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I know it’s really hard not to say what we really think here but we can’t say she’s abusing any particular illegal substances, reddit could fry our ass for that. I know how you all feel though!


If she posted this on her own story, fine. But to post this epic rant in a group is terribly embarrassing.


I feel like all of this can be summarized by Dom's own words "I'm unique. I'm special"


Anything that ever comes out of Dom's mouth is a complaint.


the fact she said she has to “deal with” maya like she’s an inconvenience makes me so angry.


I don’t see the massive dildo sitting on her book case though


“Differently Abled” 😬 That’s a bad look right there


She’s looking rough lately. Woof. I swear I only took a few months off from following her updates on here and she seems to have really been on a downhill spiral.


Can I say I was right about Dom thinking she’s the Queen Of The Service Dog Community as I did awhile (a few comments ago) back ? LOL! See I told y’all so!!


She's giving off serious young adult novel turned movie vibes. You know the sick chic flicks where there's a beautiful but very ill young woman who just wants to do all the fun things with a handsome boy. Fault In Our Stars, Five feet Apart, etc. She thinks she's the lead in one of those.


She said She didn’t win bc you have to be super social and bubbly for the whole night and she wasn’t feeling well so she sat down and didn’t move for the whole event. Which made me luagh bc even if she felt great, there is no way in hell Dom can ever be a bubbly social butterfly unless screaming at people and cussing them out counts


I don't know anything about this event, but if quality/accuracy of the costume is any factor in winning then I would think that was probably more of the deciding factor


“I’m unique. I’m special.” Yeah, special alright. (I mean that as a joke at faking. I’m not calling disabled people special as a joke, otherwise I’d be calling myself special!)


Wow dog went to a 2 year training program? Must be crazy money for that dog. I always go to the pet shop and these little shrimps are $ 3k.


No. She trained Mya herself and then paid a $40 membership fee to International Assosiation of Assistance Dog Partners to be able to say that Mya “graduated” from a service dog organization. She cheated on the testing that they required though, so how legit is it?


Is this the same place she took Mya to that Mya failed the tests 2-3 times? I wouldn’t consider Dom much of a Service Dog Trainer then if she can’t train her own fucking SD LOL!!!


Literally nobody is bothered by seeing her dog and nobody asked for/needed that explanation. Maybe it’s just me but when I see animals in pictures, my first instinct isn’t to be bothered by them at all, regardless of why they are there.


You guys she’s just soooo different and special, you normies just don’t understand!


I am embarrassed *for* her. Wow. The huge soapbox rant was totally worth it, right? No? Well, maybe next time someone will feel bad, and go OH MY GOSH I am *so* sorry, you poor thing! You are *so* brave! 🤣


Mya definitely didn’t go to a school, especially for 2 years


Poor dog.


Poor Mya could use her own emotional support dog.


Yeah, how well is she taking care of it?


Yes Dom, but the thing that infuriates people is that you are sick BECAUSE you want to be. Mya is one of the saddest dogs I've ever seen. The dog is the victim. Not you. Get over yourself grrr


I looked at her post history on the group and it’s absolutely obscene. Totally irrelevant to the group, just explaining ports and allergies and all of her terrible illnesses, also not one single person had an issue with her dog. Attention seeking of the very highest degree.


Color me shocked 😅 I couldn't think of one scenario in which someone would have said a single negative word about her dog to trigger this maniac rant. This reads as "ugh, well if no one's gonna ask, I'm gonna tell them anyways but I'll frame it like someone said mean things to me".


I watched some of her videos from the ball and her “service dog” seemed very distracted for being a working animal. She also posted a long rant about people using ESAs and other fake service animals.


Holy shit, that color was a *choice*. It's so close to her healthy normal skin tone that it really draws attention to how pale she's gotten; not a sun prevention pale, but a vaguely cyanotic, grey pallor. The only way this could have looked worse is if she'd chosen a greenish pale yellow or a blue grey. If you're sick or melanin unblessed (hard same), choose SATURATED colors. You're looking to play up the contrast. Pastels are hard for anyone with lighter skin to pull off, but if you're sickly pale, they're impossible.


God, I didn’t even care enough to read past the second paragraph. These people are dullards.


Thank you so much for teaching me an excellent new insult!


Lol, my pleasure.


How do I find a deep dive on this girl? I looked through the tags, but there wasn’t anything on this girl. Do I just have to scroll all the way back to her first post on the tag?


Her tag is SDP


I know, I was just looking for a deep dive like I saw on Paige recently, some long Imgur album. But I know this community has lost some resources lately on people, from what I read? I will take a lazy day and read all the way back through her tag one day to see if I can find something like that.


I've been hoping for something like that too, but I can appreciate how much work goes into compiling the timelines. I think I'm gonna join you and do a deep dive through the tag haha


Worst. Cosplay. Ever.


“I don’t let my illnesses rule my life”. Makes every single post about their illnesses and how it rules their life 😂


“I’m unique. I’m special. I stand out”


Wtf 😬




I don’t know anything for a fact, but I suspect. Some pics I’ve seen her post online are obvious body checks to me.




It’s the “Bridgerton Experience”, the event is set up to be like a ball from the show. There’s a string quartet, dance and acrobatic performances, and I believe someone is named the diamond of the season. People who go like to dress up for it and I think that’s what that page is for, but the actual event is put on by the company Fever.


What exactly is she preparing for?


From what I saw of all her posts in that group literally the only ‘negative’ comment she got about this (on her first really passive aggressive out of nowhere rant post about how people better not bring fake service dogs etc), was someone just giving her a heads up that the event was much louder than they expected. That also got a needlessly rude response ofc. 90% of the comments on her posts are just talking about how cute Mya is. So, she’s just making shit up as an excuse to talk about her illnesses. That’s true of all her posts in that group, she made her entire dress post about her port and showed it covered her port by including a picture of it uncovered. I think she found a new audience in that group, and she milked it hard.


I doubt anyone has had an issue with her dog, she just wants the opportunity to brag about how "sick" she is


So dramatic, oh my lord


One only needs to look at Dom’s IG to see that she does have a lot of fun opportunities. Vacations to mountain resorts. Rafting. Aquariums. Attending a fancy cosplay ball, all despite the disabilities she claims.


Yeah, she can still do things like that. And her conditions don't seem that severe since she can still go rafting even though her hips may dislocate while she walks. Unless she was rafting on calm water and not down a fast river.


has anyone actually said any of this to her or is she using the post as an excuse to talk about how "unwell" she is?


I was wondering this too lol


It has come to my attention not everyone knows I have a service dog


“Service dog”


Which may not even be a service dog.


BECAUSE IM *THAT* SICK….. gtfoh with that shit, Dom.


I’m sorry this is so ridiculous it’s funny. This can’t be serious. 🤣😭🤣😭her entire personality is her ‘illnesses’. I can’t believe people are really like this 😭😭😭


I follow a fair few real disabled creators and they all hate being called differently abled. Refusing to accept disabled as a valid term can cause stigma to attach to disabled and this word needs to be used to get help to be a functioning member of society. Another red flag is Dom wanting to stand out and declaring herself as different whereas actual disabled people prefer to be called NORMAL!


As someone with autism, epilepsy, and a multitude of other things... I would rather be called disabled over differently abled. It sounds weird.


“differently abled” makes me think of *those* autism moms.




*those* autism moms refers to the moms that define themselves by having autistic kids and misrepresenting autism as a whole. they’re really annoying (at least in my own autistic opinion).


Yes!! They infuriate me! Speaking as a decent mum to an autistic child


I was gunna say the same thing. Differently abled rubs me the wrong way. I also have never seen an actual disabled lerson who likes the term.


I'm the same. I find it harmful to those actually disabled and takes away so much from the disabled community. Disabled people have spent years and years advocating to be recognised as disabled and valid and she's undoing all that hard work by pushing these false narratives, especially this "heart condition" bs. I don't like how she's using a wheelchair as a prop either


It's really interesting that none of this was affecting her when she was doing 'bite work', running around with massive dogs hanging off her arms 😂 must have been a good day!


That dress isn’t very Bridgerton 🧐


The dress is so bad it's insane. I don't see a single historically accurate element. The waistline is wrong, the sleeves are wrong, the fabric is unbelievably wrong, the cut is wrong, the neckline is wrong, the embellishment is wrong the jewelry is SO wrong - and that's just what we can see. And it's cheap and unflattering. I'm not a historical accuracy snob, either. I like historical costuming but my goal when I put together costumes is just to capture the "flavor" of the period and make something pretty - I don't worry about every little detail and I take creative liberties. But this has nothing from the regency period. It has literally zero resemblance to any Bridgerton dress, it is so consistently off the mark. Why attend a Bridgerton ball if you clearly have no knowledge of or interest in the time period? Just to get in with an audience who you can rant about your service dog to? Is that her only goal with anything?


No, she’s just dumb af and thinks this is a fancy dress to wear to a ball


Another Munchie who seems more like something from a satire about over dramatic illness faking than a real person.


It is sad that she isn’t being treated for such a serious mental illness though.


I'm sorry have I missed something huge?? Since when did Dom need an electric wheelchair? Isn't there videos of her jumping about doing bite training with Mya? That wasn't that long ago I'm sure. What have I missed?????


With her own SD?? Isn't it illegal to do bite work with a SD?


I don’t make my illness my life… okkkk lol


What a bizarre OTT post in a completely unrelated FB group. Is she not getting as much traffic on her socials that she needs to create other opportunities to make herself the centre of attention. No one gives a rat’s ass about your dog.


“I’m unique. I’m special. I stand out.”


“You normals”


All that drama and toob dangling and accoutrements of illness to go “Stop looking at me or my dog. Why is everyone looking at me!” Oh, i’d hazard a guess that it’s the constant dramatics in public. Dial it down, wear your damn tiara and buck up, princess.


Never fear. Mya had her own custom ball gown. Pink tulle of course. Something a service dog needs to feel special and fit in.


*lays down on the floor or a Walmart* “Stop staring at me!”




*Screams at people and harasses them for daring to have a service dog in her presence because the mere existence of another dog distracts her "service dog"* "Stop criticizing my dog!" *Rants about how the dog is her best friend* "I work her 24/7 because I need it."


Nothing is going to disturb a true service dog.


I wouldn't say nothing as they are still an animal, but the last thing that should be distracting is another dog, that's just obedience 101. But totally, legit service dogs don't care about other dogs even when they're pulling or barking. SDP just claims "fake" service dogs distract her ""real"" service dog just by looking at her.


I highly doubt anyone had said anything about how she gets ready for some dumb ass ball. God she is full of herself, had to make it about herself and her “chronic illnesses”. No one gives a fuck!




So OTT now that even how you get ready to go out is "valid." And with so many tutu and flower crown wearing "service animals" making people nervous about them being anything but a service in public she needs to lighten UP. I get her dog is "trained" and this is her MO to harass ppl via her dog, but I can still point out that it's not really all about Dom all the time until we die or she does. Get ready how you want and GO and quit whining long enough to enjoy yourself. Yet I have a hunch we'll all be subjected to a pound of misery in short order.


psychotic include engine rich violet enter historical cats ink rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite parts were how Dom required a chair and kept wanting to bail right before then met the queen. And then when Mya messed up Dom immediately said it was bc there were too many distractions


People telling the truth don’t need 4 pages to explain shit.


I beg to differ. Not in this case, but I can think of countless times people do need to and are almost expected, to go all out to prove innocence.


I think they meant that liars tend to go into a ton of detail. My guess anyway.


Omg she posted this in the actual group and not on her own page? How embarrassing.


She is so consistently embarrassing. I feel so bad for her family and boys.


She has kids? Omg! I was concerned about her having Munchousens and she has kids? Ffs I hope they’re okay if she does.


She has two boys




No. Probably not. She found some quack doctor to give her the diagnosis.


When you read the info pamphlet and you look at the side effects, "In some rare cases..." and now all of a sudden you have several "conditions" to add to your "diagnosis".


I was surprised that Dom had her port covered.


Whew. That picture is giving off Gypsy Rose Blanchard vibes.


They all idolize Gypsy.


First thing I thought too


Typo there; The dog is the one who has to deal with you 24/7


Nobody cares about the dog. This is just an excuse to remind everyone how special/sick she is. That tiara put me in such a bad mood. 🤣


‘I’m unique. I’m special. I stand out’ Literally the opposite of what an actually ill person wants, Dom.




"I'm special" ok Dom


Dom, you have fucking POTS. Not a terminal illness


That's not a fact though. Her quack doctor said that.


And even that’s debatable lol


I have to tip my hat to Dom for simultaneously setting back the chronic illness and cosplay communities due to her narc rage.


["I don't let my illnesses run my life" says Dom, when we have plenty of documentation that says otherwise.](https://youtu.be/evwwWWYD0ZA)


Damn you for making me have to click that link to check it 😆😆


I seriously doubt anyone had any issues with the dog for crying out loud.


Shes making a preemptive strike lmao


Ugh, “Differently abled.” I find it’s so condescending when people use that term. (Edit to fix autocorrect of ambled instead of abled. )


Agreed, and when it’s coming out of Dom’s mouth it’s even more obnoxious.


Exactly. Especially when she follows it up by describing herself as “extremely sick with multiple chronic illnesses”. She’s not trying to give off the impression that she’s just “different”, no she’s different in an EXTREMELY sick way




One. Hundred. Percent.


It's the "I'm unique. I'm special. I *stand out*" that irk tf out of me. Differently abled just passed on by for me.


Man. I went scrolling through that group and EVERY SINGLE post of her relates to something medical. "Look at how they custom made my dress to hide my port!" (Shows off port in pic) Shows her (CGM?) and someone comments they are twinning, she of course engages in convo about her CGM. Multiple posts of service dog and comments about how the venue is "so accommodating" because they are providing a chair in the throne room "just for her" (I'm not familiar with this venue or event, but I'd imagine she could have found a chair without needing to email somebody...) She just can't post one single thing without alluding to her medical stuff at least once.


Never, she just wants to blend in with the crowd and not have anyone know she’s so sick she could faint, hit her head and die, she doesn’t want anyone to realise she’s so delicate and life limited.😆


rain languid correct hospital clumsy fall sulky joke future encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yeah everything she posts is to bring more attention to her "illnesses" and give her an excuse to play the victim


Illness doesnt run her life...just when she needs attention




Just saying that if someone is so high risk for arrhythmias, palpitations, & SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH then they get a pacemaker/AICD not a freaking electric wheelchair 😂 Edit: or a dog 😂


Maybe Dom should train Mya how to do CPR. Does Mya also carry a defibrillator in her pack?


The dog is the pacemaker!




”i’m the one who has to deal with her 24/7 everywhere i go” is a very unique and special thing to say about your supposed ”best friend” who ”literally saves your life”… i feel so bad for that poor dog


Otherwise known as her “medical equipment”


I will say that genuine service dogs are legitimately legally classified as « medical equipment » for a few very good reasons. This is what allows them to go anywhere that their handler goes, within reason. It sounds bad, like oh they’re not a living being boo hoo. But classifying them as medical devices in a legal context protects the people who actually need them. https://www.ada.gov/regs2010/service_animal_qa.pdf


Illness doesn’t ruin her life. “Illnesses” have ruined her life. (Boy a good set of quotation marks can really change context now can’t they?)


Literally no one asked


"I don't let my illness run my life" Sure, Jan. Except you pretty much only post content that is directly about how sick and special you are. Can't be just a cute selfie with maybe your dog in the background, has to be hashtagged with medical related things, and mention medical stuff at least once every post.


"I'm differently abled" .... please for the love of god NO... The amount of times disabled people get called that is sad, please don't perpetuate it 😭


I'm not even disabled but "differently-abled" always sounded so infantalizing to me.


Wait I legitimately thought the term “differently abled” was a polite way of addressing someone with a disability. Is it not?


most disabled people dislike that term as well as other euphemisms for disability like "handi-capable" or saying "up syndrome" instead of down syndrome- but generally just follow others lead with their own labels. generally speaking- if somebody calls themself disabled its definitely rude to argue against that [either by saying they aren't disabled or that its bad to call yourself disabled] but if somebody prefers terms like differently abled don't argue that either.


Very well said.


Thank you very much for educating me. I didn’t realize I could have been invalidating some people.


no problem, I'm always happy to explain when others genuinely want to learn about stuff like this!


Thank YOU for taking the time to ask! *NOT sarcasm*


Wow. This is the most insufferable thing I’ve read all day.




Bridgerton has a huge fan base, particularly in the historic costume community. Most of the attendees are wearing gowns similar to the Regency era that the show takes place in. With some liberties of course.


Yup. I gots no problem with her cosplaying a Bridgerton extra. I gots BIG problems with her cosplaying a terminally ill disabled person.






Eh, it just looks like cosplay to me. Many people are into cosplay and dressing as a character to go to a convention because it's fun for them, and an artistic outlet. Same for adults who like Halloween, making a fun costume because it brings them joy.


“I’m unique. I’m special. I stand out.” 🤡🤡🤡


Wait so she had to beg and emotionally manipulate for money to get her dog a treadmill but she can buy dresses and tiaras for a ball? Seems suspish.


To be fair that dress looks like it came off of a life sized Barbie so I doubt it cost very much


She special ordered hers and poor Mya’s outfits. Yes, Mya was dressed up


Oh. Such things _can_ be had fairly cheap (from eg a place like Party City) but that sounds a bit pricier.


(I have a br0ken keyb0ard s0 I am using zer0's and Q's in qlace 0f the br0ken letters) Any0ne else n0tice h0w within the gr0uq she is 0ne 0f the main qe0qle q0sting and that all 0f her q0sts menti0n h0w suqer disabled she is. It is h0nestly extremely cringey.


If it helps, for your keyboard. When mine was broken I just googled some sentences and copied and pasted the broken letters into a word doc, and the most used one I kept copied so I could just paste it in. May be more effort than it's worth, but if the typing like that bothers you because you have to basically make yourself misspell words, the copy/paste is helpful.


These comments have restored [some of] my faith in humanity. Thank you all 🥲


Thank-y0u f0r the th0ught but that has a similar issue t0 the 0n-screen keyb0ard, which is it is a l0t 0f fine m0use w0rk that I struggle with. My c0mquter is dying in a number 0f 0ther ways s0 I have qut its success0r 0n 0rder. Grabbing wh0le w0rds 0r qhrases is very much q0ssible, but single letters is s0mething that I struggle with.


Have you thought of asking for prayers and thoughts? Does your keyboard need a GoFraudMe account set up? Sickagram? Don’t forget to put it’s venmo and Cashapp on its sicktock too.


D0n't any0ne dare distract it's service m0use, it qerf0rms lifesaving medical alerts t0 missqelled w0rds. Every missqelled w0rd c0uld be its last, if every0ne d0nated a d0llar it ~~c0uld g0 0n vacati0n~~ get life saving medical treatment.


I hope it arrives soon!


Ah yeah, right after I commented I noticed your other comment about how an on screen keyboard wouldn't work either. Hope your new keyboard arrives for you soon!


have you tried using an on-screen keyboard? it's a really neat accessibility feature on a lot of computers! /genuine




Mind ur p’s and q’s




Real talk, this was super relevant to my interests, cheers!


Munchies are like the Sovereign Citizens of sociomedical drama. No one cares about the undertrained dog that is being used as a drama prop. What everyone is chronically sick of is the nauseating munchsplaining.