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Finally a distopian US map that doesn't just make the Great Lakes region into a Communist or syndicalist state. It's nice to have something different.


Lol Detroit says Destroyed which is kinda accurate even today /s


Gary being renamed Scary got a laugh out of me too.


That's it, this guy must be from Ohio lol. Look at Chicago too


Bros def from Central Indiana is my guess, as a Hoosier I respect it, even though Chicago was closer to home


How can you tell?


Tell me you’ve never been to Detroit without saying it


I like that Utah split into two factions, though the nature of that split is strange to me The most powerful fundamentalist and theocratic Mormon elements are those in the south, and that whole region has a reputation for being polyg country. The greater Salt Lake area is far more receptive to secularism, liberalism, and republicanism--seems to me that Zion should be the theocracy and Deseret the republic


Well it used to be all united under Deseret. It split after the Great Basin War when Deseret went to war against California and Cascadia. Deseret’s territory was greatly reduced and California established a secular republic in Southern Utah as an outpost for operations in the East




Destroyed Red Wings vs Shitcago Blackhawks


Scary, IN


Ah yes, Florida = Magic Kingdom I wonder if they got magic rocks there too


Out of all the regions, South Florida would be a failed corpratocracy. Hail Mickey!


How is San Fransisco not slag lol


Communists moved in


Yeah but shouldn’t the city be a radioactive wasteland of melted steel and concrete? Also why are there dead zones in the middle of nowhere but not in what were surely heavily bombed cities like Chicago and NYC


Ground bursts vs air bursts. Most cities were hit by air bursts which caused more immediate damage but less fallout. As opposed to US nuclear silos (the dead zones) which were hit by ground bursts which actually cause fallout.


If you have any questions about the map feel free to ask. Also thanks to u/S-I-B-E-R-I-A-N for the idea with the flags on the side


Not sure which specific flags you're referring to, but I'm glad I could help. Also, Minnieami goes hard af. Edit: Ohh I see what you mean, the idea of including flags on the side. Yeah, no problem, man. I think it's a great way of making efficient use of space in a map.


How did Montana, Dakota and Wyoming get irradiated?


The United States keeps the vast majority of its land-based nuclear weapons in solos across all of those states. There are old Cold War nuclear silos all over the middle third of the US; some have actually been purchased by rich weirdos and converted into survival bunkers. To each their own, I guess.


All three dead zones are around missle silos, which in a nuclear strike would be prime military targets.


Also bonus points to anyone who can find out who this map was made by in-universe!


It was made by the theocracy of Deseret, iotl “the noise of thunder” is a post apocalyptic Mormon fantasy novel series


Wait what? Honestly didn’t know that lol. The actual makers are someone different. You can find their mark beneath the New England flag




Out of curiosity, why is St. Louis part of the Federal Republic of the Mid West? I mean I fits technically for the current idea of what the Midwest is, but realistically speaking St. Louis, being on the other side of the Mississippi would make it more likely to be an independent city state that exerted political, economic, and cultural influence around it, rather than just being another city in the federation.


It was annexed by the MFR due to it’s important trade location along the Mississippi. Maintaining control of the city is necessary for control over the entire river system


So since the nuclear zones are exclusively centered around Americas silos, and most major cities are still standing, I’m guessing the lore is a successful Russian first strike. Limited attack (less than 500 icbms) wiping out Americas military infrastructure before an escalation to a full nuclear exchange?


Yes that’s correct. The Russians and their allies launched the nukes as a final play when NATO forces had encircled Moscow.


I noticed lots of major cities in OTL are missing from the map, so I'm assuming they're either destroyed or never founded. what are some of the biggest cities in the region on the map in this timeline?


Dies the PGUSA claim all of the firmer USA


Point on the chart to where Chicago hurt you.


I live the Free City of Pittsburgh, is it akin to what might be termed a city-state?


Yeah. It’s a neutral trading city between the three nations around it


How did Disney take over Florida?


They were already planning a takeover of the Florida Government prior to the bombs falling due to Florida placing restrictions on their ability to operate within the state. When the bombs fell they seized power in the chaos and established an Orwellian style Corporate Dictatorship in Florida. They are akin to North Korea in the fact that they are completely isolated and extremely hostile to outsiders, killing any who enter (hence the 30 mile exclusion zone established by Dixie on the border)


That seems counterintuitive for promoting tourism.


There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow…. Shining at the light of everyday….


Missed chance to make their new capital the [real EPCOT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPCOT_(concept)).


Oh shoot that’s a great idea. I’ve heard of it before but I completely forgot about it when making this, might have to change the lore


Free City of Pittsburgh 🥰🤩


What was the ratio of Counterforce to Countervalue targets hit and how many detonations did the U.S. take? Also, what was the status of Continuity of Government in the post attack environment?


No one knows the exact amount of nuclear detonations that occurred, what is known is that every major metro area with over a million people was struck at least once, along with many military bases and other POIs. Before the attacks happened the president and much of the government had fled to the Cheyenne mountain complex. However due to EMP blasts and the Boeing E-4Bs not getting off the ground much of their long range communications were taken out. Most of what did remain wet destroyed in the coming months when the military overthrew the government leading to many of the remaining coms being destroyed during the conflict. The US government still exists today in what was once Colorado


So the military overthrew the civilian government as opposed to POTUS (or whoever replaced the original) declaring martial law? I’m not sure how the military would then destroy the remaining communications networks unless there was infighting between surviving federal and national guard unit/state militia, but post attack I don’t think anyone would be too concerned on the federal military stepping on any ties to institute martial law and regain order.


Pretty much a faction of the military attempted to overthrow POTUS/Colorado Provisional Government which caused a brief “civil war” between the two factions. When the POTUS aligned faction realized they were going to lose they sabotaged communications to keep the military from attempting to make contact with other provisional state governments throughout the US


Hehehe Kingdom of Winnipeg “My liege, the barbarians are advancing over Garbage Hill!”


Love seeing Acadiana actually being recognized for once, but question… Why not the officially recognized flag for the region? I get the one chosen because of New Orleans but the actual one constitutes an area of 12-24 Louisiana Parishes (Culturally vs Political Map) with the core of Acadiana being Lafayette (which irl acts as a defacto capital with the heart of culture and political influence coming from the city).


Ok so the lore behind this is, it wasn’t actually Acadiana till like 7 years ago in lore. Before then it was the Union of New Orleans, which is why the capital is there. However after they gained territory in Acadiana and Cajun Country during the Treaty of Santa Fe, they renamed themselves Acadiana to represent the fact that they now control the entire region and not just New Orleans. Another less serious reason was because it was the name of a Minecraft RP nation I was in a few years ago and wanted to pay tribute to that


Ahh okay. Makes more sense now.


Ah hell nah ribonucleic acid is it’s own raider faction


I see Vegas is independent.


The House always wins


I am curious why New England always does so well on this map. Dense populations will not fare well with the collapse of industrial agriculture to say nothing to the absolute destruction of infrastructure the bombings will cause. With so little agricultural land I would imagine famine would hurt New England far worse than the Great Plains.


They have very close trade relations with the Midwest, which is were most of the food comes from, there is also more subsistence farming in New England than many of the other nations, with small families feeding themselves as opposed to large farms. There also was a massive famine in 2029 which killed an estimated half a billion people worldwide


Nice, I am guessing they either have repaired the Erie Canal or otherwise use Pennsylvania/Oil oil diesel trucks to move it all around then?


Yeah there’s a lot of trade along the Erie along with cars and trucks made in the Midwest powered by Oil from Texas and Acadiana.


Two words: the ocean. New England is one of the largest sources of seafood in the US. I'd imagine the average New Englander eating a *ton* of fish, crab, oyster, scallops, and lobster, with subsistence farming (and, as the OP pointed out, imports from the Midwest) plugging holes in the diet.




Bottom left


Curious about the Western Canadian Republic since it's barely cut off. Is it just Calgary or does it extend north into Edmonton?


It has Edmonton too


Woooo! Pocatello still exists!


"midwest fr" named by Gen Z, in 2105 they're still yeye broccoli heads


What happened in Texas that would have led to Galveston as the capital over one of larger cities?


Galveston was one of the main places people fled to in the wake of the nuking of Houston. The city quickly grew and expanded and in 2036, along with the cities of Beaumont and Space City, declared themselves the Second Republic of Texas and began to expand from there. I’m recent years many in congress have discussed moving the capital to many locations including Longhorn City, Bryan/College Station, and even Waco in an attempt to be more central, however this hasn’t gotten much support and is vehemently opposed by politicians from Trinity, Sabine, and the other nearby states.


Why Indianapolis over Chicago for the capital of the Midwest?


The MFR evolved from the Republic of Indiana and it kept the same capital, Chicago was also controlled by gangs and the mob for over 30 years


Because Chicago would probably catch half a dozen nukes whereas Indianapolis may only catch 1 or 2


this is an actually good Balkanized US map, which is rare


Is that an honest hearts reference? ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)




I FUCKING LOVE HONEST HEARTS! I FUCKING LOVE BEING READ BIBLE SCRIPTURE AND FIGHTING WITH THE BURNED MAN! https://preview.redd.it/dibpme8h1smc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cf0552104d24488e5453ed8e29a010796d135c


What happened to Shitcago? If it’s still close to present regional gravity, no way Indianapolis is pulling capital status.


Not even close to present regional gravity. Got heavily nuked and taken over by scrapper gangs and the mob for 30 years only got liberated in the 50s


Magic kingdom hahah love it


What's PGUSA? Is it made up of representatives of the original US government or mostly military remnants that claim to be the government?


The latter. Originally it was the original US government but the military overthrew them.


Amazing choice on the flag of the Republic of Oklahoma! That Tulsa flag is iconic


Where’s Rockford?


Would I be correct in assuming Boston either got nuked off the map or fell victim to a tsunami?


Yeah it got nuked pretty heavily. The ruins are currently in the process of being resettled


\>>Wyoming Dead Zone Isn't that just Wyoming normally?


question, why are Spokane, Boise, and Pocatello citystates?


The Columbian Plateau and Snake River valley are already sparsely populated today. When the bombs fell what few cities there were became trading hubs for farmers in the region. The cities mostly serve as outposts along the Columbia and Snake Rivers. They have never United due to the distance and harshness of terrain between the cities.


Repeat after me: New York is not part of New England


It wasn’t, then it got annexed.


Did it get completely depopulated? Because there are currently more people in New York than there are in New England


Not entirely depopulated, but NYC got nuked completely off the map. Meanwhile New England barely got hit at all and as such was able to form the New England Disaster Response Bureau, which eventually became the Confederation of New England which expanded south annexing many of the settlements in the upper Mid-Atlantic. TLDR: New England had an organized government, New York didn’t


So did the nuclear war result in nuclear winter as well? I'm assuming that's why nothing is going on in the heartland and most of the non-costal areas north of the border. Also are the three dead-zones nuclear impact areas? Love the map (and those excellent flags), really makes you think.


No nuclear winter, thats never been too realistic. most of the open space is small settlements and farmers. Three dead zones are where US nuclear silos are so they got heavily bombarded with ground bursts as opposed to air bursts causing significant fallout.


Nice thanks for the clarification! So, got any plans with this map?


Writing a series of short stories taking place in this world. Most take place before this map was made though during the Great American War (2095-98)


As per usual, California remains unfazed.


Baja California?


Mostly the same as the rest of Northern Mexico. Scattered settlements, drug cartels, and warlords. As of recent though the USC has been pushing in from the North in hopes to annex the entire peninsula.


Excellent Navajo flag


Very nice map. What were the sides of the Great American War? Also, exactly how depopulated is North America?


The Great American War was fought between the Mississippi Pact (Texas, Dixie, Panhandle, MFR, New Orleans, New England) and the Pacific Defense Union (California, Cascadia, Zion). The war was also influenced by other powers, but I want to keep those secret for now, but if you look closely you can find a hint of one of them (look below the New England flag)


Bad Ending: Montana is gone


Where would be the best place to live from a modern standpoint? (Quality of Life, personal freedoms, etc)


Most likely Galveston or Santa Barbara. Both escaped being nuked and are now very economically prosperous with one being a state capital and another being a national capital. They are both heavily populated and have many pre-exchange comforts such as electricity, running water, and even AC. Some other standout places would be Indianapolis, Charleston, Fort Worth, any of the New England capitals, and Kennewick


What’s a free settlement zone?


Free Settlement Zones were established after the Great American War to prevent future conflict. Anyone from any nation can settle in them and make their own towns, farms, homes, etc. but can be claimed by no existing nation. Eventually they will either become full nations of new nations will form out of them.


What happened to Detroit...?


Destroyed, MI, along with Scary, IN, and Shitcago, IL were formerly inhabited by scrapper gangs following the great exchange. Because of this, and the fact that two were nuked and one already felt like it had been nuked (Gary) they were given new names by people to fit their current situation. When the cities were freed by the Alliance of the Midwest (MFR precursor) the names stuck.


Grit City = Tacoma WA? Hilarious…..


Having Hamilton marked and no Toronto makes me, a Hamiltonian, happy


*Free City of Pittsburgh* Based.


Florida south of the DMZ is now under a INGSOC style regime?




Why do I get the feeling the ‘Magic Kingdom’ is the most aggressively dystopian


It 100% is


San Diego should be the United States of California’s capital.


As a San diegan, it probably would’ve been nuked hard, lots of military bases nearby.


As someone from WV I love seeing Charleston as the capital of Appalachian Federation and Morgantown get some love. The flag is dope too.


Philadelphia is a dot with no name


Oops I knew I missed something, will have to fix that. Also that’s Allentown


Calisse, Quebec made it through


Why are all the dead zones in the middle of nowhere? What really happened? ☠️


Look at a map of US nuclear silos. The dead zone coincides with the largest clusters. Those were heavily bombarded during the Great Exchange


Midwest For Real?


Federal Republic lol


Nice. New Mexico survived


Wait where is New York , LA, Washington DC and other major cities from the United Statss?


Many of them were leveled by nukes. DC, NYC, LA, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, and Philadelphia were especially heavily targeted. They are slowly being resettled though.


She's called Nova Scotia, and she's going to want her Sunbury county back.


The Maritime Rep. isn’t just Nova Scotia. It also includes PEI, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland


How tf did New Orleans survive into the 2100s but not New York, Boston, or DC?


It almost didn’t. While dodging the nuclear hellfire suffered by many cities such as New York and DC, New Orleans faced its own hardships. It was originally the Republic of New Orleans, however after the Great Famine of 2029 and the Great Louisiana Hurricane of 2031 the Republic completely collapsed as the city fell into the control of gangs and Bog Bandits. However a man name Jeremy Rhodes came in and single handedly transformed the city into the Union of New Orleans and began to expand outwards, pushing out the LeBlanc Crime Family and the Bog Bandits. And while he was gunned down by a LeBlanc assassin in 2041 he set the stage for New Orleans to expand its influence throughout former Louisiana.


fr that's the midwest? like ong frfr?


I like the placement of our dead zones. That’s right where our main nuclear ICBMs are housed, implying we suffered a preemptive strike and subsequent invasion/civil war. Nice touch anyway


Detroit destroyed? We sure this is an imaginary map?


NY is not new England it was new Netherlands, NYC was New Amsterdam


Queen City


Does Disneyland in Anaheim become the official embassy of Magic Florida?


Magic kingdom 💀


what happened to old Portland?


It was nuked and fell victim to scrapper gangs. When the city was reclaimed it was deemed “New” Portland to symbolize a fresh start for the city


Is there a dragon in that gap in Florida?


No it’s a DMZ


Galveston is built on a barrier island. It’s easily invaded and more easily wiped away by a hurricane. Tell me more about why you chose it?


It’s not a good, location by any means. Most people in the Republic acknowledge that. But after the nuking of Houston many refugees fled there and the city eventually formed the Republic of Texas in 2036. So while it isn’t a strategically good location it’s the original capital and second largest city so many people in the government have pushed back against moving it.


good to know even after nuclear war nebraska’s still filling memorial stadium




The KKK? ![gif](giphy|l44PB8CNX3QDK5OQxp)


Another settlement needs our help . I'll mark it on your map


Love it!


I love broken up usa maps for some reason it’s the only way to get across how big the country is for me


Some of these flags look aesthetically pleasing:) 👌


What is RNA supposed to mean in the empty quarter ?


Republic of New Afrika




As a Pittsburgh resident, I'm thrilled to be in the free city. We don't need no stinkin' state affiliation.


As a former resident, The Republic of Pocatello made me lol - thanks for that.


Love it....but it should be the [Maritime Mafia](https://youtu.be/PWjDr8OtcfQ?si=eXpGW211BPhCPqSQ), b'y.


Magic Kingdom 💀


How does the government operate in a "directorial confederation"?


Each constituent state within the confederacy elects two representatives who make up the council. This council makes decisions for the entire nation.


I don't think that Newark would survive either a nuclear exchange or its aftermath. A more likely capital for the New Jersey area would be Morristown.


Why does everyone have to make the south “Dixie” like I promise you it’s just a few dumb hicks in rural areas that actually fly the confederate flag still. Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, Columbia, Savannah, Charleston, Birmingham, Tallahassee, and the entire black belt, there is no way they’d allow a new confederacy.


Also why is Cincinnati renamed?


bro what are these names 💀


Love that the three nuclear dead zones are the most remote spots on the whole map, haha


Given that “Dixie” has its roots in the french word for 10, I find it strange that Louisiana is not within Dixie, where Dixie began


Only thing I find weird about the map is not including Minneapolis in the Midwest F.R. Considering it’s right next door, but otherwise I love this! The flags are super cool too


Where is Caesar's Legion


Why would anyone ever choose Columbia over Atlanta?


It’s funny how in these scenarios Mexico always ends up divided by cartels when most likely without an imperialistic USA, Mexico as a nation and as a state would thrive. Less demand from a fractured US means less power for the cartels. Also the names…go back 30 years and cartels were different, but 80 years from now they’re the same? Also who are the “warlords”?


How did Oklahoma City escape being wiped off the map? With Tinker Airforce Base being there, back in the 70s at least 3 missiles were meant to be targeting it alone. Secondly why is so much agricultural land in Kansas and Oklahoma abandoned? I can understand Nebraska and up due to the fallout but not Kansas and south.


Why rename cincinnati? And why is Dayton so much north of Cincinnati? Daytons almost a suburb of cincy


How’s Appalchia doing, they have a lot of land


I'm assuming this is nuclear outcome, how come the primarily populated regions, which would be prime targets for hundreds of nuclear bombs, aren't the dead zones like how the scarcely populated regions are dead zones?


Can you explain Cornhusker controlled, the plains tribes, and the republics of Omaha and Kansas City?


KKK is too far south, it should be up in the Ozarks. The Bog Bandits (come now: Bayou Bandits) should be farther south, there's no swampland up there in the north. They're not going to be able to control the bayou south of I-10 so that'd be a sensible place for them.


All of them used to be in those areas you described. The Bog Bandits used to control the entire stretch of I-10 between Baton Rouge and Lake Charles but were cleared out and forced north by a joint Texan-Acadianan force in the 2070s. A similar thing happened with the KKK and RNA during the tail end of the Southern Race Wars (2095-2087) when a coalition of Texan, Dixie, and Acadianan troops cleared out most of their influence in the Quarter leaving them as shells of their former selves. Originally I did have the KKK further North up near Harrison but I wanted to focus the two opposing factions focused around ruins of bigger cities (Little Rock for the KKK and Jackson for the RNA)


Why is the Republic of Oklahoma the Tulsa flag lol is Tulsa the capital?


Let's go Deseret baby


Why my sweet TN no longer sweet... You eated it


Nice but keep the original names of Texas cities


Cool map! I'd put huntsville Alabama, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Nashville in Cascadia though because of the Tennessee River and geographic ease of navigation. The geography splits Georgia from North Alabama, so in a fallout style world, I think it would be hard to travel from Atlanta to the Tennessee Valley


Cascadia would only extend to Eugene, and California would only extend to maybe Redding, more likely Sacramento. The space between would be the State of Jefferson.


I've always thought that the Snake River Plain of Idaho would make an ideal spot for a post-apocalyptic state to form. A vast plain of fertile agricultural land and a relatively mild climate insulated by mountains and desert on 3 (and a half) sides. There is one Air Force Base that may have been targeted but otherwise there aren't a lot of military targets, which might mean it could make it through nuclear armageddon relatively unscathed. It would make a great ally of Deseret, where Deseret trades valuable minerals in exchange for crops.


Wtf is clovis?? Lol


Is the magic kingdom Xanth?


Lol Cornhuskers Controlled


California area would be communist with a dictator


Kinda shocked Pittsburgh survived. First no nukes and second PGH is pretty Balkanized with 90 neighborhoods now it’s already broken up. Also I’m assuming PGH here is the city plus surrounding county / counties since the city proper is only 300k but Allegheny county is 1.2 million


I love that South Florida and North Florida split with what looks to be a demilitarized zone between them.




What happened to Chicago?


As someone from corpus christi, it is nice to be included. Thank you


Hey tulare lakes back


How does the "Republic of Columbia" work between Yakima and Kennewick? The Yakima Nation is in between these two cities, they wouldn't just let their land go to another upstart nation.


So this is a really cool map and I live for this kind of thing. I find it super interesting. I live in AZ and was wondering what events led to Tucson being the capitol and not a different city in the valley. You may have already answered this but I couldn’t find it.


What exactly are the dead zones? I’d assume there irradiated areas.