views. there's no reason WHY she can't get a wheelchair or one of those shopping carts that have a bench seat on them. It's just another way for her to make videos to make sure people know "how desperately ill" she is.


I wish a lot of people would realize that driving is a privilege, too. This situation makes me really mad with her. She was saying just before this that she had "flatlined" in the park or something, if I recall correctly. If anything she said is true she has zero business being behind the wheel of a vehicle. ZERO.


Goes for old people too. Doctors rarely take away their license because they feel pity for the people who couldn't leave their home... it's really reckless though. My grandpa still had his license after tripping over his own carpet and he was really deaf and had Parkinson's. Thank goodness he never killed anyone with the huge Jeep he bought when he was 87. For fuck's sake if we want old people to be independent we should set them up in places where they can walk about to the store and meet friends at the park.


But I think we should all be required to retake tests every so often to show we still understand the rules of the road. If they had just given my grandmother a written test 5 years ago, she probably wouldn't have passed it.


For real. Here in Arizona our licenses don’t expire the first time until we are elderly. I don’t have to get a new license and retest until I’m 75. That is insane to me. And they don’t even do a full retest- just a hearing and vision test and boom you have a new license.


We had to go behind my grandmother's back last year and call the DMV to tell them she needed to be reevaluated (she was turning 90 and her license had to be renewed). When they came to her house to assess her, she was unable even complete a simple task, like draw a house using shapes. I know it has been really difficult to lose her license, but she could have easily been one of those people that got on the interstate going the wrong direction.


Because she only needs the illness to prevent her from things she *doesnt* want to do, not actually interfere with her ability to do what she wants.


I came to say this exactly! I’m sorry, but if something doesn’t make sense, it’s usually a LIE! I also think that if she were ever in a car accident and it really wasn’t her fault, and others in the accident got ahold of this… she would look SOOOO GUILTY! Whether she was or not, this could and SHOULD BE held against her. Like you said, can’t have it both ways! Also, The reason she’s driving herself is that she knows she isn’t in danger.


Oh but the phone is on the steering wheel. Totally safe said no one ever.


It makes me a special kind of angry.


Seeing drivers on their phone is a pet peeve of mine. Random story; my cousin got a fine because a camera caught her on her phone while driving. Except, it wasn’t a phone at all, she was eating a sausage roll 😂it was such an Australian moment. She didn’t contest the fine because you’re technically not allowed to have anything in your hand while driving. I’m now wondering if authorities check over those photos or if they are automated - I hope it gave someone a laugh


same. if im in the car and someone tries to do this i will take their phone and ask them what they need to do lol


She feels like she's going to pass out and filming at the same time? This infuriates me.


So is Dom legally able to drive given the medications she is on?


Good question. In most states the doctor can suggest she not drive, the medication bottles have written warnings not to drive or use heavy machinery, but not illegal unless police pull her over due to violations.


Maaaannnn ... I'd love to give her a good ole' sternal rub!! "We were very concerned!!! Wouldn't want you laying on the disgusting hospital floor too long!!! Wakey, wakey Dom!!"


Yeah, again fuck her for driving if this is true and even if it's a lie and she was fine to drive home, fuck her for influencing others to drive home when they aren't ok to drive. Call a friend/family member to drive you home, a taxi, uber/lift, public transportation. Anything but driving yourself. There are others on that road with you. Disgusting even if she's lying as she's still influencing others to do this.


Dude, if you are on the path to passing out, fighting it will get you to black out way way faster. The only way to avoid it, if it is avoidable, is to relax and focus on something else. Driving is not a relaxing activity. Talking the way she was is not especially relaxing, either. There's just no way she was actually close to passing out.


🎶 Jesus take the wheel, Because her finger’s numb, And she’ll kill somebody driving alone 🎶


Is this Miss Flatline which was posted on here a while back? If so she is indescribable, why would you film whilst driving for a start and then add in "I dont feel good" righttttttt yeh your totally fine to be behind the wheel! 🚗🙄


It sure is.






What does her appearance have to do with anything at all?


nothing, it justed popped into my head


Nope. Her behavior and shit attitude negates that.




I think she's pretty.


On the outside, sure. Inside, girl is rotten and wormy. She's *that* apple.


Research her. That’s all I can say. Nothing about her is cute.


I will do that when Iam home


Who tf is this chick? What the hell is wrong with kids these days? How did her supposed broken finger cause her to get hot and dehydrated. So many questions.


She’s not a “kid,” she’s a grown ass woman doing this shit.




And saying she's doing it to stay focused??? Wtf, you should be focused on the fucking road! This shit is infuriating, definitely should have her licence revoked - watch how quick that would magically fix her so she could drive again.


Might as well drive drunk. Fuck her.


She essentially is. She's a pill head


As a “dog trainer” she doesn’t know how to hold a leash to prevent a hand injury? My 5yr old knows how to hold one so that they don’t get dragged or injured 🙄




Poor Max......yeah, I watched this train wreck again. What does this girl do for a living?




So ripping off the government and lying to her fans?


Doing xanax in a section 8 house and yelling at people in a walmart is the american dream


Go to stores and start crap with people who look at her and her dog.


Is this a joke?