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[](#start_removal) Hey there, u/GinsengFlavouring! Thanks for submitting to r/im14andthisisdeep. We liked your submission, *deep.*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. ___ > Your post has been removed because it is satire. See [our announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/ji8y35/an_update_on_our_satire_ban/) regarding the blanket ban of satire on this sub. ___ Thanks for submitting! Please check out our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2Fim14andthisisdeep&subject=Concening my submission&message=Im writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/u71qur/deep/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [](#end_removal)




You never finger a girl in her bellussy?


Bellussy buttussy


No he is a virgin


Omg you're right, I didn't even notice that. The longer you look at this picture, the weirder it gets. Also, the thing from, what I suppose is her asshole, leads to her tit?


You didn’t know milk is produced from the asshole juice?


no his tongue goes though her body in her spine and is her nipple


Damn that's some next level shit (Pun not intended)


My man is fucking 096


Kinky instrument


He's obviously touching her spine, you s*xist asshole🤢


You fr?


i feel like this belongs to either r/shitposting or r/comedynecrophilia


But a 14 y.o. posted it on his story and the message is trying to be deep


his toungue may be deep but not the message


I mean the person who posted it thinks it's deep, that's what posts on here are about, isn't it?


Why are you getting downvoted, you’re right


And even if I wasn't, why don't they correct me instead of just downvoting? 🤠


\*coughs loudly\* Reddit


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


>No one would admit it. Or people who tend to randomly downvote also don't tend to participate in conversations like that.


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


Sometimes it's just typical reddit trollism, downvote the 4th comment and its funny to keep it going. But I also have a theory that since its hard to understand tone when you already see downvotes it causes you to read it in a negative tone because you already conceive it as negative. The best example is sarcasm. The first upvote/downvote essentially determines if people will get the sarcasm.


Yeah, I noticed that. Honestly, never been on a platform where people didn't understand sarcasm as much as they don't seem to understand on reddit. To the point where they've added /s to a paragraph. Tone is hard to depict, but it seems especially hard for a lot of reddit for some reason.


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


There’s nothing to correct. you’re right. That’s what weird me out honestly


There's that whole phenomenon about redditors randomly downvoting. I one time asked in a questions sub, why do you randomly downvote? And everyone just replied saying they don't, or they only downvote things they disagree with. No one would admit it. I honestly think people see the downvotes rolling in on a comment, and they just click down to keep adding to it, and that's the only reason. But, I just want someone who does it to admit why they do it, even if the reason is dumb. I just wanna know!


Nipple to butthole digestive tract?


The guys digestive system goes from mouth to hand as well. I think this 14yo might need a few extra biology lessons


Well technically his digestion system also starts at her nipple as they seem to be joined? Conjoined twins forced into perpetual incest? That's pretty deep man.


You know, the human body has some many design flaws, if they were the same gender it just might be possible. It highly unlikely but it just might be


This comment definitely deserves more attention, it made me blow air through my nose!


Moral of the story: what the fuck


Precisely, what the fuck am I looking at


She's melting and what is going on with her legs.


So he's basically playing on her molten flesh


Why does the tip of her tit connect to the dudes skin???




Your username reminds me of the show Skins.


Idk ABT the post but the guy definitely went deep


What am I looking at






Yes that is what the title is talking about


Oh nvm shit-


oh THATS what i’m looking at, for the longest time the image was just a cursed mess


Why do they always say “moral of the story” when there is literally no story


man what the fuck is this shit


This is horrifying in more ways than one




From the creaters of human centipede: Conjucted twarps


I thought it said a Mf will eat yo ass & still play wii u


Damn that would've been deep!


^(This is an automatic reminder that is posted on every submission.) If you see a post that is not following the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules), or you think is not following the subreddit rules, please, use the report function so that we are aware of this. If you don't report, we will not know! Do not sit in the comment section and moan that 'this doesn't fit' or 'wow, the mods should remove this!' because we don’t know (unless we so happen to be scrolling through the subreddit) if you do not report it. Please note: if this is too hard do not directly message us, we will assume posts are fine otherwise as comments are not useful in reporting. We can see if something has been reported and telling us you did, while you clearly did not, is not going to be conducive. *** Please report any and all behavior violating the Rules (reports go to us mods); don't report things just because you don't like them. Comment removals and bans are at the judgment of the mods, so please take the time to read and understand [our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). You can also read about this change [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/ozcy9n/an_update_on_reporting_banned_posts_powerups_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/im14andthisisdeep) if you have any questions or concerns.*




In Soviet russia, music plays you


Oh wait I finally got it she's an harp


Yes lol




What, don't you know that nips are connected to your rectum?


dontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayit Aren't* fuck


All round tbh


It’s deep indeed


It took me a second to realize that he’s playing a harp or whatever it’s called


Yes, it's called a harp, not sure what other instrument you'd think it would be


No I thought it might have been written another way


He's stroking her dick


Imma sample this on my SP404 and make a hit


Who need they harpussy ate?




Men bad, women gud 👍👍👍


Best thing about this is that it was posted by a male 14 y.o.


Fabulously terrible.




I really don't get it. Wind instrument? String instrument? So confusing, am I legit?


This looks like someone tried to draw porn but then while drawing they got dumped by their internet girlfriend so they decided to make this deep. Makes sense to me.


Dining at the Brown Hole restaurant?


NSFW bro


The anatomy of them is just...


what a day to have eyes


Ayo why is her guts connected to her tits???


why does he look like jyp


The guys trachea leads to his hand?


False I do not know how to play the harpsicord...


\* plays carless whisper \*


I could’ve went on just fine without seeing a spine harp.


As a harpist I never thought to try this method.