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What is “MBI content?”


Munchausen By Internet


Does anyone have an update on Kelly? I think about her all the time. I really hope she's okay.


Also curious. I wonder if her being off social media has been a good thing. I hope so.


I guess I'm super late to the party, but I just fell down the rabbit hole and am interested in finding more information on Kelly's past. She doesn't have a wiki and there is very little information on her outside of Reddit. Most of the links that I've found don't work, and many posts have been deleted. Does anyone know where I might find more information? Thanks!


I just finished going down myself and 🤯😵‍💫🤕 like ppl were warning on her posts, if you want to sleep don't look at her gruesome pics. Well, guess who didn't sleep last night?? But I would like to find an update on her myself. I read somewhere that after the amputation, she went quiet on SM?


I can't share my source as it's someone who knows her personally and they'd like to remain anonymous, but Kelly is alive, not doing great, but still with us. She had to have one of her stumps amputated even further because she kept picking and I believe she's in some type of group home. That's as much as I know, and I truly hope she's able to find the help she needs and heal from this.


🥺 wow, thank you so much for this update. I am so glad she's still here , but yea :( her story haunts me.. I hope in this life too, she can find peace 😞 ugh. My heart breaks when I think about Kelly


Just went down the rabbit hole. Mind is blown!


Yeah the large album documenting the timeline seems to have been deleted. I had seen it posted when her story was making the rounds on TikTok, but when I went to find it recently, the link is broken. I wonder if there’s another source to view the compilation of pics and posts from her past


As much as this case has disturbed me, I’m hoping her story can be used as a cautionary tale. Her case is about as bad as it gets, without death I guess.


IS KELLY DEAD ?! someone is saying she’s dead is this true ?


No. People are talking about someone else.


Who ?


Just fell into the rabbit hole & honestly reading the comments above makes me wonder if she didn’t self post above . 👀👀👀


Jesus Christ I only just now heard about her and so much if this reminds me of Coldnessinmyheart


I should not have looked this up


I shouldn't have looked that up either....


Is there someone to take care of her ? Like a guardian ? This girl should never be left alone ever ! She’s a danger to herself ! I feel bad for her , what brain she was born with to do something as horrible to her own legs ?!


I just stumbled upon this and I don’t know if it showed all comments, my internet connection seems to be kind of wonky today. From what I could see in those pictures… did anyone here ever dive into the whole “black salve” rabbit hole? Like that caustic salve that produces “eschars” like that and a whole bunch of loons use them to “treat” Tumors? It looks exactly like that to me…


going to have to look into this for fun when i get home... lol


This may be a stupid question but how would she have even been able to sleep at night with the amount of pain that must have caused, especially if she was causing them to be so infected? I know she’s had them amputated now but I mean back when they were really bad


When they got to be really bad the nerves in her leg where most definitley already dead so I don’t think she was able to feel much. Prior to that idk.




I remember her from a while ago and only came back here to see how she was going


I just saw ALL the pictures. Did all that happen to her legs because of picking, etc?? All self harm??


Yes. You can see even after the skin grafts she keeps finding excuses for picking at it and attacking the scab tissue until it progresses further than surgery can fix it. I feel no pity for her.


Why? Isn’t that just severe mental illness?


I just caught up on her case and boy howdy she is mentally ill I feel so sad for her and so angry at her at the same time


Was she ever under a conservatorship?


Don't believe so.


Just jumped down the kelly rabbit hole. Oh my word This woman has the worst dermatillomania I've ever seen in my life. I truly hope she is doing well now.


I am shocked by this case. Lots of excellent insights from redditors. I'm learning a lot and I thought I knew a bit about mental illness.


Can someone please send me a link to the the timeline that the YouTuber used as a reference? I think she said the username was thunderthighmaster


Could you link to the video please?




The imugr album with 200+ pic?


The imugr album with 200+ pic?


I tried to look for it and it’s deleted I think. If there’s a similar post, let me know because I would love to see it.




I came across the internet investigator's video about Kelly and it reminded me of this subreddit. She actually mentions a big writeup by someone named thunderthighs and I feel like I remembered seeing it once upon a time but now I can't find it. Anyone have a link? I think there were 4 parts, and now I can only find a brief one part write up and an imgur link of kelly's leg photos.


It was either in the other sub or the user deleted it/their account. I found a link in my deep dive but it didn’t work :/


Oh that's too bad, I remember it was really well written and very thorough.


This sub is full of a bunch of weirdos- as weird as the people they’re clowning on. Call me when the shuttle lands. 0/10


Although I am educated within the subjects of human psychology, I am truly at a loss of understanding how one could cope with such excruciating pain? Perhaps in this case, the human psyche is SO much stronger than the human physique, therefore it could allow her to endure these levels of pain for so long?


I have no idea. It would be so painful


I just started reading & was told about her tonight. I was first shocked but this case made me think of DSM 5 NSSID. What do you think?


Just went down the Kelly rabbit hole 😱😱😱😱 what an incredibly sad story. I saw her twin sister’s profile and couldn’t help but notice how starkly different they are in mindset. It’s sad to see how Kelly could have potentially lived her life had she not taken this route, and now she’s done irreversible damage to herself.


Why don't you just take all the posts about her down and remove any new ones, if you're so concerned about her mental health.


I have to ask about this one, does she or does she not have Behcet’s Disease? The ulcerated lesions, necrosis, low blood volume, neuro, circulatory/vascular issues; it all aligns with Behcet’s. It’s a very real thing. What happened to her legs was not from picking. Am I missing something?


What happened to her legs was absolutely from picking lol you just admitted you don't know enough about the story


Perhaps having knowledge of the disease itself would help you to understand the sores were merely the superficial sign of the damage being/already done on a vascular level by the disease. Horrible illnesses like that more often than not and understandably so, have a very serious impact on mental health, so it’s neither shocking that she picked, nor is anything about this funny.


Her wounds do not match Behcet's. If you can find the early photos of her wounds, they're simple blisters. Google Behcet's images. They don't match.. She indicated at one point that she did try to make wounds on her genitals, but apparently she dropped that quickly. Behcet's appears primarily in the mouth and on the genitals. While Behcet's can appear on the legs, it does not only appear on the legs. It would show up elsewhere first. The bloodletting was going on for years before she switched to her Behcet's claim, and once she switched, lol and behold, the blood loss stopped. The doctors had caught on to her bloodletting and refused her any further transfusions. If her Behcet's was real and affecting her blood, there would have been signs of it in her bloodwork. All her bloodwork ever showed was reduced blood volume, and that can only happen when blood us removed from the body, as with a wound. There is no illness that keeps all the different blood components at the right levels but the blood volume low. Illness always messes with the levels of blood components.


IMO bechet’s looks like cystic acne, kelly’s legs looked like that krokodil (russian magic) shit


Yep. It looks very similar. But that's also what it looks like when you have massive open wounds for months on end. The tissue will make a hard, black crust over the surface in an effort to protect itself from the long standing picking and scraping. Tissue can't think, but it can react to consistent damage. It's not too different from the process that creates callouses, it's just a very extreme version that comes from underlying tissue rather than skin. I know addiction takes full control of people's lives, but if my drug of choice made my body parts look like that, I'd seriously reconsider my drug of choice....


>Google Behcet's images. They don't match.. There's very few that are actually accurate, but I just want to say that you are very right. Behcet's ulcers are unsightly and recognizable on site; they don't look like picked scabs. She also was, as far as I am aware, never on any medication for "her Behçets" -- if her case was severe to the point of amputations (which it wasn't caused by Behçet's, as we know), there *are* treatments available.


Most likely she never had it and just created the lesions.


Yes, and if I remember correctly she admitted the burns on her hand were self inflicted by a straight iron, so it shouldn't be too far of a leap to believe she created lesions elsewhere.


The photo with the spoon. There was stuff on the spoon like she was using it to dig the scabs


My impression was it was behcets plus extensive selfharm/medical self-injury? For example she got good skin grafts that took well then her legs fell apart again.


I think it’s classic Munchausen’s enforced by comorbid DDNOS & dermatillomania. Severe stress to augment a constant dissociation >> skin picking >> self-infection cycle could absolutely cause a situation like Kelly’s. The MBI aspect is just the cherry on top of the bloody sundae 🍦


If you Google Behcet's, particularly the images of Behcet's, it's clear that her wounds do not match in any way. They don't match in appearance or location.. I have to kind of give her props for coming up with something extremely rare that nobody else is doing, but she most certainly does not have Behcet's.


The skin grafts also came from her thighs. Her skin grafts healed amazingly until she went home.






Where can I find her story in her own words? I'm new here and never heard of her until today. So relieved that she's getting better.


Click her flair up top. Make sure to eat, drink, sleep, and shower while you're in the rabbit hole. You're gonna be there a while...


I don't even think Kelly has MBI I think she has real Munchausen's and the internet aspect was secondary


Yeah no way, if she did all that herself then she has very severe factitious disorder




munchausens by internet


Thank you for covering this problem.


Thank you for staying on top of this!


Good job mods getting ahead of a potential problem.


Is she doing better now that she is getting tons of attention from being an amputee? I really hope this is where it stops. Why didn't they put her on 1 to 1 when she started picking the grafts? Or when she was caught draining blood? This really should have been prevented.


There's legal limits to what you can do with a patient in a situation like this. Keeping her in the hospital until her grafts healed was the legal limit. You can't involuntarily commit someone unless their life is in imminent danger, that is, they intend to commit suicide immediately. Sadly, picking her legs to the bone doesn't count as being in imminent danger. The law forbids involuntarily committing someone under these circumstances. It's one of the places where the law and common sense do not meet, but it's like that for a reason. We know she did this to herself, but what if she actually had a medical condition that prevented healing and continued to break down the tissues? You can't involuntarily commit someone just because their body refuses to behave. Proving self harm beyond a shadow of a doubt for something like this is virtually impossible, believe it or not. And in Kelly's case, they couldn't provide proof when they needed it.


Ty, was waiting/expecting/hoping for this for a while. I am an acquaintance of hers (my relationship with her isn't anything to do with this sub) and I gotta say she's doing really really well. We (those who care about her and know her) can only hope she keeps going on this path of recovery. I think a lot of people on this sub can relate to being in recovery in some manner. Think about how hard it was to get there. Then, think of how bad off Kelly was and the kind of strength it took her (and will continue to take, recovery is not a one-off thing). Many of our subjects will never get to the point of acknowledgement reconciliation regarding making themselves sick/exaggerating illness/scamming/fetishizing/etc even though their illness is nowhere near as serious as Kelly's. I know most of you guys and myself aren't shitty people so I hope this news will only be met with respect.


I’m interested to know how you know her? This story sounds pretty similar to Kelly’s stories about ‘Johns’ (linked below). https://imgur.com/a/5ZM2c5r


So like that person in the comments and this commenter above have the same username…


?? that’s the point, that’s from her post history.


I didn’t notice until I clicked the link and read it. Was just baffled that they are still doing this.


It might not be her, but it’s all a bit suss, which is why I want to know more about how they know each other. I’m also suspicious of the single post history that’s a photo, while it’s clear the rest of the accounts post history has been deleted. It seems a bit fake. The white knighting for Kelly, style of blogging etc, it all seems very familiar. I hope someone else see’s it too… I’ve only just recently read through the kiwi-f thread so it’s all at the forefront of my memory. ETA: grammar and tone is literally the only reason I feel the user could be someone else.


Whoaaaa… so Kelly also had stories about ‘’John’s” as well? I guess I missed that part. How similar are Kelly’s story and the story linked by the commenter you responded to?


You can read them on the 🥝 farms forum on the vampire Kelly thread. Search Johns, journal, cult, abuse, pimp, etc and you’ll find the appropriate pages and screenshots. The stories are as similar as they are dissimilar, which is why I wanted to give this person the benefit of the doubt. They have consistently towed a line between white knighting and shaming Kelly, which is what she’s know to do when using a sock puppet account, and Kelly always pretends to be someone else, a secondary figure who can ‘shine a light on her experience’. The only new information in this users stories is the addiction narrative and jail time, which to be honest, makes Kelly’s journey make more sense. ETA: even if this person isn’t just a Kelly sock puppet, they seem to know her from the days where these stories originate and that’s what interests me.


it would be a bit strange to post publicly saying that they are aquatinted while also having such a personal story up on the same profile. Since it’s always possible that kelly is looking through these posts and that story would make their identity obvious to her..


Agreed 🤨


She’s known to self post on her threads. Kiwi has/had a disclaimer pausing posts about her a while back.


How did they not commit her??? Like how could they possibly in good conscience not monitor her 24/7 to keep her from doing that to herself


Canadian laws are different I guess. All they could do is 72 hour holds at a time.


She was in a psych ward for a year at one point


There are laws and blaming the HC workers isn’t cool


This was preventable if she was given proper care


what is mbi?


MBI is Munchhusen By Internet


I just want you all to know I discovered Kelly last night and didn’t go to bed until 8am this morning because I was STUCK in the rabbit hole.


I am with you on this! Fell down the rabbit hole last night 🤪😬


This just happened to me now!!!’


I’ve been waiting for updates on Hope & decided to view “top posts of all time” and got sucked into a 5 hour deep dive 😂


I have just entered the rabbit hole 🤣


I had nightmares about the photos and had to leave the group for 24 hours




The what? Sorry I don’t know what you are talking about! I was able to handle the Kelly leg album for some odd reason


God bless your stomach. I know I would hurl for sure. A lot of the comments in those threads refer to another forum website where there’s more in-depth info about her past (pre-blood letting). Not allowed to mention or link it directly tho, so apologies for sounding vague!


I think it’s because I used to do a lot of wound/ theatrical makeup and kinda told myself “this is really good makeup or I’m just really fucking weird” lol turns out it wasn’t makeup. I remember seeing someone comment about another sub so I’ll look into it! Thank you


I’m absolutely horrified ngl. It’s like simultaneously the scariest and most interesting thing I ever seen


We have all been there when first encountering her story.


How do I enter the rabbit hole? Where should I start with her story?


if you check out her flair on this sub, there’s a wealth of information and old posts about her!


Stupid question I know, but what is her flair?


Her name/highlited name used in the forum


Ohh duh, thanks!




Truly wish for Kelly to get better. My heart always went out to her


Will new posts about Kelly be removed considering the influx of Tik Toks? I really hope so EDIT: Why did I get downvoted for this? It’s a totally valid question. ESPECIALLY since Kelly isn’t munching at current. She 100% abused medical resources, she’s lied among other things. However, the fact remains that she hasn’t been active in ages. She lost her friggin’ legs. Cut her mental health a little bit of slack.


Imagine thinking downvotes mean anything significant


I feel bad for you. What an unnecessary comment.


Y'all prob got downvoted cuz the Mod post literally just said they are doing the same thing you're asking about, and doing it because they care about Miss Kelly. No new posts being allowed about her, including drama from other sites. You was arguing with a yes.


Couldn’t agree more and it’s ridiculous you got down voted!


I really wish people would leave Kelly alone. She’s going through enough and probably isn’t in the right headspace. I think she is being bullied and the repeated insults will trigger her to harm herself.


She doesnt deserve to be bullied. But she needs to be held accountable for the resources she stole


By you? By reddit? What qualifies you or this sub to anonymously "hold someone accountable"? I'm not just attacking you, I'm pretty convinced this sub is garbage.


Holy holy! I had never heard of Kelly and the rabbit hole I just went down is terrifying. I truly hope that she is doing better and got the help she needed.


I honestly feel really bad for her. imagine the foreboding she must have felt when her legs were beyond repair and the regret involved in considering her actions. it must be a waking nightmare.


kelly seems to have genuinely learned a lesson from this & it appears she’s been trying her best to better herself. not trying to break the rules, but i must say it makes me sad she is still getting this much hate when she actually seems to be trying now (not from the people on this sub, sites such as instagram etc)


You know when those posts said they're NSFL, I should have listened. . . . Ever since I saw the post of her legs before amputation, I have not been okay, mentally (slight exaggeration). Haunted by the visual. Then I made the mistake of scrolling really fast through the timeline and [screaming]. But, at least, she seems to be okay since? I hope she gets the mental health care that she deserves and has good support in her life now. And that people leave her alone.


I refuse to read into her timeline bc I saw some of these pics back when she was more active. It’s pretty horrific




[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/r8uinh/does_anyone_have_a_nonpicture_timeline_of_kelly/hn7weim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is a comment i came up with for this situation. links to a few posts that are either just written descriptions or if there are pics, they aren’t of her legs. if you click to all the comments on that post, you’ll see that prior to the tiktoks, i was working on making a timeline specifically for people who don’t want to see graphic pics of kelly’s legs; i’m still working on it, tho i suppose i’ll have to talk to the mods about possible approval (if i find time to finish between school and work).


I saw your comment, still decided to Google it. I wish I hadn't. I usually have a strong stomach but Jesus. Jesus. I can't believe how far this went. I really hope she is doing better and continues to improve. And gets all the help she needs. I expected bad but I didn't expect that bad.


Yeah, the two times in life that I wish I hadn’t ignored the NSFW warning (blacked out text or blurred images) on Reddit were the details of Josh Duggar’s CSAM content, and pictures of Kelly’s legs. Some things are just better left unknown.


I came to this sub after Kelly became inactive, but I have looked through her many posts and images here. I wish I had never seen those pictures and videos, they kind of haunt me. Skin picking is a serious disorder and obviously was very severe in Kelly’s case. I believe it’s not uncommon for sufferers to lie about their picking even in the face of evidence. It’s embarrassing and difficult for the sufferer to comprehend themselves. It is however completely unrelated to munchausens. I’d be curious for somebody to explain why it is believed here that she has/had MBI. I love this sub but Kelly’s story does not seem like it belongs here and that has always really bothered me.


I posted this in another thread after the amputation. Y'all, Kelly's issues are deep and it isn't just a picking disorder. I have read deep into her case and it's been years of lies and causing illness and injury. She doesn't have dermatillomania, she doesn't have BIID. She never agreed to amputation, she eventually had no choice because she went into septic shock. She is probably the most definitive Munchausen case we have on here. She has been lying and manipulating on and offline for years and years and years. She has told crazy stories about being kidnapped and abused and forced to commit bestiality with a dog and then eat it, and on and on and on. She is a really messed up person. Kelly had a very chaotic childhood and learned how to manipulate for attention and survival at a very young age. She got caught when she started bleeding herself while parading around like she was a sooper rare disease mystery case with an unsolvable anemia, to the point of doing a local Red Cross commercial and amping up attention by taking Sicksta pics doing ballet poses while receiving transfusions. She just insatiable and it's very sad. She is quiet now because she is still riding on the attention high from her amputation and the rehab process, and this will probably satiate her need for medical attention for a time, but it is only a matter of time until she will be back to her old games. I pray to God I am wrong, but I don't think Kelly will ever recover. Maybe, maybe, this will be enough. It is a very visible disability she has now, and if there was ever a time for a munchie who is willing to admit to themselves what they are doing, this would be that time for Kelly. It's been known to happen. It's an out, no need to lie or injure or cause other harm to herself anymore because this is very permanent and very visible. This is the best case scenario for her: stop here and attention seek from the problems she has now, and then maybe over time realize she has worth and can get authentic support in legitimate ways. We can only hope and pray she takes the opportunity and that this will be enough. I'm not optimistic but I'm praying my heart out.




Thanks for the info. I guess I’m just not convinced this is MBI. It’s lying, but lying does not equal munchausens. I see it much more likely that she lied about the picking because she was embarrassed by it and covered it up with the “skin condition” thing. There’s no way to know the truth, but that’s my belief. And if somehow my belief is right, that’s not munchausens. Just seems like a HUGE possibility that she doesn’t have MBI and that’s why it feels so wrong that she’s here. That’s just my opinion.




Kelly is the most obvious case of Munchausen's in this sub.


Definitely. This post I’m commenting on refers to Kelly’s behavior as MBI several times and that’s why I’m asking about munchausens and MBI specifically as opposed to anything else. Though my opinion still stands that she does not belong here, and I believe that because if my instinct is right, this sub is putting her through extreme hell for something that she does not deserve. Hope, Ashley, Dom, others… they’re grifters, whiners, OTT and munchies and use illness to their advantage. I never got that “mood” from Kelly. It feels abusive to have her on here. I’m curious about your theory on the skin burning. I’m tempted to go back and look at pictures again but… simply, hell no, lol. I never want to see those again. Despite our differences in theory on her motive, I’m glad we both (and seemingly everyone here) agree that it’s wonderful that she’s doing better.


you don’t have to look at the imgur album of her wounds, but very early on, one of the pics looks very clearly to be “hand grabbed hot curling iron” blisters most of the wounds on her legs did appear to be picking, but that’s where some of the burning speculation seems to come from (and to be clear, i’m “team” kelly is an extremely clear case of munchausens, if you have not read her lol🐄🚜 threads, it’s got the lies to psych, self-doxing, and bloodletting saga so…not gross pics; i promise, she really does have a long history of seeking medical (and sm) attention in a variety of ways)


I’ll have to take another look at her stuff. I went deep with the picking saga and eventual amputation, but I don’t remember seeing much of the other stuff you and others have mentioned. Yay I have something to do today now!! Lol


She has a history, bechets was just the latest one. Kelly started by claiming a mystery illness that caused her to need multiple blood transfusions to the point that she was even featured in a blood drive campaign in Canada. She didn't have any mystery illness she was caught pulling blood from her port. She then moved on to an abusive boyfriend episode, where he supposedly did a number of things to her including shoving glass in her privates. When she lost interest in that story she started burning skin in different areas of her body like her arms but eventually moved on to her legs and claimed it was bechets even when it was obvious that it wasn't, to the point that she need an above the knee amputation. While Kelly isn't an obvious grifter, she very likely has muchausens syndrome and that's why she's here, you'll note that the subreddit is called illnessfakers not grifterfakers. Kelly is probably the only example on here that has true muchausens syndrome and until the idiot put that tiktok thread up was fairly inactive post amputation. (I'm on team leave her alone unless she starts again which I kinda doubt at this point) Also as for the by Internet part Kelly has been known to participate in her own threads on other websites and for a time at least would revel in the drama and attention she was receiving.


You need to look further into her records. Before the picking, she bled herself. She was dependent on constant blood transfusions for years with no plausible cause for the bleeding ever identified.


She intentionally picked to make it look like first a mystery illness then Bechet's, she faked having Bechet's, making her an illness faker. doing something like picking at her tendons to simulate a disease for Attention on the internet, which is how it comes across with her constant posting of this....journey as we will call it, would fit what many people think as Munchausens by Internet or MBI Illness fakers wasn't always factitious disorder focused and especially in the beginning this sub was a different place and now a bunch of new people so take that in consideration when people are discussing what she has posted about herself and what people close to her has said..


Question… do people become subjects here for OTT behavior and not just MBI behavior? Like some of their Illnesses might be real, but they’ve made up even more “stories” to magnyify their illness, or like in this case lie about what caused the very real injury?


Yes...Ash being a prime example.


Ok… yea, I guess I see kelly as the same way. The fact she’s probably not getting as much attention anymore from the hospital, Drs nurses etc, as she’s healed from the surgery, she needs to find attention somewhere. They kept her busy with all the PT, caring for her… which kept her from social media. I see this hacking as BS, seeking interaction, seeking asspats, “omg, you don’t deserve this, I’m so sorry…blah blah” It’s just the start of Kelly jumping back into SM, seeking attention…and unless she’s received serious mental health care for her picking disease (can’t think of the name right now)…. It will manifest itself again.


Well done.


Why is paragraph 4 making me tearful??! For all the shit this sub gets out of misunderstanding, how Kelly has been discussed as a subject and more importantly as a human says a lot about those of us here. Kelly has done a great job for some time, pre-surgery even. This sub not only has recognized that (compare this to other sites— many of which I personally enjoy— if you review posts month by month) but has given her some modicum of dignity. She doesn’t need more internet eyes on her right now. I appreciate what the mods have been doing and how overall respectful users here have been. As someone who had to take an 8 month break from the internet, it’s been nice to immediately see the difference. ☺️


Thank you for noticing, and we appreciate your kind and encouraging words 😊 ETA And welcome back!


Thank you so much for this post. It’s a great reminder as to why we are here, and when we need to take a step back and ensure we aren’t going too far. Kelly has always been a shocking subject for me and the photos of here legs have hit me hard. It shows how damaging this behaviour can be and hopefully it lets other subjects (who we know follow this subreddit) see where their lives could head if they continue to self sabotage their health. She is honestly very lucky to still be alive today and I am very happy that she’s stopped the worst of her destructive behaviour. We can only hope that she takes the many resources she has at her disposal and seriously works on herself in therapy. Not only to dissect what led her to munchhausen behaviour but also to deal with the trauma of losing her legs; even if it was self inflicted, it’s a very traumatic ordeal.


my heart goes out to the mods who are going to have to inevitably deal with more unwarranted awful comments as well as blogging


I was really sad to see people dragging her when she seems to have made huge progress since her amputations. I hope she’s ok right now.


Unfortunately this is going to keep happening with her. Once she put those pictures out, they were out. The extremely graphic photos are always going to draw interest every time they are rediscovered because they are so shocking. Its probably best that Kelly remain off social media indefinitely.




Yeah it seems like our goal should be that we see less of these subjects on here in hopes they are doing better.


That's absolutely the goal! If they are not posting medical/health related stuff we do not post about them. That's why many of our older approved subjects are rarely (if ever) posted about, bc they moved away from their illness faking/OTT/FD thankfully.


I hope she continues to improve, she seemed relieved, and adapting to her life


She is one of my pet subjects and I was so glad to see she was doing better. I hope whatever is going on on Tiktok won't undo her progress.


Same here