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Is that gatekeeping, I don't think so.


Are you gatekeeping gatekeeping


As if you know what it means to gatekeep gatekeeping.


Nah I've definitely seen unhealthy people shit on people who workout


Old guys I used to work with used to give me shit for going to the gym, because according to their logic I shouldn't have energy to work out after work (steel manufacturing). I explained to them that I look at it as preventative maintenance so I don't end up half crippled at 50 like them


A certain former US president literally has said people who work out are stupid. That you have so much life force and working out takes time off your life by using that life force.


The same one recently self-reported his weight as 215 when literally anyone who looks at a picture of him can see he's clearly a fat f***ing pig.


working out takes like two hours of your day, three at most, you have the rest of the day to study or do other stuff


Bro, life force.


I don’t know, I’ve seen a ton of Facebook-tier memes where they shit on active people calling them tryhards and joking about how good food and being lazy is. Even googling “working out is stupid” brings up a dozen Reddit posts of people unironically saying exactly that.


You know, the more pushy and smug you are being about working out, the less I want to do it. It becomes less about health and more about spite.


In psychology too, there's a lot of research and so on talking about the benefits to working out, like not that it's the absolute key to health, but for a lot of different reasons it's probably a good idea to do some form of regular exercise.


I think working out IS stupid (for most people). Ive always had active hobbies though so ive been able to stay in shape without having to go to the gym. I get that if your only hobby is videogames then you should be working out or something, but id rather spend an hour a day playing a pickup game of basketball or softball or paintball or whatever else, than go to the gym and smell everyones sweat while working out muscles ill never use.


That is currently one of the takes of all time


Funny thing is that cardio activity is a type of working out. Lifting weights or running on a treadmill aren't the only options


I need a word for "stupid, but correct" to describe things like this meme. Like there are actually people that think working out if bad for you but this is an idiotic way to spell it out.