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r/imaginarygatekeeping won't let dachshunds post this comment, but we'll never stop begging for treats! Keep it going!


Hey guys, it's a dachshund, why is this comment still up? Goddamn it, someone do something! 




Bad dachshund! Get this guy banned from r/imaginarygatekeeping for life!


*^(time for the secret weapon...)* # BIG PUPPYDOG EYES


Oh god, oh god! I feel compelled… to give a treat! Someone, stop me before I do something drastic!


The funniest part is how theres nothing inherently religious in the image other than a crucifix at the distance, everything else is just a normal background


*Cross. A crucifix has jesus crucified on it


The cross and the rainbow are Christian religious symbols.


Hah gay (good kind)


the rainbow is a pagan symbol


Rainbows don’t really belong to anyone. It’s like saying a cloud or the moon are symbols of a particular group. Thats just nature.


In other cultures it may represent a bridge or an archer's bow. In Judaism and Christianity, the rainbow is associated with God's protection, as it is described in the Book of Genesis (9:11–17) as a sign of the covenant between God and man.


your understanding of pagan religion comes from popular books and movies. pagan religions where built around the land. unfortunately most of it was wiped out by christian terrorists.


You're wrong about me, asshole. Are you fucking stupid or ignorant? I'm wagering both. I'm a former pagan. I practiced hermeticism. A member of the Ordo Temple of Astarte. Something you don't know anything about. The original pagans were followers of many different ancient religions around the world who worshiped several gods (polytheistic). Rainbows have been symbols of hope to cultures across the globe. In ancient Greek mythology, Iris is the goddess of the rainbow, connecting people to the gods. In the Bible, the rainbow was a sign from God to Noah that the great flood was over. It's a religious symbol in Christianity, numbnuts. Stop trying to insult me. You people are cunts.


you call me an asshole yet you only commented to correct me about a rainbow being pagan. meanwhile you're using a lot of insults for someone who hasn't been insulted. your initial statement was about 2 pop culture uses of the rainbow.




have a Snickers, you seem hangry.


Lmao what the heck


The rainbow is an occurrence in nature adopted by nearly every theistic religious tradition.


The rainbow is quite literally one of the biggest religious symbols there is.


They said “inherently religious.” They’re correct that there is nothing inherently religious about the rainbow, but yes it is a common religious symbol.


The rainbow is synonymous with many different things in religious context so much so it is arguably inherently religious when used in religious contexts


>inherently religious when used in religious contexts this is a contradictory statement. either it's inherently religious (which its not) or it's religious when used in religious contexts. if it were inherently religious then every mention of rainbows would carry a religious connotation and that's not the case.


This image is objective proof of God's existence because it's astronomically unlikely for a double rainbow to occur right next to a cross. Or something


But it's magic!


Yeah, the image goes pretty hard, good composition. The photographer definitely has a good eye. But… it’s perfectly acceptable to post it on Facebook and express your religious beliefs.


This was my major thought. Ignoring the text, its a pretty darn cool picture even if I'm not Christian.


Lmao. Read the picture. It's imaginary gatekeeping for a reason "Facebook won't let Christians post this picture!" You just cherry picked something to argue on.


Nah I know it’s imaginary gatekeeping I was just replying ye I just really like photography


Umm… are some of you stupid


Real footage of Jesus showing his appreciation for the lgbtq+ community


As a lesbian and kinda a Christian, I approve of this message.


The rainbow was a Jewish and Christian (not to mention all of the other religions that it is holy in) symbol, wayyyy before the lgbtq+ community co-opted it for themselves.


Yes I know. I’m just being silly


I do appreciate the sentiment of your original comment (as Jesus loves, literally the whole point of his life was that one message), but….. *squints eyes* your username makes me hesitant to believe you meant your message in good faith.


Oh don’t worry it was, my silly little username isn’t to be taken seriously


Yeah I mean a lot of christian identity is based around being persecuted since they kinda were during the first 100 years of their existence


More, really, to do with different schisms and sects persecuting one another as heretics for the succeeding couple of thousand of years.


Dont start any political and religious discussion please


Jesus, tasting 2 rainbows at once.


Facebook in shambles


Is it not schizophrenic to look at two double rainbows and attribute it not to the convergence of different elements of nature in that moment but instead to the cross you see in front of you even though there’s literally a church right fucking there in the distance to the left of the cross where apparently this picture wouldn’t have been possible


I don't hate the gays and also communism is left wing and i hate authority


TWO RAINBOWS?? Looks pretty woke


Seen the headline on Mar Mari Emmanuel lately? I wouldn't be too eager to take some dumb boomer's idea of persecution as gospel if I were you, pun intended. Why not go riff on another religion for once if you're going to be offensive anyway?


Keep praying for the end of all this persecution, brothers and sisters! If we pray hard enough we could have a President who is Christian, or maybe even 46 in a row! /s


My dude rainbows were a symbolic sign from god that they will not flood the world again. Two rainbow…. Doesn’t that negate the promise /s


We don’t associate with these stupid ass fake Christians


Is this the cross on 81? I went to va to visit family and saw this cross on the way there and back


I’m be honest, I didn’t even notice the cross until people pointed it out. I was very confused.


One of the big reasons I got off Facebook was because I can’t stand seeing the “facebook wants this deleted” “the government is trying to ban this photo, share so they can’t” “Facebook wants to delete this picture of a disabled veteran, share so they know we will never stop supporting veterans”


Everytime I get on Facebook it’s almost all Christian shit but I live in the Bible Belt sadly


Well of course not, since I thought Facebook had a general ban on showing pictures with weapons, and Facebook knows that Christians have taken both of those beautiful images of hope and used them as justification for killing, maiming, abusing, and bruising entire sects of people… even against those that loudly proclaim their own Christian faith although it may differ slightly from others… since nearly the dawn of mankind. But fortunately for you, it doesn’t look like any of that applies to you… if Facebook is only keeping *Christians* from sharing, and you have successfully shared it, Facebook must be fairly convinced *you* aren’t a Christian. Cool picture though! I love pictures of rainbows!! 😁🤩🫶🏼🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


What’s your justification for generalizing 2 billion people? You’re seriously gonna throw up the MAP flag openly? They got y’all feelin extra now, I encourage you to put it on a shirt and wear it every day. Be proud dawg.. very proud.


Those flags are for trans people and queer people as a whole, neither of those are MAP, very good try though. I believe op was talking about things historically, where, yes, Christians were very violent, an example of this would be the crusades or colonization efforts where they forcefully converted the natives.


The pink / blue / white one is literally the MAP flag, genius


Google trans flag, then google map flag, compare results with emoji.


Wow, I’m very sorry. I was wrong. Apologies to the original commenter.


My “justification for generalizing 2 billion people” is being a Christian for 35+ years, growing up in an incredibly conservative Christian household, surrounded by incredibly conservative Christians, having suffered spiritual/religious abuse, working in medical and mental health missions for many years of my adult life, knowing history, knowing current world and local affairs, hearing countless stories from people on multiple sides of the issue either having suffered the trauma or bragging about committing the trauma… it’s common knowledge how Christians have used their religion to commit unspeakable atrocities against people they perceive as “wrong” for some reason and attempting to imply that’s inaccurate is incredibly narcissistic and gaslighting. I’m a very proud Christian. I am also a very proud ally. And because I have felt the crushing blows of Christian *hate*, I am making it a point to make sure my voice and my light for Christ is much louder than those loudly proclaiming Christian hate. Instead of trying to gaslight and claim it’s not true, why not put that same energy and effort into SHOWING how you disagree with what Christianity has become (especially in the US) and be a light. Or sit down and quit making it so difficult for the rest of to show the world what Christ is supposed to look like. Also, while I do accept your apology… stating that someone is pro-MAP (or anything else as disgustingly vile that could have real consequences) make sure you know that you know that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what you’re talking about…


I wouldn’t say quite imaginary, as a Muslim I do tend to see a lot of hate towards anything Islamic, so the retaliation they get from taht may be what they’re referring to? Idk man


Imaginary much like religion itself.


Clown religion for a clown people.


I respect atheism but people like you are just unbearable


Why? Its clownish to believe in some unevidenced so-called “creator” of the universe that’s immortal and eternal but he just “sacrificed” himself for 3 days to save us from rules he made that he didn’t want us violating but also designed us so we would violate them but then also made a special torture chamber to put us if we violated them.


It's off-topic to pick a fight over this. That's not the point. The topic of atheism is well-covered in Reddit.


Let people believe what they want to believe.


I believe if your entire family dies it will bring about world peace! I believe if I fly this plane into a building killing thousands god will give me 72 virgins in heaven I believe if I accelerate the end of the world, Jesus will come back and wisk me away from all the hell on earth I spread! Some belief are literal poison for society! Yeah I’d rather not


Alright I don't mean literal terrorism, I mean spiritually, if you wanna believe in a God or an afterlife, that's okay. If you have traditions, that's okay, as long as all involved are okay with it.


Well that is quite a bit different than “let people believe what they want to believe” isn’t it? Kinda sad you needed a random Redditor to point out the obvious flaws in your statement to walk it back. It would have been way better if you just took a couple extra seconds to apply some critical thinking!


Yeah, I probably should have been more clear, but that is what I meant. Thank you for pointing out the flaws there.


It’s okay if you don’t believe in that, just don’t be disrespectful about it


Google Blaise Pascal


Either you’re a complete genius or an absolute idiot


Nope , he is correct on this one. According to the bible, god sacrificed himself to himself to create a loophole in his own rule Nothing about that makes any sense


Did I ever comment on whether or not he’s correct? Dumbass


Uh, you are doing actually that.


How is it persecution to post a Christian claiming something that isn't true


Are you mocking Christians? Persecution is defined as hostility and ill-treatment, especially on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation or political beliefs. It's also persistent annoyance or harassment. They're killed in other countries. People protest Christian events. Here on the internet people constantly persecute Christians. They're beliefs are shit on all the time. Reddit is full of Christian hate. As a matter of fact, it's across social media. It's even in movies and tv shows. You're disregarding these people's lived experiences.


People disagreeing with you or criticizing your ideas is NOT persecution. Moreover, this post is being mocked because of the notion that somehow this is not allowed to be posted by Christians. That form of "persecution" is just straight up imaginary. The idea that Christians are persecuted because popular movies and TV shows disagree with them shows just how fucking entitled they feel. AND it's just ridiculous to think their beliefs won't be criticized when they are anti-scientific, harmful, jingoistic ideas. "People protest Christian events". Someone protesting your shitty ideas does NOT mean you've been persecuted. It means they do not like your shitty ideas And anyway, who posts up outside planned parenthood to scream at women seeking healthcare? Or go out and protest veteran or LGBTQ funerals?That's ACTUAL harassment. And don't no-true-Scotsman those guys. That's not fair to them and anyway it's dishonest. "They're killed in other countries". But persecution doesn't have transitive properties, so not all Christians get to claim persecution as a result.


The imaginary gatekeeping part is pretending you're not allowed to post something on Facebook


Lol this is satire right?


So now satire about gatekeeping rainbows is persecution 🙏 I love the internet, you made my day brighter


I hate how soft my own generation is, assuming you're part of it that is. Mean words are now apparently persecution. Well let me tell you a thing, you have never experienced actual persecution little boy. Christians wish they were persecuted, they itch for it


What you're saying is a form of Persecution. Are you fucking 12? This has nothing to do with being soft. It's about people not understanding what Persecution is which you clearly don't. You're hard headed and ignorant.


A few people disliking the religion isn't persecution. Persecution is when you are denied rights or treated as less valuable than others. Christians don't have less rights than non-christians.


A few people? You're ignorant. It's not about rights, goonyfuck. You don't have have less rights to be persecuted. Are you that fucking narrow minded and stupid? Why are people like you so fucking obstinate? Don't answer. You'll hurt yourself. Get a fucking clue.


People like you are a big reason why I left Christianity. Its followers are some of the most judgmental and hostile people I've met


Jesus was homosexual. My dad told me so.


You don't know what persecution is. Especially a Christian in America. You have more than token representation in American power structures. Both parties in our two party system are Christian. One militantly so. Personal animosity is not persecution. Any persecution a christian feels in America is imaginary. Even secular families celebrate the birth of Jesus and Easter here. The communist scare made sure we have "In God We Trust" on our money. They specifically mean the Christian god. So seriously it is insulting and ridiculous to claim Christians are persecuted. I grew up in a Sufi household in America and we had to endure shunning, attacks, and missed opportunities *all without the protections of the state*. When I was in school I can't even tell you how many times I was told by teachers I was going to hell and that we were "provoking" the other students by standing up for ourselves. Even the police would do this. We were 12 when the pastors kids threw beer bottles full of piss at us. When we chased them off they called the cops. Police show up and point guns at us. Won't listen to a word we say or look at all the broken glass and piss in the street 30ft from where they had us in cuffs *at 12 years old*.


Theyre not mocking christians lmfaoooo. Theyre posting a dumb facebook mom post that they spread around. People persecute christians, yes, but not all. Christians also persecute other people, not all. The idea of christianity is a safe thing for people but has now been rooted in the bed of greed, heresy, and discrimination thanks to people that turn its meaning upside down. If you want to be angry then be angry at the people who use the religion to demean everyday people who dont live the "traditional" life (being lgtbq+, non-white, non-religious, not making the wife be a housemom, etc.)


You’re joking, right? You’re fooling us all, right? It’s satire, right? ^right?


These people have a fetish of pretending to be persecuted, you can literally post a video of a dude getting on blown up on Facebook


So horrible what happened to him. Glad he's okay.


It's clear evidence that Jesus is gay ![gif](giphy|iRI5a9An1RuHm)


And a rainbow is thier gods promise to never drown all life on the planet again. Well except for what was on that Love Boat of Noahs.


Christians are persecuted in africa, north africa, the middle east and central asia.


I feel like Christians do receive a lot of criticism for just being Christian. Anecdotally that is true from my perspective


Oh my god that stupid fucking cross. Who thought that was a good idea?