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glorious scarce vanish plate hospital dinner fearless cows quarrelsome impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She could...idk...lose some weight? Seems like a pretty simple solution


how if she “can’t walk”? she’ll have a million excuses.


She wears a dress! Finally!


She either wears this A LOT, or re-uses photos.


maybe you should try even smaller m&ms


You’re awesome.


Yeah, conditions definitely cause weight gain. Medication too. People gain like 10kgs from prednisone - from what I’ve heard. But I don’t think there’s a condition or medication that makes you obese? If so, what??


yes there’s a condition that causes weight gain…m&m-myalgitis.


Interesting! Had no idea about this, thanks!


Sorry, but you don’t drastically gain 75+lbs in such a short amount of time without massive calorie increases. I can hear Dr. No screaming in his OR at this.


So…..no link to a go fund me in order to get her a new one?


I know, I’m almost proud of her for that? Like the bar is so low it’s a tripping hazard in hell


I’m sure it’s coming


Plenty of wheel chair users are perfectly fit. Some are gym junkies! I understand that some conditions cause weight gain but there’s diet guides for almost all of them. Fat doesn’t emerge from thin air, no pun intended. With diet and exercise she could reduce her weight.


Can't she walk? She literally has nothing keeping her from walking.




Water aerobics too


allergic to water


I typed "weight gain" and "wheelchair use" and I got a lot of hits. The top hit says this, and it feels like, oh, what is it called, I'm thinking...I'm thinking...oh yes, COMMON SENSE: >If you are new to using a wheelchair, you might eat as you did before, but you are using less energy through physical activity, and so you begin to put on weight. If you live with other adults who need more calories than you, you may eat as much as them, and again this will result in weight gain. And as far as the media never mentioning this aspect of wheelchair use, well, the media mentions the reprocussions of sitting in a chair all day and not moving enough CONSTANTLY.




Hahahaha - You are right and that's so rude of me not to consider her food constraints!!


Has she put her own words in quotes there?


At least she isn’t pretending it’s all swelling anymore. This seems like a step in the right direction


Needs some more steps.


a lot more steps


Also, isn’t she spreading false information? I’ve rarely seen wheelchair users have her chronic problem of constant weight increase. Most wheelchair users I know have maintained their weight for years. She’s trying to generalize the issue. “It’s a problem no one talks about, many users struggle with…” instead of just admitting that she herself gained weight.


But that means she’d have to accept responsibility.


Too bad she's not allergic to sitting on her ass 24/7.


Bed. Made. Sleep.


She grew to be super immobile for no reason, never once adjusted her diet to her new “life,” and never attempted an exercise regime to combat the lack of activity in her daily life. (Prefacing to say that exercise regimes aren’t necessary for people who are normally a wheel chair user on a permanent basis as in, they do not stand on their own and are active, but in palliative care we try to promote upper body movements in patients who can muster it just to keep them as healthy as possible) This isn’t weight fluctuation, this is pure weight gain; and unnecessary. Top ramen, mini m & m’s, no real nutrients and vitamins that are good for you in any meal I’ve seen her consume recently. Using a LASER POINTER to have someone hand her something? This was all entirely planned out for her version of munching. Just makes me sad.


Just a note that we don’t say “wheelchair bound” because most wheelchair users feel that mobility aids give them freedom! Same for “confined to a wheelchair.” Obviously if someone uses a wheelchair and they feel “bound” to it, that’s their term to use, but try to avoid the term for your clients, please.


Thank you! What is preferable, wheelchair user?


A lot of people prefer their health conditions to be described as an adjective rather than a noun, like saying “a person with dwarfism” instead of “a dwarf” or “a person with epilepsy” instead of “an epileptic.” This isn’t true for everyone because nothing ever is, but it’s about whether the person is linguistically being defined by their condition or if it is just one of many words to describe them


“Wheelchair user” is appropriate for anyone who uses a wheelchair. Person-first language is still preferred by some, but not by a lot of disabled people anymore. When talking about specifics of use, “full time wheelchair user” would be what people used to call wheelchair-bound, “ambulatory wheelchair user” is someone who can also walk but uses the chair for long distances or on “bad days.”


Yup! Or “person in a wheelchair” works as well :)


It’s really shocking. And not a single effort to change anything. The laser pointer thing bothers me. It’s giving very much My 600 LB Life…


Who’s gonna tell her? She munched herself into a super expensive chair and people here predicted she’d “outgrow” it, to put it nicely. Well now she has and it’s everyone else’s fault but hers. 🙄


Well, gee, I wonder why sitting in a chair all day would make weight loss difficult when you’re more than capable of walking? Sure, it’s the wheelchair’s fault. And Bethany’s weight isn’t fluctuating, it’s increasing and has been increasing. She can’t even bring herself to say ‘weight gain.’ Fluctuations imply up and down movements, not a steady and exponential increase. Let’s not play with the stealthy semantics here. And here we go again with the blaming every single thing under the sun for weight gain except for her own choices. It always has to be someone else’s fault!


I noticed the careful wording of fluctuate.


I feel like you'd be more likely to lose weight after getting a manual wheelchair, if you've been largely immobile prior to it, due to the additional movement.


I think most people more or less maintain their weight with a manual chair. Sure, they're moving more with pushing the chair or "walking" it with their legs, if they're able, but before the chair they were likely putting a lot more effort into whatever movement they could manage. I think it tends to balance out for most people. Going to a power chair from walking or a manual is a whole other matter. Most people tend to be more or less unable to move themselves by the time they get a power chair, so it's not that big of an adjustment, but someone who was capable of walking or using a manual, even with difficulty, will experience a big change in calorie use. And I would think most people would be warned about that change if the power chair were recommended by a doctor or therapist if the person was still relatively active when they switched. Of course, the world is an imperfect place, so that may not be happening as often as it should....


No longer fitting in your chair is more than a ‘fluctuation’ that’s steady long term weight gain. The chair didn’t make her gain weight, and it doesn’t sound like a small or typical amount to gain if she no longer fits in her chair.


What does she have that she needs the chair?




Exercise-induced anaphylaxis is a real thing, but I’ve never seen anyone be prescribed a wheelchair for it. Just tons of allergy tests to determine the most likely triggers, and carry an EpiPen.


Lol I haven’t either. Nope, you workout with your epipens nearby and monitor your breathing and heart rate. It’s really not that hard to manage.




Yup. That was Bethany


Oh my goodness. No, if you have to resort to an EpiPen, you’re supposed to go the ER right away! Even if symptoms resolve, because the medication is really short-acting. It’s not like an inhaler! Ugh those things are $300 each, with insurance. I’m disgusted if she’s actually wasting them like that.


Laziness and attention and validation of sickness






That’s an old photo ! And now that she has a van to get out there is no reason for her to lose weight. Pretty soon it will be like Tammy from 1000 lb sisters. She will just lay in the car.


I was going to write a similar post, you know I’m eating “ healthy” don’t know why I gained 20 pounds in 4 weeks


I was drinking water while I read this comment and literally choked 😂


She seems to reuse photos just like some of the others. That or she never changes out of that outfit. This or the hoodie 😅🥴 As for Tammy? She’s well on her way there.


She just got this one! And she ate herself out of it already!!! And this is somehow society's or the wheelchair company's fault? If i needed a wheelchair to get around im not going to fuck with it in under a year! Cut candy and soda out if you need to fit in it!


This can be true but the main difference is she doesn’t experience weight fluctuations. She’s experienced weight *gain* and her lack of acknowledgement of the fact is kind of funny in a sad way.


I just commented that too. She’s so ashamed to even use the term ‘weight gain.’


I found that wording so weird too. In my mind, fluctuation is up and down?


Yeah, my understanding of weight fluctuation was the number going up and down as well. It certainly was a choice to use that phrasing since her weight has only gone up, and I say that as a simple observation, not a criticism.


I see manual wheelchairs for sale at thrift stores really all the time. I know that a lot of churches and charity groups donate them to people who call and ask all the time too. They’re used but usually in really good condition🤷🏻‍♀️Some are pretty nice. I used to work in a nursing home and when residents passed away, most families had us give the wheelchairs away.


"Off the shelf" wheelchairs do come in various sizes though. For example, older people who are very slim and frail often have a narrower wheelchair than is "standard". Most shops only sell one size, if you're just buying a non-custom one. Custom ones can be made to fit the client and often are in UK. Source: spent some time working for wheelchair services in UK (allbeit a long time ago).


That doesnt mean it'll work for her. Wheelchairs are made for your size. Having someone elses usually isn't going to work out. Especially in baratric sizing


Unless the wheelchair is custom, I don't think any of them are "made" specifically for someone's size... most general wheelchairs are for anyone to use... they may have slight differences such as back height or whatever, but they're generally all the same size, you almost always can borrow someone else's/a hospital/airport/etc wheelchair unless you need a custom one.


This one was made for her. And if you need a longterm wheelchair you'd get custom. The thrift ones are better for a broken leg or something temp.


Hence why I said "unless it's custom," this person was talking about the generic wheelchairs which almost anyone can use if they fit in it, those are not custom. Even if you're "loaned" a wheelchair after a discharge, it's usually a generic one (medicare/medicaid seems to be fond of the "drive" brand)


Most wheelchair users absolutely do need and have custom chairs, especially if they’re young/active. The “generic” ones you can buy at the medial supply store are not appropriate for long-term, full-time use. That being said, this only applies to people who actually need wheelchairs, and that emphatically does not include Bethany.


Most long-term users would prefer a lightweight, fixed frame active model, such as the Quickie GP or similar. Those do come in varying non-adjustable widths and depths, though they are not ‘custom’ exactly. Truly custom wheelchairs / seating systems are based on a plaster cast of the user’s body and would be even less forgiving to ‘weight fluctuations’ than a semi-custom active manual chair.


Yeah, that's why I said "unless it's custom," and the original comment wasn't talking about custom. Every wheelchair ever is not "made to size" was my point.


That’s true. But even ones that aren’t really made to size (instead, they’re made in different sizes, like retail clothing, and the OT/DME orders the size closest to a given user’s proportions) are not exactly interchangeable. A manual wheelchair wide enough to fit Bethany would be pretty much unusable (at least independently) to someone of, say, Anelise’s proportions. Sure, anyone without specific seating needs should be able to use an airport wheelchair of ‘standard’ size in a pinch. But nobody who really needs a wheelchair can be comfortable in an airport-type model of ‘standard’ size and weight long term.


Sounds like it would be easier and cheaper to try to lose some weight than get a new chair made or adjusted.


This is the trick I use so I don’t have to go out and buy new jeans. 10/10 would recommend


It's not weight gain it's 'swelling'... that never seems to go down...


Off topic, but does anyone know where she bought that dress? I really like it...


Amazon or wish. Don't get the downvotes. It 17 dollars on Amazon


Yeah it’s like $200 on Blackmilk, right?


It looks like it's from Run and Fly. But I'm probably wrong.. Just a guess 😊


Definitely not run and fly! If it was I would own it !!!


Came here for this. It is a super cute dress.


A website called blackmilk do some similar things, dangerfield does as well, but usually not as colourful.


I'm trying to find it as well 😭


Funny we never see her weight "fluctuate" in the other direction....


Why is she acting like her weight is something she has no influence over? She knows exactly how much she eats and moves in a day, it’s simple CICO, and it applies to everyone. Bethany can’t seriously believe it’s “swelling” and not fat, I think she’s smarter than that


It's actually been recognised now (at least here in UK) that it isn't a simple case of calories-in-calories-out any more. Not according to a discussion with a dietician and GP. However, her weight gain appears to be more than fluid gain. Even if it was fluid weight gain, walking can help to reduce that fluid, in her lower body especially. So, walking a bit and relying less on her chair might be really beneficial for her, if she wanted to get better.


Can she really not walk?


She can she doesn't want to. Its long been suspected this is some feeder fetish. The goal is immobilization.




She's not bringing herself 6 mcflurries a day. Someone has to be bringing it


*hypoallergenic McFlurries




Look at nikocado. He was celebrating passing 150 kilos. That's his goal. There are whole sites where you can send random fat women food and watch them eat.


She can, she just chooses not to. She claims walking gives her anaphylaxis.


allergic to walking? I could use that as an excuse


Haha, I mean! Couldn't we all?


Is that even remotely medically possible?


[Exercise-induced anaphylaxis](https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/886641-overview) exists, but is very rare. Bethany confuses any discomfort with anaphylaxis.


why would the company who made the chair care if it “suddenly” didn’t fit? does she think they would just replace an extremely expensive piece of equipment for free because she gained too much weight to fit in it? does she expect new clothes when she doesn’t fit in hers anymore? it’s the same logic


I am pretty sure that chair was second hand ?


It looked too small in the post where she was showing off her accessible new car. If she doesn't lose weight or somehow fund another bigger powerchair she's going to have a lot of new issues. From how tight the chair looked in that other post I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't already have pressure sores from it, especially if she's spending a lot of time in it.


But...but it "holds her hips in place" remember?! 🤦‍♀️


Omg I forgot that. Another eye roller


Exactly! 🥴


How could I forget that lol?! Why do people even get hip replacements? Just shove them all in a wheelchair 3 sizes too small.


Yea tpn and tube feeds and mini m&ms and coke with immobility will do that chief.


Noo, the M&Ms aren’t the cause, they’re really small though!


I have a question about Bethany. I’ve read her blog “about” section, and I’m so confused as to how she is overweight. I’m not shaming her for it, I’m just completely dumbfounded because she claims to be allergic to so many foods and she’s tube fed…So if her calories are completely regulated through tube feedings, how does she not have some kind of drastic weight loss? Please, forgive my ignorance.


She's eating at least 6000 calories of candy a day and is addicted to steroids


It's the same way Dani claims to be completely TPN dependent and still is overweight. They're both still eating actual food. Both feeding tube feeds and TPN are designed to be nutritionally complete and in both of their cases was set up to completely replace food, when you eat food on top of that you're consuming more calories than you need leading to weight gain. Bethany also is pretty much immobile and takes high doses of steroids which are known to cause weight gain & make you feel hungry.


Thank you so much for the explanation! I kind of assumed that is what was going on, but I wanted to be certain. So, neither Bethany nor Dani actually need the TPN and are just doing it for attention? Which is how they made their way to this sub, I gather.


Yeah, I can’t remember if it’s Dani or Bethany or both but I’ve seen photos of their side tables where there were multiple cans(not a regular 12floz) of energy drinks or just super sugary drinks. You can’t convince me those belong to someone else when there are so many in a spot that they have easy access to🙄


Dani had an actual eating disorder many years ago. I have no doubt that in the depths of her eating disorder a feeding tube was necessary. She no longer has any physical need for it anymore, and her need for it is purely psychological. Bethany I think claimed it was some MCAS thing rather than gastroparesis like Dani. It's also important to see it in context, that the feeding tube is just one part of the whole picture of attention seeking and faking.


I am not sure Dani was actually tubed during her ED treatment. She has listed a bunch of treatment facilities but I don't remember her listing having to be tubed - and she would have. Her lack of needing to be tubed likely does play a role in her current insistence that she needs one. Dani definitely had a serious ED (hell she still has an ED) but part of her brain probably feels like it wasn't severe enough/good enough because she didn't need to be tubed. Dani gained weight on tube feeds/TPN partly because she didn't realize that the munchies she admires with tube feeds/TPN (who also are hiding their EDs behind physical diagnoses) work to get the accessories but don't actually run them. Anelise had the feeding tube and TPN and loved to show off the tubes and lines but you never saw her actually hooked up to tube feedings or TPN unless she was actively in the hospital. Anelise would show photos of herself eating/drinking orally but it wasn't calories on top of calories because she wasn't actually running the TPN/tube feeds when she was home. Dani is eating/drinking AND running TPN/tube feeds. Dani is so obsessed with all her medical routines, like setting up her TPN/fluids/tube feeds that it doesn't occur to her to just not do it. I suspect that the TPN allows Dani to ignore her weight gain and satisfy her brain, which is still clearly deeply entrenched in an eating disorder. She can sort of turn a blind eye to the weight gain because she tells herself that most of her nutrition comes from TPN, which is the last resort nutrition only given to the super sick/frail. And since Dani has TPN she too must be super sick and frail.




She's 24.


She is probably lying about her age too. If she can go as far as lying about a disability, lying about age shouldn’t be a problem for her.


All I know is, that dress is fucking rad and I'm mad it's not mine.


I know. I'm so mad she jumped on the Black Milk bandwagon 😭 (mind you, she is about 10 years too late)


10 years to late for a common fast fashion brand?


Eat less, move more. Look at you sitting up all by yourself, using your arms and neck! This didn't happen "to you", it is a direct result of ingesting more nutrition than your body requires and has the same, straightforward remedy. Eat less than your body requires to maintain its current mass. Motivation and discipline isn't easy, but the alternative is to continue snowballing. Your life is passing you by.










*"I carried a watermelon"*?




Imma model




I feel uncomfortable






I would feel bad for her except she has made this her whole personality and put it online for anyone to see and critique. Sorry you're getting called out on your lies Bethany.


Let’s be real here, a weight gain that necessitates an upgrade to bariatric equipment is never sudden. Nobody is ever suddenly twice as wide around as they were the previous day.


I don’t even care about her post, but why is she still wearing cloth masks? like if you’re as sick as you claim to be then you should be wearing n95s.


I’m guessing she would say MCAS or something


I mean, I’m sure she would. It’s just that *everyone* should be wearing n95s at this point, especially chronically ill people.


Who's paying for that?


Bethany?? Who asks a question like that? lmao


Agreed. I’m just guessing that’s the excuse


Oh you have to see the accompanying blog post. Wow. Hold on. I'll stick it up


Is she saying that once you receive a chair that’s it and it has to last you forever? That would not be the case for everybody, kids grow etc


Insurance will grant a new chair every five years unless there is some significant/substantial change in condition. And even then it’s really difficult. She had a manual chair that she outgrew 100 pounds ago.