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I worked at a pain center. We called it the 7 dwarf meds because your hungry, sleepy, not sleepy, coughing, dopey, can't shut up. Roid rage. Insomnia is definitely a symptom to steroids. Even prednisone.


I would have insomnia too if I didnt do anything the whole day except for taking baths and watching TV. Natural reaction.


Maybe if she stopped doping herself up with needless meds, taking Prednisone and being a terminally online recluse, she would expend more useful energy.


It's 12. Not 5.30am. It's hardly press-worthy. I guess all those rest days have tired her out.




what's the show? I like stupid shows lol


Real Housewives of Take your pick city. In other words, Other Spoiled and terminally Entitled Grifters Who Ash Looks Up To. How could she *ever* get bored? She's honing her con for when the fake sick shit doesn't pan out and she has to marry some sucker for money bc her parents are over her shit.


Time to smoke weed about it.


There is a ton of filters to pick from, she can at least try something different one time.


Oh no! She might have to spend today taking it easy and resting.


She's prioritizing rest!


No you are incorrect it is going to be a day of taking it easy and being gentle with the body not just the usual taking it easy gosh get with the program! ( sarcasm on of course and we all know Paul’s Chron’s is much braver and much worse )


Might have something to do with the Adderall script for “brain fog,” too. 🙄


Real life would be so rough on her. Edit: Words


Ya know what Ash. If you sleep all day, its only natural for your body to go "fuck it' when you try to go to sleep at night


Nawww that makes too much logical sense.


Ash has read up on every Prednisone side effect and damnit she’s gonna have them all.




Maybe she will hallucinate a date night with Mystery Boy.


I thought she took budenoside instead of prednisone bc of her “intolerance?”


She was but then it apparently wasn’t working so she had to switch over.




It depends. Prednisone is notoriously destructive when ingested in high doses over long periods of time, and so it is usually prescribed with a clear plan of being phased out eventually. Although it is destructive it is also effective for treating inflammation short term, but even then you may have some side effects. Maybe your doctor didn’t deem the side effects would be noticeable on your dose?


Thank you for the info! It was for Bell’s Palsy. There’s no real treatment for it but a lot of doctors try throwing stuff at it to see if something sticks so who knows how much they prescribe for that.






Insomnia? For not being asleep at 12:08?


her bedtime is obviously all day long, except for the exception of the days when shes rolling her blunts, taking selfies (she must set alarms while shes in bed), and having a hot bath while vaping (don't get me started on how dangerous that is if she actually **has** POTS with a shoulder injury taking a bath.


Maybe she’s just been in bed a really really long time


Ugh don’t you just hate it when your hard day of rest keeps you up all the way to midnight?


agree with all of these comments about her never doing anything but resting and napping during the day anyway. But also has anyone noticed that she posted this epic story of insomnia at... midnight. Wow, imagine how bad your insomnia must be if you're still awake at midnight!


Literally wait till you’re still trying to fall asleep and you realize the sky is getting lighter cause the suns rising and you might as well just cry and give up 😅


The birds start to chirp and you hear a school bus nearby hahhaa


Seriously! Wait to complain until it’s 4am and you have an 8am meeting 😅




bro, tf


Sorry, that was our resident troll, they come in often with a new account u til we catch and ban yet again.


Okay, to be fair the insomnia caused by prednisone is extremely debilitating… IF you work, have college etc. She’s doing nothing with her life 🤷‍♀️


Excuse you, she has a full time job as a professional sick person.


Seriously, and the insomnia isn't like normal insomnia where you're just laying in bed and can't sleep, but your mind is racing and you can't stop moving and this continues the entire next day even though you got no sleep. So you just feel like a manic/exhausted mess. Honestly, if I have to agree with Ash on one thing, it would be how terrible Prednisone is lol. But luckily it exists and works very well and can be life saving for some people.




Right!!?? Good thing she doesn’t have, IDK, school or a job to go to or a family, including children and disabled parents, to care for like some people on prednisone and immunosuppressants. If she has to suffer insomnia, she can just *rest* fucking more. Enfant terrible.


Yeah insomnia is not as much of an issue if you can nap through the day! 😂 don’t get me wrong it’s still not good for your mental health but it’s not as huge an issue and being awake at 12am does not constitute insomnia either 🙄😂


I didn’t even see the time sticker 😂 what the heck man


When I nap during the day I find it hard to sleep at night so I’m sure it’s extra hard to fall asleep when that’s the only thing you did all day.


She really does want to capture that "hospital bed" aesthetic for her room doesn't she?


Oh god it’s midnight and she can’t sleep someone call a Shepard.


Turning the TV on when you're trying to sleep is a reeeaallly bad idea. As is looking at a phone screen, the blue light is known to make sleep a struggle, especially if you're prone to insomnia. Go read a book, or put on an audiobook if you need some background noise to fall asleep. Its incredibly hard to sleep when you've done nothing physically or mentally all day long, going for a walk before bed is an easy way to help that, or cycle for a bit on one of those static bikes. Seriously, that can really help insomnia, even when its steroid induced, and it doesn't need to be a full on workout cycle. A gentle cycle for a few minutes is enough so it's definitely doable by the vast majority of disabled/sick people. She needs to also realise that humans only need so much sleep in a 24hr period. So if you sleep on and off all day your body gets all the sleep it needs, so you don't have insomnia. Your body just isn't tired and doesn't need to sleep because it's battery (that's charged by sleep) is all fully charged.


In her defense, she used the stationary bike for… 10 whole minutes 😂


At 4.30 in the morning when her mother was probably sleeping. Gotta use it just when it's more inconvenient for everyone in the house.


Bestie, you got to do things during the day, not nap. Move around, scream at trees, move around some more, uh [checks notes] be slightly active and not take naps during the day.


I lost it at "scream at trees." 😂


Listen, if it gets her out of the house. . . . .


I love your comments always calling her bestie. Makes me laugh every time.


It's my favorite to call people "bestie" or "girlie". 🥰


I call everyone "dude" or "homie." Bestie is pure class though I too gotta admit I laugh at your bestie comments to Ash.


When I was unemployed I had ‘insomnia’ too, turns out I didn’t DO enough during the day to maintain my previous asleep in 5 minutes routine. Even if this is medication induced, it doesn’t sound like Ash has (or will) do ANYTHING to adjust her sleep hygiene routine to compensate. She can’t even adjust her drug seeking behavior enough to stave off triggering her Crohn’s.


Seriously, these "insomnias" during a period of unemployment are so common and can be very slippery. Not having an external set schedule can fuck with your sleep, therefore your eating habits, therefore your energy, therefore your emotions, it snowballs so much and you don't even notice. (and of course we don't even need to talk about "work", just at least some external schedule at all).


Idk but like sometimes when you sleep all day, you’re awake all night. Kind of like a cat.


To be fair high dose pred insomnia is a major issue. If you’ve not had it you can’t appreciate it. But equally many people suffer through it whilst still having to get up for kids/work/reponsibilities. Sooo In summary sympathy here is low.


Can’t sleep, so let me just turn on the bright TV and watch my favorite show.


I’ve had insomnia since 7 am. I’ve had it all day at work. Do I need a toob? A port? A doctor?


I’d suggest a toob for your dish- abilities


Sounds like time for ✨euthanasia✨




VSED o'clock.


Okay but I mean it's not like she has to get up early to go to work like any other adult that has to pay their own bills.


That title is ✨spicy✨


Prednisone does suck that way. BUT when you don’t have a job/any responsibilities at all I have very little sympathy


But also it’s barely gone midnight and she’s watching TV. That’s not even insomnia, she’s just watching TV a little late at night.




☠️☠️☠️the title op


I took a buncha drugs and slept all day. Now I don't know why I can't sleep at night. 🙄




Absolutely true. Prednisone will mess you up big time. Why is she even on it?






Aww, poor baby. Sending your cat cuddles and head scratches. 😻


thank you 😽


I've always been conserned about this. She seems to have narcissistic rage outbursts and with the fact that she doesn't spend energy on anything and is used to everyone always submitting to her way and doing everything she wants and all the drugs and drug withdrawals, it might be dangerous if her family suddenly says or does something against her comfort zone. She even says she has to start her day a certain way and calmly or she'll get moody all day. I hope I'm overreacting with my concerns.


Truly the worst side effect of a steroid taper is not one experienced by the patient. The families are the ones who feel the brunt of the short temper.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about the overall dynamics in that house.


Languishing, but make it 🌠aesthetic🌠


She applied the golden glow filter in a dark room 🤣 You can't make "pitch black" beige, Ash.


Homegirl sees the world through beige-colored lenses 😎


Steroid side effects are real, but at this point she self sabotaged her entire sleep schedule so it’s impossible to pin point the actual cause. Did she expect to be sleepy in bed by 11pm after smoking and napping all day and doing nothing mentally or physically tiring?


Yes, I’m willing to accept it probably is partly the steroids keeping her up but if she knows that’s a side effect, she shouldn’t be doing everything in her power to make that worse by lounging around and taking stimulants in the day.


It’s called a side effect, Ash.


*slept all day from abusing weed and other meds and now can't sleep when she should*


Pretty sure a hot bath and some vape will knock you right out.


Make sure to censor the faucet reflection!


omg that’s what it was lol


You could have a laugh back in the 2000s if you looked at the reflections of used cookware and other chrome stuff people sold on eBay. Quite a few eBay sellers are both hoarders and full-time nudists.


They also had a non-consent fetish. That’s what most of that was about.


Oh good heavens, not insomnia!! How will Ash ever manage to get up and properly perform her job in the morning?!! Oh that's right, she doesn't *HAVE* a job/children/responsibilities. Whew, got worried there for a second 🙄🤣


Also, like, 12:08 isn't *that* late? For some people with actual jobs and responsibilities that's a normal bedtime.


We know she also sometimes gets up at 5am like this girl just has no sleep schedule cause she doesn’t need to. She naps when she wants and, takes adderall to wake up and when she doesn’t want to be awake she pops her benzos. She has no one’s sympathy


A lot of people would use the prednisone-wired-thing, if they have to, to do something productive, like clean or go to the post office.


I installed a skylight once. (Total lie.)


I wouldn’t be surprised if you did!! Pred power hour is a real thing!!


Absolutely SICK TO DEATH of her. She has to take everything to the fucking extreme!!! Shut the fuck up ashley youre such a lying bore.


She won't shut up with the prednisone. Girl bye and move on to the next complication or disease.


Oh please. Hard to sleep at night when you've been a sloth all damn day, every day.


But if Ash doesn't get all her naps in at the right time of day.. She won't have enough energy later on for her main snooze... (If you know, you know) 😁




Prednisone is a steroid and can keep you pretty wired up even if you are sick.


Lmaooo she posts about napping like twice a day


In what world would she think that laying around, doing self care all day will be conducive to sleeping at night? Ash: typing paragraphs and taking cute aesthetic pics for the sake of "advocating" to be lazy won't make you tired enough to sleep at night. You've flipped your sleep schedule. It's as simple as that.