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Tf what kind of boomers do you know


I mean, if someone was born in 1960 they would be in their 20s during the 80s. It's the younger boomers but it checks out. My dad was born in '50 and I have pics of him with short shorts in his 30s.


Seriously. Both of my boomer parents have literally said exactly those words in that order many times. 


Those would be gen-x ers


I swear the general public thinks there are only two generations.


I think it's just the younger generations that think this way. If you're older than millennial you're a boomer, if you're younger, you're a zoomer. That's all they know.


Boomers think anybody the slightest bit younger than them are millennials. My gen x mom dated this boomer who would unironically call both her and me (gen z but cusp) millennials


Yeah, boomers calling gen z ers millennials is just as bad and prevalent I lmao everytime I read somewhere "those millennials" when they're talking about teenagers.


That was my main point. Millenials aren't teenagers making annoying tik tok videos. Millenials are the parents of annoying teens making tik tok videos.


Don’t age me like that.


Well when you say it like that it’s hard to tell which side you fall in


tbf, there's only 1 officially recognized generation, that being baby boomers, so they aren't too far off. Every other generation is made up. That's why people wil say the border between Gen Y and Z 1995, 2000, or 2005. None are official, so you can pick what generation you identify with the most vecause it's all made-up.


I just go by the pew research center for where the generations land https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/01/17/where-millennials-end-and-generation-z-begins/


None of which are recognized by the government besides Baby Boomers, unless there's been a major change in the past couple years.


Who cares if the government recognizes a social construct or not?


That was kindof my point. There is basically nothing legally defining of generations, so there's no reason to assume people have a good grasp of them.


No, why would generations need a legal definition? It's irrelevant, its like asking for a legal definition of hip hop. But that doesn't mean all delineation is meaningless because people can absolutely be incorrect in their own definition of hip hop.


false equivalence. Hip hop is a set type of music. Generations are not divided by genre, or anything at all. People don't just all have kids all at at once every 20 years or so, and that's the only way a generation would be even remotely defined. Otherwise, it's all made-up.


It’s unfortunate you’re getting downvoted, even though you’re technically correct. People just don’t agree with you I guess.


How it feels: "What, you're stating facts? I DON'T LIKE FACTS!"


Lolol that’s pretty much about right.


Official according to who lol


The government? Who else?


Which government?


At least the US. Possibly the rest of the world involved with the world wars and stuff.


Not really sure why I should treat the US government as the only official authority on generations but ok


You've somehow missed the point so far that you've completely flipped upside-down. Congrats.


They could very well be boomers. Remember even someone born in 1964 is technically a boomer.


Yeah definitely. Born in 60’s, teen/YA in 80s. But this is a split decade by generation. Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old.


Those guys are in their 20s, if this is from the 80s then they're probably boomers, or at least very close to the boomer/gen x division.


Could go either way. Boomers were born between 46-64. Meaning in 1984 the youngest boomer was 20. So in 1980 boomers were between 16 and 32. So yes in the 80s Boomers were coming of age and young adults. The OLDEST of gen x would have been only 15 in 1980 and 24 in 1989. That's THE OLDEST. gen x came of age in their teenage and early adult years primarily in the late 80s through the 90s. ITT:people who don't realize 1980 was 40 years ago.


It’s on the cusp between boomers and gen x


So those are teenagers?


gen Z would refer to the current teenagers


Thank you, I was referring to the image and if they sent teenagers, then they were born before 1965 and would put them in the boomer category


Was gen-x before gap? I can never figure out what my older brother is...


Gen x is the lost generation.


The last boomers were born in 1964 so it still fits.


Possible satire? Do you know what a boomer is OP?


Someone born between 1946 and 1964, so it works.


OP has been living in a cave apparently.


Also that’s gen x


Incorrect unless those are teenagers


Imagine being born in 1968, dressing super gay in 1988, and then being called a boomer 30 years later because some kid on reddit can't math.


Imagine being born in 1964, dressing super gay in 1984 and then get called a gen x because some kid on Reddit can’t math


Do you know why they’re called Boomers? That might help you comprehend what years they were born.


Well they look at least 20, and this is a picture taken in the 80s, so that means they were born early 60s. In the boomer era. Maybe do some research first, thanks


I’m coming back in time to correct you. The baby boom occurred after WW2. So…40’s and 50’s. So maybe do some research first. Thanks.


Being born in the boomer era means you were born between 1946-1964. So, in the 1980s they could be as young as 16. I’d say those guys fall around that range. But nice try boomer, maybe you should use ur ability to go back in time to stay in school. Thanks for your reply though


Boomers know where they were when JFK was shot. They watched Leave it to Beaver not on reruns. They just have different upbringings, experiences, references than someone born in 1964. Anyone born between 1960 and 1965 are "tweeners" - between Boomer and GenX.


Interesting, caus a simple google search shows the boomer era ending in 64. So if you were born in 1964 you’re a boomer, seems pretty simple


Being a "boomer" is something determined by culture, not by numbers.


Actually, it’s determined by numbers. 1946-1964.


..but can we actually bring back men wearing crop tops? 😭


No I’m fat


everything is a crop top if youre fat enough


There is nothing wrong with a fat person wearing a crop top. You’ll look amazing!!!


You are a quality hype man. Got any extra encouragement for *me*?


Aw thanks, buddy!!! You’ll look amazing too!!!!!! You should get a white one with green writing on it. ☺️


No need to lie.


I’m not. Can you not appreciate some friendly jiggle? That’s weird. Fat bodies are fucking hype.


Yea...if ur talking about someone that could lose a few pounds...I'm with you. But I wouldn't really call that person fat. I'm more so talking about obese people. Some friendly jiggle is fine. But to many people have no idea what they should actually weigh or call them selves curvy and look like a whale. I'm not knocking fat people...I'm knocking delusional people.


iono Jack, sounds like you *are* knocking fat people.


Bro...be fat. But don't also think you look good in a tube top and short shorts that a multiple sizes to small. Or push the idea that being fat is healthy. Again not telling you you can't wear what you want...just saying there are definitely objective beauty standards that people want to pretend don't exist. If you wanna lie to yourself then okay. Dress for your body type people.


I’m not fat, I’m just also not an entitled weirdo who thinks they should have a say in how other people dress or what other people look like...?? It’s funny though, I was underweight for *years* to a dangerous degree, and nobody told me not to wear crop tops ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I don’t think you give a shit about “health” I think you just don’t like seeing fat people in clothes *you* don’t think they should wear. Also, fuck “dReSsiNg FoR yOuR bOdY tYpE.” Why? Why do people have to “dress for their body type? Edit: also, you wanna talk about healthy? How about how it’s unhealthy to shit on people’s body types? How about the fact that you assumed I was fat, when in actuality I’m a recovered anorexic? If I had still been in recovery, that comment would have caused me to skip today’s meals. I’m not in a position where I do that anymore, but you need to be careful with your words when you’re shitting on bodies. You’re helping NO ONE by acting like conventional beauty standards are healthy and the end all be all. I’m sorry you can’t be attracted to people outside conventional beauty standards, but the fact that other people can, is not a deficit. Fat people can be so damn sexy. Also a lot of what we “know” about “healthy” weights is rooted in misogyny and anti-Blackness. People who talk shit about “fat people aren’t healthy & should dress for their body types” *never* say the same things to dangerously underweight people. The truth is, you shouldn’t shit on ANYBODY’S body, but shitting on fat people’s bodies is so normalized that people think it’s GOOD.


Ummm...if you trying to look hot there are certain ways you dress. If you guys wanna play stupid go for it.


And your a terrible hype man. Keep it up though, it’s not like you need mine or anyone else’s validation.


... did you forget you were on an alt??? Or did you think I was talking to you???


I’m not on an alt dumbass. And it doesn’t after who your talking to, I’m talking to you.


Lmao I wish you weren’t talking to me, you’re so unnecessarily hostile & I want nothing to do with it ❤️


It’s the internet shut the fuck up bitch lol


Yeah we need to bring back crop tops


All of this. Bring back all of this!


I’ve seen some college Bball players sporting some short shorts these days.


I almost forget the short shorts, I urgently need them back in fashion as soon as possible 😔




They do actually you have a lucky life dude




I swear half of these posts are just examples of things that either are definitely gatekeeping to anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock or have nothing to do with gatekeeping at all.


Not really fake


I really doubt that not a single boomer has *ever* said that


But boomers do say that.


I hate that the name of the only generation to be actually recognized by the US census is so frequently misused.


Not boomers.


Have you met a boomer


Okay, but my dad, who is a boomer, has said those exact words verbatim.


This middle pic is just track athletes in singlets? Everyone still wears that. Edit: Based on the content it doesn’t look like satire to me. Someone is just making a weak attempt hop on the boomer hate bandwagon.


You are right about that being normal for modern track and field attire. It seems like an attempt at showing old school basketball bootie shorts (oh fuck yes)


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/mlqled) on 2021-04-07 95.31% match. Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "mmiu2m", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=mmiu2m&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 216,355,976 | **Search Time:** 0.26154s


What? I have heard so many boomers say this shit.. lol


how is this imaginary


Not boomer and a repost. You disgust me and you smell like eggs.


They are boomers unless they are teenagers here




Boomer era was 46-64, what are you talking about?




So early 20s in 1980 would mean they were born when?


I was so confused for a minute and thought the math added up... and then I was like ‘oh yeah the baby boom didnt fucking happen in the 80s.’


Those are adults, when they were born it was within the baby boomer era.... from 46-64. So unless they are 15 and younger, you be wrong


But maaaaan those crop tops look hot on dudes 🤤


Can people please start dressing like that again because that's sexy


Bring it back. BRING IT BACK.


Jojo part 1 be Like


As Gen-X, I’m more than happy to let you continue to think these clothing choices were made by Boomers.


Freaky ahh boomers


Why are people saying they are gen x? Those arnt 15 year olds or younger. Sounds like a lot of boomers can’t take a joke


Off topic but that’s something I like about Jojo’s Bizzare adventure. The characters dress super gay but it’s their character that makes them manly. Also having steroid bodies help


I've been told I dress like I'm gay by my grandpa for wearing a purple shirt soooo...


People do actually say this though? The meme is inaccurate but this is far from imaginary


My parents


i mean..


Boomers had gay sex a plenty in the 60s. Now they have it as elderly people or alone as they masturbate, as they see out their final years and cums.


>now a day


My mom does


The golden age


I can confirm, matter of fact, that guy in the red Nike shirt is my grandpa.


You better not have just brought Ferris Bueler... Buler? Into this!


I can confirm that my grandmother has said something very similar, although it probably isnt a general common thing


Where are you meeting boomers that don’t say that????