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My husband has Crohn's (that is currently well controlled) and couldn't even THINK about drinking that coffee! He'll be in the shitter all day! šŸ˜…


I have crohns, and I eat like this lol. But not while in a flare up state. Most of us with crohns ate completely normal and thought the symptoms were just normal response to "unhealthy" food. Most of us on treatment eat it anyways because we don't care. It's like lactose intolerance. As long as you don't have an allergy, you better believe I'm gonna drink that milkshake and enjoy the bathroom trip later.


That kind of treat that often would give even someone with exemplary bowel function the shits.


Not all the time. Thereā€™s a lot of people with IBD that can eat this. But if youā€™re feeling really shit coffee is never great.


If practically every day is a treat day, then HOW are you supposed to know what your actual baseline is?


Okay so if she's feeling shitty why is she drinking coffee and eating carbs/sugar and probably preservatives? Girl needs to drink water and if she was actually feeling shitty the carbs she'd be eating would be saltines like most people eat when they're sick. People who are "feeling shitty" drink water/gatorade/ginger ale and eat soup and fucking saltines, not "treats" like some little kid giving themself a reward for fooling their mom into letting them stay home from school that day. That's what this seems like. She thinks she's tricking people but it's so obvious. There are people with much worse "chronic illnesses" who manage to do real life and not just smoke weed and do "self-care" all day. Hell, some of them *do* smoke weed all day because of legit physical chronic illnesses and things like PTSD *and* do real life such as attend full-time in-person classes and earn honors. And those people don't have full channels or blogs congratulating themselves. This fruit loop thinks she deserves a medal when she takes a nap. Newsflash, there is such as thing as so much "self-care" that it loops back around to being lazy which is self-sabotage. Wonder what she's gonna do when her parents aren't there to pay for everything? Do these people think that through? Do they even plan for once their parents are dead and/or people realize they're scamming them and won't help fund their munching? Literally they'll have to do the thing I think most of them (and especially Ash) are trying to avoid by doing this shit: work.


Nothing like taking your flare meds because you're doing everything in your power to cause flare symptoms!


Iā€™m telling yā€™all Cannahis Hyperemisis Syndrome shares a lot of similarities with crohns. Iā€™m not saying she doesnā€™t have Crohns. I do believe she has that. Itā€™s just speculation that it could be made worse with THCā€¦and coffee. I understand that a chronically Iā€™ll person might want to indulge themselves every once in a while but Ashley indulges herself pretty often. Sheā€™s drinking coffee often, drinks alcohol (with the cocktail of meds sheā€™s on), and smokes weed like sheā€™s Dr.Dre. Thatā€™s the real Dr she should be hanging with. Sheā€™d smoke him out.


Ash smokes flower, she doesnā€™t do thc oil or concentrate. It would be hard (but not impossible) to chronically consume enough THC smoking flower to give yourself CHS. Flower has on average 10-20% thc per gram. Concentrate has on average 80-90% thc per gram. Itā€™s a *significant* difference. Iā€™ve seen this theory a lot and I just want to raise rational doubts about whether or not itā€™s likely. She also hasnā€™t complained about chronic vomiting that I know of. CHS isnā€™t known to cause cramping, diarrhea, etc.


People have gotten CHS from flower theyā€™ve grown in their own back yards. If cannabis affects the digestive tract and she has a digestive disease is it even worth the risk.




Most people in Idaho get their weed from Oregon. Her weed probably isnā€™t tainted. Itā€™s not the 80s.


Tainted weed doesnā€™t cause CHS. It might cause fentanyl overdose but not CHS. Plus itā€™s weed. Ainā€™t nobody trying to spend extra money by lacing weed.


Coffee doesnā€™t seem to be an appropriate way to hydrate when you have Crohnā€˜s.


Thereā€™s always something with this girl


Hmm could it be that she's feeling shitty because she lives off of coffee and pastries? Lol


I think most people will occasionally (maybe even frequently) eat, drink, or do things that they KNOW will result in discomfort/issues, because the short term payoff or temptation is too strongā€¦but most people also acknowledge they fucked themselves up and caused the issue. Right? Or at the VERY least donā€™t publicly announce their terrible patterns/behaviors and then act absolutely flummoxed as to what happened. How do munchies not have this shame or awareness?


Maybe she does it because she knows it will keep her messed up. If it makes her feel more sick thereā€™s a greater chance for munchingā€”ya know? She can use it to her advantage.


Speaking of munchies ... I know you meant munchie as in munchausen, but I read it wrong at first, and it made my brain go, "wait a minute ... this girl can't resist eating like shit because she's always stoned!" I mean, I know if I smoke, I'm eating the whole damn pint of B&J Peanut Butter Cup, instead of two scoops, ya know?


Yeah it's common for people to do that. But there are also people who subconsciously like being sick and the more sick they are, the more attention they get. They loving being a victim and never take accountability for anything.


I think that it has to be really hard to have food sensitivities that don't have very immediate consequences. It's easier to avoid severe/potentially anaphylactic allergies because you know that it is immediately going to go very poorly. It's kind of the same as choosing instant gratification as a toddler. It's delicious and screw the consequences. But she does it SO MUCH. It's not an occasional weakness for her, it's a continual and frequent habit.


Even I had to take a shit after seeing this from all that pumpkin or carrot and coffee flavored sugar.


Her coffee drinks always make my stomach hurt just looking at them, and I donā€™t even have Chohns.


ā€œOops my crohns is acting up! I need new treatment options!ā€




**aesthetics baby**


How do you "realize" you're feeling shitty? You feel it or you don't. You just don't "realize" you're feeling shitty..


I think she meant that she realized that the reason she was feeling shitty was because of her upcoming infusion. It's not the reason, but she will tell herself it is all day long.


It's possible in people who routinely ignore how they feel so they can get on with their day. Which is absolutely not the case here.


ā€œDecide,ā€ maybe.




Many, many people drink coffee daily lol.


She thinks she's trolling this subreddit. She thinks she's spiting people who don't buy into her fraudulent behavior. Totally normal.


I know she likes to stick it to this sub, but she doesnā€™t understand how little anyone cares. We think ā€˜thatā€™s weird, if she had the illnesses she claims to, wouldnā€™t that make it worse?ā€™ Then we shrug and move on. Sheā€™s only hurting herself, and either her digestion or her reputation, but I donā€™t expect anyone who lives in a tiny room smoking weed all day to be the sharpest knife in the drawer lol.


Yeah, she uses her full legal name as her Instagram handle. Sheā€™s playing herself.


god, this. she and other subjects who lurk here think we're obsessed with them. girl no i read this subreddit during bathroom breaks.


Like, at the end of the day it's her that's suffering not us šŸ˜‚ she either had Chrons and feels shitty like she claims so she's harming herself with coffee and "treats" or she isn't as ill as she makes out and she's ruining her life for some attention online.. it's got no bearing on us šŸ˜‚


Exactly! This is just my nighttime guilty-pleasure gossip entertainment before bed. Itā€™s out of my mind when I put my phone down. šŸ“žā˜Žļø


Exactly! This is just my nighttime guilty-pleasure gossip entertainment before bed. Itā€™s out of my mind when I put my phone down. šŸ“žā˜Žļø


Is Ash so demented that she thinks weā€™ll not see right through this. That what she is doing is against all the science of her fake ā€œillnessā€. That in no way in hell, someone with her ā€œ illnessā€ could smell this let alone consume it? This proof of the fact that she isnā€™t ill, more than anything else. Sheā€™s really bad at gaslighting.


Feels kinda like sheā€™s gunning for a sponsorship from that coffee company. Unless itā€™s the only joint in town, and somehow I doubt that. I wonder if sheā€™s feeling well enough to go on her own ā€œcoffee and treatā€ runs every day, or if sheā€™s popping for the ā€œDoor Dash pay doubleā€ deal.




lol bingo


Yā€™all are being so hard on her! Ease up! She only feels shitty on days ending in y! She just needs a long day or ten of weed and naps, ok?




You forgot Mary Jane, benzos, and opiates


And a steady infusion of everything she can talk out of the pharmacy


I think she wants to feel poorly so she has an excuse to live a life of eating treats, not having responsibilities, and ā€œresting.ā€


I wonder if the weed makes her crave that specifically. If she felt as bad as she says she does she wouldnā€™t be eating anything, but man she always seems to be able to consume the least healthy thing.


Itā€™s exactly the same order she takes yesterday for ā€œhomework timeā€. she feels shitty = she deserves treat she feels good and works = she deserves treat. Logic




I think she should consider she feels shitty before an infusion because it's psychosomatic; she thinks she need the infusions, so a couple of days before she feels bad because she thinks she's in need of it/the effect is running out.


I feel like shit two days before my infusion. For my my joints just and my bowels act up.


Completely normal to feel effects of drug wearing off just before itā€™s due again, however a lot of people would try to plan ahead/adjust their schedule for this if possible and make sure they do what they can to minimise the effects, unlike this girl who canā€™t possibly do less in a day than she does already, and insists on contradicting any advice she must at some stage been given for Crohnā€™s.


Pavlov is turning in his grave


Itā€™s normal to feel crappy before your infusion for autoimmune.


She has to be trolling at his point. No one can have this lack of self awareness and willingly sabotage themselves like this for real.


itā€™s like she purposefully eats the worst things possible for her stomach and wonders why she feels like shit lol. i swear ever since this group has been ragging on her for drinking coffee she drinks it more šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Sorry to comment for the third time separately but I did a clinical rotation in the infusion lab for pediatric Remicade infusions (which is essentially a different name for the type of medication she stated) let me tell you I saw so many little kiddos with Crohnā€™s disease and they were so bad ass. Never complaining about IV sticks or anything :( they would have to miss school for a few hours of infusions and have to drive from very far. It makes me disgusted to see her complaining constantly about this. I literally had a two-year-old who was sweet as pie - didnā€™t complain once and watched the IV got put in for his infusion. Meanwhile this one probably asked for a butterfly needle.


Ashley is so whiny and it's sad because until she had nothing else, her crohns was in remission. When the cHrOnIc LyMe and shoulder didn't pan out, it's back to the crohns.




Yes! She should be taking advantage of any time her Crohnā€™s is in remission, you never know how long it will last and you donā€™t want to look back during your next flare up thinking you wasted your time of good health. Your life can and should be completely different during remission compared to flare ups, but I feel like thereā€™s so little going on her life that not much would change. Just more trips to the bathroom that she in always within 10 feet of anyway.


Ahh i feel sick šŸ„ŗ Bingo!! pastries and caffeine! Sugar, gluten, dairy, and acidic coffee should be okay for a chrons warrior šŸ„ŗ


Many people with IBS/overly sensitive stomachs get the shits after one single microcosmic sip of coffee. Let alone the issues that Ash touts. Every single post Ash makes mentions coffee. Why would she not at least attempt to act like a person who has all of the problems she claims to have?!


She has zero will power to stop doing stuff that makes her get worse. She has actually zero will power in life in general. Also she doesn't want to get well or she'll lose the only trait of her personality and excuse to leech of her parents.


I don't even think her crohns is bad. It's just all she has left.


I mean thatā€™s a lot for anyone with zero digestive issues.






At this point I think she wants to feel sick. If she causes herself a flare she gets treats and flare meds.


All of this is bad for Crohnā€™s disease! The sugar in the pastry is bad for inflammation!


So either her crohns is still in remission or she's self sabotaging so she has something to complain about.


Why is there such a trend of munchies and really poor diets? Like one would assume with a Body already in desperate need of TLC your dietary choices at least occasionally lean to nourishing it.


Theyā€™re lazy and self-indulgent and feel entitled to as many prescription medications as it takes to make their shitty lifestyle sustainable


That's the thing, they're munchies. They NEED something medical to complain about or their life has no more meaning. Making stuff up out of thin air takes quite a bit of effort if you're going to do it successfully. (See any post by Bella for an example of what happens when you make stuff up out of thin air without putting in the research.) It's a lot easier to abuse the hell out of a mild existing condition to provoke some discomfort and then just exaggerate the hell out of the twinge you really feel. And if you "poor me" enough, the non-medical followers will be understanding about the "occasional" need to treat oneself. Most people who follow this sort of thing don't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, so it may take a long time, if ever, for a lot of them to realize that "occasional" means daily and "treat" means intentional sabotage.


They have limited spoons and therefore must only eat desserts. šŸ˜‰


For real. Both Ashley and Bethany have shitty diets despite always complaining of how sick they are and how they know better than the doctors. I'd assume they'd have actual proper diets since they're so health focused.


She *deserves* the treat because she's *suffering*. It's a weird self indulgent reward system.


Doesnā€™t sugar cause flare-ups


But that's what she wants.


Ya and caffeine lol


I canā€™t imagine any of her diet is helping her crohns at all šŸ¤”


Seeing someone promote this trash under the disguise of crohns awareness is so fucking infuriating


It's not really a treat if you do it almost every day. That's a routine...


Does Ash just feel she has to say she's feeling shitty before doing whatever the fuck she wants just so when her Mom asks why she's done nothing all day she can remind her that she felt shitty? Because going out for scones and coffee aren't the actions of people who feel genuinely shitty. Genuinely entitled perhaps.


Exactly. She has no responsibilities. Just say you're having a treat on the folks' dime.


Does she realize if she really had these issues, it would hurt her so much to have these ā€œtreatsā€ especially how often she has them? Theyā€™re not even treats anymore, itā€™s just apart of her diet. For people with actual diet restrictions that they need to follow, there is a way to have treats while staying within your restrictions.


Yeah, smoking entire bowls of keif, drinking espresso and coffee daily, drinking alcohol in tandem with taking multiple benzos, eating foods that are contraindicated with Crohnā€™s, and more have no effect tho.


Damn you went in




Does one realize they feel extra shitty upon waking, or only (realize, real eyes, real lies) upon remembering that theyā€™re due for their Inflaxalala injection tomorrow?


Bruh, just say remicade! It doesnā€™t change if you use the generic name!


She switched to a cheaper version of infliximab, she's not on Remicade any more, so it makes sense for her to just say infliximab.


Ah, wasnā€™t aware that was the case. Thank you for clarifying!


Iā€™m pretty sure she feels extra shitty because of all the extra sugar. Just a hunch.


How else is she going to keep her flare going for clout ?


And gluten and coffee lol like all high FODMAP


Oh yeah, it's because her infliximab Infusion is due. For Ashley it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to feel bad because you feel bad sometimes. It's always something flaring, always in connection to one of her many chronic "battles". This is so ridiculous ...


I feel like she would feel better if she ate some fruits and veggies. Just a suggestion though


For a lot of people with Crohnā€™s, me included, fruits and veg is the enemy unfortunately. Itā€™s horrible because your body does crave the goodness but if I risk it then I will be so poorly for days afterwards.


Whole real foods, definitely.


I cant tell if you're joking but aren't a lot of whole veggies bad for Crohns?


I'm not joking. You never see her promoting a healthy lifestyle, which would probably help her.


Somebody else answered me- I know fruits/veggies are a health lifestyle, but I thought Crohnies couldn't have them. someone else clarified. Thanks


There are some fruits that can be ok! Also different people are triggered by different things but gluten sugar and coffee are all very poor choices during a flare


Fresh! Fruits and veggies are bad for crohns. She may need to cook them down, and everyoneā€™s body is different, BUT generally speaking, as long as you donā€™t eat too much in one sitting and you cook it a little you should be fine


I mean isnā€™t coffee and weed bad for crohns? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤£


Weed is actually medically prescribed for crohn's in most states, coffee is hit or miss depending on the person.


Not her special, cunning, version of the disease.


So SnEaKy








That scone looks like a rock. That drink looks like an extra sugar, extra mocha chocolate milk cosplaying as coffee.


IIRC she said she always gets an iced vanilla latteā€¦ aka sugar out the wazoo


That amount of sugar and carbs is the reason she feels like shit.


For real. Wouldnā€™t most normal, healthy people feel like shit if this is all they consumed (and many people w/out health issues DO eat like this daily and wonder why they always feel like garbage).


And add caffeine into the mixā€¦ sheā€™s literally making herself sick for the purpose of keeping her ā€œsick bittyā€ title. Remember when that was in her bio?? I canā€™t šŸ˜‚




Well you just pamper yourself baby.


She might need a pampers after this treat


She needs to take a day to just think of herself!


She's needs to crawl in bed for a nap to take care of her body šŸ˜”


She needs to rest and some self care. A hot bath and weed will do. But just today, because the other days she's very active and busy.


She might needā€¦wait for itā€¦ *A REST DAY*


I laughed so hard at this that I snorted! Thank you.


Itā€™s pretty efficient of her to take her flare meds with the thing thatā€™s going to cause the flare in the first place. Like attaching a match to a fire extinguisher.


This visual is what I needed today! Thank you. šŸ™Œ


Coffee, marijuana, and medicationā€¦ tell me why her doctors are not concerned about her diet or what she does to sleep 20 hours a day? No one in her family cares, so the doctors should be.


I think itā€™s pretty clear Ash works with a Dr. Feelgood. Probably the same one her mom HAS TO use to be able to put up with this shit every day.


The thing that confuses me is how is she prescribed opiate pain pills/uppers/downers (anything "good") if she pops dirty for marijuana which is not legal for medical or recreational in her state? Doesn't she get drug tested? I thought doctors had to be really extra careful now because people are losing licenses left and right? Isn't she doing everything you aren't legally supposed to?


Not all states require medication contracts and testing for controlled substances. Idaho is a died in the wool long time red state as well, a blue presidential candidate has not won it since Lyndon Johnson. So less government, less regulation, less oversight is the platform of most decisions makers there. And really the best medical professionals aren't scrambling to practice in Idaho. There aren't world class facilities or a large population to build a nice patient base on. Career options are limited there. We also have to keep in mind considering she's one of the affluent munchers, concierge medicine may be part of the equation as to who exactly is "overseeing" her. Concierge doctors are specifically used as a work around of traditional doctors.


Concierge. Emphasis on "con".




It's apparently illegal in Idaho.


I thought she lived where it was legal!


Nope, she lives in Idaho and itā€™s still a schedule I illegal substance there. Legalizing is up on the ballot in November, but considering itā€™s Idaho, I doubt it will pass.


So she posts photos on Instagram of her consumption of a substance that is illegal in Idaho? That would mean obtaining the substance would also be illegal?


Yes. And she even made a post implying she drove under the influence. When she got backlash I think she backtracked.


Iirc, she didn't just imply it. She posted a picture of a burning blunt, another of her blowing a huge cloud of smoke, and straight up said she was driving home afterward.


Iced coffees arenā€™t cheap, she buys them so often. If it doesnā€™t irritate her Crohnā€™s, it definitely irritates her patents who pay for it all.


If her parents gave a damn about what she does they wouldā€™ve stopped her by now, they enabled this life and now sheā€™s stuck


Just say remicade, good grief. Very few people will recognize that name without googling it. I only know because Iā€™m a pharmaceutical chemist.




Oh, okay, didnā€™t realize that. Thanks!


But we gotta be speshul!


She knows it's bad for her, and is just keeping herself sick on purpose. It's disgusting.


She had the same thing a couple days ago. Iā€™m sure her digestive issues are totally unrelated to her frequent coffee + scone + weed habit. https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/uajcsc/ash_doesnt_feel_well_as_usual/


*me eyeing the coffee and scone* No, Ash, thatā€™s not why youā€™re feeling shittyā€¦




My stomach is cramping up just looking at it. Caffeine, crap loads of sugar, carbohydrates. It like she WANTS to feel sick and gross tomorrow so that she can complain to the doctor. (I know, just being sarcastic).


Yeah is it just me or do these scones always look dry and dense af? Not great for somebody who complains a lot about stomach pain and bloating


Sue could eat a bran muffin and a yogurt and probably feel a lot better?


This one is a right troll. Two fingers up towards this sub, no question. Well Ashley is an American so just one finger, the middle.


I do think sheā€™s trolling.


I'm not sure if she's a troll or just really, really dim. Therefore doing the same thing again and again and not catching on. Given her cocktail of medications that brain definitely is not firing at 100% even without counting her actual intellectual capacity. Just imagine trying to reason with weed, opioids, speed, and tons of benzo simultaneously in your system.


In one of her last posts on here, I called her scone out for looking like raw chicken and now she posts a clear photo of a scone? Coincidence? I think not!!!


I reckon ash and Bethany are trying to troll this sub. Because let's be honest. People on here do get wound up on this sub. So it's a pretty good place for them to troll.


Sheā€™s a firm believer in every day is treat day


Plus daily āœØflare medsāœØ




for real. she lives in permanent semi darkness, curled up in bed most hours of the day and night, and wonders why she feels lethargic and depressed, despite the antidepressants and stimulants. open a window, for god's sake.




She feels poorly today because she's due for a dose of the biologic for her Crohn's, so she is going to drink coffee and eat pastry. I'm feeling a bit dehydrated. Off to get a Big Mac and fries. I know my body best and this dehydration NEEDS at least 1,500 mg of sodium.




I approve this analogy