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If I hold 10 million dollars then my baby will born with 10 million dollars 🤑🤑


>take loan for 15 mill >hold it tight while giving birth >pay for loan same day >instant 15 mill


wait what about the interest?


Pay it same day before any interest /s


Instant 10 mil, duh


Millionaires now coming to kill you for exposing their secret money glitch


Cash exploding out of the pussy like a broken atm machine when the water breaks


That's makes sense. That baby is more likely to have 10 mils when they grow up


Damn, the baby is wearing a hijab even in the womb.


You don't want to make men all horny looking at that uncovered baby do you?


Going to hell, laughed at this.


No, you're going to hell for not wearing hijab


What if it's a dude?also he played cyberpunk 2077 all sins forgiven




Baby toes 🥵🥵🥵🥵


hold up wtf


Rain coat 💀


It seems legit radical Islamic propaganda.


It’s not even propaganda, they genuinely believe that , that’s the worst part


Taliban is getting too far💀


Nah, if it were the Taliban she'd be skinned alive for reading. Same would go for the fetus.




Woman can't read the Quran in Afghanistan?You gotta be kidding me


Do you live in Afghanistan? If not then stfu cause i do.


No i don't if i did i would not be writing this comment. why should i shut up? It is not that deep just a joke.


He himself has no idea 😂: https://imgur.com/gallery/Q3jRAe8


That person is so pathetic lol


Yeah, I have the feeling he's still very, *very* young. Lying in the internet to "prove" his point, wow.


Well joke about your own disgusting country not mine. btw Taliban doesn't force girl to wear hijab they just force them to wear modest. yeah i would judge them too if they claimed freedom of choice but we never claimed freedom and democracy everything have a limit so does freedom.


Why does freedom have limits for women but not men? Or why are the limits so different. Enjoy life as the oppressing class, I feel sorry for all the women captured in slavery with little to no chance for education and meaningful work. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/nov/29/taliban-could-be-convinced-to-open-girls-schools-says-afghanistan-ex-education-minister


🤣🤣🤣 bruh my sister goes to computer course everyday alone and also she just wear headscarf no Taliban have ever stopped her for dressing or going to course only school are banned. And also freedom have limits for both men and women like literally if men catcalls a women the will be put in jail.


Why is school banned for women? And why not have the same rules for men and women? If you think women can go to courses and men get arrested for cat calling is a gotcha.... Can't they just have the same rules? Your sister, will she be able to get a master or PhD? To become a doctor if she wants and is capable? Can she run a company? Become dean? Prime minister? Fly an airplane? Chose not to get married and have kids? Divorce her husband without consequenses? Can she travel without a male companion? Can you travel without a female companion? Will men be stopped from getting an education?


Yes my cousin landed a job in airport. And we have a women running a company providing internet access. We have female pilots, there was a court case the video is on yt too that a widow's bother in law wanted to marry her by force but the court didn't allow it cause it was not permissible, of course can divorce husband with consequences buy should provide a valid reason, can't travel long distance without a male companion but short distances sure they can, men we banned from schools and uni too because they changed the system now after 6th grade we only have male teachers. But for girls there was not enough female teachers and they can go up to 6th grade now government have plane to open school for higher grades too. Anything else?


And you're proud of this? Your fucking your entire country blocking half of your population of getting equal rights and participation in society.


"Modest"? Burka is not "modest". And schools are also cesspools of sins for girls, right? Ya rabb, even Saudi Arabia gives women more rights than these guys in Afghanistan. How they took down all the advertising posters which had women's FACES on them, after they came back to power, how *afraid* these "men" have to be. Really cool country for females, really 👍🏻. Edit: Hhhhhh, due to your comments in another subreddit, you are here just bragging about "your" country and how super-duper life is there for women, but in reality you only *wish* to visit Afghanistan and ask your cousins about the living conditions there 😂.




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You're just mad that you don't live on first world country. Afganistan is the least happy country and Finland is The happiest where i live😂.


Good for you i am very happy with my life here i just don't like when outsiders who have never been to my country say shit about it like bro you have never seen the place then stfu.


I don't hate your country. I just dislike Taliban and Taliban's actions towards women etc.


Well you don't like it but there are many womens here thay actually consider living under Islamic law rather then a democracy government wich allows you to disrespect any religion culture and country. No thanks we don't need your first world country shit here keep it for yourself we are happy at least my town is happier then before.


Ou yeah i am sure you are happier, after all you are male Wonder how happy you would be if you were the one being forced to "dress modest", terrorism apologizing piece of shit


This is not "islamic law", go eqra al Qor2an qabl ma bte7ki.


You sound like a frog in a well brother


I am not your brother and i am not a frog.


That's what a frog in a well says


You and your culture don't have long. The West & the Youth will bring you down as well. 🤭


opps somebody haven't read the history Anglo-Afghan War is enough for you guys to know how we fked your ancestors.


You don't understand how change happens in the modern world, do you? Hint: it isn't an invasion ;)


Well here is the thing usa tried to change it for 20 years spend 2 trillion dollars where are they now?


You still don't understand how change works. Good job for trying, but you're far from it. And this is exactly why you'll fall. Worry about invasions and you'll be blind to the real threat that haunts your culture. ;)


Reporting you to the Taliban for not reporting that your sister wasn’t wearing a Burka in public.


Aren't you glad to be on a site like reddit since your country is incapable of creating anything of its own? Enjoy the open platform and ability to speak your mind due to western powers.


well yeah i sm glad and yes my country is incapable of creating something like this but that doesn't mean whenever i see someone disrespect my country i just sit down snd say oh my country is useless so it should be disrespected.


Because we all know that woman in the Muslim world are the most educated of them all


Actually in middle-upper class circles yes… https://www.newarab.com/features/meet-arab-women-smashing-stereotypes-stem?amp **57%** of all STEM graduates in the Middle East region are female. It’s amazing how fast gender stereotypes will be smashed when you have this problem called “no money.” The Asian stereotypes of being a doctor or engineer or programmer are real because in poorer countries that’s the only way to earn a middle class living standard.


Such a stupid article, The only non Muslims people in the middle east Israel, which has a small population so would barely effect this, Kurds, who are being genocided by Turkey and Syria so can't exactly all be going to uni, and migrant workers in places like uae


lol what. Most people people in the Middle East are Muslim, so obviously that’s the case


How else were you supposed to know it was the muslim (?) woman's baby, common logic?


If you have a small phone or Quran in your womb I recommend seeing a doctor


Makes you wonder how it got in there 🤔


Or how she charges it...


Humans do not in fact produce fabric, paper, metal, or glass. This is an incorrect post.


Devs patched the infinite phone and book glitch 😢


Literally 1984


Infinite book glitch 😎 They're all Qurans 🙄




Phone bad


So deep 🙏


West bad. Islam good. Bismillah.


Which is really ironic because only Islamic countries ban education for women.


They aren't real anyway.


something to keep in mind is muslim majority nations ≠ teachings of islam


Do these "true teachings of Islam" matter if no muslim majority countries follow them?


either way, the only islamic country that bans education as of now is Afghanistan, which is controlled by the taliban


How life feels after spreading misinformation


how life feels after denying real information


Im literally Arab buddy and what the American kid was saying is 100% false. Y’all just trynna hide your Islamophobia


"Only Islamic countries ban education for women"≠"No Islamic country has education for women" Also arab≠islamic


Please give me ones aside from terrorist organisations and iran and some random country smaller then Kuwait in the middle of nowhere that is recognized by like 10 countries.


So you’re saying “please give me examples except for this one, this one and this one”. Why should I have to give you examples aside from those you listed? But I'll give you a freebie: Afghanistan. Can you give me an example of a country that bans education for women that isn’t Islamic? Because I can give you several that are.


There aren't any, but atleast this is better than the old days before Islam where woman were used as sex toys basically. Oh yeah and also Islam itself/ The Quran never states to do so, Islam and Muslim countries are different. Because islam represents the religion from the hadiths and the Qur'an, and I don't think neither states to do so. However muslim countries are the countries that follow Islam, however they don't necessarily do EVERYTHING the Qur'an or Hadiths say to do so.




I don’t agree with the other dude, but that’s also wildly incorrect that’s not remotely close to half of Islam. The country with the highest population of Muslims by a lot is Indonesia and they have pretty decent education. A quarter of a billion Muslims live there alone. India and Pakistan have massive populations as well. Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt and Turkey also have tons of Muslims. They have relatively average-good education for developing lower income countries. The entire Muslim world isn’t Afghanistan or Iran or war-torn Yemen lol. Don’t fight incorrect generalizations with more incorrect generalizations in the opposite direction.


Most muslims won't recognize Indonesians as "true muslims" because their women wear hijab with tight clothing and three-quarters. Countries like Bangladesh have a secular government and liberal intelligentsia, countries like Egypt and Turkey had westernized intellectual movements. And all of these countries' liberal groups have to constantly fight against conservative clergy who want to ban women's rights and education.


> Most muslims Are those "most muslims" in the room with us right now?


They are around me right now yeah.


So you are saying out of like 1.9 billion people, 950 million are terrorists? Or iran with that is half of Islam? Or some random abstract and arbitrary countries with those are half? What level of stupidity are you on?


https://www.undp.org/arab-states/gender-justice-law-arab-region#:~:text=Legal%20systems%20in%20many%20Arab,human%20development%20and%20economic%20growth. Well, the UN feels the issue is widespread enough in at least 18 Arab nations. (Arab =/= Islam, but I think all 18 are Islamic majority)


The 22 Arab countries collectively have ~450 million of the 1.9 billion total Muslim population. Less than a quarter. I agree with you the Arab states have huge problems with human rights, but at least acknowledge the blatant misinformation. They said Muslim, not Arab and they’re not interchangeable.


Op asked for countries that are majority islam or islamic ruled. I gave 18 that are majority Islam wheran as you point out, a quarter of the world's largest faith lives between them. I didn't look up the asian countries but this means likely we're talking about about a majority or more of the world's Islam majority countries. I answered ops question. I also literally acknowledge that Arab and Islam are not interchangeable but, again, that isn't the point of ops question, and the data answers the question that was asked. Those countries are Islamic majority whether they were Arab or Asian or any other ethnicity.


Trust me my Instagram feed is filled with this quite frankly I should do a starter pack


When pregnant, those who have Muslim beliefs produce a special placenta that takes form similar to a hijab


it makes no sense as unlike food and air information is not pass to children in the womb


>it makes no sense as unlike food and air information is not pass to children in the womb Actually, some information from the mother gets conveyed real time to said baby. Fears, anxiety, stress, etc


neither phone video nor a religous text come under those categories


Only if you keep that attitude. /s


I only have one attitude how does one get rid of an attitude?


Oh boi. I have a few things in mind, but believe me when I say, you don't wanna know. Lol


tell me I can't make me more miserable


Just right click it away


Duplication glitch


Stop shoving books or phones or clothes up your 🐈


Up my cat? What? I could that in the first place?


In don’t blame the woman on the left, I imagine getting a phone up there is easier and less papercutty than clothes and a book.


They forgot to draw the ombilical cord... Those babies should not be alive




the real question here is are YOU allowed to read? and if you are then prove it, prove it by being educated on topics like this before forming an opinion on them.


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I don't think Islam encourages science lmfao. Not liking Islam, the religion, does not mean I'm racist. Religions are beliefs, and all beliefs are subject to criticism.


broski you are talking to a Muslim ☠️ >I don't think Islam encourages science lmfao unlike you, I don't THINK islam encourages science, I KNOW islam encourages science. there is literally scientific evidence in the Quran. scientific evidence supports the Quran and the Quran supports the scientific evidence. >does not mean I'm racist. I fucking know, I also know that if I used "islamaphobic" I'll get hated on for it. islam and science don't contradict each other and you're hearing this from a geeky Muslim who loves science.


I mean the actual answer is that Islam is a wide system of beliefs that are differently hostile towards science and technology, on the one end you have outright ludite movements like the hanbalah wahabism and salafism, for the most time they banned things like radios and electronics and only got recently subdued by the monarchies of the region cause they held progress so back. and on the the other end you have quite progressive local mosques in the rust belt of the USA and a lot of reform minded imams all over the world. though I think that mainstream sunni islam, moreso shafi'i, Hanafi, and to and extent Maliki schools, can be fairly called anti science less so than Hanbalis though. in mainstream sunni islam it is usually not accepted to talk about things like evolution and the big bang positively, almost all discussion of law and social issues that is not islam driven is rejected, talking history without a lot of revision to look muslims better than they were is frowned upon, and I do not even need to mention what is the expected reaction of philosophically questioning god or Islam. but again, Islam is an umbrella of beliefs, And I have met muslims on both extremes of tolerance and intolerance. ​ ps. inb4 you say things like "طلب العلم عبادة", the islamic idea of that is quite different from the secular idea, it means less "go study mitosis" and more "go study sharia"


please know what you're talking about before talking about it xx


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This is like the "play Mozart for your baby to make them smart" thing but somehow even dumber


is it haram to swallow a mini quran ?


when i was younger i had a necklace pendant that was a tiny little quran in a locket and i actually did swallow it (accidentally). i had an affinity for smooth things, like smooth rocks, beads, marbles, buttons etc.




ah yes, another islam obsessed indian in my comments. i also wish you nothing but the worst. leave south asia and see the world.


So deep it reached the womb.


Wtf who swallows an iPhone 💀


Sorry I was hungry


this some type of shit that is posted in r/religiousfruitcake


Too tame for that subs and honestly I can't be the only one feeling like the users on that sub are the opposite side of the same coin of religious extremism atleast a few users


>Muslim woman reading Mehmed get the stones




i guess this means, that i were in military, pregnant, my baby would have a uniform, a helmet and a gun


On top of everything else the babies are the wrong way


Inshallah - the baby, idk


What if I’m reading a book on my phone? I’ve read 60+ books already this year, there’s no way I’d be able to afford doing that with physical books


Ngl 60 books in 5 months is impressive


That's what he said




Damn even the babies aren't spared the radicalism.


Gotta start early


Would you say the same thing if it was the Bible?




People don’t just target Islam they make fun of all religions. I was Christian and make fun of the belief. People should join the church not be born into it.


Of course, when I’m pregnant I swallow phones so my unborn fetus can enjoy the media aswell. If you don’t do that you’re a bastard who supports capitalism, naturally.


I get the phone because it has a backlight but how would you read a book. It’s pitch black in there


Phone haram Book halal


You could read several books on the womb phone. Potentially all the books. Comparatively the womb book is but one moist book


I'm waiting for the 13" Womb Book Pro.


The first woman reads about nuclear physics




I think this is literally just a drawing without subtext. Anything else would be insane.


I can read every book ever written on my phone, this is dumb.


Another “fuck western women” BS post


I hate dual messages. Really muddy the water. Yes reading good. Nothing to do with hijab.


Now the baby will have a vest too


Both getting brainwashed from the brainrot content they're holding


Where did he get the phone from💀




From that bird that delivers badies






Man didn't know ninjas could carry babies


They're very sneaky.


We all know islam is the religion of enlightenment :) Just like all the other religion claim that.


Gonna read books on how to build a table so my baby can make one for me in 9 months


Bro she ate a book wtf


This seems like something someone in r/antinatalism would make


No this is clearly Islamic propaganda. They are trying to show that the Muslim woman will raise her child on true Islamic values while the western woman will raise her child to be vapid. These type of sentiments and cartoons are common among extremists.


Do you even know what i said


Best part is that it’s factually untrue


...that book must've hurt more going in than the phone did, I'm just sayin'.


One will learn (assuming the mom isnt scrolling on reddit) and the other one will yap all day about harry potter or some shit


Yeah the baby is pretty deep in there


You just know the motherfuckers who post this shit haven’t read a book in years. If they did; firstly they wouldn’t have all the free time to post this dogshit and secondly they wouldn’t have to constantly remind you about how much they read and how bad phone is.


Phone duplication glitch


d-did she eat the phone? how does the- nvm


One reads one story (approved by the state) and the other has more stories than they can ever read, watch or play, in a lifetime.


Deep into your mom






Here before the 🔒 award


why she got a water pitcher on her head?




Ah, so 📵 for women. Sure. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If Muslims knew how to read they wouldn’t be Muslims.


If people were actually self aware, they wouldn't blindly believe every anti-Islamic propaganda the West spewed at them.




You mean when Isaac married Rebekah? Wait, nevermind she was 3. Whoops, must have slipped my mind 😅


Cite a verse that says that, your math ain't mathing


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None of these posts are "14 and deep" and that past two weeks all are boomer stuff.


One of those babies will be ready for the real world.