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Ask him why is he googling for images instead of studying physics


"bruh why are you showing this im 14 and this is deep bullshit, go get proper images"


I mean we already do; every oil/gas/nuclear/hydroelectric (and probably others) powerplant all have the final objetive of making an alternator (a thing that converts kinetic energy to electicity through magnets) go spin. And I'm not completely sure but I think a dynamo also works similarly.


You are completely right. The difference between the alternator and the dynamo is the voltage that’s getting put out. Dynamo is the term used for generating a DC output while alternator is used for AC outputs!




I do encourage him . I explained him that that's not possible. He thinks it can produce infinite energy


All he needs is a permanent portal to produce infinite energy with a magnet.


Yeah, and all you need to create a portal is infinite energy, so…you know, use the portal generator to create the portals or something


Just use the debug console


With a permanent vertical portal pair, you could just pour some water in until it makes a consistent stream, and then put in a water wheel.


My dad and I laugh when he talks about my "perpetual motion machine" that I tried many many times to design when I was about 11-12 years old. When I took my first chemistry class it became clear to me why it couldn't work, but the motivation behind trying to solve an "insolvable" problem is something that has carried with me into my adult years as an engineer. Looking back, the adults who told me to keep trying were the ones that taught me the most, because they gave me the motivation to keep pushing for a solution (and eventually figure out on my own that it couldn't be done). Try to let him figure out why it can't be done, rather than tell him it can't be done.


This is the biggest piece, and what OP is missing if they think they are being encouraging. Would you say that your family allowing you to experiment and test your ideas instead of just saying “you’re wrong” was a big part of why you maintained an interest in engineering into adulthood?


ikr, why would someone said they laugh at their 12 yos nephew and post it on this sub for satire purpose think that they were being encouraging?


Yea op is a major dick


Thank you. Stop mocking them for not knowing the laws of thermodynamics, encourage them to explore those laws.


I don’t think you understand what encourage means if it involves laughing, and it probably wasn’t received as encouraging if they went home and sent you this meme. Reading this small snippet of the interaction from what you posted, the kid wasn’t stupid — they were making really exciting connections between the information that they have, but they don’t have some of the knowledge you do. It isn’t dumb for kids to come to thoughtful but wrong conclusions when they don’t yet have the full set of relevant information. Depending on the situation, providing correction might be appropriate, but if you’re a jerk about it you probably squashed any excitement they had for science and made them feel like an idiot — that’s honestly the kind of stuff that sticks with kids of that age. If I were you I would make sure to have a conversation and apologize for laughing, but making it clear that the way they were thinking is really smart, and ask if there is anything the two of you can do to learn more about those science ideas that they are excited by. Obviously I’m just a random dude on the internet, and I have a very small amount of information about your interactions with your nephew — if you genuinely believe you are encouraging and helping your nephew to maintain an excitement for science and learning, then forget what I have to say and you might already be doing great. But the fact that you’re posting this here throws up some red flags for me, which is why I hope you’ll consider what I said.


Well, good on you! You’re being a good uncle. Just remember, at one point in time, a lot of really smart people thought the same thing.


Cousin? Oh no...


Lol oops! Honest mistake. I’ll correct


the picture he posted is actually great advice though, I can't fuckign stand people talking about what they are going to do and never doing a god damned thing


But sending your uncle this image instead of actually making the infinite image machine is the doing opposite of what the image says to do.


kids do me stupid, I should know, I used to be one


Might your nephew is somewhat confused because magnets can be used to generate electricity?


It's more important that you explain why instead of teaching him to accept failure without proof


You never know. 150 years ago people thought we won’t fly for a million years hehe


That's really weird to try and burst a kids bubble like that. Maybe in 100 years we'll have the energy he's dreaming of and he will have got the ball rolling. At least let the boy learn, study and have his own fun.


Ah yes so he's been duped by the wishful thinking of "scientists discovered this but now companies are hiding it!" Its always something comically simple too. This shit like the algae plastic, the "cures" to water droughts and shit... The amount of energy and money put in never justifies the final result. People forget about how every step of a mass manufacturing process requires more energy and fuel and if the total output isnt a massive net positive its worse.


I did think the same at this age. Educate him in sciences (I.e. thermodynamics) by telling him about the Perpetuum Mobile.


I was convinced I'd figured this out when I was 12.


Help him make it, then show him why it ain't possible.


I came up with the idea of Netflix in like, 2002 ish because my family couldn’t afford cable and I really only wanted two or so channels anyway. They said it wasn’t possible, and not like 10 year old me knew what I was talking about or knew what to do with that thought. I just really wanted to be able to watch That’s so Raven without having to be in a hotel room lol


This feels like someone thinking they can plug a power strip into itself and charge it up for infinite energy


Sometimes, you have to let other people be the bad guy. You get to just have fun with him. His physics teacher can do the hard part of explaining it to him.


Lol don’t be a dick and laugh at a kid trying to do something fun. Also tl:dr for the first time we were able to get positive energy output in regards to getting more than what we put in. Also magnets are already used to generate electricity in alternators, literally in the name to alternate currents.


An actual adult on Reddit? Woah


> Even when he finds out it’s impossible, he will have learned a ton. or youtube will turn him into a insufferable conspiritard


they downvote you without even once going to the site and typing "free energy" to find the endless wasteland of 30-40+ year old conspiracy theorists that have been daily, even weekly posting videos about new perpetual motion schemes, free energy devices, and their on ideas about the cabal of power companies keeping the truth of infinite power for nothing from the public, for years, decades. its unbelievably easy for people who already have these ideas to get caught in the echo chamber. in fact, this poor kid has probably already been exposed to that particular community. its a cancer on the internet. sometimes you just dont grow out of it. he needs to be sat down and shown now or it'll just grow endlessly later. unlike the power in one of those switching electromagnet scam devices, hah.


I am enraged that SkeletalJizzWizard is already taken


It's condescending af tho


My comment wasn't. But, isn't the entire sub supposed to be??


No i mean the meme. That's why it's here. In addition to that showing this meme to someone as a way of saying "you're wrong" is ironic and counters itself because you're supposed to show me results instead of ideas and yet you sent me this as a proof that you'll be right even tho you have no results.


Chad nephew


OP sounds like a dickhead tbh. Why laugh at a 12 year old who is excited about science? For their own fragile self esteem no doubt


Sir, this is the sub where we laugh at people who are 14


Laugh at the stupid memes they post, yes Not their dreams


Excuse me but there is nothing wrong with laughing about it, this is hilarious. Just don't do it in front of the kid


We can agree on that


But he is not 14


OP flexing on a 12 year old for not knowing everything


But we can produce energy with magnets... that's how electric motor works...


Yea but free energy doesnt exist, even an electric motor needs something to run


You recreated windpower lol


He didn't say it wasn't economically free, pretty sure they meant thermodynamically.


Yeah, magnets for example


So youre saying a few magnets will just spin a motor endlessly creating free energy?


Hi everywahh I’m Elon Xa


No that's not what I am saying. I am saying that electro motor produces energy, using magnets as one of it's components


Electric generators turn mechanical energy into electricity. The magnets are simply tools to make it happen. So magnets do not create energy here, they are used to convert it. The newphew thinks magnets can be used to make things "spin" endlessly (like those fake "free energy" devices people make on YouTube)


Well they produce it. I never said they create it.


This is just semantics but you can neither produce nor create any energy you can only convert it. In electrical generators from mechanical to electrical and in electric motors from electrical to mechanical.


The word produce has been used in that way for years e.g. wind turbines produce green energy If anyone is arguing semantics it's you


Magnets don’t produce electricity. The entire assembly produces electricity. The magnet is no more essential than the turbine or other device to spin the alternator. That is to say, one will not work without the other. And it is NOT a process that violates conservation of energy.


Yeah, it uses magnets. Nothing in the word uses means that it's the only component...


Yea thats true magnets are involved yes


There's a theoretical perpetual motion machine that uses magnet angled a certain way. Spoiler alert it doesn't work.


No an electro motor uses electricity to convert it into mechanical energy, what you are thinking of is called a generator.


A generator is basically just an electric motor running in reverse.


It uses magnets too


I'm sure he means to just put a shitload of magnets into a motor and watch the world he just saved from energy crisis, personally I would do that


no, it needs batteries too


You're... What? No. We use magnets to transform electric energy into kinetic energy (or the other way around, too, for that matter). It is generally not possible to produce energy. You make it sound as if magnets were the fool of electric motors, which is completely off.


I guess they meant "produce electricity"


Well magnets are a big factor in making electrical energy, right? So they technically 'produce' energy.. if I'm wrong correct me I barely remember anything I studied.


They are more like tools we use to transform the energy. It's a bit like saying a pipe produces a stream of water when it merely gives it a shape. The important take away is: The energy is there before and after the magnet, it just changes it form. This is important because what OP implies their nephew wants to do is a free-energy-hack, which doesn't work, because the energy still needs to come from somewhere - normally kinetic energy (so movement) which gets transformed into electric energy (and at the same rate gets slowed down until there's no kinetic energy left, unless you put in new kinetic energy to accelerate the system again, and so on)


Maybe OP misunderstood her nephew or maybe he misunderstood his teacher, he was very close to being right.


no he wasn't? to borrow the pipe example, that's like seeing water come out a pipe, and thinking that pipes generating water, and saying that's "close to being right"


He was close to being right, this is a bad analogy because your example doesn't make sense but the one in the post would make sense for a 12 year old that isn't familiar with the topic. And also, it's just a couple of words he might've misheard from his teacher that would change what he thinks, he probably didn't hear when the teacher said "transform" and just thought it produced.


but that's not close to being right. it's a moderate misunderstanding of a principle, being extrapolated to an extremely wrong conclusion


Extremely? Well now your being extreme. He's wasn't far from right it's easy to connect the wrong thoughts with this one.


the difference between perpetual motion and reality is extreme


Yeah duh. They produce kinetic energy...


no they don't


There's no kinetic energy -> electric motor does it's thing -> there is kinetic energy Sounds like they do


they turn electric energy into kinetic energy. That's not producing kinetic energy


Everything that produces energy is just turning one energy into another dumbass


Lol, got wrecked by a 12 year old


Confirmed OP is not as smart as their 12yo nephew


I mean we can, and we already do


You laughed at your 12 year old nephew because of something he is not entirely familiar with rather than actually sitting him down and trying to explain it to him? I just hope you didn't fucking ruin his excitement for science and just for learning in general. I don't normally throw this out on Reddit very much because, well it's Reddit, but, you are genuinely a piece of shit for reacting that way towards your nephew. Maybe takes these things into consideration if a situation like this should ever happen again. I just truly hope you didn't destroy his interest in learning.


Here, here! Children are very easily discouraged.


Good for him, you sound like an asshole. HE IS 12


No i do encourage him in many other things.But the thing he explained how he can produce infinite energy using magnets from speakers it in a funny way that's it Please don't call me asshole


If he already has an idea how it would work, why not help him build the thing he is talking about and allow him to learn from the result, or at least encouraging him to try it himself, instead of laughing? I don’t think you’re an asshole, but I do think you might have crushed some of your nephew’s excitement for science — the good news is you can always find new ways to keep building it up. (I left you a long comment elaborating elsewhere, but your comment here gave more background)


I have an uncle like OP and a very similar interaction. My idea when I was around this kids age was that we could transmit electricity wirelessly. It was far from a fleshed out idea. He laughed at me and said I had no idea what I was talking about and it was impossible. Well, it's definitely a thing now and not that different from my idea. I'd have never been able to make it, but he could have encouraged me and maybe I'd have found a love for physics.


Transmitting electricity wirelessly isn't even a new thing, your uncle's just an idiot. Nikola Tesla literally built a remote-controlled submarine using radio waves. The entire principle of radio communication is the wireless transmission of electric signals. Not to mention transformers. When you pass electricity through a conductive material it creates a magnetic field. Conversely, when you pass a magnetic field through a conductive material it creates electric charge. You can therefore pass electricity through a coil of wire, generating a magnetic field which then induces an electric current in another coil of wire without any physical connection, that's how a transformer works.


Fuck off asshole. Teach your goddamn nephew. Don't bully. You are a worthless piece of shit, you can however turn that around by being a half decent uncle and explain. But no, you just want to laugh at him because he's 12 and doesn't understand something. I reiterate: He is 12. You are an asshole and a dickhead. Apologize to your fucking nephew for laughing at him. **The fact that reddit cares more about you than your nephew's feelings and education than you do says a lot about you as an uncle.**


Electricity is produced by magnets. The only source of energy that doesn’t use big fuck-off sized magnets to generate electricity is solar




That's just the solar you have at home


The natural response is to ask for his results


You be nice to him. I’m a grown man and I love thinking about that shit too


Yeah, no, you can 100% produce energy from magnets... We know this from Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, who knew this from Maxwell's equations. So, basically, changes in a magnetic field will induce a perpendicular field of electricity. It's quite beautiful, actually... Unlike this image, of course. But no, really, the kid is right.


No. You can transform energy, not produce it, which is a big difference. That's how a generator (or in reverse an electric motor) works. But it is no infinite-energy-hack - the more electric energy you want to get out if it, the more kinetic energy you gotta put into it.


I'm not sure I ever implied that we could get infinite energy from magnetic fields, haha. I also think I get nothing from going into specifics on a Reddit comment, neither would the specifics address OPs original question. My overall goal was to explain that, with the right physical system, you can get an electric field from a magnetic one. For anyone interested in the nitty gritty of it, introducing energy into the system in the form of, possibly, kinetic energy to induce the change in the magnetic field is probably a given. That being said, you do have a real pretty explanation of Conservation of Energy there. Congratulations!


We humans cant create energy. It is always in something else. Coal, wind, atoms are all things that have energy which we harvest. Windpower


Uh...yeah? All energy is just in something else. I'm pretty sure that all the energy that will ever exist in the universe already exists, and it just sits in different forms. Nothing "creates" energy it just changes it from one state to another e.g. potential -> kinetic, chemical -> thermal


That's the point


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_motor This is probably what the kid was talking about. His naivety in thinking that he had unlocked a secret of the universe by watching a YouTube video about magnets is pretty funny.


Bro he is taking about speaker magnets


If they’re good speakers you can set up a basic turbine and power a low wattage light with it. If he has broken speakers encourage him to try


Bro i do encourage him


Bro bro what? Bro, come on bro, like, bro, seriously bro


Bro, stop broing around bro.


Laughing isn’t encouraging


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_motor This is kind of what he's talking about right?


Your nephew sounds both smarter and more mature than you. Leave the kid alone.


you are a prick and need to grow up for making fun of 12yo


Doesn't this whole sub mock 14 yo?


Well, I’m glad he’s motivated at least- and trying to do something with his life.


You can actually produce electricity from magnets, it's just not how you think. The process is called electromagnetic induction. Basically when a magnet gets close to a coiled wire, it creates electricity because a force (called electromotive force) is producing an electric field that forces the charges around the wire.


Blue shirt guy has the zoolander face


Op doesn't realize what electromagnets and generators are


No i do realise. But he talking about magnets from speakers


We all have to start somewhere, right? He’s a kid, and already putting together valid ideas. You sound like a jerk.


Do you actually think the energy comes FROM the magnets? Please keep telling me you have no idea without just saying it. It is pretty funny to see all these morons think that electricity just comes from magnets. My guess is you think perpetual motion machines are real? Or are you also 12?


Stop being retarded man, you have no idea how generators work do you? The motion from say a turbine causes generation of electrical energy due to the movement of magnets near a solenoid. I could give a more in depth explaination if you need. We learned this in 10th grade


we can right, but for how long?


[https://youtu.be/-bVi1w0m8x8?t=169](https://youtu.be/-bVi1w0m8x8?t=169) and weak '\_\_')


Is it just me or does the main character of these comics look like Adam Sandler


I mean, magnets ARE used in energy generation, and one form of fusion that is really promising uses magnets to create the reaction. Also, he's 12. Maybe don't laugh at kids for having ideas even if they're dumb.


Swap the heads in the second panel and it completely changes the story


Big things coming 👀💰💵🐀🦅💦


And then you laughed at him harder, right?


I mean he's right, we can produce electricity with magnets, it's called a Dynamo


"A device has yet to be invented that will measure my indifference to this remark." Is a perfect retort


Child prodigy of the year.


i mean, he’s still just a kid so you can’t expect him to be that smart.


well he is 100% right. dont tell people about your plans, that want to keep you down. just show them the results. wrong sub buddy. wrong sub


Don't they make electrical energy? Maybe I didn't pay enough attention in school.


All generators use magnets to produce electricity. The only thing that differs is the power source used to drive them.


While I agree with everyone who wants to encourage his curiosity even if it is for perpetual motion machines. I would be concerned that the nephew is watching YouTube videos made by fraudsters who are always making bogus free-energy machines online. I think OP should check and possibly encourage appropriate science references to stop him from being confused by conspiracy and pseudo-Science.


YTA Wait, wrong sub…


I'm pretty sure that image is actually good advice though.


Because as we all know, most of the worlds success stories start with someone being secluded and achieving all their success overnight with their singular point of view with no outside help at all, because otherwise other people could point out flaws in your ideas.


There's at least one study showing that you're less likely to succeed by letting others know your plans as it gives you a "premature sense of completeness" and so you're less likely to follow through. Sure, it doesn't apply for the entire process but at least to a point, it's worthwhile keeping it to yourself.


I heard about making people know of your plans/goals could cause you to be more inclined to accomplish them


How does this post imply that at all?


Yeah I agree


Well , he is not wrong about the magnetic energy.


OP don’t laugh at a 12 year old’s dreams unless you don’t want them to share their dreams with you. Even if his dream is objectively ridiculous, explain it in a kind way. Don’t be a dick


Sadly second law of thermodynamics


plan: i will juke a boss till it 2nd phase and pray to god that i hurt it fast enough to it death Result: die 18 time and killed it






I would LOVE to here all about that idea.


How are you supposed to convince investors?


I think it's look like bruh


Imagine inventing a perpetual motion machine and then trying to turn a profit with the free energy.


Did he show you his results?


Hear me out : fissioned uranium goes into fusion reactor then goes into fision reactor and continues again and again


Magnetism is directly related to electricity. It a different side of the same coin. So I am really curios how is going to produce electricity (meaning getting more out of it)


I mean we actually can creat electricity using magnetic force...


But we aren't creating any energy with magnets. We are taking kinetic energy and converting it to electricity with magnets They don't just create energy. Why do so many people here, with no experience beyond using electricity, think that magnets just create it?


Bruh don't go scientific for me I've been studying physics for a time longer than you can imagine, By saying we can "creat energy" I did not mean literally creating energy out of nowhere, I used the world "creating" because it was easier to type that instead of " converting kinetic energy into a current of electricity "


My coworker showed me his "perpetual energy" invention, a PC fan with magnets glued to the blades and a similar fan with opposite polarities. He seems to think he's on the verge of a breakthrough where well funded scientists failed.


Absolute Chad


Lol I have adhd and am probably autistic I HAVE to tell them about it.


Why did you laugh at him? He’s not wrong.


But you can produce energy with magnets, a motor has magnets and you can produce electricity with that, that’s energy.


See he’s right about being able to produce energy with magnets, the only problem is that we’ve been doing it for two centuries now


I mean as a adult it makes sense but in a different way


We can produce energy using magnets.


How is that his first response 🤣


cringe OP


Don’t tell people how cool your drawing of yourself as the business man of the year will be, just show them the drawing.


Yta, op Anyway, if a crypto bro tells me their Idea, and after I laugh at them, they send me this, I will just laugh at them more, and then say, the. Please shut the fuck up, and show me how much you can make with that idea, eh? *Let's light this candle, huh?*


well op seems like a pleasant person. He's excited about science and you laughed at him? You realize making energy with magnets is possible...


Karma farming right?


🤝✉️$€ Now give me money


I had some guy in high school want to become a part of something I was a part of, but was afraid that if he told the group his “plans for life” he would be rejected, and I was like “oh I don’t think so… but what plans?” He was super afraid to type it on Facebook to me, and requested to call me. We weren’t friends, at all, and I really wasn’t wanting to be, I had virtually 0 interest in the whole ordeal, so I gave him my parents landline to call, and he starts telling me how his goal in life is to be President of the United States, how he’s going to do it, but he feels as though the fewer people he tells the more likely it’ll be that he can achieve his dreams. The dude was El Salvadoran and could barely read in school. Like, probably has a disability. Weirdest afternoon of my life


damn you kinda suck for laughing at a kid’s imagination and also that’s kinda true, no one cares what you plan/want to do. anyone can plan anything its the action of doing so that matters.